深纺织B:审计报告(英文版) .ppt
Shenzhen Textile(Holdings)Co.,Ltd.,December 31,2011,Financial Statement&Auditors Report,Peking Certified Public Accountants,Beijing.China,March 2012,1,Table of contents,Table of contentsI.Auditors ReportII.Audited Financial Statements1.Consolidated Balance sheet2.Consolidated Profit Statement3.Consolidated Cash flow Statement4.Consolidated Statement on changes owners equity5.Parent Company Balance sheet6.Parent Company Profit Statement7.Parent Company Cash flow Statement8.Statement on changes owners equity of Parent CompanyIII.Notes to financial statements2,Page,Peking Certified Public Accountants,Add:11/F,Zhongtang Building,No.110,Xizhimen Street,Beijing,Tel:(86-10)68360123,Fax:(86-10)68360123-3000,Zip Code:100044,Auditors Report,Qin xin Shen Zi(2012)No.1089,To all shareholders of Shenzhen Textile(Holdings)Co.,Ltd.:,We audited accompanying financial statements of Shenzhen Textile(Holdings)Co.,Ltd.(the,“Company),including Consolidated and parent Company balance sheet as of December 31,2011,Consolidated and parent Company profit statement,statements of Changes in equity,cash flowstatement and notes to the financial statements for the year then ended.I.The responsibility of the Management for the financial statements,Preparation of financial statement in accordance with the Accounting standards for BusinessEnterprises is the responsibility of the management of t Shenzhen Textile(Holdings)Co.,Ltd.Such responsibility includes:(1)Prepare the financial statements according to business enterprisesregulation,so that making reasonable accounting estimate;(2)Design,implementation andmaintenance of internal control related to the preparation of financial statements so that financialstatements are free from material misstatement caused by fraudulent practices or errors.II.Respondibility of certified public accountants,We are responsible for expressing opinions on financial statements based on our audit.Weconducted audit in accordance with the audit criteria for Chinese certified public accountants.Theaudit criteria for Chinese certified public accountants require us to abide by professional ethics,plan and conduct audit to obtain reasonable assurance as to whether financial statements are freefrom material misstatement.,Audit involves carrying out audit procedure to obtain the audit evidences about the amounts anddisclosure of financial statements.The selected audit procedure relies on the judgment of certifiedpublic accountants,including the appraisal of risk of material misstatement of financial statementsaused by fraudulent practices or errors.While appraising risks,we considered the internal controlrelated to the preparation of financial statements to design proper audit procedure but the purposeis not to express an opinion on the effectiveness of internal control.The audit also includes theappraisal of suitability of accounting policies selected by the management,the reasonableness ofaccounting estimate and the overall presentation of financial statements.,We believe that the audit evidences obtained by us are full and appropriate and provide a basis forexpressing audit opinion.III.Audit opinion,In our opinion,the financial statements of the Company have been prepared in accordance with the provisions of accounting Standards for Business Enterprises and give a Fair view,in all materialaspects,of the financial position of the Company and the consolidated and parent Company profitstatement,statements as of December 31,2011 and its operating results and cash flow statement for the year then ended.,Peking Certified Public Accountants,Chinese C.P.A.,Beijing.ChinaMarch 23,2012Chinese C.P.A.,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,Shenzhen Textile(Holdings)Co.,Ltd.,Notes to Financial statements,Year 2011,I.Basic Information of the Company,1.Enterprise registration address,organization mode and headquarter address.,The company was previously the Shenzhen Textile Industry Company,on April 13,1994,approved by theLetter(1994)No.15 issued by Shenzhen Municipal Peoples Government,the Company was restructured andnamed as Shenzhen Municipal Textile(Group)Co.,Ltd.In the same year,approved by the(1994)No.19 file ofShenzhenshi,the shares of the company were listed in Shenzhen Stock Exchange.The Company has got thecorporate business certification of Shensizi No.440301105031014,Registration address and headquarter address,are 6/F,Shenfang Building,Huaqiang Road.North,Futian District,Shenzhen.2.Enterprises business nature and major business operation.,Majored in manufacturing and im-exporting trade on textile,polarizer,clothes and associated products,concurrently managing property leasing,storage,real estate development and hotel business,etc.3.Names of parent company and group parent company.,The companys parent company is Shenzhen Investment Management Co.,Ltd.,4.The reporting person of the approval of financial statements and the reporting date of the approval of financialstatements.,The reporting person of the