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    选修7 重点词汇 Unit1 Living well.ppt

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    选修7 重点词汇 Unit1 Living well.ppt

    Unit 1 重点词汇,核心单词1_adj.适合的;适宜的2 _ n.缺席;不在某处absent adj.缺席的;不在的3 _ n行为;品行vt.指挥;管理;主持4 _ vi.毕业典礼,suitable,conduct,resign,absence,graduation,6 _n伤残;无力;无能disabled adj.伤残的7 _ n雄心;野心ambitious adj.有雄心的;有野心的8 _adj.有益的;受益的benefit v惹恼 annoyed adj.颇为生气的annoyance n烦恼,disability,ambition,beneficial,adapt,annoy,11 _ vt.废除;废止 _ adj.可废除的 _n废除;废止12_vt.祝贺;庆congratulation n祝贺;贺词13 _ adj.足够的;充分的14 _ n(接近的)方法;通路;可接近性accessible adj.可接近的;可进入的;可使用的15 _n赞成;认可,abolish,congratulate,access,adequate,approval,abolishable,abolition,高频短语1_换句话说2_ 适合;适应3_ 切去;省略;停止(做某事)4_ 上气不接下气5_ 总而言之6_ 闲坐着7_ 和;也8_ 在很多方面9_ 取笑,in other words,adapt to,cut out,out of breath,all in all,sit around,as well as,in many ways,make fun of,10_ 不必担心11_(口语)(祝你)一切顺利12_ 遇到;经历;会晤,never mind,all the best,meet with,重点短语,1in other words换句话说2adapt to 适合3cut out 切去;省略;停止(做某事)4out of breath 上气不接下气5all in all 总而言之6sit around 闲坐着,7as well as 和;也8in many ways 在很多方面9make fun of 取笑10never mind 不必担心11all the best(口语)(祝你)一切顺利12meet with 遇到,经历;会晤,.完成句子1When you go to a new country,you must _(适应)new manners and customs.2I _(生他的气)because he kept interrupting me.3The reason why he _(缺席)his best friends birthday party was that he had to look after his sick mother.,adapt yourself to,was annoyed with him,was absent from,4All roads were blocked and _(唯一的途径)the earthquake-stricken areas was by water.5When he saw that the ruler was not following his advice,he _(决心辞职),the only access to,was determined to resign,.选词填空cut out;in other words;sit around;meet with;out of breath;all in all1When she didnt arrive on time,we were worried that she might have _ an accident.2We used to just _ for hours talking about the meaning of life.3_,I think it has been a very successful conference.,met with,sit around,All in all,cut out;in other words;sit around;meet with;out of breath;all in all4When the old man reached the top of the mountain,he was _.5He is buried in writing his novel,_,he cant spare us even a minute to have a talk.6It is such an excellent article that Id like to _.,out of breath,in other words,cut it out,重点单词,disability n.伤残;残疾 归纳拓展(1)able adj.有能力的;能干的 be able to do sth ability n能力;本领(2)unable adj.不能的 be unable to do sth inability n无能(3)disable v.使残废 disable sb disabled adj.残疾的 the disabled 残疾人 enable v.使能够 enable sb to do sth,“残疾人”可以说成?,_,disabled people,people with a disability,people who have a disability,the disabled,心理/精神残疾的 mentally disabled身体残疾的 physically disabled,1.Theyre broken in body but firm in spirit.,2.Theyre physically disabled,but mentally strong.,(身残志坚),ambition n.雄心;野心 have an ambition to do sth 有的雄心壮志 夙愿是 ambitious adj.有雄心的;有野心的;suitable adj.适宜的;适合的 be suitable for,beneficial adj.有益的;受益的,benefit vt.&vi.有利于;受益 n.利益;好处be beneficial to sth./sb.对有益be of benefit to 对有益,Sb benefit(a lot)from 某人从中受益Sth benefit sb 使某人受益,锻炼对我们健康有益。,Taking exercise is beneficial to our health.Taking exercise is of benefit to our health.We benefit a lot from taking exercise.Taking exercise benefits us.,归纳拓展(1)adapt.to.使适应(to是介词)adapt/adjust oneself to.使自己适应或习惯于(2)adapt sth.for sth.把改编成 be adapted for.被改编成 adapt.from.根据改编 be adapted from 是根据改编(3)adopt vt.采用,采纳;收养 adopt a new policy 采取新的政策 adopt a child 领养孩子,adaptvt.使适应;改编,1)It took him a while _ the new surroundings.他过了好一阵子才适应了新环境。2)The TV series Ordinary World is _ Lu Yaos novel of the same name.电视剧是根据作家路瑶的同名小说改编的。3)The author _ television.这位作家打算将他的小说改编成电视片。,to adapt(himself)to,is adapted from,is going to adapt his novel for,absencen缺席;不在某处,presencen出席;在场present adj.出席的;在场的 be present at,1)However,learning English as a foreign language is very difficult _ a native language environment.然而,在缺乏母语环境的情况下学习作为外语的英语是相当困难的。