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    论小学英语词汇教学专业: 英语 学号:7030407123 学生姓名: 朱萍萍 指导老师: 米保富摘 要词汇是语言的建筑材料。人类的思维活动是借助词汇进行的,离开词汇,语言就没有了实际意义,正如语言学家D.A.Wilkins所说::没有语法几乎不能进行表达;没有词汇什么都表达不了。 因此,掌握词汇非常重要,在小学英语教学中词汇教学是一个重点,也是难点。小学生抽象思维能力较差,主要以机械记忆为主。因此在词汇教学中,增强词汇教学的趣味性,提高教学的有效性是非常重要的,本文分析了小学英语词汇教学的特点,指出了其中的一些问题,并提出了实用的教学策略。我作者认为在课堂教学中,教师要注意做到: 呈现单词的方式要巧妙新奇,将词汇的教学融于会话教学中,在语言中进行操练,利用各种趣味活动巩固词汇,从而达到使学生们掌握并能够运用词汇的目的。关键词:小学英语; 词汇;巧妙呈现;教学策略English Vocabulary Teaching in Primary SchoolsAbstract Vocabulary is the construction materials for language. Human thinking activity is based on vocabulary. Without vocabulary, language has no practical significance. As the linguists D.A.W ilkins said: without grammar very little can be conveyed, without vocabulary nothing can be conveyed. Therefore, grasping the vocabulary is very important. In the teaching of English in primary schools,,vocabulary teaching is a key and difficult point. Pupils abstract thinking ability is weak,; they mainly study by rote. Therefore, it is important to enhance the interest and effectiveness of vocabulary teaching. This paper analyzes the characteristics of English vocabulary teaching in primary school, points out some problems and puts forward practical teaching strategies. I thinkThe author holds that when teaching in class去掉 in order to enable students to master and use the vocabulary well, the teacher should pay attention to the following rules: The way to present the words should be clever and novel, vocabulary teaching should be integrated into conversation; use drills; and use all kinds of interesting activities to strengthen the mastery of vocabulary. Keywords: primary school English; vocabulary; clever presentation; teaching strategies删掉CONTENTS摘 要1Abstract2Chapter 1 Introduction.51.1 The Characters of Primary English Vocabulary Teaching1.1 .1 Freshness. 51.1.2 Boringness.51.1.3 Limitation.61.2 Significance of the Study.6Chapter 2 Problems of English Vocabulary Teaching in Primary School.6 2.1 Regardless of Students Interest.62.2 Some “Isolation”s in Vocabulary Teaching.72.3 The Limited External Environment for Vocabulary Acquisition.8 2.4 Students Unfamiliarity with the English Alphabets 9 Chapter 3 English Vocabulary Teaching Strategies in Primary School.103.1 Teaching Vocabulary with Multimedia and Visual Aids10 3.1.1 Presenting Words in Material Objects and Pictures10 3.1.2 Presenting Words in Media.10 3.2 Teaching Vocabulary with Simple Drawing.113.3 Teaching Vocabulary with Body Language11 3.4 Teaching New Words with the Learnt Words, Constantly Reiterate.12 3.5 Teaching Vocabulary with Songs.13 3.6 Teaching Vocabulary with Games.14 3.6.1 Listening Games14 3.6.2 Speaking Games.14 3.6.3 Reading Game15 3.6.4 Writing Game.15 3.7 Cultivating a Habit of Reading More, Remembering More, Speaking More16 Chapter 4 Conclusion.16 References.17 Acknowledgements18 Chapter 1 Introduction In the second language learning, vocabulary is the basis. For foreign language learners, their vocabulary learning is an important aspect to reflect their language learning. When pupils begin to learn English, they are really curious and with a strong interest in it. However, with the increasing of English vocabulary, some students are overwhelmed by anxiety and fear towards vocabulary learning, and gradually lose interest in English. Besides, pupils are in the process of recognizing the objective things, primarily with image thinking, their abstract thinking ability is weak 1. To let students get interested in vocabulary and enable students to remember more words, teachers should take effective measures and expose some methods to them so as to enable them to memorize English words easily and quickly. First the teacher should know why the students did not learn words well before, and then carry on the analysis, at last put forward effective vocabulary learning strategies.1.1 The Characters of Primary English Vocabulary TeachingThere are some characters of primary English vocabulary teaching. This chapter will elaborate on the following aspects.1.1.1 Freshness For pupils who have been contacting with Chinese, English learning is new to them. Although, in writing, both Chinese phonetic alphabets and English letters are the same, great difference exists in pronunciations. Let alone the Chinese phonetic alphabet and English words, even if they have the same meaning, the pronunciation and spelling are very difference. These different can attract student's attention, in other words, to them they are fresh. It can mobilize students' learning interest.1.1.2 BoringnessLike Chinese pinyin, to remember new English words is very boring without reading, reciting and using but remembering mechanically. And it's