OME6500产品概述,北电 谭洪献2010-02-10,Nortels OME 6500 is a converged packet optical platform,positioned for high bandwidth access,metro core,regional and long haul transport environments.北电的OME6500是一个包含了数据业务、SDH/OTN业务和DWDM光层业务的综合平台,可以应用于高带宽接入、城域核心、长途骨干等环境Functions include next generation SONET/SDH/SDH-J,integrated CWDM/DWDM transponders,Ethernet aggregation and L2 switching,storage,digital cross connect,ROADM,photonic node(amp,terminal,OADM),and regeneration.主要功能包括支持下一代SONET/SDH技术;提供各种类型的CWDM/DWDM OTU;提供以太网汇聚和2层交换功能;提供存储业务接入;提供大容量交叉连接,可构建ROADM站和其它各种类型的光层节点(光放站,光终端站,OADM站和中继站OME 6500 interworks with the OME 6100/OM 3000 portfolio to extend multi-service aggregation and transport of client services.It also functions as either a metro,regional or LH DWDM platform,can be used as a line system node on its own,or interwork with the Common Photonic Layer,Optical Metro 5000,or LH 1600 systems.OME6500可以和OME6100,OM5000,OM4000以及OM3000系列互联互通,以增强和扩展它的多业务汇聚能力。它还可以作为DWDM平台和北电的LH1600G,CPL以及OM5000系列互联互通。,产品概述,Up to 280Gbps per chassis,3.52Tbps per system 每机框的最大容量是280Gbps,每个系统的容量可达3.52TbpsOC-3/STM-1 through OC-768/STM-256 and OTU-2 line rates supported 支持从STM-1到STM-256和OTU-2的光口速率2.5G CWDM,2.5G/10G/40G DWDM 支持2.5G CWDM和 2.5G/10G/40G DWDM88 wavelengths in the C-band 支持常规波段(C波段)88个波长50GHz and 100GHz spacing options(as per ITU)支持50GHz间隔和100GHz间隔Full band tunable DWDM光接口c波段88波可调,Capacity 容量,eDC40G OTU3 DWDM with enhanced PMD 40G OTU-增强PMD容限eDC40G OTU3 DWDM Metro 40G OTU 城域应用(小于300Km)eDC40G OTU3 DWDM Regional 40G OTU 长途应用(小于600Km)eDC40G OTU3 DWDM LH 40G OTU 超长距应用(小于1800Km)eDC40G OTU3 DWDM Submarine 40G OTU 海缆应用(大于4000Km)1-port OC-768/STM-256/OTU-3 40G Client 40G OTU客户侧 单口40G4-port 10G Mux 4x10-11.1G XFP 40GOTU客户侧 4x10G接口,40G Adaptive Optical Engine 40G应用,1-port 10G eDCO(OC-192/STM-64/10GE LAN/OTU2)单口 10G OTU(带NGM)1-port 10G OTR,XFP client,DWDM line 单口(线路+客户侧)10G OTU 2-port 10G OTR XFP 双口10G OTU(4个线路/客户侧接口)4x2.5G SFP OTN MOTR,1x10.7G XFP 4 x 2.5G 到10G的T-MUX10G OTSC 1x10G XFP,1x10-11.3G DWDM 10G OTU 支持光通道保护SuperMux 10port SFP,1x10.7G DWDM,supports full range of optical SONET/SDH interfaces,FE,GbE,and 1G/2G/4G Fiber Channel 超级复用器-线路口10G,10个客户侧接口,可以是STM-1,STM-4,STM-16,GE,FE,FC100,FC200,FC400。,Optical Transponder/Muxponder Interfaces 10G OTU和10G MUX,9x1 WSS 50GHz with Optical Power Monitor(OPM)9维 WSS 50GHz间隔(含光功率检测模块)5x1 WSS 100GHz w/OPM 5维 WSS 100GHz间隔(含光功率检测模块)2x1 WSS 100GHz w/OPM 2维 WSS 100GHz间隔(含光功率检测模块)2x1 WSS 50GHz w/OPM 2维 WSS 50GHz间隔(含光功率检测模块)Single Line Amplifier Midstage Line Amplifier Midstage Line Amplifier 2 Line Interface Module EDFA放大器-功放、预放。