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    China Software as a Service&Cloud Supply-Side Study,Final ReportJan 6th,2010,Agenda,Project BackgroundExecutive SummaryCompany ProfilesAppendix,Project Background Layers of Cloud,Cloud Collaboration,Cloud Application,Cloud IT Management,Cloud Platform,Cloud Storage,Cloud ServerCloud Processing,Software as a Service,Platform as a Service,Infrastructure as a Service,Data Center,As IDC definition of cloud service,it would be 3 layers:Software as a Service(SaaS):the application software provide via cloud platform,include business applications,collaboration applications and personal application software.Platform as a Service(PaaS):the platform software provide via cloud,include platform software and network management software.Infrastructure as a Service(IaaS):cloud provide infrastructure hardware,include server computing power,storage and network equipment.,Project Background Typical Players,Cloud Collaboration,Cloud Application,Cloud IT Management,Cloud Platform,Cloud Storage,Cloud ServerCloud Processing,Software as a Service,Platform as a Service,Infrastructure as a Service,Data CenterOwner,following vendors are typical players in cloud ecosystem:,Data CenterEnabler,Project Background Research Target,Project Background Research Target(Cont.),Agenda,Project BackgroundExecutive SummaryCompany ProfilesAppendix,Vendor Strength&Weakness,The Role of Each Player in Cloud Ecosystem,Current Cloud Market Player Scenario could be classified into 3 types:Cloud Enabler:most of the IT vendors fall into this category,which will provide IT products to cloud service provider,including hardware and software.IBM is a product or solution supplier rather than a cloud data center owner.The same to Novells cooperation with Xiamen Ditong.Cloud Service Provider:this kind of player will provide cloud services via SaaS model.Ufidas Wecoo and Kingdees Youshang belongs to this group.Data Center Owner:this party will cooperate with Cloud Enablers to build cloud computing platform to provide to Cloud operator.Wuxi Cloud Computing Center could provide both data center services and cloud services,however,the scale is small.After the acquisition of HiChina,Alibaba will become the most potential“Google”-like cloud computing center.Microsoft is able to be both Cloud Enabler and Cloud Service Provider.MSFT could offer Virtualization and OS products.MSFT could provide BPOS or Azure to end-users.,Cloud Service Provider,Cloud Enabler,Data Center Owner,Relationship with Microsoft,Agenda,Project BackgroundExecutive SummaryCompany ProfilesChina Telecom/China Unicom/21Vianet/Alibaba/IBM/Kingdee/UFIDAAppendix,Vendor Profile,China Telecom Business Overview,China Telecom overall business overviewChina Telecom achieve RMB 186.801 millions in 2008,with 3.3%growth rate.Since cloud business is not the in the overall strategy of China Telecom,they do not have the summary of cloud revenue.Rent of data center business is under the category of“managed data and leased line”,it is about 20%share of this index.Business navigator is belongs to“integrated information application service”,which has highest growth rate of China Telecom business.Since revenue of voice business is decreasing year by year,China Telecom will focus on internet and related business in nearly future.Cloud will be one of the related business,but China Telecom will not put large-scale investment in that.,Org-Chart of China Telecom Group,Subsidiary,Branch,ShanghaiJiangsuZhejiangAnhuiFujianJiangxiHubeiHunan,GuangdongGuangxiHainanChongqingSichuanGuizhouYunnanShaanxi,GansuQinghaiNingxiaXinjiangEuropeU.S.,TianjinHebeiHenanInner Mongolia,ShandongShanxiTibet,HeilongjiangJilinLiaoning,China Telecom overall strategy of cloud business,China Telecoms current position on cloud service businessChina Telecom did not has clearly cloud roadmap in the group company level.They have lack of large-scale investment on this cloud related business today.But will definitely carry out experimental co-operations with local partners.Currently,cloud business is in the rearing stage with low priority for which China Telecom does not make a short-term plan for profit goal.But China Telecom believes that there will be a good return in a long term.Although group company did not add cloud in their overall development strategy,many provincial branches begins implement cloud related business.There are three kinds of cloud business running in China Telecom:Provide data center for SaaS vendorProvide IaaS service with IT hardware vendors or infrastructure software vendorsBusiness Navigator some kinds of like SaaS business,BU(事业部)Government and EnterpriseInternetFamily and individualRural CustomerCalling card and payphoneMobile ManagementAsset OperationsFinancial AccountingBusiness SupportBusiness Navigator Support,Departments(业务部门)Integrated managementMarketingOperation and Maintenance Web Development Procurement Center Enterprise Information HR Finance Audit Discipline inspection,Business BranchesYellow pageNumber