姓名:吴想Name:Shean Wu职务:物流专员Title:Logistics Specialist发言主题:包装要求Topic:Packaging Requirement长安福特汽车有限公司南京公司物流部Changan Ford NJ Automobile Co.,Ltd.MP&L Department,长安福特南京公司2006年供应商培训大会2006 CAF-NJ Supplier Training Meeting,部门职责Function of section,Content,包装概念Packaging Concept质量责任Quality Responsibility基本要求Basic Requirement容器标准Container Standard内部包装要求Inner packaging requirement外部标识Outer sign包装标签Packaging label包装申请Packaging Proposal测试要求Test requirement质量要求Quality Requirement,日系包装标准Packaging standard of Japanese,综合考虑长安福特南京公司的供应商有福特体系的、也有日本体系,因此我们的标准将尽量兼容两个体系的标准。Considering CAF-NJs suppliers which also provide the parts for Ford system and Japanese system,the standard will contain the two kinds of standard.,FordVehicle plant福特整车厂,长安福特南京包装标准Packaging standard of CAF NJ,CAF-NJ长安福特南京,福特包装标准Packaging standard of Ford,Japanese Vehicle plant日系整车厂,福特供应商/supplier for Ford,日系供应商/supplier for Japanese,其他供应商/other supplier,1.Packaging Concept,1.Packaging Concept,本包装标准是与包装细节相互一致的工程标准和程序,涉及如下零件库中的零件:大规模生产零件(包括准备从供应商运到长安福特南京公司的零件)(发动机除外)。This packaging guideline that shows engineering standard and the procedure to agree the packaging spec each other,is referred to the parts to the following part warehouses.The warehouse for mass production parts including the parts that wait to deliver from supplier to CAF-NJ,except engine.,选定3-4家包装供应商,负责长安福特南京公司所有国产零件(发动机除外)的包装的设计和生产。Selecting 3-4 packaging suppliers,who will provide packaging design and manufacture of all the local parts(except engine)for CAF-NJ.零件供应商的包装材料必须从已选定的包装供应商购买。All the local suppliers must buy packaging from selected packaging suppliers.包装费用由零件供应商承担,并按包装使用年限分摊在每个零件上。The parts suppliers have the responsibility of packaging cost,and add the packaging cost up to each part.零件供应商负责包装的设计与开发,包装供应商有义务支持零件供应商的工作。The suppliers lead packaging design and development and the packaging suppliers have responsibility to support the parts suppliers work.,1.Packaging Concept,包装供应商选择表格,SAMPLE,将在2006年年底之前确定包装供应商,The packaging suppliers should be informed before the end of 2006,1.Packaging Concept,2.Quality Responsibility,在正常运输条件下,因包装设计等造成零件质量问题而导致长安福特损失的全部费用和开支应由零件供应商承担;Under the normal conditions of transportation,any loss or expendituregenerateddue topart defectcaused by packaging develop etc.have to be born by part supplier;在正常运输条件下,因包装制造造成零件质量问题而导致长安福特损失的全部费用和开支应由包装供应商承担。Under the normal conditions of transportation,any loss or expendituregenerateddue topart defectcaused by packaging manufacture etc.have to be born by packaging supplier.,3.Basic Requirement,生产效率的追求。Pursue of Efficiency for Production and Logistics 原则上,SNP是1/2/4/5/10/20的倍数,并且与长安福特南京公司两小时的用量接近。(对于小的零件,采用外部尺寸为400*300*148的可重复使用标准周转箱包装,并且包装重量小于15千克)In principle,SNP is in multiples of 1,2,4,5,10 or 20,and some parts must be close to the quantity used in 2 hours in CAF.However,SNP for small parts,for example a screw,can be decided based on gross weight of the packaging,which is less than 15kg in the standard container.,3.Basic Requirement,环境方针/Measure to Environment 长安福特在整个物流过程中,致力于保护生态平衡,其环境方针如下:CAF endeavors to conserve ecology in the all process of logistics.The measures of environment for the packaging are followings.每个包装必须包含最小量的内部材料内部材料必须尽量简单并且可以回收使用。Each packaging must have the minimum amount of interior material to ensure the parts quality.When interior material are required,those must be durable.为了保障零件品质必须采用辅助材料的时候,应最小限度采用的辅助材料,同时必须考虑环境保护情况。When the assistant material is necessary for the parts quality,the assistant material must be minimum and the environment must be considered.,3.Basic Requirement,自动化要求/Factory Automation 标签:包装标签必须包含条形码标志以支持工厂的自动化。Label:The packaging label must contain the bar code symbol to support factory automation.托盘:托盘必须采用四个方向都可以用叉车装卸的。托盘必须采用双面托盘。Pallet:The pallet must be four way for the fork to loading and unloading.The pallet must be two face pallet.,4.Container Standard,依据以上基本要求,容器选择原则如下:Basing on the above basic requirement,the packaging container selection principle is as follows:首先应尽量选择塑料容器作为零件的外包装,铁质外包装原则上要求可以折叠(8个顺序件可以特殊考虑)。At first,the plastic container should be chosen prior,and basically,the metal container should be folded(except the container of the 8 frequency parts).,4.Container Standard,其次根据供应商的距离选择包装容器,南京及附近的供应商优先选择不可折叠塑料箱,如上图所示;距离较远(例如天津)供应商优先选择可折叠容器,如下图所示:Then,the distance should be considered,the suppliers in Nanjing or near to Nanjing,unfolding plastic containers should be chosen,as the above chart;the distance is farther from Nanjing,for example Tianjin,the suppliers should consider the folding containers at first,as the below chart.,4.Container Standard,重量限制/Standard of the Packaging gross weight(the gross weight including container,attachment and packed part in container)人工搬运的包装重量必须低于15千克。