1关于 ST.JOHN About ST.JOHN2创意思路 Creation Origin 3流程规划 Event Plan 4设计展示 Related Design5推荐参考 Recommendations,Content,关于 ST.JOHNAbout ST.JOHN,一,Marie GrayST.JOHN的创始人一个音乐的苦涩恋人拥有唱红歌剧院的天籁之音却惨遭失声Marie Gray,the founder of ST.JOHN,and a bitter lover with music,had the sounds of nature but loss of the voice,ST.JOHN的传说The Story about ST.JOHN,关于ST.JOHN的一切就像Marie Gray在用灵感完成一个新乐章这次高歌 一“唱”就是45年Marie Gray gave birth to elegant ST.JOHN,as composing new melody with the inspiration,which lasts 45 year long!,ST.JOHN的美知性冷静简约尊贵由内而外散发着摄人的皇族气质,让现场所有来宾为ST.JOHN的品位与地位折服 Let all the guests overwhelmed by the taste and status of ST.JOHN,ST.JOHN的气质Quality of ST.JOHN,The beauty behind ST.JOHNIntellectuality CalmnessPlain DignitySmelt attractive royalty and nobility,我们需要打造的品位Taste building,尊荣、华美、风范彰显ST.JOHN非凡气质Dignity,Spectatorial,Showing remarkable quality of ST.JOHN,创意思路Creation Origin,二,又一处ST.JOHN新店盛开如何让那一瞬间美得像个梦的开始?Another magnificent store for ST.JOHN will be in full flowering.How to make the moment as beauty as the birth of dream?,相约ST.JOHN45周年庆典将品位和地位发挥到极至的盛会Lets make an appointment at ST.JOHN 45th Anniversary Celebration and share the occasion fully bringing the taste and status into play,领袖Leader,ST.JOHN客户的皇族气质Imperial Quality,Hillary Clinton The wife of former president Bill Clinton,Laura BushThe wife of president Bush,Yang LanFamous emceePresident in China Sun Media,Hu YinmengWell-known actressAuthor,translator,ST.JOHN LOVERS,ST.JOHN的女人 头上都有顶隐形皇冠 ST.JOHN women,with invisible crown on their heads,聪慧Intelligent,名誉Reputation,地位Status,品位不凡High-taste,Opera Atmosphere,Masked waltz,Search super dignityTailor-made for ST.JOHN,ST.JOHN Queen coronation,GodivaRolls-Royce in Chocolates,名流捧场Celebrity Presence,顶级会所Top Venue,Super hotel,优雅品位Elegant Taste,Super women&Model,贵族享受Noble Reception,歌剧院氛围Opera Atmosphere,ST.JOHN 的经典华贵Immersed in the classic and luxury,ST.JOHN,核心主线Core Concept,重温Marie Gray的豆蔻年华Relive the best year of Marie Gray,陶醉,梦的开始All like the birth of dream,极度重撼,一切就像,Overwhelmed by ST.JOHN,流程规划Event Plan,三,活动时间:2007年9月24日活动地点:丽兹-卡尔顿酒店活动内容:Time:24th Sep.,2007Venue:THE RITZ-CARLTONContent:ST.JOHN45年璀尚华赏ST.JOHN新店开业暨45周年庆典,Appreciation of ST.JOHN Superfines ST.JOHN New Store Opening Ceremony&45th Anniversary Celebration,09:30-10:00 st.john记忆长卷欣赏 ST.JOHN Historical Hall 10:00-10:15 开场节目 Opera Opening 10:15-10:20 新店店长致辞 Storekeeper Speech 10:15-10:30 嘉宾代表发言 Guest Speech 10:30-10:35 揭幕仪式 Opening Ceremony 10:35-10:50 T台SHOW T-show,流程 AGENDA,10:50-11:00 串场节目 Opera Transition 11:00-11:01 Video播放 Video 11:01-11:20颁发“St.John女王”王冠“ST.JOHN QUEEN”Crown Award Presentation Ceremony 11:20-11:30 结束曲 Postlude,11:30-11:40 抵达新店 Arriving at New Store 11:40-12:00 店内活动 Inner Activity,图,来宾将名字写在背景板空白五线谱上相信这会是最优美高贵的曲子Sign the name in the blank staff on the backdrop and it will be the most canorous and honorable melody,来宾签到Sign in,图,签到完毕接下来何必苦苦等待ST.JOHN记忆长卷上的故事正如乐章一样呈现在你面前After signing in,the story about ST.JOHN will lay spread out before us,and for ST.JOHN,the bright golden memory of 45-year long,is like the magnificent