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    当代物流学 第十章 Warehousing Management.ppt

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    当代物流学 第十章 Warehousing Management.ppt

    CHAPTER 10,Warehousing Management,10-2,Learning Objectives,To understand the value-adding role of warehouses and distribution centers in a logistics systemTo identify the various types and functions of warehousesDevelop an analytical framework for basic warehousing decisions,10-3,Learning Objectives,To distinguish the various alternatives available in warehouse designDiscuss the major principles of warehouse layout design.To examine the different types of handling equipment available,10-4,Warehousing Management,Key TermsBonded storageContract warehousingCross-dockingDistribution centersDunnage,Key TermsField warehousing,10-5,Warehousing Management,Key TermsPaperless warehousingPrivate warehousingPublic warehousing,Key TermsRegrouping functionThroughputWarehousing,10-6,The Nature and Importance of Warehousing,In 1999,$75 billion,or 0.8 percent of GDP was spent on warehousing.The total supply of U.S.warehousing space in 1999 was 6.1 billion square feet,an increase from 1990 of 700 million square feet of space.Warehousing provides time and place utility for raw materials,goods,and finished products.,10-7,The Role of the Warehouse in the Logistics System,The warehouse is where the supply chain holds or stores goods.,10-9,The Role of the Warehouse in the Logistics System,Functions of warehousing include:Transportation consolidationProduct mixing Cross-dockingRegrouping functionServiceProtection against contingencies,10-10,Transportation Consolidation,10-11,Supply and Product Mixing,10-12,Warehouse Value-Adding Roles,10-13,案例1,联合慈善公司的全国办公室为许多著名的慈善机构、政府组织的筹款活动准备资料。公司将资料印好,并分发到各个活动站点。合同签订后,通常是将整个公司的劳动力和印刷设备完全投入进来,为某一项目活动准备资料,常常加班加点。印刷完毕后,由UPS直接将资料由印刷厂送到各地的分拨点。公司的总裁具有良好物流管理意识,他在考虑如何在全美国各地租用仓库可能会降低总成本。他认为虽然那样仓储费用会增加,但可以先将资料以整车运到各个仓库,然后由UPS从大约35个仓库做短距离运输,送到当地分拨点。因为当地分拨点可以从仓库提货,而不必直接向印刷厂订货,因而不会常常变化生产计划,所以生产成本也可能会因此降低。,10-14,该总裁随后做出如下粗略的成本估算(针对需要印刷500万册资料的典型活动)从工厂直接运输 通过35个仓库运输 成本变化 运输成本:至仓库 0 50000 50000 至当地 250000 100000 150000 仓储成本 0 75000 75000总计 250000 225000 25000 运输费用的降低在抵消增加的仓储费用后还有节余。看起来,利于仓库节约成本,是一种非常有吸引力的方法。,案例,10-15,Warehousing Management,Warehousing emphasizes storage of productsDistribution centers emphasize rapid movement of products through the facilityThroughput is the amount of product entering and leaving a facility in a given time period,10-16,Consolidation Warehouse,11-6,10-17,Example:Storage Cost Savings,Direct shipments to customers,10-18,Shipments through a distribution center,MANUFACTURER,Example:Storage Cost Savings,10-19,Distribution warehouse,Manufacturer,Customer B,Customer C,Customer A,Low rate TL shipment,LTL,LTL,Distribution Warehouse,Warehouse may or may not hold inventories,10-20,Figure 10-1:Adding a Warehousing Facility:Shorter-Haul Transportation,10-21,Public Warehousing,Public warehouses serve all legitimate usersBonded storage warehousesField warehousingRationale for Public WarehousingLimited capital investmentFlexibility,10-22,Public Warehousing,Public warehousing rates based upon:ValueFragilityPotential damage to other goodsVolume and regularityWeight densityServices required,10-23,Private Warehousing,Private warehousing is owned or occupied on a long-term leaseOffers control to ownerAssumes both sufficient demand volume and stability so that warehouse remains fullHigh fixed costs,10-24,Contract Warehousing,Contract warehousing(3PL warehousing)is a long-term arrangement providing unique warehousing services to one client Both vendor and client share the risks associated with the warehousingLess costly than private warehousing and more costly than public warehousing,10-25,Basic Warehouse Decisions:A Cost Trade-off Framework,OwnershipPublic versus contract versus privateHow manyCentralized or Decentralized WarehousingLocationSizeLayoutWhat products where,10-26,Basic Warehousing Decisions,10-27,The Ownership Decision,Public warehousing costs mostly all variable.Private warehousing costs have a higher fixed cost component.Thus private warehousing virtually requires a high and constant volume.,10-28,The Ownership Decision,Factors to considerThroughput volumeStability of demandDensity of market area to be servedSecurity and control needsCustomer service needs,10-29,Firm Characteristics Affecting the Ownership Decision,10-30,The Number of Warehouses,Factors Affecting the Number of WarehousesInventory costsWarehousing costsTransportation costsCost of lost salesMaintenance of customer service levels,10-31,Factors Affecting the Number of Warehouses,10-32,Basic Warehouse Operations,MovementReceivingPut-awayOrder pickingShippingStorageStock locationWarehouse Management System(WMS),10-33,Basic Warehouse Operations,10-34,Warehousing Operations,Storage and handling equipmentWarehouse management systemsEmployee safety,10-35,Warehousing Operations,Warehousing securitySanitation issuesStock controls,10-36,Design Considerations in Warehousing,General considerationsQuantity and character of goods must be knownproduct profilingKnow the purpose to be servedStorageDistributionCross-docking,10-37,Warehouse Layout and Design,Develop a demand forecast.Determine each items order quantity.Convert units into cubic footage requirements.Allow for growth.Allow for adequate aisle space for materials handling equipment.,10-38,Warehouse Space Requirements,10-39,Warehouse Layout and Design,Layout and Design Principles:Use one story facilities where possible.Move goods in a straight-line.Use the most efficient materials handling equipment.Minimize aisle space.Use full building height.,10-40,Principles of Warehouse Layout Design,10-41,Warehouse Layout and Design,Basic needs:ReceivingBasic storage areaOrder selection and preparationShipping,10-42,Warehouse Layout and Design:Layout and Design Objectives,Cubic capacity utilizationProtectionEfficiencyMechanizationProductivity,10-43,Warehouse Productivity Metrics,Pounds or units per dayEmployees per pound movedPounds unloaded per hourPounds picked per hourPounds loaded per hourPercentage of orders correctly filledProductivity ratio=pounds handled/day divided by labor hours/dayThroughput=amt of material moved through the system in a given time period,10-44,Figure 10-5:Ideal Facility for Pure Supplier Consolidation(Full Pallet Movement),10-45,Warehousing Trade-offs,Fixed versus variable slot locations for merchandiseBuild out(horizontal)versus build up(vertical)Two-dock versus single-dock layout,10-46,Warehousing Trade-offs,Labor-intensive versus mechanization versus automationSpace devoted to aisles versus space devoted to storagePicker-to-part versus part-to-picker systems,10-47,Warehousing Trade-offs,Other space needs,


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