cover,Directions:Skim through the book and find the answers to these questions.What team sport can you see in unit 5?In which unit and on what page can you find out what the speed limit is in Britain?Where can you find a picture of a shopping mall?Where can you find a picture of Chinatown?,Basketball,page 66.On page 30,unit 2.On page 33,unit 3.On page 24,unit 2,and on page 105,unit 7.,Book Rally,_,_,_,_,What is the name of the mail order catalogue?What is the name of the artist who made the mural in Chinatown?What is the name of the girl who was bullied to death?Where can you find a text about a dental appointment?Where can you find a picture of a T-shirt with“excuses”on it?What is the Chinese size for a European size 42?,Treasurehouse,page 45,unit 3.Wing Kei Wong.Phoebe Prince,page 77,unit 5.On page 55,unit 4.On page 60,unit 4.It is“S”.On page 39,unit 3.,_,_,_,_,Book rally-2,_,_,Where can you see a graph showing different entertainment media?Where is eBays head office?Where can you find a picture of eggs?How many children does Nadya Suleman have?What was the name of the boy who committed suicide when his computer broke down?What is the most popular hobby?,Page 69,unit 5.San Jose,On page 43,unit 3.On page 99,unit 7.14.Page 50,unit 4.Jason.Page 73,unit 5.Cooking.Page 83,unit 6.,_,_,_,_,_,BR-3,_,Where can you find a picture of people doing Tai Chi?Where can you find a sign of somebody sleeping?Where can you find a form to fill out?Which sport can you see on the page with sky diving,abseiling and street running?What is the third photo next to Sydney and Shanghai?Who won the French Open in 2011?,On page 107,unit 7.On page 127,unit 8.On page 14,unit 1.Bungee jumping.Page 85,unit 6.New York.Page 8,unit 1.Li Na.Page 92,unit 6.,_,_,_,_,_,_,BR-4,Book 1 Unit 1-,People,CONTENT,Brief summary of the unit,Warming up,Focus,People and issues Text(A),Personal view Text(B),Writing,Grammar check,Project,Quiz,People and issues Text(A),Text study,Background information,Words and expressions,Text,Looking at the text,Working with words,Listening,Listening 1,Book 1 Unit 1-,People,Content-1,Listening 2,Listening 3,Listening 4,Speaking,Personal view Text(B),Text study,Background information,Words and expressions,Text,Looking at the text,Working with words,Book 1 Unit 1-,People,Content-2,Topics,Grammar,Skills,Brief summary,Greeting people for the first time Greeting people you already know Introducing yourself and others Saying goodbye Shaking hands Forms of address,Nouns:Countable and uncountable nouns Making uncountable nouns countable Using irregular plural forms,Greeting people for the first time Introducing yourself and others Saying hello and goodbye Spelling out names Saying where youre from Writing:Filling out forms with personal details Project:A leaflet for foreign visitors on Chinese customs,Brief summary of the unit,Warming up,teacher to the class student to his/her neighbor,How do you do?My name is XXX.Nice to meet you.,Warming up,Self-introduction,Useful Expressions,Which picture shows an Indian woman?Which picture shows two Japanese women?Which picture shows two Americans?Which picture shows two Chinese men?,Match the nationalities.,Focus 1,Focus,What do you do when you meet somebody for the first time?What can you see in the photos?What do people do in different cultures?,Focus 2,Focus,Use the dialogue guide to answer the questions.,Focus 3,Focus,What do you do when you meet somebody for the first time?,Focus 4,Focus,What can you see in the photos?,Focus 5,Focus,What do people do in different cultures?,join ones hands at palms press the palms together with fingers up below the chin smile,Focus 6,Useful Expressions,Focus,bow from the waist lower the eyes look down,Focus 7,Focus,Useful Expressions,shake hands smile eye contact,Focus 8,Focus,Useful Expressions,Act&Guess,act out one of these greetings guess how they are greeting each other,Useful Expressions,Focus 9,Are they?Are you?Is he?Is she?,bow from the waist lower ones eyes?shake hands smile,Focus,Background information Words and expressions Text,normally a program in which middle school students study abroadat their institutions partner institutions,partner institution host family student lodgingunderstanding and tolerance of other culturesimprove language skills broaden social horizons,Background information-1,student exchange,Key words:,Text study(A),Text study(A),Background information Words and expressions Text,usually a form of social gathering at which meats,fish,or fowl,along with vegetables,are roasted over a wood or charcoal fire,outdoor mealsocial gatheringbarbecue grill,BI-2,barbecue,Key words:,Text study(A),Background information Words and expressions Text,交换的留学生;交流生 旧金山n.