The weight of packaging carried by hand must be less than 15kg.小型机械设备搬运的包装重量,必须小于300千克,并且移动包装的初始拉力必须小于25千克。The weight of packaging handled by a small MH equipment such as dolly,must be less than 300kg,and also the initial pull force to move packaging must be less than 25kg.重型机械设备(例如叉车)搬运的包装重量,必须小于500千克。The weight of packaging handled by a heavy MH equipment such as fork truck,must be less than 500kg,原材料的包装重量必须小于1500千克。The weight of packaging of raw material,must be less than 1500kg.,4.Container Standard,托盘尺寸规格:The pallet size:根据1200*1000的尺寸链要求,长安福特南京公司采用1200*1000*H的标准托盘,规格如下:Based on the size chain requirement of 1200*1000,CAF-NJ choose the standard pallet which size is 1200*1000*H,the size is as follow:托盘动态最大允许重量设定为1000。The max dynamic load of the pallet 1000kg 托盘静态最大允许重量设定为 4000。The max static load of the pallet 4000kg 托盘尺寸精度为(-5mm,0)The precision of the pallet is(-5mm,0),通用可折叠塑料箱规格1(外部尺寸):The size of the common folding plastic box1(the outside size):,4.Container Standard,通用可折叠塑料容器规格2(外部尺寸):The size of the common folding plastic box1(the outside size):,4.Container Standard,4.Container Standard,通用可折叠仓储笼/货架尺寸规格(外部尺寸):The size of the common folding storage cage/steel container(the outside size):,通用可折叠货架尺寸规格(单位:毫米)Size of common folding steel container(unit:mm):,4.Container Standard,通用塑料箱规格(单位:毫米)Size of common plastic container(unit:mm):,4.Container Standard,专用容器尺寸规格:The size of the unique packaging:专用容器尺寸规格要符合1200*1000的尺寸链要求,并且符合运输车辆内部尺寸:2.3m*2.3 m The unique packaging size must accord with the size chain of 1200*1000,and must accord with the truck size:2.3m*2.3 m 直接上线零件包装要求安装脚轮(具体零件列表制造部提供)。The packaging for the line side parts must have the truckle(MFG will support the detail parts number later)8个直送件包装尺寸:The packaging size for 8 sequence delivery parts:,4.Container Standard,其他包装:/Other packaging 零件供应商和包装公司可以根据实际情况提出采用特殊尺寸、特殊材料包装,但这要得到CAF-NJ的特殊批准后才能进行包装申请。The part suppliers and the packaging suppliers can propose some other size and other material packaging based on the fact.But it need get the special agree from CAF-NJ and then they can carry on the packaging proposal.,4.Container Standard,5.Inner packaging requirement,请优先选择下列材料作为内部包装:PVC、EVA、EPP、EPE、EPS、HDPE、塑料、可重复使用的泡沫 Please choose the following material as the inner packaging first:PVC,EVA,EPP,EPE,EPS,HDPE,plastic,returnable foam请尽量不要选择下列材料作为内部包装:纸制品、塑料袋、不可重复使用的中空板 The following material for inner packaging is not available without special approval of CAF NJ:paper,plastic bag,some other expendable material,6.Outer sign,为了有效的管理包装容器,减少包装容器的遗失,提高供应链效率,长安福特南京南京公司要求每个包装容器必须有标识,以实现对包装容器进行跟踪管理。In order to effectively manage the containers,reduce the containers lost,advance efficiency of supply chain,CAF NJ claim there must be mark to manage the containers trace.,7.Packaging label,标签制作尺寸采用昨天所讲规。The dimension of the label is said yesterday,SAMPLE,8.Packaging Proposal,包装申请方式:/Packaging proposal:对于设计好的包装,供应商制作“C”表并把它传给长安福特物流部,在开始供应货物的三个月之前得到长安福特的同意。考虑物流效率,生态标准和长安福特包装标准,当长安福特同意供应商的包装设计,我们会打印并发送同意确认书。如果长安福特不同意,长安福特退回“C”表并附带说明。供应商必须立即重新向长安福特传送“C”表。原则上,供应商把包装申请和“C”表一同传送,但是,如果长安福特向供应商提供包装细节,本着与生产设备相匹配的观点,要求工厂提供设计图纸,长安福特发布类似“C”表的“E”表。For designed packaging,supplier make up“C”sheet and submit this sheet to CAF MP&L Dept,and get the CAFs agreement before 3 months from the start of the supply.When CAF agree with the designed packaging by supplier from the efficiency of Logistics,the measure of ecology and CAF standard,we print and send the confirmation list of agreement.When CAF dose not agree,CAF returns”C”with comments.Supplier must resubmit“C”to CAF immediately.In principle,supplier submits the packaging proposal with“C”,but if CAF wants to propose the packaging specification to supplier,from view point of the matching with production facility,the layout requirement from plant,CAF issues“E”that is similar to“C”.,Packaging Proposal,9.Test requirement,包装强度测试:测试的目的是为了实现在正常的情况下,包装可以保证零件的安全,并且能够达到物料操控的要求。The aim of the test is checking the designed packaging could ensure the parts quality and having the good utilizing for material handling under common circumstance.运输测试:测试的目的是为了检验包装在正常的运输条件下,能否保证零件的安全。The aim of the test is checking the designed packaging could ensure the parts quality under common transportation circumstance.,10.Quality Requirement,质量要求/Quality requirement 包装公司提供的包装必须符合长安福特南京公司对质量的要求。The packaging provided by packaging suppliers must answer for CAF-NJs requirement of quality.可回收包装的使用年限要在3年以上。The life of the returnable packaging must more than 5 years.材料强度必须与零件的质量成比例。Exterior strength of the designed packaging must be proportionate to the parts weight.,