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    新目标九级英语全册115单元重点词组 全套.doc

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    新目标九级英语全册115单元重点词组 全套.doc

    新目标九年级英语全册1-15单元重点词组Unit 11. 通过做某事 by doing 2. 做完某事 finish doing3. 在。的帮助下 with the help of/ with ones help 4. 把。和。比较 comparewith/to5. 犯错 make mistakes (in) 6. 以后,随后 later on7. 没关系 it doesnt mattert 8. 害怕做某事 be afraid to do/ be afraid of doing9. 嘲笑 laugh at 10. 做笔记 take notes11. 在。有麻烦(困难)have trouble/problems (in )doing12. 查找 look up 13. 组成,编造 make up14. 处理,应付 (how)deal with /(what) do with 15. 将。视为,当成 regardas16. 对。生气 be angry with/ be mad at 17. 逝去,过去 go by18. 尽力做某事 try ones best to do sth 19. 中断,突然中止 break offUnit 21. 过去经常做某事used to do 2.习惯于做某事be/get used to doing3. 被用于做某事be used to do 4. 害怕。be terrified of doing5. 入睡go to sleep/fall asleep 6. 和。闲聊chat with sb7. 最后;终于in the end 8. 在。末尾,尽头at the end of9. 到。末为止by the end of (过去完成时) 10. 做决定;下决心make a decision to do/decide to do11. 让。吃惊的是to ones surprise 12. 即使,尽管even though/even if13. 不再not longer/not more 14. 对。感到自豪;骄傲take pride in/be proud of15. 注意,留心pay attention to sth/doing sth 16. 放弃give up doing17. 在过去几年里in the last few years 18. 似乎;好像it seems that19. 改变主意change ones mindUnit 31. 代替;而不是 instead of doing 2.熬夜做某事 stay up doing3.全神贯注;专心于 concentrate on 4.目前;现在 at present5.自愿做某事 volunteer to do 6.养老院 old peoples home7.允许做某事 should be allowed to do 8.允许某人做某事 allow sb to do9.从学习 learn from sb 10.在上学日夜晚 on school nights11.挡道的;妨碍人的 be/get in the way 12.对严格 be strict with sb/be strict in sth13.担心;关心 care about 14.成功做某事 succeed in doing15.失败做某事 fail to do 16.练习做某事 practice doing17.花费做某事 spendon sth/doing sth 18.至少 at least19. 让(他人)做某事 get/ have sth done 20. 实现梦想 achieve ones dream21. 某人也是 So+does/do/did/be/情态动词+ sb 22. 某人也不是 neither+does/do/did/be/情态动词+ sb 23. 某人的确如此 So+ sb + does/do/did/be/情态动词24. 有机会做某事 have a chance to do/of doingUnit 41.百万 millions of 2.烦恼;忧虑 worry about be worried about3.如果将会怎么样 what if 4.一点也不 notin the slightest/not at all5.足够的 plenty of 6.与相处 get on/along with7.宁愿做某事 would rather do than do/ prefer to do rather than do /prefer doing to doing8.使失望或沮丧 let sb down 9.提出;想出 come up with/ think up10.出版;发表 come out 11.覆盖coverwith/be covered with12.提供某物给某人 offer sth to sb 13.给某人提供某物 offer sb sth14.拒绝做某事 refuse to do 15.做演讲 give a speech16.与做朋友 be/make friends with 17. 捐钱给慈善机构 give money to charity18. 向。询问建议 askfor advice 19. 同意做某事 agree to do Unit 51.属于 belong to sb/be sbs 2.发带 hair band3.形成;组成 make up 4.担心 be worried about5.赶上/错过巴士 catch/miss the bus 6.制造噪音 make(a) noise7.逃跑 escapefrom/run away from 8.一个诚实的男孩 an honest boy9.假装做某事 pretend to do 10.用完;用光 use up/run out of11.企图做某事 attempt to do 12.关掉/打开/调大/调小 turn off/ turn on/turn up/turn down13. 一定是某人的 must be sbs 14. 一定不是某人的 cant be sbs15. 可能属于某人 could/ might/ may belong to sb 16. 古典音乐 classical music17. 对。来说太小了 much too small for sb 18. 跑步锻炼 run for exercise / run to exercise19. 一定有人在做某事 There must be sb doing sth. 20. 从。逃跑 escape from21. 登上(车船飞机) get on 22. 从。上下来 get off23. 小心;当心 be careful of sth be careful to do take care to do sthUnit 61.跟着音乐跳舞 dance to music 2. 跟着唱sing along with3.不喜欢做某事 dislike doing/to do 4.提醒 remind of5.务必;一定不要be sure not to do 6展览;陈列 on display/show7.错过;遗漏 miss (doing)sth 8.显示 suggest doing9.说实话 to be honest /to tell the truth 10.很合某人的意 suit sb fine11.期待做某事 expect sb to do/to do 12.尝起来很好 taste good13.对有害 be bad for 14.对有好处 be good for15.与保持距离 stay/keep away from 16.意见一致 be in agreementUnit 71.从容 take it easy 2.考虑做某事consider/think about doing3.为什么不做某事why not do/why dont you do 4.通常;大体上 in general5.为翻译 translate for 6.把翻译成 translate into7.为某人提供某物provide sth for sb 8.提供某物给某人 provide sb with sth9.航海穿越 sail across 10.离开两星期 be away for 2 weeks11.数以千计的thousands of 12.尽快的as soon as possible13.继续做某事 continue doing/go on doing(with) 14.乐意做某事be willing to do15.相当多 quite a few 16.