of knowledgeableSystems IntegratorsInformation Industry,City Level Branches,Typical CT Provincial Branch,In Charge of Data Center Business,In Charge of Business Navigator,In Some Province,there is a individual BU,#1:as Commercial Data Center Provider,China Telecom commercial iDC business overviewIn most case of collaboration between China Telecom and SaaS provider,China Telecom just provide data center infrastructure for SaaS vendor,charge them by rent of bandwidth,and nothing to do with their SaaS application.In some specific case,China Telecom will have revenue sharing with SaaS provider,it will be put in the business navigator business of China Telecom.We will discuss about they play role as iDC provider in this section.Currently,China Telecom has several kernel IDC nodes in Beijing,Shanghai,Guangzhou,and Xian etc,providing services for the nationwide.Every province/city has its own IDC Room to offer IDC service.At vertical dimension,China Telecom is generally separated into Group Headquarter,provincial telecom companies and some share-holding/joint-stock subsidiary companies.Group Headquarter sets up several parallel departments such as Marketing Dept.Network Development Dept.,Network Operation and Maintenance Dept.Finance Dept.Procurement Dept.,etc.,leaded by the front-end market Dept.From 2008,China Telecom started to divide its front-end market departments based on customer types,in a bid to provide a better service for customers.If Microsoft want build BPOS data center in China,China Telecom will be one of the option of the partner.iDC business operations and managementChina Telecom has around 200 iDC machine rooms through China.Total area of machine rooms is about 200,000;Around 190,000 servers and more than 90%servers are from co-location service,and rest of servers are using iDC management and providing other service.Provincial/municipal CT offices and Enterprise Dept.or Value-added Service Operation Center are responsible for iDC operations and constructions.Group Headquarter adopts an integrated assessment approach and chooses the overall indicator as its main assessment.China Telecom does not assess iDC business separately but together with other businesses.China Telecom controls its iDC investment mainly through controlling the iDC development.However,China Telecom expands current data centers and builds new ones in big cities.Network Development Dept.of provincial telecom companies reports investment plans to The Group Headquarters every year.China Telecom mainly invests in network equipments,chassis as well as some network systems.Most of current iDC space belongs to China Telecoms fixed assets.China Telecom also bought some cheaper lands for self-built data centers.,China Telecom Commercial iDC Overview,Classification of iDC machine rooms and its corresponding distribution,Classification of iDC servers OS and its corresponding distribution,Classification of iDC servers based on server brands,CT HeadquarterHeadquarter of China Telecom gives reference price for AA-Level and A-Level machine iDC services.The headquarter has the authority to exam and approve the business contract with national-level enterprise clients.The headquarter has the authority to exam and approve the hiring request of bandwidth more than 100M.CT Provincial BranchesB-Level and C-Level machine rooms are managed by the province level branches of China Telecom.The clients,which are not managed by the headquarter,are also managed by the province level branches of China Telecom.,China Telecom Commercial iDC Classification,Notes:the customer number scale is a rough range,because some data centers only have few customers.eg.Sohu hosted about 80%room of Beijing Dajiaoting Data center.,CT iDC development trends and Planning,Note:Data are based on IDC best Estimate,just for your reference,China Telecom gradually controls the total scale of iDC investment.China Telecom is controlling the iDC development in small towns and expands current data centers mainly in big cities.It will make the data centers more centralized.Server number in data center will continue increasing with rapid growth.The growth of the servers scale will be faster than the construction scale of data centers.Because China Telecom will pay more attention on the space utilization of data centers.,Note:the servers include CT owned and co-location servers,Since more of most of server in China Telecom commercial iDC are owned by end-users,Microsoft should more focus on them rather than China Telecom if they want to leverage Windows Azure on their infrastructure.Microsoft need prove the security of Windows Azure to both end-user and China Telecom.Since the Windows family product is the most popular OS,they would worried about more virus and network attack target on it.,China Telecom Service Offerings,China Telecom iDC Key Customers&Revenue,The target customers of China Telecom iDC business are large enterprises in traditional business,government and Internet Companies.ICPs which includes game operators