movement composed by loud and sonorous notes.,ST.JOHN记忆长卷效果图ST.JOHN Historical Hall,来宾边欣赏长卷边自由休息交流精致诱人的甜点相信会大受欢迎,精美小食品Dedicate biscuit,The guests could drink,taste,chat or enjoy the historical hall.The dedicate dessert will make all to fell an irresistible impulse to taste.,茶歇区服务Service for Break,茶歇区服务Service for Break,香槟酒欢庆的气泡仿佛都飞升到空气里让所有人都跟着愉快起来The air bubbles of champagne,will foil the intense atmosphere,and let all immersed in the gaiety,香槟酒 Champagne,Say you need me With you now and alwaysPromise me That all you say is trueThat is all I ask of you,Say you love me Every waking momentSay the word that I will follow you,此时的舞台上空空的灯光在随着动人的旋律舞蹈那是韦伯的经典剧目剧院魅影的唱段 Step into the meeting hall,embraced by empty stage,twinkling lighting,and all see The Phantom Of The Opera from Webber is coming in from the curtain,现场灯光配合音乐旋律作为开场,营造神秘氛围Opening by touching lighting and classical rhythm to build mysterious atmosphere,新店开业开场节目Opening Program,新店开业揭幕环节Opening Ceremony,揭幕ST.JOHN北京新店新店仿佛是ST.JOHN品牌新的展示舞台所以在丽兹酒店里我们用拉开剧场大幕的方式象征揭晓ST.JOHN新店的新精彩The Beijing new store of ST.JOHN is just like a brand-new showing stage,therefore,we disclose ST.JOHN new store by revealing the curtain of the opera house in THE RITZ-CARLTON.,拉开剧场之幕Reveal the curtain of opera house,幕布向两边收起ST.JOHN的LOGO亮相此时背景音乐为The diva dance高潮部分(From opera Donizetti:Lucia di Lammermoor)The curtain is retracted sideward,and then ST.JOHN LOGO will appear along with the climax of The diva dance(From opera Donizetti:Lucia di Lammermoor),新店开业揭幕效果展示Opening Ceremony,图,剧场式T台分不清剧里剧外Taking the fashion show in the opera house,let all confounded interior with exterior of the drama,FASHION秀舞台Fashion Show,图,Super Model陆续退场此时的旋律由欢快激昂变为了浑厚悠扬典礼的环节也由新店开业发展到了45周年庆典After the fashion show,the rhythm turns from bright impassionate to deep melodious,and the 45th anniversary ceremony is greeting all the guests.,串场演出Opera Transition,歌剧演唱Opera,现场歌剧演唱一组假面华尔兹伴舞Opera with masked waltz,舞蹈Dance,假面Masking,一曲作罢舞者们依然在台上张望着像是在等待什么“谁是ST.JOHN女王?”接下来马上揭晓舞台两侧的彩幕VIDEO记录,“ST.JOHN女王”加冕“ST.JOHN Queen”Coronation,The song still resounding on the stage,the dances look around,as it is waiting for“WHO IS ST.JOHNQUEEN?”Next,the video will give the answer,VIDEO,她不一定是最美丽的但一定是品位不凡的Maybe she is not the most beautiful woman,but must have extraordinary taste,她不一定是最聪慧的但一定是懂得运用智慧的Maybe she is not the smartest one,but must know how to use the intellect,她不一定是最有实力的但能独当一面的Maybe she is not the most power one,but must take charge of a department alone,她不一定是贵族后裔的但一定是跻身上流社会的Maybe she is not a descendant of nobles,but must belong to the social climbers,她不一定是最知名的但一定是具有积极社会影响力的Maybe she is not the most famous,but attain to a position of great social influence,她就是我们的ST.JOHN女王 SHE IS OURST.JOHNQUEENwe are looking for,VIDEO,她们的头上都有顶隐形王冠ST.JOHN women,with invisible crown on their heads,名誉Reputation,领袖Leader,智慧Wisdom,地位Status,品位Taste,VIDEO,来自世界各地的女性精英进入我们的视野The female elites all over the world are coming within our range of vision,VIDEO,Chen Mei,Singaporeanviolinist,starting new fashion in music,VIDEO,Carly