户外烤肉餐 v.bend down as a greeting 鞠躬隔壁邻居,exchange partnerSan Franciscobarbecue bownext-door neighbor,W&E-1,Text study(A),limpunfriendlyinformalshort periodformally,Background information Words and expressions Text,adj.not firm or strong 无力的adj.not kind or friendly 不友好的;不友善的adj.relaxed and friendly without being restricted by rules of correct behavior 非正式的,非正规的很短的时间 adv.officially or in a very polite way 正式地,W&E-2,Text study(A),Background information Words and expressions Text,Sung Ling from Shanghai is staying with her exchange partner,Kate Miller,in San Francisco.On Lings first Saturday in San Francisco,the Millers have a barbecue in their garden.They want to introduce Ling to some of their neighbors.Kate also invites some of her friends from school.,TEXT-1,Greeting and Introducing People,Text study(A),Background information Words and expressions Text,But before the barbecue,Ling feels a little nervous.What do I say when Kate and her parents,Jack and Sharon,introduce me to somebody?She wonders.And what do I say when I want to introduce myself or when people introduce themselves to me?Do I bow?Or just smile?Id better ask Kate for help.,TEXT-2,Text study(A),Background information Words and expressions Text,“Dont worry,Ling,”Kate says.“Its very easy.When I introduce you to an older person,Grant Summers,our next-door neighbor,for example,I say,Grant,this is Sung Ling from Shanghai.Shes my exchange partner.and then I say to you,Ling,this is Grant Summers.Hes our next-door neighbor.”,TEXT-3,Text study(A),Background information Words and expressions Text,“Okay,”Ling says,“but what do I say?”“Well,you just say,How do you do,Mr Summers?Its nice to meet you and thats that.No problem.”“Yes,but do I shake hands or just smile?”“Well,with an older person you generally shake hands and smile,of course.But remember that in America,we like a firm handshake with the whole hand.A limp handshake with just the fingers is,well,a little unfriendly.”,TEXT-4,Text study(A),Background information Words and expressions Text,“Okay,Kate,”Ling said,“but what about when I want to introduce myself?Maybe you wont be there.”“Well,if its an older person Grants wife,Susan,for example you just offer your hand and say How do you do?Im Sung Ling from Shanghai.Im Kates exchange partner.”“And what will the other person say?”Ling asked.“Well,the other person will also say How do you do?and give his or her name.”,TEXT-5,Text study(A),Background information Words and expressions Text,“I see.So if I introduce myself to Mr.Summers,hell say How do you do?Im Grant Summers,right?”“Thats right,but most people give some information about themselves,you know,where theyre from or something.Grant would probably say,Im Grant Summers from next door,for example.Oh,and Im sure that youll often hear Welcome to San Francisco,Ling.”,TEXT-6,Text study(A),“Okay.Ive got that.But what about younger people?You know,your friends from school.”“Well,younger people are very informal.Just say,Hello or Hi and your name.You know,Hi,Im Ling,Kates exchange partner,for example.”“And when you introduce me?What then?”“I just say something like This is Ling from Shanghai.Shes my exchange partner.Its very informal.No How do you do?and so on.Thats it,really.”,Background information Words and expressions Text,TEXT-7,Text study(A),Background information Words and expressions Text,“And what about people I already know?Do I just say Hello,Good morning or something like that?”“Well,yes and no.If you see somebody you know after a short period,then thats fine.But if you see them after a longer time,then you say,How are you?or,less formally,maybe Howre things?”,TEXT-8,Text study(A),Background information Words and expressions Text,“And what do I answer if somebody greets me with How are you,Ling?”“Just say Fine,thanks.And you?Then the other person says,Im fine,too,thanks.Its not a real question,you see.”“Okay.But I thought you said its very easy.”,TEXT-9,Text study(A),Background information Words and expressions Text,*Question Time,TEXT-10,Text study(A),What do you say to an older person when you meet him/her for the first time?,How do you do?Its nice to meet you.,Do you shake hands with an older person?,Yes,I do.,Do you smile at an older person?,Yes,I do.,How do you introduce yourself to an older person?,How do you do?Im from,Background information Words and expressions Text,*Question Time,How are you?or How are things?,TEXT-11,Text study(A),How do you answer a younger person you know who greets you first?,What do you say to a younger person when you meet him/her for the first time?,This is from He/Shes my,How do you introduce somebody else to a younger person?,Hello or Hi.My name is,What do you say to somebody you already know?,*Pair Work Role A:Kate Miller Role B:Sung Ling,Background information Words and expressions Text,TEXT-12,Text study(A),Background information Words and expressions Text,*Find&ReadDirections:Find the sentence in which the words below are contained as quickly as possible and read them out loud.,barbecue in their garden nervous firm handshake give some information,TEXT-13,Text study(A),Looking at the text,Directions:Link a sentence part from list A to one from list B to make true statements.,LOOKING AT THE TEXT,List A_ 1.Sung Ling is in San Francisco to visit_ 2.The Millers introduce Ling to their_ 3.Kate invites some of her school friends_ 4.Ling feels nervous because_ 5.Kate tells Ling to say How do you do?