are the main revenue source for China Telecom iDC business.Government is the most stable user group among all the industry users.Customers requirement different in various of areas,For example,the demand of iDC users is large in logistics industry in Guangzhou.So is manufacturing industry.The size of online game users is the largest in China.,China Telecom Total iDC Revenue by Customer Type,2008,China Telecom Data Center Overview,China Telecom Server Procurement(Unit),China Telecom Server Procurement TrendIn 2007,before the telecom carrier merge,China Telecom mainly focus on fixed-line business,and most of the server procurement is for BOSS,iDC,etc.There are not large scale value-added business deployment for Telecom.From 2008,since China Telecom got the CDMA,its business can cover more value-added service on mobile system.Then the x86 server procurement got a better growth rate,some blade servers have penetrated into China Telecom.From IB view,in 2009,around 47.7%of the new x86 server shipment is for replacement.In the coming years,due to the quick growth on iDC and value-added business,the IB will keep growing.,China Telecom x86 Server Deployment AnalysisRegion:A large part of China Telecom x86 are deployed in East China and South China,which is the traditional trend.Shanghai Telecom showed the power in purchasing x86 server in 2008.However,with the mobile business development,the regional difference between South and North will disappear.Virtualization:By now,China Telecom is cautious in deploying virtualization technology.The current virtualization system is mainly running in research,test department,not on mission-critical systems.OS:Over 90%of the non-x86 server in China Telecom is base on Unix and running is BOSS system.And Linux can take around 27%in China Telecom,but with more value-added server online,the mix may be changed.,China Telecom Server Procurement by OS(unit,2008),Due to insufficient server resources and high cost of equipment cost,China Telecom tends to cooperate with venders in terms of developing Cloud business.Cloud Computing business is driven by the province level telecom company.China Telecom business related with cloud computing is in pilot stage.eg.China Telecom-Shanghai officially cooperating with EMC in Sep 2009.In Sep 2009,China Telecom-Shanghai officially cooperating with EMC,launched cloud information service e Cloud to the local users,the detail is following below.There are also many IT vendors are touching the provincial level companies of China telecom,try to build relationship in cloud business cooperation.There is a project of IBM in east China with China Telecom is on-going.,#2:as IaaS Business Provider,#3:Business Navigator,Biz Navigator operation and Management,Biz Navigator Development StrategyBiz Navigator is a brand launched by China Telecom to target SME customers.It integrates IT software and hardware products,basic communication services and value-added services based on China Telecoms brand and resources as well as provides solutions in terms of communication applications and information applications for the demand of comprehensive communication and information need from SEM customers.Biz Navigator is mainly based on the strategy of developing the market together with partners.In August of 2005,China Telecom established Chinese SME Information Alliance by cooperating with several leading companies in IT industry such as HP,Cisco,Microsoft,Lenovo,etc,aiming to help the governments SME Information Promotion Project and to provide Chinese SME with integrated information platforms and solutions of supports and services China Telecom introduces some strategic partners and some general principles at a group level.Biz Navigator is driven by the province level telecom company.The business operations independently in each provinces and municipalities.Local Telecom has the right to choose partners.For example,Digital China and Lenovo are national-level partners.But local telecom might not have cooperation relationship with them.China Telecom Group level partners are 14 and Shanghai telecom has 18 partners,most of which are different with Group level partners.Total CT province level partners are more than 800.,China Telecom,Biz Navigator operation and Management,Headquarter Enterprise Client Dpt.,Province Level Telecom,Enterprise Client of Province Level,Value-added business Center,The Government and Enterprise Customers Department of China Telecom Headquarter is responsible for the overall planning of Biz Navigator,including making a unified national partner standard as well as providing guidance for provincial departments.,Provincial Government and Enterprise Customer Department or value-added Business Operation Center is in charge of product&service supplies,business operation,SME Market Development and so on.,Independent business development,General Strategy business guidance,Business management,Alliance Strategy and Offering:Biz Navigator,Bundled


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