approval of financial statements of the company:Board of Directors of the CompanyThe reporting date of the approval of financial statements of the Company:March 23,2012,II.Principal accounting policies,accounting estimates and early errors1.Basis for the preparation of financial statements,On the basis of continuous operation,in accordance with actual transactions and events,the company carried outconfirmation and measurement in accordance with Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises-BasicStandards issued by the Ministry of Finance and other various accounting standards,on the basis of it,theCompany prepared the financial statements.,2.Statement on complying with corporate accounting standards,Based on the requirement that the financial reports edited according to above-mentioned editing conditions isaccordance with enterprise accounting standards,the company reflected its financial condition on December 31,2011 truly and completely and business result in 2011 and cash flow information,etc.3.Fiscal year,A calendar year,that is,from January 1 to December 31 is a fiscal year.4.Accounting standard money,Accounting standard money is RMB.Referring to notes to unless separately stated.Currency:RMB5.Accounting process method of enterprise consolidation under same and different controlling.,(1)Enterprise merger under same control:For the enterprise merger under same control,the assets and liabilities,obtained by the merging party from enterprise merger was measured according to book value of the merged partyon the merger date.The capital reserve was adjusted according to the deference between the book value of netassets obtained by the merging party and the book value of merger price paid(or the total book value of sharesissued);if capital surplus was not big for the offset,the retained earnings should be adjusted.Amalgamatingparties reckon every direct relate expenses produced in enterprise consolidation including auditing expense,valuation expense and legal service expense paid on enterprise consolidation to current profit and loss when,15,those expenses produced.On parent subsidiary relationship formed via enterprise consolidation,parent companyis responsible of editing amalgamation property balance sheet,amalgamation profit statement and amalgamationcash flow meter of amalgamation date.In amalgamation property balance sheet,every asset and liability ofamalgamated parties is measured according to its book value.For the accounting policy adopted by theamalgamated parties is not accordance with amalgamating party,and it is adjusted according to criterions,thebook value after adjusted is measured.The amalgamating profit chart contains income,expenses and profithappened from the beginning of amalgamation and amalgamating date.The realized net profit beforeamalgamation from the amalgamated party shall be reflected on the amalgamating profit chart.Amalgamationcash flow meter contains the cash flow of every party in amalgation from the beginning of amalgamation andamalgamating date.,(2)Enterprise merger under different control:For the enterprise merger under same control,the merger cost was,the assets for the obtaining the control right of the party being purchased on the purchase date,the liabilitieshappened or undertook and the fair value of the equity securities.For the enterprise merger realized through anumber of transactions,the merger cost was the sum of all individual transaction.All the direct costs and relatedcosts for the enterprise merger were included in the cost of enterprise merger.The purchase date referred to datethat the company had the control right of the party being purchased.The difference between merger cost over thefair value of identifiable net value obtained from the merger should be confirmed as goodwill.The differencebetween the identifiable net assets of the party being purchased obtained in the merger and the amount ofidentifiable net assets of the party being purch ased obtained in the merger should be included in the loss and gainof the current period.On parent subsidiary relationship formed via enterprise consolidation,parent company isresponsible of editing amalgamation property balance sheet on amalgamation date;the acquired every identifiedasset,liability acquired from enterprise consolidation is listed via fair value.6.The compiling method of combined financial statement,(1)Combined financial statements has financial statements and other related material of every subsidiary,company within combined financial statements as combination basis,adjust long-term equity investment ofsubsidiary company according to equity method,compensate investment,trade activities of the company andevery subsidiary company within the combined financial statements,calculate few shareholder profit and loss andfew shareholder rights and interests.Then compile the financial statements after those activities.,(2)In compiling,if the accounting policy of any subsidiary company within the combination scope is