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    ST中冠B:第三季度报告全文(英文版) .ppt

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    ST中冠B:第三季度报告全文(英文版) .ppt

    ,II.,1,0%,-,深圳中冠纺织印染股份有限公司 2012 年第三季度报告全文Shenzhen Victor Onward Textile Industrial Co.,Ltd.Quarterly Report for the Third Quarter of 2012 Important notesThe Board of Directors of the Company hereby guarantees that there are no misstatement,misleading representation or important omissions in this report and shall assume joint and severalliability for the authenticity,accuracy and completeness of the contents hereof.All of the directors presented the board meeting at which this Quarterly Report was examined.Mr.Hu Yongfeng,Person in charge of the Company,Mr.Zhang Jinliang,Person in charge of accounting works,Mr.Ren Changzheng,CFO as well as person in charge of accounting institution represent and warrant thefinancial and accounting report in the Third report is true and complete.Basic Information of the Company1.Main accounting data and indicesIf retrospective adjustment has been carried our on financial reports of previous periods.Yes No Not applicable,2012.9.30,2011.12.31,Increase/decrease(),Total assets(RMB),169,530,701.00,172,238,794.00,-1.57%,Owners equity attributable to,the shareholders of the listed,112,770,792.00,119,047,096.00,-5.27%,company(RMB),Stock capital(Shares)Net assets per share,169,142,356.00,169,142,356.00,attributable to theshareholders of the listed,0.67,0.7,-4.29%,company(RMB/shares),Increase/decrease in the,Increase/decrease in the,July-September 2012,report period comparedwith the same period ofthe last year(%),January-September2012,report period comparedwith the same period ofthe last year(%),Total turnover(RMB),2,254,074.00,-8.49%,7,273,861.00,-8.99%,Net profit attributable to,shareholders of the listed,-1,963,118.00,-51.36%,-6,150,254.00,-49.87%,company(RMB)Net cash flow arising,from operating activities-(RMB)Net cash flow per share,788,412.00,-64.85%,arising from operating-,-,0,-64.85%,activities(yuan/shares),Basic earnings per share(yuan/shares),-0.01,-50%,-0.04,-42.86%,1,深圳中冠纺织印染股份有限公司 2012 年第三季度报告全文,Diluted earnings pershare(yuan/shares)Weighted average returnon equity(%),-0.01-1.72%,-50%1.35%,-0.04-5.3%,-42.86%4.01%,Weighted average Return,on net assets afterdeducting non-recurring,-1.68%,1.4%,-2.75%,6.57%,gains and losses(%)Items and amount of non-current gains and losses deducted applicable not applicableAmount from the,ItemsGain/loss form disposal of non-current assetsTax refund,deduction and exemption that is examined andapproved by authority exceeding or has no official approvaldocument.Governmental Subsidy accounted as current gain/loss,except for those subsidies at with amount or quantity fixedby the national government and closely related to theCompanys business operation.Capital adoption fee collected from non-financialorganizations and accounted into current gain/lossGain/loss from differences between the cost of enterprisemerger and the fair value of recognizable net asset of theinvested entitiesGain/loss from non-monetary assetsGain/loss from commissioned investment or assetsAsser impairment provisions provided for force-majeurGain/loss from debt reorganizationEnterprise reorganizing expenses,such as employeeplacement fee and integration feeGain/loss from trade departing from fair valueCurrent net gain/loss of subsidiaries under same controlfrom beginning of term till date of consolidationGain/loss generated by contingent liabilities withoutconnection with main businessesIn addition to normal business with the company effectivehedging related business,holders of tradable financialassets,transactions and financial liabilities arising fromchanges in fair value gains and losses,as well as the,beginning of year tothe end of report period(RMB)5,174.0011,022.00,Remarks,disposal of trading of financial assets,trading financialliabilities and available-for-sale financial assets gains returnon investment;Restoring of receivable account impairment provision testedindividuallyGain/loss from commissioned loansGain/loss from change of fair value of investment propertymeasured at fair value in follow-up measurementInfluence of one-time adjustment made on current gain/lossaccount according to the laws and regulations regarding tax2,深圳中冠纺织印染股份有限公司 2012 年第三季度报告全文and accountingConsigning fee received for cosigned operation,Net amount of non-operating income and expense exceptthe aforesaid itemsOther gain/loss items satisfying the definition ofnon-recurring gain/loss accountInfluenced amount of minority shareholders equityAmount of influence of income taxTotal,-2,982,915.00-2,966,719.00,Main part is the Nanjing project litigationattorneys fees-,The information of main accounting data and main financial indices of the company by the end of reportperiod.