very easy to forget. So the study interest can't last for long.1.1.3 LimitationFor Chinese students, learning English is only limited to class time. And because vocabulary remembering is very boring, students would not recite. In the non-English environment, students communicate with each other in Chinese even in dialect. The vocabulary learned hadn't been used. In this case, to learn English well is not easy. If you want to learn English well, you must learn vocabulary well at first. But many problems appeared in the English vocabulary teaching.1.2 Significance of the Studya. Enhancing interest of vocabulary teaching and improving the effectiveness of teaching in the process of English vocabulary teaching in primary school. And in language teaching, teachers letintegrate the vocabulary teaching be去掉 into conversation and students can practice in time, and teachers can use all sorts of funinteresting activities in teaching so as to make students consolidate vocabulary.b. Study the topicEnglish vocabulary teaching in primary school, can make the students remember the vocabulary more deeply so as to improve the students' communicative abilitycompetence, and if去掉 the richer vocabulary they accumulated, the more practicing opportunities they can get. Chapter 2 Problems of English Vocabulary Teaching in Primary SchoolThere are some shortcomings in teaching English vocabulary of primary, which will be analysed in this chapter.2.1 Regardless of Students Interest Vocabulary remembering: is usually boring, and the learning interest of the students will not last for long."Interest is the best teacher." as Einstein said. Study interest is a kind of positive tendency for getting knowledge, exploring things or participating in some activities. So it becomes the effective impetus to promote peoples learning. In teaching, once student is interested in the subject, he will surely get actively involved in all activities related to the subject and continuously explore the subject. Besides, if the teacher constantly encourages the student, then the student's study interest will be gradually enhanced. So students will not feel learning English is very monotonous and boring.But English is foreign language after all, and vocabulary memory is indeed boring. In the strange context, in the limited time, learning it is very difficult that can be imagined, which cause the students who are poor in English foundation begin to "fear English", whose study fall behind others, the active study attitude turn to passive, achievement down again, study interest disappears at last. In the traditional English teaching, some of the teacher's idea is obsolete and the methods of teaching are undeserved. The absolute dominant requirement by teachers in the classroom, the students constantly asked “read after me” “read again” “repeat”. This mechanically teaching method by repeating a single word will cause the student to lose interest in learning English. The boring teaching contents and teaching methods make students hard to focus their attention on the limited time and easy to feel boring, which influences the teaching effect. At this time, if teachers neither pay attention to them timely nor maintain their interest in learning, the vicious circle will be formed and English achievement will continue to decline. So when teaching English vocabulary, the teacher should pay more attention to students interest. But this is ignored by many English teachers. 2.2 Some “Isolation”s in Vocabulary TeachingIn vocabulary teaching, the teaching method is undeserved, which affected the effectiveness of vocabulary teaching: Teachers instructions are usually isolated from context, cultural background, and phonetic teaching.a. Teaching word isolated from context. At present there are still many teachers who teach words one by one in English teaching, and then the sentences and text. For words teaching they lack effective teaching and application situations so that students are lack of the opportunities of listening, thinking and accumulating the language knowledge, which is easy to cause students isolated to learn and memorize words, and it often appears “chinglish” in oral communication or writing.b. Teacher ignores to introduce the cultural significance of the English vocabulary, which make student fail to use the vocabulary properly. Once they meet vocabulary in the real context, students are deeply vacant for its meaning that reflected the cultural connotation.c. Vocabulary teaching separates from phonetic teaching. At present in teaching words, many teachers write out the words while presenting the pronunciation no matter if the words according with phonetic rules. This method is not conducive to cultivate