not,accordance with it of the company,adjust it according to the accounting policy of the company,then combine.,(3)On the subsidiary company acquired from enterprise consolidation under same controlling,treat,amalgamation produced at the beginning,bring its assets,liabilities,business result and cash flow into financialstatements at the beginning of the amalgamation.,(4)On the enterprise consolidation under same controlling,the net income and loss of the amalgamated parties,is reckoned into nonrecurring profit and loss before amalgamation and separately listed in submitting financialstatement.,(5)Recombination belongs to enterprise non-combination issue under same company controller,when the,combined parties combine the assets amount of last account year end,business income of last accounting year ortotal profit of last accounting year,if it reaches or excesses 20%of relative item of the company,compile incomestatements at the beginning of the combination period.,(6)For the subsidiary company acquired from enterprise consolidation under non-same controlling,in,compiling combination statements,adjust individual financial statements based on fair value of identified netassets at the purchasing date.,7.Confirmation standard of cash and cash equivalent,Cash means the cash on hand and deposit for payment at any moment.,Cash equivalent refers to the investment with few value alteration risks that the company holds the cash with thecharacters of short term(generally means 3 months from the purchasing date),strong fluidity,easy transferring toknown amount.,16,8.Translating of foreign currency operations and foreign currency report form,(1)Accounting method of foreign currency operations,The foreign currency operation is translated into recording currency according to approximate exchange rate atsight of business happening date.The approximate exchange rate at sight refers to the exchange rate at thebeginning of the business happening month.,On balance sheet date,dispose foreign currency monetary item and foreign currency non-monetary item accordingto the following regulations:,A.Foreign currency monetary item is translated adopting exchange rate at sight of balance sheet date.The balanceof exchange produced from the difference between exchange rate at sight at balance sheet date and initialconfirmation or exchange rate at sight at former balance sheet date shall be reckoned into profit and loss at currentperiod.,B.Foreign currency non-monetary item measured with historic cost,adopt exchange rate at sight on businesshappening date and not to change recording currency(amount).,C.Foreign currency non-monetary item measured by fair value adopts exchange rate at sight of fair valueconfirmation date.The difference between recording currency after translating and the original recording currencyis disposed as fair value alteration and reckoned into profit and loss at current period.,(2)Method for foreign currency accounting,The subsidiaries of the company whose standard currency was foreign currency,all asset and liability itemsshould be converted into the standard money of parent company according to the spot rate on the balance sheet,date,and all the owners equity items,accept for retained profits,should be converted into the standard money,of parent company according to the spot rate on the balance sheet date.The income and cost items in the profitstatement should be converted into the standard money of parent company according to the spot rate during theperiod of consolidating financial statements.The conversion differences due to different exchange rate,should bereflected by opening the foreign currency conversion difference statements in RMB.And open the foreigncurrency statements conversion differences in cash flow statement in RMB.9.Financial instruments,(1)Classification of financial assets:,Financial assets can be divided into:the financial assets which measured by fair value and its changes are includedin the current loss and gain(including transactional financial assets and the financial assets which measured byfair value and its changes are included in the current loss and gain),the expired investments,loans and receivablesheld,and financial assets to be sold,the four categories;(2)Measurement of financial assets,A.The initial recognition financial assets are accounted in accordance with fair values.For the financial assetswhich measured by fair value and its changes are included in the current loss and gain,the relevant transactionalcosts should be included in the current loss and gain;for other financial assets,the relevant transactional costsshould be included in the initial recognition amount.,B.The Company makes follow-up measurement on financial assets according to fair value,the transactional costto deal with the financial assets which may happen in the future will not be deducted.But,except the followingsituations:,(a).The expired investments and loans held,should be measured according to amortized costs by the actualinterest