梦想做某事dream of doing17.坚持做某事hold on to (doing) sth 18.以便于so that19.如此以致于sothat 20. 在度假 on vacation 20. 希望做某事 hope to do sth wish to do sth wish sb to do hope/wish +从句21. 想要做某事 would like to do sth 22. 最有活力的城市之一 one of the liveliest cities23. 去某个暖和的地方 go somewhere warm 24. 度假 take a vacationUnit 81.把打扫干净clean up 2.使振奋 cheer up3.分发 give out 4.推迟做某事 put off doing5.建立set up/start/establish 6.想出think up/come up with7.每个each of 8.不但而且not only(倒装)but also (就近原则)9.与相像 take after 10.修理 fix up11.与相似be similar to 12.张贴put up13.要求ask for 14.分发hand out14.产生结果 work out 16.装满fill with/be filled with/be full of17.不能做某事be unable to do 18.帮助某人解决困难help sb out19.立即 马上at once 20.一个我的朋友a friend of mine21.由于 because of 22. 写下;记下 write down23. 捐赠。给。 give awayto 24. 花时间做某事 spend time on/doing sth25. 因为。 because of +词/短语 26. 训练。做某事 train to do27. 愿意做某事 offer to do sth Unit91.用来做 be used for 2. 被用于be used to do 3.电灯泡light bulb 4. 被。发明 be invented by sb5.错误地by mistake 6. 偶然地by accident7.根据according to 8. 落入;陷入 fall into9.注意到某人做某事notice sb do/doing 10. 这样in this way11.与相撞 knock into 12. 敲 knock at13.把分成divideinto 14. 闹钟 alarm clock15. 够咸 salty enough 16. 一个叫。的厨师 a chef called17. 洒在。上 sprinkleon sth 18. 直到。才 notuntil19. 在第6世纪 in the sixth century 20. 在20世纪90年代 in the 1990s21. 被迫做某事 be made to do sth 22. 。的数量 the number of (动词单数) 23. 许多;大量的 a number of (动词复数) Unit 101.到时候 by the time 2.发出响声 go off3.跑掉run off 4.准时 on time5.及时in time 6.停止运转;出故障break down7.出席;露面 show up 8.炫耀show off9.在愚人节 on April Fools Day 10.激起;引起set off11.从逃走flee from 12.与结婚marry sb13.结婚get married (to sb) 14. 已婚 be married (接一段时间)15. 一片a piece of 16. 醒来 wake up17. 等待某人做某事 wait for sb to do 18. 路过 come by19. 坐某人的车 in ones car / by car 20. 达到,做到 make it (to)21. 穿着。 wear sth/ get dressed (in sth) / dress sb (in sth)22. 熬夜做某事 stay up doing 23. 某人发生某事 sth happen to sb24. 既。又。;两者都 bothand 25. 卖光 sell outUnit 111.新鲜的空气fresh air 2.水滑道water slide3.装扮成dress up as 4.把借出lendto5.从借进borrow from 6.命令某人做(不做)某事order sb(not)to do7.交上;提交hand in 8. 乘电梯 take the elevator /escalator to9. 向左转 turn left 10. 在右边 on the right11. 在两者之间 betweenand 12. 在五一路 on Wuyi Road13. 换零钱 exchange money 14. 一个闲逛的好地方 a good place to hang out15. 在鲍勃叔叔的餐馆 at Uncle Bobs 16. 依赖,取决于 depend on17. 熟知某人 know sb well 18. 为了(不)做某事  in order (not ) to do sth19. 任何其他一个 any other+名词单数 20. 例如 such as21. 一方面;另一方面 on the one hand; on the other hand Unit 121.握手 shake hands 2.顺便拜访drop by3.顺路经过come by 4.毕竟after all5.发出令人不愉快的声音make (a) noise 6.刺进stick into7.特地(不怕麻烦的)做某事 go out of ones way to do sth 8.使某人感到宾至如归 make sb feel at home 9. 餐桌礼仪 table manners 10. 对。不熟悉 be unfamiliar with sth/to sb 11. 自学 learn by oneself12. 对。高兴 be pleased with 13. 把。插入。里 stickinto14. 指着别人 point at others 15. 做。是不礼貌的 its rude to do sth16. 当做。时 while/when doing 17. 端起;捡起 pick up18. 未事先打电话 without calling first 19. 本应该做某事 be supposed to do sth20. 原本应该做某事(却未做)was/were supposed to do should have done21. 各种 types of 22. 做鬼脸 make facesUnit 131. 招待某人 serve sb 2. 瞄准;针对 aim at3. 例如 for instance for example 4. 有时;偶尔 at times5. 首先 to start/begin with 6. 觉得愧疚 feel guilty7. 让我紧张 make me tense 8. 让某人做某事 make sb do sth9. 赚钱 make money 10. 有点 kind of11. 交通拥堵 heavy traffic 12. 濒危动物 endangered animals13. 让某人一直做某事 keep sb doing 14. 有效 work well15. 阻挡 keep out 16. 起飞;脱下 take off17. 给某人买。 buy sth for sb buy sb sthUnit 141. 游泳衣 bathing/swimming suit 2. 清除 clean out 3. 过一会再与某人通话 get back to sb 4. 在农场 on the farm5. 某天 some day 6. 离开;走开 be off7. 轮到某人做某事 its ones turn to do sth. 8. 到目前为止 so far9. 幸亏;由于 thanks to 10. 期待;盼望 look forward to (doing) sth11. 给植物浇水 water the plants 12. 立刻;马上 in a minute; at once; right away/now13. 遛狗 take a dog for a walk 14. 做杂物 do chores15. 获奖 win awards 16. 举办演唱会 have concerts17. 上电视 be on TV 18. 祝。好运 good luck to19. 还有一件事 one more thing (another two cups) 20. 两周的野营 twoweek campUnit 151. 关心;关怀;照顾 care for 2. 竭力主张做某事 urge sb to do sth3. 