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    February 13,2023,A Tutorial on the Zachman Enterprise Architecture Framework,1,A Tutorial on theZachman Framework for Enterprise Architecture,February 13,2023,A Tutorial on the Zachman Enterprise Architecture Framework,2,Zachman Framework,February 13,2023,A Tutorial on the Zachman Enterprise Architecture Framework,3,Zachman Framework,Row 1 ScopeExternal Requirements and DriversBusiness Function Modeling,Row 2 Enterprise ModelBusiness Process Models,Row 3 System ModelLogical ModelsRequirements Definition,Row 4 Technology ModelPhysical ModelsSolution Definition and Development,Row 5 As BuiltAs BuiltDeployment,Row 6 Functioning EnterpriseFunctioning EnterpriseEvaluation,February 13,2023,A Tutorial on the Zachman Enterprise Architecture Framework,4,Framework Rules,Rule 1:Columns have no order,Contextual,Conceptual,Logical,Physical,As Built,Functioning,Contextual,Conceptual,Logical,Physical,As Built,Functioning,Why,Why,Who,Who,When,When,Where,Where,What,What,How,How,Rule 2:Each column has a simple,basic model,Rule 3:Basic model of each column is unique,Rule 4:Each row represents a distinct view,Rule 5:Each cell is unique,Rule 6:Combining the cells in one row forms a complete description from that view,February 13,2023,A Tutorial on the Zachman Enterprise Architecture Framework,5,Zachman Framework Row 1Scope/Planners View,External Requirements and DriversBusiness Function Modeling,Motivation/WhyBusiness goals,objectives and performancemeasures related to each function,Function/HowHigh-level business functions,Data/WhatHigh-level data classes related to eachfunction,People/WhoStakeholders related to each function,Network/WhereVA locations related to each function,Time/WhenCycles and events related to eachfunction,1,February 13,2023,A Tutorial on the Zachman Enterprise Architecture Framework,6,Zachman Framework Row 2Enterprise Model/Designers View,Business Process ModelsBusiness Function AllocationElimination of Function Overlap and Ambiguity,Motivation/WhyPolicies,procedures and standards for eachprocess,Function/HowBusiness processes,Data/WhatBusiness data,People/WhoVA roles and responsibilities in eachprocess,Network/WhereVA locations related to each process,Time/WhenEvents for each process and sequencingof integration and process improvements,2,February 13,2023,A Tutorial on the Zachman Enterprise Architecture Framework,7,Zachman Framework Row 3System Model/Designers View,Logical ModelsProject ManagementRequirements Definition,Motivation/WhyVA policies,standards and proceduresassociated with a business rule model,Function/HowLogical representation of informationsystems and their relationships,Data/WhatLogical data models of data and datarelationships underlying VA information,People/WhoLogical representation of access privilegesconstrained by roles and responsibilities,Network/WhereLogical representation of the distributedsystem architecture for VA locations,Time/WhenLogical events and their triggered responses constrained by business events and their responses,3,February 13,2023,A Tutorial on the Zachman Enterprise Architecture Framework,8,Zachman Framework Row 4Technology Model/Builders View,Physical ModelsTechnology ManagementSolution Definition and Development,Motivation/WhyVA business rules constrained by informationsystems standards,Function/HowSpecifications of applications that operateon particular technology platforms,Data/WhatDatabase management system(DBMS)typerequirements constrained by logical data models,People/WhoSpecification of access privileges tospecific platforms and technologies,Network/WhereSpecification of network devices and theirrelationships within physical boundaries,Time/WhenSpecification of triggers to respond to systemevents on specific platforms and technologies,4,February 13,2023,A Tutorial on the Zachman Enterprise Architecture Framework,9,Zachman Framework Row 5As Built/Integrators View,As BuiltConfiguration ManagementDeployment,Motivation/WhyVA business rules constrained by specific technology standards,Function/HowPrograms coded to operate on specific technology platforms,Data/WhatData definitions constrained by physical data models,People/WhoAccess privileges coded to control access to specific platforms and technologies,Network/WhereNetwork devices configured to conform to node specifications,Time/WhenTiming definitions coded to sequence activities on specific platforms and technologies,5,February 13,2023,A Tutorial on the Zachman Enterprise Architecture Framework,10,Zachman Framework Row 6Functioning Enterprise/Users View,Functioning EnterpriseOperations ManagementEvaluation,Motivation/WhyOperating characteristics of specific technologies constrained by standards,Function/HowFunctioning computer instructions,Data/WhatData values stored in actual databases,People/WhoVA personnel and key stakeholders working within their roles and responsibilities,Network/WhereSending and receiving messages,Time/WhenTiming definitions operating to sequence activities,6,February 13,2023,A Tutorial on the Zachman Enterprise Architecture Framework,11,VA Zachman Framework Portal,


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