_ 6.When you meet an older person who_ 7.The correct answer to How are you?_ 8.Always use a firm handshake_ 9.Americans think that a limp handshake_ 10.“Ling,when I introduce you to,List Ba.is a bit unfriendly.b.is Im fine,thank you.c.Kate Miller,her exchange partner.d.neighbors at a barbecue.e.one of my friends,just say Hi.Im Ling.”f.she isnt sure how to introduce herself and greet people.g.to the barbecue as well.h.when she introduces her an older person.i.when you shake hands with an American.j.you already know,you say How are you?.,c,LT-2,d,g,f,h,j,b,i,a,e,Looking at the text,Directions:Replace the underlined word with a word of opposite meaning from the box.,after difficult formal friendly last limp long seldom wrong younger,The Millers gave a big party on Lings first evening in San Francisco.2.Ling felt much happier before Kate tried to help her.,last,WORKING WTH WORDS-1,after,Working with words,(_),(_),3.Ling found introductions and greeting are quite easy(_)in English.4.Nowadays,old(_)people dont use How do you do?among themselves.5.Many Americans dont like a firm(_)handshake with the fingers.6.Ling found some of Kates school friends very unfriendly(_).,after difficult formal friendly last limp long seldom wrong younger,difficult,younger,limp,friendly,WWW-2,Working with words,7.I just hope I dont say the right thing,Ling thought.8.The Millers often barbecue during the week.9.Some older people prefer informal introductions.10.When you see somebody you know after a short time,say How are you?,wrong,after difficult formal friendly last limp long seldom wrong younger,seldom,formal,long,WWW-3,(_),(_),(_),(_),Working with words,Speaking,Directions:Role-play people in the photos.Use the language from the text to introduce Ling to the others.Then introduce yourself to people.,SPEAKING-1,Sung Ling,Kate Miller,Jack&Sharon Miller,Grant&Susan Summers,Directions:Use the model dialogue to greet somebody that you already know.,YouGood morning,(Bs name).Its nice to see you again.BOh,hello,(your name).How are you?YouFine,thanks.And you?BIm fine,too.Thanks.,S-2,Speaking,Directions:Use the model dialogue to introduce your partner to somebody else in the class.,You(Bs name),may I introduce(partners name)?B How do you do,(partners name).Its nice to meet you.Partner How do you do.Its nice to meet you,too,(Bs name).,S-3,Speaking,Language summary:Saying hello and goodbye,How do you do?Im(name).May I introduce myself?My names(name).(Name),this is a friend of mine,(name).(Name),may I introduce(name)?(Name),you dont know(name),do you?,A Hello,(name).How are you?B Im fine,thanks.And you?A Not so bad,thanks.Goodbye.It was nice meeting you.Well,goodbye.I hope to see you again soon.Till Tuesday,then.Cheerio.,S-4,Speaking,2.Introducing others,1.Introducing yourself,3.Saying hello to somebody you know,4.Saying goodbye,Listening 1 Listening 2 Listening 3 Listening 4,Directions:Patrick Choy wants to meet two visitors from the USA.Listen and then decide whether the following statements are true or false.,True False 1.Patrick is waiting for the visitors at Hong Kong airport.2.The first visitor Patrick speaks to is Tony Hunter.3.Susan Garner comes from Chicago.4.Patrick wants to take the visitors to his office.5.Tony has heard a lot of good things about Hong Kong.6.Patricks car is parked a long way away from the building.,Meeting somebody for the first time,LISTENING-1,Listening,Listening 1 Listening 2 Listening 3 Listening 4,Listening,Spelling names,Directions:Read and listen to the dialogue and then the International alphabet.Then take turns to ask somebody his/her name and how to spell it.,Tom:Can you tell me your name,please?Natsu:Certainly.Its Kimuru Natsu.Tom:Can you spell that for me,please?Natsu:Of course.Its K I M U R U and then N A T S U.Tom:Sorry,was that Sierra Uniform at the end?Natsu:Thats right.Sierra Uniform.Tom:Thanks.Ive got that now.,L-2-1,Listening 1 Listening 2 Listening 3 Listening 4,Listening,L-2-2,This is the International Alphabet.We use it in English to spell out the names of people and places,for example on the telephone.It is also used in aviation.,Listening 1 Listening 2 Listening 3 Listening 4,Where are you from?,Directions:Listen and practice saying the place names.,Cape Town,South Africa Bangkok,Thailand Berlin,Germany Hong Kong,China London,England New York,USA,Seoul,South Korea Shanghai,China Singapore Sydney,Australia Tokyo,Japan,L-3-1,Listening,Listening 1 Listening 2 Listening 3 Listening 4,Role play,Directions:Use the place names and your own name to role play the model dialogues.,A:Where are you from,?B:Im from And you?A:Im from,L-3-2,Listening,Listening 1 Listening 2 Listening 3 Listening 4,Directions:Role-play the model dialogue with a partner.,A:Wheres from?B:I think hes/shes from,L-3-3,Listening,Listening 1 Listening 2 Listening 3 Listenin