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    [高二英语]Unit 22 Environmental Protection Lesson 1 Global Warming.ppt

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    [高二英语]Unit 22 Environmental Protection Lesson 1 Global Warming.ppt

    ,北师大版Unit 22,Unit 22 Environmental Protection,Lesson 1 Global Warming,What do you know about global warming?,What effect will global warming have on the sea and the living things in the sea?,What will happen with global warming?,Will global warming affect the life of North Polar Bear?,What will happen to penguins because of global warming?,Traffic Jam,Factory,The Greenhouse Effect,Without the greenhouse heating,the Earths average temperature would be only about-73 C(-100 F);even the oceans would be frozen under such conditions,such as the Moon and the Mars.,Mars,Moon,Owing to the rise in atmospheric carbon dioxide caused by modern industrial societies widespread combustion of fossil fuels(coal,oil,and natural gas),the greenhouse effect on Earth may be intensified and long-term climatic changes may result.,Which countries do you think contribute more to global warming:developed countries like America,or undeveloped countries like many in Africa.Why?,Developed countries-more industry and technology,Para 1Para 2Para 3 Para 4Para 5,What can we do to reduce global warmingWhat is global warming and how it worksReasons and its effects Draw readers attention to the topic by asking questions-introducingthe consequence of global warming,Listen to the tape of the text and match the heads with the paragraphs.,1)What is global warming?Global warming is an average increase in the Earths atmosphere.2)What human activities are causing global warming?Industry,agriculture,transportation,cutting down of trees and the burning of fuels are causing global warming.,3)By how much has the global average temperature increased in the last 100 years?By 1F(One degree Fahrenheit)4)Are greenhouse gases necessary for life on Earth?Yes,they are.Because they trap heat in the atmosphere of the Earth.Otherwise the Earth would be cold and unsuitable for life.,5)How can we help solve the problem of global warming?We can make small changes like taking public transport,recycling,using low-flow shower heads,and buying energy-efficient light bulbs to help stop global warming.,Fill in the blanks about the text.,Global warming means an average increase in the Earths temperature which causes climate change in turn.Scientists think it is _ _ that cause global warming,especially gases from _ and vehicles which speed up global warming.,factories,human beings,They also think global warming is one of the biggest environmental problems in the 21st century.The Earths temperature is controlled by _ _like carbon dioxide which _ heat from the sun in the Earths atmosphere.Many experts believe global warming is mainly caused,greenhouse,gases,trap,by human _.Over the last 100 years,the global average temperature has increased _ and if human beings continue to pump _ gases into the Earths atmosphere,the global warming will cause dramatic climate changes like more frequent floods,_ and,by 1F,greenhouse,heat waves,activities,Droughts.There are some serious diseases.Sea level will be _,floating coastal area,negatively affecting _ and forestry.So governments all over the world should reduce the _of greenhouse gases.We individuals should pay _ to what we are doing,even,raised,fishing,release,attention,small changes like _ public transport,_,using low-flow _,buying energy-efficient _ using recycled paper or _ lights can have _ on the future of the Earth.,taking,recycling,shower heads,light bulbs,switching off,great effect,Taking public transport like buses can reduce greenhouse gas emissions.,And Taking train can also help a reduction of greenhouse gas.,The recycling symbol,Buy the recycled products,Recycled products,Recycling the bottles,Your glass bottles could be recycled into house insulation,plastic bottles could be made into a cozy fleece jacket.,Paper recycling,Your paper could become part of a road or race-track,using low-flow shower heads,buying energy-efficient light bulbs,replace,with,Scientists have reported that human beings are causing changes in the Earths climate-something _ seen as _.,previously,beyond our control,Language points,previously,in the past,beyond 在那边/超出的范围,This book on literature is beyond our reach.This bicycle is beyond repair.,他的忠诚是毋庸置疑的.,His honesty is beyond question.,They claim that the gases pumped into the Earths atmosphere by our factories and vehicles have been speeding up the process of global warming and thereby affecting our climate.What is the function of the underlined part“pumped”?,It is used as attributive(定语).speed up 反义:slow down affect have a bad effect on sth.,Global warming _ an average increase in the Earths temperature that,in turn,_ climate change.,refers to,leads to,refer to,提到,谈到,Dont worry.I dont think the manager referred to you.Promise me not to refer to the matter again.,lead to,1.