(Filling the adjustment explanation if retroactive adjusted),Items,Amount(RMB),Remarks,II.Total number of shareholders and top 10 holders of shareholders at the end of report period,Total number of shareholders atthe end of report periodParticulars about the shares held by the top ten tradable shareholders with unrestricted conditions,11,232,Amount of tradable shares with,Type and amount,Full name of shareholder,unrestricted conditions held atthe end of report period,Type,Amount,Union Holding Co.,Ltd.,43,141,032 RMB Common shares,43,141,032,STYLE-SUCCESS LIMITED,24,466,029,Foreign shares placed indomestic exchange,24,466,029,Shenzhen Textile(Group)Holdings Co.,Ltd,9,233,394 RMB Common shares,9,233,394,Rich Crown Investment Co.,Ltd.,6,114,556,Foreign shares placed indomestic exchange,6,114,556,Union Development Group Co.,Ltd.Liuzhou Jiali Real EstateDevelopment Co.,Ltd.,5,821,089 RMB Common shares4,215,937 RMB Common shares,5,821,0894,215,937,Zeng Ying,2,039,600,Foreign shares placed indomestic exchange,2,039,600,Liuzhou Ruiheng Mechanical&Electrical Co.,Ltd.,1,710,000 RMB Common shares,1,710,000,Shing Ying ChiehZheng Lian,1,550,362950,000,Foreign shares placed indomestic exchangeForeign shares placed indomestic exchange,1,550,362950,000,Notes to the related relationship,between the shareholders ortheir concerted action:,The controlling shareholder of the above-mentioned largest shareholder Shenzhen Union HoldingsLtd.and fourth shareholder Rich Crown Investment Co.,Ltd.Is Union Developing Group Ltd.,3,深圳中冠纺织印染股份有限公司 2012 年第三季度报告全文3 Significant Events1 Particular about large-margin change of main accounting statement item and financial index and itsreason.Applicable Not applicable1.Analysis of the reason for big change of the items of balance sheet of the Company as of the end of the report period.Unit:RMB,Items,September 30,2012,December 31,2011,Amount of increased/,Proportion increased/,Decreased,Decreased,Other current liability,4,572,241,1,584,784,2,987,457,188.51%,Other current liability increased by RMB2.98 million and 188.51%,mainly due to the Nanjing project litigationattorneys fees 2.4 million2.Analysis of the reason for big change of the items of profit statement as of the report period.In the period from January 2011 to September 2012,the company earned operating income of RMB 7.27 million on accumulativebasis,which Decreased by RMB8.99 million year on year.Net profit attributable to owners equity of the Parent companyNet profit is RMB-6.15 pare to the data last year same period,which loss decreased by RMB 6.11 million and 49.87%.Analysis of reason for decrease of operating income:Rental income has decreased.The main reason for decreased of amount of loss:Mainly due to drop in revenue from a year earlier of Zhejiang Union Hangzhou Bay Ventures Co.,Ltd.,an affiliated Company.3.Analysis of the reason for big change of the items of cash flow statement of the Company in the report period.Unit:RMB,Items,This period,Same period of last year,Amount of,Proportion,Net cash flows arising form,increased/decreased,Increased/decreased,Operating activities,788,412,2,243,234,-1,454,822,-64.85%,Net cash flows from investing activities-63,534,-101,101,37,567,-37.16%,Net cash flows from financing activities,0,0,0,0.00%,The influence of change in exchange rate,On cash and cash equivalents,222,976,-1,265,877,1,488,853,-117.61%,Net increase of cash and cash equivalents 947,854,876,256,71,598,8.17%,At the end of the report period,net decrease in Net cash flows arising form Operating activities decreased by RMB 1.45 millionyear on year,Mainly due to the increase of non-recurring charge in this report period;In the report period,Net cash flows from investing activities increased by RMB 30,000 year on year;At the end of the report period,There were no net cash flows from financing activities in the report period and the same period ofprevious year;At the end of the report period,the influence of change in exchange rate on cash and cash equivalents indreased by RMB 1.48million year on year;,Mainly due to RMB and HKD exchange Rate fluctuations;At the end of the report period,net increase in cash and cash equivalents increased by RMB 70,000 year on year.II.The progress of significant events and influence,as well as the analysis and explanation on resolving proposalreason.1.Non-standard Opinion,applicable,not applicable,Shine Wing Certified Public Accountants issued unqualified auditors report with paragraph of emphasized matters for the Companysfinancial statements for 2011 Basic information of emphasized matters:Since March 2007,Shenzhen Victor Onward TextileIndustrial Co.,Ltd.stopped production and dismissed most of workers.And most subsidiaries of the company had stopped4,深圳中冠纺织印染股份有限公司 2012 年第三季度报告全文production and it maintained daily operation by house leasing.But its sustainable operation ability is still uncertain.The board ofdirectors,Supervisory Committee and managers believed that the printing and dyeing plant of the company had stopped operation ormaintained daily operation by house leasing.It plans to invest in Nanjing East Asia Textile Printing and Dyeing Co.,Ltd.with partof machinery and equipment,Due to the reason on the side of the other party of joint venture and change of industry prospect.Thisevent greatly impacted the