Raman amplification with CPL 拉曼放大器Optical Service Channel 光服务通道44-Channel Mux/Demux 100GHz 44波 合分波器 100GHz间隔44-Channel Mux/Demux 50GHz 44波 合分波器 50GHz间隔,Photonic interfaces 光层接口,240G STS-1/VC-3 160G STS-1/VC-3 80G STS-1/VC-3 80G/80G STS-1/VC-3+VT1.5/VC-12 80G/20G STS-1/VC-3+VT1.5/VC-12 20G/20G STS-1/VC-3+VT1.5/VC-12,Cross Connects 交叉连接容量,Optical Interfaces 各种光接口1-port OC-192/STM-64 SR1/I64.1,IR2/S64.2,LR2/L64.2,DWDM 单口STM-64 各种类型接口2-port OC-48/STM-16,DPO双口STM-16 8-port OC-3/12/STM-1/4 SFP 8口 STM-1/416-port OC-n/STM-n SFP 16口 STM-1/4/16,Electrical Interfaces 电接口63-port E1 24-port DS3/EC-1 24-port DS3/E3 48-channel Portless Transmux 5G DS1/DS3 84-port DS1 via Distributed Service Module 16-port STM-1e,Optical/Electrical interfaces 光电接口,4-port GE EPL,Ethernet first Mile 4口GE Layer11-port 10GE EPL 单口GE Layer124-port 10/100BT EPL with 8xSFP24口FE+8口FX5G L2SS with 4-port GE 5G带宽 L2SS 4口GE5G PDH Gateway with 4-port GE 20G L2SS 26-port GE,2x 10GE 20G带宽L2SS,26口GE和2口10GE10G RPR,4-port GE 10G带宽弹性分组环,4口GE,Ethernet Interfaces 以太网接口,10,OME6500 InterfacesGenerally Available Today,Cross-Connect Options 80G VT1.5/VC-12 Low order(LO)service granularity80G/20G STS-1/VC-3/VT1.5/VC-12 LO service granularity 20G/20G VT1.5/VC-12 LO service granularity80G STS-1/VC-3 High Order(HO)service granularity160G STS-1/VC-3 HO service granularity240G STS-1/VC-3 HO service granularityOptical Interfaces1xOC-192/STM-64 DWDM,SR-1,IR-2,LR-2,LO and HO.BLSR/MS-Spring,UPSR/SNCP and 1+1 2xOC-48/STM-16 DWDM Pluggable,SFP IR-1,LR-2,LO and HO.BLSR/MS-Spring,UPSR/SNCP and 1+1 8xOC-3/12/STM-1/4 SFP IR-1,LR-2,LO and HO.UPSR/SNCP and 1+1 ProtPDH Electrical Interfaces63xE1 504 1:N protected or unprotected8xSTM1e 1+1 or unprotected SFP based solution24xDS3/EC-1 192 1:N protected,Per port select DS3/EC1 84xDS1 DSM Same DSM as OM3KEthernet Interfaces4xGE-CCAT,VCAT STS-1/3c-nv(Support for GbE D&C,1+1Protection&IEEE 802.3ah EFM)4xGE L2SS 4 GE LAN ports(64 WAN VCGs)24x10/100BT CCAT,LO VCAT,11,OME 6500 OverviewCircuit Packs Supported,SP,MXC,Filler,E1W/P,DS3/E3W/P,STM-1eW/P,10GE,OC-3/12,OC-48,OC-192 xR/DWDM,GE,10/100,WSS,2XOSC,SLAMLA,RPR,DS3/EC1W/P,TMUX,NGMWT,SuperMux,L2SS,OTR,XC 20-160G LO(80-240G)/HO,L2SSPDH,OTSC,New Circuit Packs added in R5,SP(I2C),OTN Mux,Existing Circuit Packs(OMEBB)now supported in R5 Converged Load,12,OME6500 Target ApplicationsSimplifying Your Business,International Gateway,Business Services Delivery,OME6500,EFM,RPR/DWDM,13,DCS Replacement,Triple Play Service Delivery,Wireless Backhaul,VoiceVideoData,OME6500,SONET/SDH,OME6500,E1/DS1s,10/100,OME6110,RPR/DWDM,Ethernet over Copper,DS1/E1/DS3/E3,DS1/E1/E3/DS3,Metro Core,SONET SDH,GE,PDH mappingOME1010,OME6500,OME6500 Target ApplicationsSimplifying Your Business,14,10 Port Muxponder(Supermux),Hardware10 SFP based client ports with DWDM Tunable line(G.709 wrapped)Software FeaturesEach client port is line rate/protocol selectableFC-100,FC-200GEOC-n/STM-n(up to 2.5G)1+1 APS protection,non-revertive10G DWDM line portsSONET/SDH client portsUPSR/SNCP on 10G DWDM line portGFP-T encapsulation of GigE and