单元式生产布局cell line课件.ppt
单元式生产布局CELL,议程Agenda,传统组装线设计Traditional Assembly Line Design工位设计Work Station Design 物料展示Material Presentation 物料补充Material Resupply 物料储存Material Storage,1.传统组装线设计 Traditional Assembly Line Design,精益生产系统组装线模式特点,工人灵活Flexible operators(multiprocessing and cross-trained)走动方便Freedom of movement(standing+moving operations)标准化作业Standard operations(assembly only,Water spiders+standard operations)目视化工场Visual workplace(A place for everything,everything in its place)最少线上存货Minimal line stock(no mini-w/h,max.2-h Line stock)柔性生产Flexible production(variations in either mix or volume,No islands!)节拍器Pacemakers(Lines incorporate pacemakers to set pace to TT,not to self-pacing)保证质量Quality ensured(go or no go,3 Nos),组装线布局的目的 Assembly Layout Goals,按照节拍时间,生产优质产品Quality products produced at takt time 有效利用人力Productive utilization of people 装配工只做装配Assemble product only按节拍分配任务达到高生产力High operator productivity through loading to takt time工人能完成整个流程Operator to complete the full process物料/工人流畅Flow of material and operators 优化工位以方便摆放零件物料工具Work stations optimized for presentation of parts,materials,and tools工位设计减少走动Work station design minimizes operator movements信息即时反馈Immediate flow of information/feedback 问题立即暴露Immediately expose problems,U型线 U-Shaped Line,最少走动工人间的平衡避免产生孤岛多工序作业促进沟通按灯识别异常WS负责所有物料需求从“U”型线外送料取走成品节拍变,你也变人员安排可以应变,Im water spider.,Were operators.,线体设计:物流从右至左,线体设计:每条槽里放2个料箱,线体设计:工具伸手可及,线体设计:所有料箱都放置于工位前方,线体设计:模块化和可连接的工位设计,线体设计:空料箱从料架下方回收,线体设计:预留30%的工位空间,线体设计:工作区间距 1.6米,线体设计:工作台高度0.81.2米(人机工程),线体管理:过道里不许放料箱,为方便车间目视化和沟通:建议料架高度不超过1.5米,线体管理:禁止订单在缺少零配件的情况下进行生产,线体管理:本独立工作单元中操作工的数量(18人),目视化及5S管理:例:划线并确定相关货架占地面积,线体设计:最大偏差为 20%,拉动信号:目视化和在制品控制,防错:一旦发现缺陷立即停止生产,B.组装线设计,U型线,U型线 U-Shaped Line,B.组装线设计,直型线 Straight Line,当产品结构和物料展示能够保证时使用Used when product configuration and material presentation warrant例如,汽车组装线 e.g.,automobile assembly生产线的速度由产品的移动速度决定 Line paced by product movement随时掌握装配进展 Assembly progression on line已经设立了工人区 Worker zones are established已经定义了交接区(交接指挥棒)Overlap(baton passing)is defined按使用次序安排物料 Material is sequenced in order of use柔性生产时 For mixed-model production非整合分装(预装)按配套供料Non-integrated sub-assemblies are supplied as completed kits必须建立信息与反馈系统Communication and feedback must be established例如喇叭灯号 e.g.,speaker,lights,有喂料”的直型线 Straight Line With Feeders,当进行柔性生产,分装线周期时间会出现重大变化时,使用此类生产线。Used when a subassembly cycle time exhibits major variations in a mixed-model production environment将会出现这种重大变化的分装线从总装线中分离出来Shifts the subassembly experiencing the wide variation off the main assembly line 总装线上设有“节拍器”“Pacemaker”established on final assembly line例如,生产线按节拍时间连续移动i.e.,continuous movement of the line at the takt time rate总装线“拉动”分装线 Final assembly“pulls”from subassembly分装线的工作与总装线分开 Subassembly work separated from final assembly work 适应产品的变化 Facilitates product variation在生产支线/生产单元完成分装工作 Subassemblies completed on“spur”line/cell例如,附属于总装线的生产支线/生产单元 i.e.,attached to main line分装线在需要使用零件的地方才介入总装线 Subassemblies enter at point of use从后面供应物料 Material supplied from back多人的分装线单元要放在“背后”,因为分装线的输出是以其它零件和物料一样的方式,供应给总装线的。