production&operation activities and sustainable development of company,it made company had thesituation of implementing other special treatment which was stipulated in Shenzhen Stock Exchange Listing Rules,the stock of ourcompany had been implemented for other special treatment.The Company is communicating with joint venture partner and trying tominimize the losses and settle this joint venture project issue properly.2 The Company provided funds to its controlling shareholder or related parties and provided guarantees inviolation of established procedures.applicable not applicable3.Signing and performance of significant contracts for daily operationapplicable not applicableOn June 4,2012,The company has instituted court action against below three companies at Jiangsu ProvinceHigher Peoples Court,and asked to terminate the contracts and agreements signed with Nanjing East Asia TextilePrinting&Dyeing Co.,Ltd.,Nanjing East Asia Investment&Development Group Co.,Ltd.and Hong KongYaojunxing Co.,Ltd.,who shall pay RMB47,922,902.92 to the company for the pecuniary loss of implicativecompensation and undertake the costs of litigation.The company has received the Su-Shang-Wai-Chu-Zi No.0002(2012)of“Notice on Indictment Acceptance and Collegial Panel Announcement”issued by Jiangsu ProvinceHigher Peoples Court on June 14,2012.The case hasnt yet been tried,so the impact on the company temporarily cant be judged.The company willfulfill the obligation of information disclosure in time according to the progress of legal action.The announcement of the resolutions of this meeting was published on Securities Times,Hong Kong CommercialDaily and on June 16,2012.4.Otherapplicable not applicableIII.Companies or shareholders holding more than 5%equity during the reporting period or the commitmentscontinued to the reporting period.applicable not applicableIV.Prediction of Business performance for 2012.Estimation of accumulative net profit from the beginning of the year to the end of next report period to be lossprobably or the warning of its material change compared with the corresponding period of the last year andexplanation of reason.applicable not applicableForenotice of earnings:Drop considerablyType of date filled for the prediction actual figures interval figures,Year beginning to end of nextreport period,Same period ofthe previousyear,Increase or decrease(%),Estimatedamount of,-800-,-500,-1,736-Increase,-71.2%-,-53.92%,5,No,1,2,-,-,深圳中冠纺织印染股份有限公司 2012 年第三季度报告全文,accumulative net profit(RMB0000),Decrease,Basic earnings per shares(RMB/share),-0.05-,-0.03,-0.1,-Increase Decrease,-70%-,-50%,Due to the effect of suspend production for rectification and the loss of real estateNotes to forenctice of earnings projects of Zhejiang Union Hangzhou Bay Ventures Co.,Ltd.accounted for on equitybasis.V.Other significant events need to be explained1.Securities investmentapplicable not applicablePercentage of,Stock type,Stock code,Stockabbreviation,Initialinvestment Amount heldamount(Yuan(shares),Book valuesat the end ofperiod(RMB),total Profit andinvestment in loss duringthis stock at the reportthe end or period(RMB),period(%),StockStock,601558002563,Sinovel WndSemir Garment,31,000.0037,900.00,4,0001,000,22,880.0020,540.00,52.69%47.31%,-8,120.00-17,360.00,Other stock investment held at the end of report term,Gain/loss of disposed stock investment in the report termTotal,-68,900.00,-,-43,420.00 100%,-,11,022.00-14,458.00,Disclosure Date of Announcement on SecuritiesInvestment Approved by the Board of DirectorsDisclosure Date of Announcement on SecuritiesInvestment Approved by the ShareholdersMeetingStatement on securities investment:2.Derivative Investmentapplicable not applicable3.Particulars about derivatives investment held at the end of report periodapplicable not applicable4.The registration form of acceptance of investigation,communication and interview in the report period forfuture referenceContent of,Date,Place,Mode,Type,Visitor,discussion and,materials provided,Office of board,Provide suggestions,July 4,2012,secretary of the,Telephone,Individual,Investor,on the company,Company,operation,July 31,2012,Office of boardsecretary of the,Telephone,Individual,Investor,Enquiry thecompany situation,6,深圳中冠纺织印染股份有限公司 2012 年第三季度报告全文Company,Office of board,Enquiry the,September 17,2012 secretary of the,Telephone,Individual,Investor,companys share,Company5.Issue of corporate bondHave the company issued any corporate bondapplicable not applicable4 Appendix1 Financial statementsConsolidated or not:,price,Yes,Nonot applicable,All figures in the notes to the financial statements are in RMB yuan except for otherwise stated.1.Consolidated Balance sheet,Prepared by:Shenzhen Victor Onward Textile Industrial Co.,Ltd.,Unit:RMB,ItemsCurrent asset:Monetary fundSettlement provisionOutgoing call loanTrading financial assetsBill receivableAccount receivablePrepaymentsInsurance receivableReinsurance receivableProvisions of Reinsurancecontracts receivableInterest receivableDividend


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