FCSTS-3c/VC-4 VCAT only for GE/FCFull rate onlyMax 9 GE,10 FC100,5 FC200Up to 10 ports OC3,OC12 and up to 4 ports OC48Uni-directional traffic(GE D&C)ADM capability(1 or 2 cards)GE,OCn,15,Supermux Configurations,Two Card ADM,Line to Client TrafficUnprotected Line1+1 Protected LineUnprotected Client1+1 SONET/SDH Protected ClientClient to Client TrafficUnprotected Clients1+1 SONET/SDH Protected ClientsUPSR/SNCP Path protection from 10G Line path to GigE client(Uni-directional,1WAYPR and Bi-directional,2WAYPR)UPSR/SNCP Path protection from 10G Line path to OCn/STMn client(Bi-directional,2WAYPR),Protected Client to Protected Client,Protected Line to Client,Protected Line to protected Client,Single Card ADM,Line to Client TrafficUnprotected LineUnprotected ClientClient to Client TrafficUnprotected ClientsUni-directional client to line traffic for GigE clientsTraffic protection will generally need to be done via one of two methods,outside of the OMEExternal UPSR/SNCP path closureSONET/SDH TOH is terminated within SuperMux circuit packsHigher layer protection for data services,Client to Client,Line to Client,16,2x10G OTR card,4 XFP portsSupport for following XFPs:10G DWDM(110 Km)Client support as per current XFPs on BB cardsEach pair of XFP ports can operate independentlyIn OTR modeOR in REGEN modeCard can be equipped in any OME6500 Shelf variantCost effective solution for Nx10G Broadband applicationsTarget applications up to 350kms,17,Transponder Protection Tray(TPT)Supportfor OTSC and SuperMux,TPT Features:Provides path and equipment protection for signals carried on optical transponder(OTSC and SuperMUX)circuit packs The TPT contains optical splitter/coupler filters that function as entry and exit points to the OME6500 network1 U high rack-mounted external drawer,OTSC,Interior view of the Transponder Protection Tray(TPT),18,16-port STM-1/4/16 Port CardOverview,General:Provides Universal Card support for OC3,OC12 and OC48 SupportProvides Universal Card support for STM1,STM4 and STM16 SupportMix of rates on a single PackMix of protocol on a single packReduction in sparing costsSignificant density improvementIn-service rollover of traffic using Bridge and Roll Feature,Features:Four Card variants:5G backplane capacity:HO and LO variants10G backplane capacity:HO and LO variant16 faceplate SFPs on faceplate,Access Panel,Fiber Routing,SP+COMMs,Hex Optical,240G Connection Mng.,Hex Optical,240G Connection Mng.,Hex Optical,Hex Optical,Hex Optical,Hex Optical,Hex Optical,Hex Optical,Hex Optical,Hex Optical,MIC,20G L2SS,Hex Optical,PWR,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,PWR,SP+COMMs,16,19,240G/80 DTF“ready”XC,240G of STS-1 Switching(12 20G Slots)Hitless Protection SwitchingDual Port ESI/ESO functions ESI can be either DS1,E1,2.048MHzESO can be DS1,E1,2.048MHz square wave