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    1,HYDRADVANCE思蒂基因奥秘智能型水润抗衰 深层治疗,2,115,预防性护理 1 至 2 次/月。治疗性护理:3 次为一疗程(每周一次).,Procedure,Digi-Esthtique,思蒂品牌补水至尊护肤地位!,3,香薰加热炉,水润美肌扣式敷膜,水润丰盈浓缩精华面膜,毛巾,加热贴,准备工作,4,身体按摩油,营养精油,最初抚触邀请客人逐步进入安逸放松的护理状态,Pre-relaxation phase,5,背部放松动作(1 to 4),Movement carried 1 timeMovement carried 2 timesMovement carried 3 times,6,Relaxing movement on the back Hands flat Large effleurage with pressureA:from the nape to the shouldersB:slide down on the sidesC:slide up along the spine,7,Backbone relaxing movement With the thumbs Crossed massage around the backbone,8,Smoothing with pressure on the intercostal spacesWith the thumbs A:Smoothing with firm pressure in the intercostal spacesHands flat B:Effleurage up side of the back,9,Final effleurage of the back Hands flat A:Go down along the spineB:Go up the sides of the backC:Envelop the shoulders,10,水润柔细去角质(5ml),柔软霜状质地,丝氨酸(BHA),木薯植物萃取,双重功效去角质:代谢不洁物及瑕疵恢复肌肤水润弹性,Phase 1补水去角质,11,使用:5 ml 停留 5 分钟,Phase 1Exfoliate,Digi-Esthtique Exfoliation,12,Digi-Esthtique去角质期间的护理手法(1 to 4),Movement carried 1 timeMovement carried 2 timesMovement carried 3 times,13,Relaxing movements Hands flatA:circular motions around the backboneB:deep smoothing along the trapezius muscle,14,Relaxing movements Hands flat A:deep smoothing along the nape in 3 steps With the palms B:neck stretching,15,StretchingTurn the head on one side.One hand under the occciput,the other as a bridge on the shoulder.Stretchwith both hands when client exhales,16,Repeat the movements 3 and 4 on the other side,Digito-pressure A B:with the thumb B C:with the fingertipsDigito-pressure along the Triple heater meridian,17,去除掉:,Phase 1Exfoliate,18,极致水润浓缩精华液(10ml),快速补水综合体(甘油,尿囊素衍生物,透明质酸),肌肤犹如享受“水疗浴”肌肤倍感极致舒适,液状质地.溶解 水润美肌扣式敷膜,Phase 2 深层精华补水,19,使用,Phase 2 Rehydrate,补水手法,20,补水手法(1 to 3),Movement carried 1 timeMovement carried 2 timesMovement carried 3 times,21,With closed fingertipsA:simulatneous pressures on the forehead,With closed fingertipsB:simultaneous pressures above then under the eyes,Digito-pressure,22,With closed fingertipsD:simultaneous pressures under the zygomatic bones,Digito-pressure,With the thumbsC:Simultaneous pressures on the side of nose at three point,23,With the thumbsE:simultaneous pressures over and under the lips,With closed fingertipsF:simultaneous pressures under the mandible area,Digito-pressure,24,Smoothing with pressuresWith flat thumbsDeep smoothing of all meridians from A to F,25,Deep smoothingA:parallel thumbs Deep smoothingB/C/D/E/F/G:thumbs then index fingers Alternate smoothingFinish with deep smoothing of neckline and shoulders.,26,基因奥秘润泽塑形按摩霜(7,5ml),极易延展的膏霜质地,1055野生牛肝菌,快速恢复肌肤青春弹性,肌肤倍感舒适水润。,生化卵磷脂,H2CR综合体,大豆卵磷脂,Phase 3 Regenerate,活性成分,27,使用:7.5 ml 放松按摩.,Phase 3 Regenerate,Digi-Esthtique 放松塑形手法,28,Digi-Esthtique放松塑形手法(1 to 27),Movement carried 1 timeMovement carried 2 timesMovement carried 3 times,29,Relaxing movement Hands flatLarge effleurage with firm pressure,30,Relaxing movement Hands flat A:circular movements around the spine With the thumbs B:screw and unscrew along the trazpezius muscle in 3 points,31,SmoothingTurn the head on one side.Hands flat Smooth the neckline,shoulder and nape,32,Kneading Between thumb and folded index finger Circular kneading from the nape to the shoulder+return by smoothing(hand flat),Repeat the movements 3 and 4 on the other side,33,Roller method Hands flatAlternate smoothing downwards,34,Alternate smoothing of the jawline Hands flat Alternate smoothing from one ear to the other,35,Fulling of the chin With the thumbsAlternate fulling,36,Kneading of the mandible Between thumb and folded index fingerKneading from the chin to the ears+smoothing,37,Dali movement With the