Fiorina,former Chairman of the Board of Directors&CEO of HP,VIDEO,前惠普公司的董事会主席兼首席执行官,Ceng Zimo,anchor for Financial and Economic program in Phoenix Satellite TV,VIDEO,Tyra Banks,African-American,former super model,actress,singer and emcee,VIDEO,Anna Wintour,The chief editor of Vogue,the most popular fashion magazine in the world,VIDEO,Hu Yinmeng,Famous actress,translator and author in Taiwan,VIDEO,她们诠释了极品女人她们就是ST.JOHN女王They embody the super womanThey are the ST.JOHN QUEEN,或是才智超群Or with outstanding wisdom,或是品位非凡Or with remarkable taste,或是大将风范Or with imperial style,或是机智冷静Or with cool head,或是极至天赋Or with innate capacity,VIDEO,杨澜著名节目主持人 阳光传媒机构主席Yang LanFamous emceePresident in China Sun Media,申奥形象大使哥伦比亚大学国际关系学院校董Served as a Goodwill Ambassador for Beijings bidding for the 2008 Olympic Games,VIDEO,张兰分析化学博士Zhang LanDoctor of analytical chemistry俏江南餐饮集团创始人 Chairwoman of the South Beauty Group,任民主促进会福大总支主任Director of FUZHOU UNIVERSUTY of China Association for Promoting Democracy,“ST.JOHN女王”加冕“ST.JOHN Queen”Coronation,女王胸针颁发+魅力女人访谈Queen brooch awarding+charming woman interview,王冠胸针Crown brooch,ST.JOHN将象征女性魅力权威的胸针颁发给今天到场的ST.JOHN女王她们也会现场与来宾分享如何做个精彩的女人ST.JOHN will award the present ST.JOHN queenwith the brooch symbolizing the charismatic authority of women,who could also sharing with all on the stories about the perfect women,Zhang Lan,Yang Lan,为ST.JOHN女王加冕完毕按照皇室惯例集体舞是必不可少的环节正好让我们大家用舞蹈来作为庆典的结束曲吧After the queen coronation,the group dance is indispensable according to royal convention,therefore,lets whirl on the stage together to end the ceremony.The scene,the moment,will live with the ones immersed in it.,结束曲Postlude,正装集体舞Group Dance,店内试穿活动Trying on,刚刚体验了美食佳酿接下来女宾可随意试穿ST.JOHN为您留影并制作成个人影集送给您记录您与ST.JOHN每个尊贵迷人的瞬间After tasting the good wine and delicacies,now come the time for all the women of trying on.ST.JOHN will take a souvenir photo for you and make up them into album to record each honored and charming moment between you and ST.JHON.,设计展示Related Design,四,推荐参考Recommendation,五,ST.JOHN Queen Coronation Commendation,王冠造型项链Crown-shaped necklace,王冠造型胸针Crown-shaped brooch,Gift Recommendation,比利时GODIVA巧克力巧克力中的劳斯莱斯GodivaRolls-Royce in Chocolates,一个关于女性的传说一则关于勇气的故事GODIVA,比你想象中更有魅力A legend on a womanA story about courageGODIVA,is more charming than you dreamed of,Super Model recommendation,Name:Jiang Peilin,ShipleyDate of birth:30th,AugHeight:178cm Weight:54kgBWH:85、62、88(cm)Experiences:2000 China best professional model The Top of 2002 China Super ModelsThe 55th in Forbes China,Experience:Champion of the10th 2004 China Model Star ContestStyle Female Model of 2006 China Fashion Awards The Top of 2006 China Super Models,Name:Mo WandanHeight:179cm BWH:84/61/89(cm)Hobby:Performance,sport,sings,Super Model recommendation,Foreign Model Recommendation,Domestic Model Recommendation,Model Hairstyle Recommendation,Super model的发型秀美端庄的剧场风格秀发的柔美多姿与ST.JOHN的简约果断相映成辉让走秀端庄不失情调The colorful hair and the plain ST.JOHN garment reflect each other,making the T-show dignified with affective tone.,THANKS,