or 6.312 MHz sine waveStratum 3 Free run when ESI not usedIndependent XC and synchronization sub-system redundancyFull SONET/SDH Compatibility,20,20G L2SS with 10GE/GbE Aggregation,General:Provides up to 20G L2 Aggregation with 24 GbE interfaces2 port 10GE XFPs and 8xGE on the faceplate+16 GbE through I/O,Features:Up to 20G L2 Aggregation with UNI/NNI(QiQ)Software upgradable to PBB/PBT in a future releaseHO support for VCGsIncluding LO VC3 supportComprehensive traffic management(3 color marking,policing,shaping,discard eligibility,8x CoS)Compatible with upcoming hybrid packet/TDM fabricChoice of redundancy of link aggregation(802.3ad),equipment redundancy,path redundancyPer VLAN PMs/OMsOAM,remote management functions(802.3ah,802.1ag,etc),21,40G XCIF Card,Overview,This is a single slot circuit pack providing capacity between the centralized fabric and the 40G OCLD card.eDC40G functionality.G.709 wrapper(OTU3+)High coding gain FECDual Pol QPSK modulation High PMD tolerance/compensationSupport for 4x10G SONET/SDH clients muxed into a OUT-3,22,OME 6500 Double Decker,OPTICALDOUBLE DECKER,FRONT I/ODOUBLE DECKER(Future),Rear View Illustrated,REAR I/ODOUBLE DECKER(Future),23,OME 6500 Double DeckerProduct Overview Front View,Shelf FeaturesGlobal productIntegrated fiber routing trayCentral Office Environment(-5C to 55C)Integrated cooling system with 2 replaceablefan unitsRedundant-48/60V DC power feeds with separate returnFlexible slot configuration(1-Slot,2-Slot,1-Slot full height)BP ready for 6Gbs I/O speedsCommon OME SoftwareBased on common OME 6500 software supporting MSPP,broadband and photonic configurations Simplified operation and release managementOME PedigreeLeverage industry leading OME technology(e.g.eDCO,40G,RPR,PBB,DTF,etc)Common OME circuit packs,24,General:640G of HO Switching Capabilities1+1 Equipment Protection CapabilitiesHitless cross connect protectionSupported in OME6500 Double Decker Shelf,640G Cross Connect,Overview,25,2x10G+8x2.5G,Overview,General:Provides Universal Card support for OC192 and OC48 SupportProvides Universal Card support for STM64 and STM16 SupportSupport for 10G DWDM/SR XFPs with OTN wrappingMix of protocol on a single packSONET,SDH and J-SDHReduction in sparing costsSignificant density improvementFeatures:20G of capacity to the backplaneSupport for LO switching VT1.5/VC12/VC38 faceplate SFPs with 2 10G XFPCombinations Support2 x OC192 wrapped in an OTU21 x OC192 wrapped in an OTU2+4 x OC48 SFPs8 x OC48 SFP support,26,GE MOTR,Overview,Line InterfaceXFP DWDM Tunable,SR/IR,Rx OnlyG.709 OTU2(10.7Gb/s)Client interfaces:24 GE(10 faceplate,14 via I/O panel)All optical interfaces are via pluggable SFPsProtection:1+1 Line Protection1+1 Client ProtectionFeaturesAchieved via VLAN taggingComplete EPL supportFull rate and subrate GE transport,27,