Multi-operator sub-assembly cell is on the“back”,since its output is presented to the main line operators just like other parts and materials.按使用次序安排物料 Materials sequenced in order of use,开放式平行线布局 Parallel(Open Room)Layout,需求大High demand 节拍时间短Shorter takt time 两个工人2 operators,需求小Low demand 节拍时间长Longer takt time 一个工人1 operator,开放式布局举例 Open Room Layout Example,改善前 Before Kaizen,铅胚卡板,改善后 After Kaizen,1,2,3,4,8,7,6,5,1,2,3,4,8,7,6,5,1,2,3,4,8,7,6,5,成品 FG,原料 RM,新的工区布局New Work Area Layout,开放式布局举例 Open Room Layout Example,典型工位 Typical Workstation,2.工位设计Work Station Design,成品,成品,原料,原料,工位设计目标 Work Station Design Objectives,减少各种浪费Minimize waste 缩短操作员周期时间Minimize operator cycle time 保证产品质量Ensure good parts produced 能处理多工序Enable multi-process handling 建立目视工场Establish a visual workplace,支持及时生产原理 Support JIT Principles,工位设计原理 Work Station Design Principles,标准化作业Standard operations 适当面积Appropriate size 零件排列Part arrangement 工具标准化Tool standardization 工具放置Tool placement 目视控制Visual controls 工人走动Operator motions 质量控制Quality controls 物料补充Replenishment,供料高度:1500mm,工作区域:900 to 1000 mm,工作平台的高度,空料箱从工位下方返回,仅需部件:-照明灯具-多孔插座-文件架-站脚-电源,按供料顺序,从前方适量供料:1-2小时,模块化和可连接的工位设计方便拆装线体,工作平台,使用工具简单、明确,B.组装线设计,精益工位,物料补充系统说明Material Replenishment System Comments,线上展示物料供给系统A line stock supply system for material presentation 线上送料员物料补充系统A water spider system for material resupply 物料储存超市系统A supermarket for material storage,物料展示 Material Presentation,工人周期时间过长Excessive operator cycle time 装配顺序错误 Assembly in wrong sequence 零件方向装错 Assembly with wrong part orientation装配产品质量不良Defective assemblies 零件丢失 Missing part 用错零件 Wrong part installed 零件用对了,但却装错了 Right part,but installed incorrectly做错产品Wrong product built,物料展示不良之结果Results of Poor Part Presentation,物料展示 Material Presentation,减少工人周期时间变动Minimize operator cycle time variation按使用顺序放零件Arrange parts in order of use按正确方向放零件Present parts in proper orientation按工人易拿取放零件Make parts easily accessible to the operator减少工位物料存量Minimize material at the work station 有利于标准化作业,保证产品质量Enable standard operations and零件定位Consistent part location零件定向Consistent part orientation零件定序Presentation sequence consistent with assembly sequence容易补充物料,不会影响工人Make replenishment easy&non-intrusive供料不打扰、不影响工人操作Non-intrusive replenishment means that resupply doesnt interfere with or obstruct the operator.从生产单元外面或线后供料Resupply parts from outside the cell or behind the line良好人机工程状态Establish good operator ergonomics 不用弯腰伸腰扭腰或高举No bending,stretching,twisting,or lifting.良好的人机工程消除了工人过多的动作、提高了生产力Good ergonomics also benefit productivity by eliminating the waste of excessive operator motions,设计原理 Design Principles,线上双箱系统 Two-Bin System(Line Stock),空箱退回下面Empty binsReturned Below,当一个箱子空了时,按灯会亮,表明需要补充第二个箱子了As one bin is emptied,an andon signal indicates the need for a second bin to be provided.每个箱子最多只能装两个小时的物料Each bin contains at most one hours worth of parts.给空箱子补充物料,重新使用这些箱子 Empty bins are refilled and reused.最适合如下装配作业:Best used when the assembly operation has:产品型号不多 A low number of models零件品种不多 Lesser part variety节拍时间较短 A low takt time换模次数不多 A low number of setups,C.物料配送,工位送料设计Workstation feeding,C.