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    LED Lighting-Energy Saving Technology for Generations to Come,byWolfgang P Prenosil MSc MBAManaging DirectorVigorous Co.,Ltd.,Introduction,The LED lighting market(packaged chips)is forecasted to grow to US$1.65 billion by 2012 making this one of the fastest growing segments in the LED industry.Solid State Lighting(SSL)has the potential to be the next generation lighting technology and the LED lighting fixture industry is an emerging market application for packaged HB(High Brightness)LEDs.As the efficiencies of packaged LEDs improve,the LED lighting fixture is expected to grow to over US$5 billion globally by the end of the forecast period.February 2009,Introduction,Banning inefficient lamps,coupled with customer awareness of the cost-of-ownership analysis,will create a strong demand for LED replacement lamps.Market conditions are right for the LED replacement lamp market to accelerate in the next few years,according to a new report from Strategies Unlimited.Although the market for LED replacement lamps is still in its early stages of development,lamp revenues are forecast to increase at a compound annual growth rate of 107%through 2013.August 2009,Goals,The goal of this presentation is to illustrate how LED lighting can contribute to:energy savings,CO2-footprint reduction,maintenance cost reduction,hazardous waste reduction.,Goals,The goal of this presentation is also to convince you that a proof of concept should be carried out to demonstrate:proof of energy savings,proof CO2-footprint reduction,proof of maintenance cost reduction,proof of hazardous waste reduction.This may be done at any relevant site by implementing a set number of T8 fluorescent tube replacements(car park,staircase,corridor,retail area,baggage handling area,maintenance shop,warehouse).,What is LED lighting?,A Light Emitting Diode(LED)is a semiconductor device,which converts electricity into light.LED lighting has been around since the 1960s,but is just now beginning to appear in the residential or industrial market for space lighting.At first white LEDs were only possible by“rainbow”groups of three LEDs-red,green,and blue-by controlling the current to each to yield an overall white light.,What is LED lighting?,This changed in 1993 when Nichia created a blue indium gallium chip with a phosphor coating that is used to create the wave shift necessary to emit white light from a single diode.This process is much less expensive to generate white light.,Advantages,LEDs are better at placing light in a single direction than incandescent or fluorescent bulbs.Because of their directional output,they have unique design features that can be exploited by clever designs.Water-/gas-proof(IP67&68),outdoor fixtures(buildings,street lighting,expressways)are also available.,Advantages,LED lights are more rugged and damage-resistant than(compact)fluorescent and incandescent bulbs.LED lights do not flicker.They are very heat sensitive;excessive heat or inappropriate applications dramatically reduce both light output and lifetime.LED lighting can be dimmed.,Advantages,Lower Maintenance CostsStandard(incandescent)light bulbs have to be changed every 1000 hrs.,halogens every 5000 hrs.,high-end fluorescent tubes every 20000 hrs.Standard light bulbs loose more lumen(luminous flux)over time than LEDs.Changing light bulbs in a large building create considerable maintenance cost.LED light bulbs typically need to be changed only every 10-12 years.,Advantages,Energy SavingsTypically,a LED-based light bulb uses 10%of traditional and only 50%of energy-saving lighting technologies.It produces almost no heat(e.g.savings on air conditioning).Lifetime is in the order of 50000 hours(even up to 100000 hours).,Advantages,Environmental ConsiderationsTremendous energy savings up to 90%.Over a lifetime,fewer light bulbs need to be used.LED light bulbs do not contain any hazardous materials and therefore do not generate any hazardous waste.LED light bulbs can be recycled.LED light bulbs do not flicker,do not cause RF interference,are much easier on the eyes,and its light temperature makes you feel much more comfortable.,Advantages,Investment ConsiderationsInitial higher purchasing costs are easily returned within three years!Electricity cost savings in the order of 40 to 95%are realistic.New constructions:Cost savings(e.g.installation,cabling,transformers,ballast,and interior design)are in the order of 20-30%.,Advantages,Return on Investment(ROI),Return on Investment(ROI),CO2 Footprint Reduction,Services,Services we can offer:Sourcing of LED productsOnsite surveys/auditsEnergy/maintenance saving calculationsROI&CO2 footprint calculationsImplementation/maintenanceProject planning/managementFinancing through carbon credit trading,Applications,Applications,Applications,Applications,Applications,


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