通向,This road leads to the library.,2.lead to=result in=bring about,The fight led to their divorce.,increase by 增加了/increase to增加到The temperature of the room is increased by 12C,that is,the temperature of the room is increased to 29C.Cf:reduce by/reduceto rise by/rise to,insist:(1)urge in a forcible manner 坚决主张,坚决要求e.g.He insisted I(should)go with them.=He insisted on my going with them.,(1)allow to go;set free 释放 When coal is burning,it will release a lot of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.,(2)allow(news/films)to to be known or published 发布,发行 The news has been released.,release:,(1)the property of things which can be measured,e.g.size,weight,number.物质的属性,量e.g.I prefer quality to quantity.,quantity:,(2)amount,sum or number 数量e.g.Weve had quantities of rain this summer.今年夏天雨下得很多。He buys things in quantity/in large quantities.他总是大宗采购东西。,pin sth.on somebody 把某事归罪于某人,汤姆是无辜的,他们只是想把责任推给他。,Tom is innocent.They just tried to pin the blame on him.,play ones part 参与,起作用,Women play an important part in the society.,add up 加起来total up/add up to=total up to 加起来为He added up the numbers and the numbers added up to 233.,Use the expressions in the box in the correct form to complete the sentences.beyond our control/pump into/as a result of/in huge quantities/refer to/speed up,Exercises,1.Water was _ the fish pond from the river.2.We all need to _ to finish in time!3.There is nothing more we can do.The situation is now _.,pumped into,speed up,beyond our control,4._ the accident,she is now afraid of water.5.The scientist _ global warming at least three times in his speech.6.The factory was producing greenhouse gases _.,As a result of,referred to,in huge quantities,Grammar,1.Human beings are causing changes in the Earths climate.to report that,What verbs are used in the text to report these statements?,2.Gases pumped into the Earths atmosphere have been speeding up the process of global warming.to claim that 3.Global warming could be one of the biggest environmental problems facing the 21st century.to believe that,4.Global warming is mostly due to human activities.to insist that 5.Global warming will cause terrible climate changes including more frequent floods,heat waves,and droughts.to warn that,Ex 7:Look at these sentences from the text and explain why the underlined verbs are not the same tense as the reporting verbs.,Recent reports warned that global warming will cause terrible climate changes.,2.Scientists found that the temperature of the Earth is controlled by greenhouse gases.,Answer:1)because it is in the future 2)because it is a general truth,Ex 8.Match the sentences with appropriate reporting verbs from the list.Then write the reported sentences.,admit/report/forbid/ask/invite/order/suggest/threaten,Well close credit lines if you dont reduce the amount of carbon dioxide you produce.,2.OK,youre right,some poisonous chemicals did escape into the atmosphere.3.Why dont you drop in tonight ahead of your meeting?4.Stand up immediately!5.You cant use the dictionaries during the test.,6.Shall we have pancakes with honey?7.Is the bus service running according to the timetable today?8.The fire has luckily caused no loss of life.,1.They threatened to close our credit lines if we dont reduce the amout of carbon dioxide we produce.2.They admitted that some poisonous chemicals had escaped into the atmosphere.,The answers:,3.He/She/They invited me to drop in tonight ahead of my meeting.4.He/She/They ordered me to stand up immediately.5.He/She/They forbade me to use our dictionaries during the test.,6.He/She/They suggested having/that we should have pancakes with honey.7.I/He/She/They/We asked if the bus service was running according to the timetable today.8.They reported that the fire had luckily caused no loss of life.,Thank you!,Thanks for attending!,


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