物料配送,取料/取箱空间Space available for picking up containers or parts E1=E2=100 mm(4”)搬运料箱最小空间minimum for handling containers,E1=150 mm(6”)从料箱内取料空间if parts are to be picked up from inside containers.最大取料深度“P”Maximum pick-up depth P 300 mm(12”)需考虑料架厚度with respect to shelf edge.最小取料高度Minimum height 频繁搬运的物料/料箱勿放地上dont place parts or containers to be frequently handled on the floor,如必要,留出足够弯腰频繁搬运空间if necessary,leave enough space to crouch when lifting them.,C.物料配送,工位送料设计Workstation feeding,配套供料系统 Kitting System,何谓配套零件?Whats a parts kit?“配套零件”就是生产一个产品所需的全部零件,它被准时化送达组装线A“kit”consists of all the parts needed to produce one unit,which is delivered to the assembly line“just in time”.它的优点何在?What are the advantages?有利于保证质量 Helps ensure quality建立生产线顺序 Establishes line sequencing何时使用配套零件?Whens a kit used?产品型号较多 A higher number of models零件品种较多(一套零件将全部展示给工人)Greater part variety(the kit displays all the parts needed to the operator)节拍时间较长 A higher takt time(use“kit”above 7 as rule of thumb)换模次数较多 A higher number of setups,物料补充 Material Resupply,何谓线上送料员(水蜘蛛)?Whats a water spider?线上送料员是专职的物料搬运人士,他根据标准化作业,及时地给生产单元补充物料A water spider is a dedicated material handler who replenishes a cell JIT,according to standard operations.线上送料员如何工作?What does a water spiders work look like?线上送料员按特定的送料路径走动,从主供应点拿取物料,送到生产线上的存货供应点A water spider follows a specific replenishment route,picking up materials from a main supply point and delivering them to the line stock supply points 为何要线上送料员?Why have a water spider?好处 Benefits快速地稳定地给生产线提供物料Provides constant,rapid replenishment of material to the line免除装配工人搬运物料之劳,提高装配工人的效率,实现标准化作业Improves assembler efficiency by eliminating material handling from assembler tasks,enabling standard operations.建立物料供应标准化作业,改善产品质量Improves quality by establishing standard work for material resupply,线上送料员(水蜘蛛)系统 Water Spider System,线上送料员工具 Water Spider Tools,物料补充 Material Resupply,线上送料员标准化作业Water Spider Standard Operations,物料补充 Material Resupply,步骤1:确定工位标准化作业Step 1:Determine workstation standard operations步骤2:识别待送零件Step 2:Identify parts to be delivered步骤3:制定物料展示系统Step 3:Create material presentation system步骤4:做好分料箱/配套箱Step 4:Create picking container(s)or kits步骤5:设计及制定线上送料员分料车和分料单Step 5:Design&create water spider picking cart&picking list步骤6:设计及建造超市Step 6:Design&build supermarket,实施线上送料员系统Implementing a Water Spider System,物料补充 Material Resupply,改善推动人/早期接受者Kaizen champion/early adopter 精通工位所有工作Proficient in all tasks performed in the cell 责任心强,自我激励Conscientious,self-motivated 具备领导素质Proven leadership qualities 非常了解零件/产品Superior knowledge of parts and products,优秀线上送料员候选人特点Characteristics of a Good Water Spider Candidate,物料补充 Material Resupply,物料储存 Material Storage,储存装配所需消耗料品Stores assembly consumables 存储一天用料Holds 1 days worth of materials 只是过渡方案Is only an interim solution,何谓超市 Whats a Supermarket?,超市运作 Supermarket Operation,物料储存 Material Storage,超市设计 Supermarket Design,35,写在最后,成功的基础在于好的学习习惯The foundation of success lies in good habits,谢谢聆听 学习就是为了达到一定目的而努力去干,是为一个目标去战胜各种困难的过程,这个过程会充满压力、痛苦和挫折,Learning Is To Achieve A Certain Goal And Work Hard,Is A Process To Overcome Various Difficulties For A Goal,