推倒;拆除 pull down 4. 由。制成(看得出原材料)be made from5. 由。制成(看不出原材料)be made of 6. 在。地方制造 be made in7. 由建成 be built out of 8. 因公 on business9. 保护环境 protect the environment 10. 十英尺长 ten feet long11. 1000磅重 weigh 1000 pounds 12. 过去有 there used to be13. 反对做某事 (be) against doing 14. 适合。 be suitable for15. 不再乘车 stop riding in cars 16. 回收书本和纸 recycle books and paper17. 购物时带自己的袋子 take your own bags when shopping 18. 听说 hear of / about19. 在某人闲暇时 in ones spare/free time 20. 可回收材料 recycled material21. 剩余的东西 things left 22. 塑料袋 plastic bagsUnit1-15 重点句型和结构1.      How do you study for a test? I study by doing a lot of exercises.2.      How do you improve your English? By practicing conversations with friends.3.      The best way to learn new words is by reading English magazines.4.      Memorizing the words of pop songs also helps me learn English words.5.      He has been learning English for five years.6.      He finds watching English movies frustrating.= He finds it frustrating to watch English movies.7.      I dont have a partner to practice English with.8.      I realized it doesnt matter if you dont understand every word the teacher says.9.      I think that doing lots of listening practice is one of the secrets of becoming a good language learner. 10.  Unless you work hard, you won't pass the exam.11.  Work hard, or youll fail the exam. 12.  Working hard can help you pass the exam and go to a good high school. 13.  I decided to write my own original sentences using the grammar I was learning.14.  Worrying about our problem can affect how we do at school, it can also influence the way we behave with our families. 15.  We can deal with/solve our problems by learning to forget. ( How?)16.  You used to be very short, didnt you? No, I didnt./Yes, I did.17.  There used to be a lot of trees in our village, but they have been cut down over the years.18.  Did you use to be afraid of the dark? Not, I didnt use to be terrified of the dark. It was Mary who used to19.  I go to sleep with my bedroom light on.20.  Did you use to play the piano? Yes, I did. But now Im more interested in sports.21.  My life has changed a lot in the last few years. 22.  I used to spend a lot of time playing games with my friends after school.23.  Tom used to cause a lot of problems.24.  His mother couldnt afford to pay for her childs education. 25.  Teenagers should not be allowed to drive because they are not serious enough.26.  Sixteen-year-olds should not be allowed to get their years pierced.27.  You should have your hair cut. 28.  You should speak loudly to make yourself heard/ speak clearly to make yourself understood. 29.  Parents should not be too strict with teenagers. (be strict with sb. / in sth.)30.  It was a great experience for me to work as a reporter for China Daily during the summer vacation. =To workis a great experience for me. 31.  Its very kind of you to say so. = You are kind to 32.  Sometimes hobbies can get in the way of schoolwork. 33.  It seems that he doesnt have enough time to practice his hobby.=He doesnt seem to have34.  If I were you, I would arrive a bit late. 35.  If it rains tomorrow, we wont climb the mountains.36.  He asked me if I would go to the movie with him. 37.  What would you do if your brother borrowed your clothes without permission? Id tell him to ask my permission before he borrows.38.  What would you do if you cut yourself by accident? You should cover the cut with a clean cloth. 39.  You always come up with good solutions to peoples problems.40.  The book must belong to Ming. It has his name on it.41.  Whos that woman? Is that Lucy? No, it cant be Lucy. She has gone to Hong Kong.42.  This backpack might be Johns, but Im not sure.43.  Its crucial that I study for it because it makes up 30% of the final exam.44.  There must be somet


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