2)_during driving nearly caused an accident.他驾车时心不在焉,差点肇事。,in the absence of,His absence of mind,3)_ made the situation even worse.他没来参加会议致使局势恶化了。4)Seldom _ except today and I dont know why.除了今天她很少不来上班,我不知道是为什么。,His absence from the conference,is she absent from work,(1)annoy sb.使某人不高兴(2)annoyed adj.感到恼火的;觉得生气的be annoyed with sb.对某人生气be annoyed at/about sth.因某事生气be annoyed by.被惹恼(3)annoying adj.使人不高兴的;恼人的(4)annoyance n.恼火;恼怒;烦恼,annoy vt.使恼怒;惹恼,conduct an experiment/an inquiry/a survey 主持/进行试验/询问/调查 conduct sb around 带领某人参观 conduct sb to 把某人领到 conduct oneself well/badly 举止端庄/行为恶劣conduct ones business 管理生意conduct electricity 导电a man of good/bad conduct 好/坏品行的人 under the conduct of 在.指导/管理下,conduct v.实施,主持,指挥,指导,管理,传导 n.行为,品行,conductor n.导体;售票员;指挥家;列车员,My cousin _ the station.我堂兄把我们安全地送到了火车站。2)The children _at the party.孩子们在晚会上表现很好。3)The experiment _ proved to be a great success.王教授主持的那个实验证实是很成功的。,conducted us safely to,conducted themselves well,(which is)conducted by Professor Wang,resign v.辞职;辞去工作/职位等 retire v.退休,退役 retirement n.design v./n.设计,构思,图案,congratulatevt.祝贺,celebrate vt.庆祝 celebration n.celebrate sth eg.celebratehis92ndbirthday,1)Id like to _ your wonderful performance.祝贺你表演的如此出色。2)The two sportsmen _ by shaking hands.(win)两位运动员为赢得比赛握手致贺。3)You can _ an excellent job.你应该为你出色的工作感到自豪。4)I want to express my sincere _.我想对你的成功表示诚挚的祝贺。,congratulate you on,congratulated each other on winning the match,congratulate yourself on having done,congratulations on your success,用celebrate,congratulate填空(1)I _ them all on their results.(2)We had a party to _ my parents silver wedding.,congratulated,celebrate,accessn.(接近的)方法;通路;可接近性比较:assess v.评估;评定;估价,;可使用,1)Across the world,1.1 billion people _ clean drinking water.全世界有11亿人无法获取干净的饮用水。2)You need a password _the computer system.使用这个计算机系统需要口令。,have no access to,to get access to,3)The Internet is the biggest source of information in the world,and _ through a computer.(accessible)互联网是世界上最大的信息资源库,只要通过一台电脑就可以访问。4)Medicine should not be kept _ _ _.药品不应放在孩子们容易拿得到的地方。,its accessible,where it is accessible to children/where children have easy access to it,approval/arrival/surrival n.dignity n.尊严 with dignity 有尊严地 比较:respect v./n.尊敬;尊重 show respect for sb=respect sb 尊敬/敬重 profit v.获利 n.利润,收益 sth profit sb 使某人获利 sb profit from sth 从中获利 比较:interest(s)利息 benefit 有益于,重点短语,1)Early in the morning _ Mr.Black had been elected president of the company.一大清早有消息传来说布莱克先生被选为公司总裁了。2)I soon found that the work I was doing had been done by other people_,I was wasting my time.我很快发现我在重复别人已做过的事情,换句话说,我是在浪费时间。,in other words,word came that,in other words 换句话说,归纳拓展cut off 切断;隔断;断绝cut in 插入;插话;插队;超车cut down 砍倒;削减;压缩;缩减cut up 切碎;割碎;剪碎;使伤心,cut out 切去;省略;停止(做某事),It is such an excellent article that Id like to _ of the newspaper.(剪切下来),cut it out,1)He has been out of work for three months;as a result,he _on family expenses by one-third.他已经失业三个月了,结果他不得不削减家庭开支的三分之一2)I _the newspaper.我从报纸上剪下了这篇文章。3)Id feel very_if I didnt know what was happening in the world.如果我不知道世界上发生了什么,我会感到与世隔绝。,has to cut down,cut this article out of,cut off,Fred entered without knocking and,very _,sank into a chair.弗雷德没敲门就进来了,上气不接下气地坐在了椅子上。2)We _on our way to work,instead of complaining about heavy traffic.在上班途中,我们应该做几次深呼吸,而不是抱怨繁忙的交通。3)We _while Mr.Evans read the exam results.埃文斯先生宣读考试成绩时,我们都屏息静听。,out of breath,should take some deep breaths,held our breath,归纳拓展:out of breath 上气不接下气 take a deep breath hold ones breath 屏住呼吸;屏息 lose ones breath 喘不过气来 breathe bri v.出去吸新鲜空气 go out to breathe(in)the fresh air,取笑某人;开某人玩笑 make fun of sb laugh at sb play tricks/jokes on sb tease sb about sth 祝你一切顺利!All the best(to you)!,meet with sb 会见某人;与某人会晤 meet sb 偶遇某人;与见面 meet with sth 遭遇某事 be caught in sth 遭遇某事,meet with,


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