thumbs A:smooth the chin,then B:stimulate the labial angleC:smooth to the eye inner corner+pressureD:smooth the eyebrows+return under the eyesE:smooth to the temples With the fingertips F:circular pressures on the temples+draining motion,38,Sliding pressures on the cheekbones A:Thumb and hypothenar eminence B:Between thumb and folded index finger A/B:deep smoothing+sliding pressures on the cheekbones With the fingertips C:circular pressures on the temples+draining motion,39,Smoothing the masseters Hands flat A/B:smoothing the masseters+smoothing to the temples Fingertips C:circular pressures+draining motion,40,Cheekbones circular pinches Between thumb and folded index fingerA:Circular pinches inwards With the thumbs B:Smooth outwards With the fingertips C:circular pressures+draining motion,41,Circular smoothing on the nose with the thumbsA/B:circular smoothing on the nose+smoothing the eye contour.The third time:C:smooth to the temples with the fingertips D:circular pressures+draining motion,42,Gentle ocular effleurages Hands crossed Smooth the eye contour zone,43,Cross smoothing of the eye contourIndex finger/middle finger Cross smoothing in figure 8 movement,44,Pressures on the temples With the fingertipsCircular pressures on the temples,45,Figure 8 pressures on the temples With the fingertips Pressures with 8 figure motion on the temples,46,Kneading of the eyebrows Between thumb and index finger(one side then the other)Alternate smoothing outwards then come back with the index finger under the eye,47,Eyebrows pinches Between thumb and index finger Simultaneous pinching outwards then come back with the thumbs,48,Drainage of the eyelid With flat thumbsRoll the thumbs from the eye inner corner to the temples,49,Crossed massage of the frown line With the thumbsCrossed massage upwards,50,Crossed smoothing of the inter-eyebrows space With index fingers and middle fingersAlternate smoothing,51,Hands flatA:alternate smoothing of the forehead,temples and crows feet,Hands flat B:smoothing the forehead Index finger/middle finger C:circular pressures on temples+draining motion,Smoothing the forehead area,52,Repeat the same movement on the other side,Energetic long effleurage Hands flat(turn the head on one side)Deep alternate smoothing outwardsA:from the neck to the cheekbone B:rotation with fan movement on the temple C:from the temple to the middle of the forehead,53,Hands flatA:rotations on the top of the scalp,Turn the hands backwardsB:rotations on the back of the scalp,Mobilization of the scalp,54,Figure 8 movement Hands flatA:smoothing of the massetersB:slide to the temples Turn hands back to backC:turn under the eye until the middle of forehead,Hands flatD:smoothing the foreheadE:circular pressures on temples+draining motion,55,Cats paws Hands like a bridgeAlternate pressures on the shoulders,56,Phase 3 Regenerate,去除:,57,水润丰盈浓缩精华面膜,天然淀粉,快速补水综合体(甘油,尿囊素衍生物,透明质酸),快速补水,恢复弹性及健康光泽。,粉状+极致水润浓缩精华露(30ml)=清爽啫喱状。,Phase 4 恢复水润弹性,Adaptable phase for dry skin,58,使用,停留 15 分钟,Phase 4 Plump,Digi-Esthtique 面膜停留期间手法,特别干性肌肤,59,Digi-Esthtique面膜停留期间手法(1&2),Movement carried 1 timeMovement carried 2 timesMovement carried 3 times,60,Digito-pressure One thumb over the otherStimulation on the Leading vessel meridian,from the inter-eyebrows space to the back of the skull.1 to 3 times,61,Digito-pressure Index fingers then thumbsStimulation on the Bladder meridian,from the eye inner corner(1 index finger pressure)to the back of the skull(thumbs pressures)1 to 3 times,62,去除,Phase 4 Plump,63,护理结束:配合水润产品,+,或者 选择,舒适倍润修复营养霜,Phase 5 健康平衡水分,基因奥秘智能型水润抗衰营养霜,基因奥秘智能型水润抗衰精华液,Adaptable phase for dry skin,64,HYDRADVANCEINTENSIVE TREATMENT,


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