students to master the scientific method of learning and memorizing words.2.3 The Limited External Environment for Vocabulary AcquisitionLack of the language environment and students' English-learning time is insufficient. First: students first language study is conducted in the state of nature, and is in rich language environment. Without any task consciousness, naturally, students have accumulated vocabulary and recognized knowledge of language. But English learning is a kind of intentional learning and a process of learning from scratch. To a certain extent, learning well or not, is influenced by the interest as well 2. For the grade-three students, who begin to contact English, this discipline is very interesting, but as the difficulty increases, the student is losing the passion as beginning. Especially the senior, there are a lot of words that students need spend a lot of time memorizing unless they have scientific memory method. For rural pupils, English language environment and cultural environment are almost nonexistent, and basically textbooks are the only English information source. Moreover, there are only three classes or two to three classes to learn English in school every week. That is to say, the students lack time to contact Englishtotally less than 200 minutes weekly.Second: a. in primary school English vocabulary learning mainly focuses on listening, speaking and reading, and when starting to learn English, students have the feeling of curiosity, excitement and expectation. But as the vocabulary continues to increase, its not good in many students words memorizing. b. the time is limited when student learn English at home; because of Forget rule, the actually effect of English learning is not good which students have learnt in school of the whole week, which is bad for vocabulary mastering. Students must keep their feet on the ground to vocabulary mastering. Without assurance of time is not easy to achieve the request for the mastery of vocabulary in the textbook. Under the condition of having not learned letters phonetic to learn vocabulary, many students can speak out words when looking at pictures, but cannot spell out the words without pictures. This indicated that students memorize word pronunciation only with pictures, not letters. Not knowing English the basic phonetic and alphabet, facing the forgotten word, some students are at a loss. And they begin to fear English thus dampening the enthusiasm and confidence of learning English.2.4 Students Unfamiliarity with the English Alphabets As we all know, both the 26 letters in English and Chinese pinyin are the same in writing. In grade one even in kindergarten students have accessed to pinyin, and rooted in their brains. To the 26 alphabets, students can't be more familiar with them, although they didn't learn until grade three. But the pronunciation is completely different between Chinese pinyin and English letters that students cannot accept, and it produces strong negative effect on their English learning. It is uneven in the mastery degree of English letters (especially grade three just to a student of grade four). Students can read or recite the letters that are arranged in order, but problem appears when teacher taking one or a few from the letters to let them read, either read slowly or fail to read out. There are three factors which cause these problems:a. In grade three, letters teaching of the English textbook only "give" English teachers the task to finish a single teaching of the letters, and they lack practical program and content, which affects the effects of the letter teaching.b. Before or after letter teaching, teachers didn't do well in the cycle of letter consolidation training so that students' mastery level always stays on the basis of mechanical mastery, using inflexibly. c. Letters are abstract symbols that are easy to forget. And because the role of law forgetfulness, students are doing good job both in learning and forgetting. Chapter 3 English Vocabulary Teaching Strategies in Primary SchoolWord is a complex of visual, auditory and motor. Therefore, in English vocabulary teaching in primary school, teacher should adhere to the principle of combining the perception, listening and speaking, reading, and writing so that students can learn vocabulary in application, memorize in reproduction and consolidate in practice. According to the characteristics of pupils, I think in English vocabulary teaching in primary school we should pay attention to the aspects as follows. 3.1 Teaching Vocabulary with Multimedia and Visual AidsWhen you learn Information project at the first time, the better you learn, the deepe


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