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    MY REPORT ON INTERNSHIPI. Purpose University students need to be armed with specialized knowledge,accumulated skills and fundamental theories to survive in the future career. In order to make graduates-would-be suitable for the post-school career, promote the understanding between future employees and their schools, and strengthen our competitiveness in the fierce job market,ZZULI provided us with a once-in-a-time opportunity to go out of the campus and find a institution to serve as an intern.We could better understand where our weaknesses are and how to be a qualified employee after we leave the campus.II.Content On April 11th ,I have the great honor to serve as an acting teacher in the Elementary School of the Xingfu Road which lies in the Erqi District.For this is the very first time that I could stand as a teacher of a class,small as though,rather than a private tutor, it destined to be a forgettable experience in my life.I really learnt much from this precious experience. Through my internship in the School, I learnt that the important thing in the school is not conventional teaching but the communication with students. When I entered the school a month ago,I was quite anxious. Though I had been a tutor to 8 children, it is still a big challenge for me.The only concern is that the children will launch a revolution and get out of my control. The first day ,I was assigned to receive a training course.It seemed vital to new-comers.The instructor is Mr. Wang ,a very kind grandpa.At the very beginning of the training course,he sent us him generous congratulations and thank us for coming here.In a conference room he said,respect as well as responsibility are credited with teachers.The duty fallen upon us is not only teach the students to learn,but also teach them to learn to behave as a human.It's we who are setting a example for them to learn.We shouldn't bring disgrace to the respectful title. Though days passed,the words of Mr. Wang still echo around my ears.This is the important lesson I have learnt from this experience.We couldn't wait to step onto the platform.After a brief introduction by the head of the school, I begin my sacred career.The first class ended in a cordial atmosphere.That's what I have thought.What really makes me anxious is the days following.They will be accustomed by my teaching and show negative effect on me. I threw out a question and then expected a stir in the students.Wrong answers popped out one by one.Someone just sat silently in the corner.I hold a firm belief that as long as you want to learn ,you will succeed.And as long as they express the wish to learn, I will do my best to instruct them and lead them to appreciation the amaze of the science.It is crucial for them to cultivate a good habit to learn out of interest. This day ,I was assigned to check the students' homework.I checked every one.To my satisfaction, they all did a good job.Good boys.But the quality of their homework failed to bring me smile.I marked A,B and C just as I was marked in the university.Along with my execution, I also left inspiring messages to them in hopes that they would not loss hearts.This reminds me of the a policy of stick and carrot. In the process of homework-checking,some points were deserved my attention. Firstly,the misspelling was everywhere. Secondly,tenses were wrongly used and the sentence structure is confused. Thirdly,the handwriting is terrible. The first day when I began my teaching, I felt a little nervous.But the kids did not detect it.Thanks for my good preparation ,confidence soon embraced me.I adjusted myself to be a good actor,much more like a teacher .I think I was so nervous that I spoke faster than I had expected.I ran before the time. And when the class is over.My shirt was soaked by sweat.Later days, my performance made me satisfied. I thought I was a qualified teacher.When I stood before the class ,I can detect a sense of thirst from their eyes.What's more,students need praise,especially those from their parents and teachers.As an important teaching skill, we have inherited it from our own teachers. But the point I want to make further explanation is how poorly we have performed with praise. In the observation of my classmates' class, no one sees the praise after answering a question as one indispensable part in their teaching plan, but more often as something additional. Therefore knowing the significance of praising is one thing, however if you want make it useful in your class, just speak it loudly. In the training class, there is an effective incentive method-anyone who gets five“very good” from the teacher can add a “star” in the class-performance notebook. For the whole month, I saw how excited these kids were when they counted their stars. And I also made use of this method in my teaching of three other primary school students. It worked unexpectedly well.An stimulus measurement come in many forms. It can be a calculative score, or others with the similar effects. Using proper encouraging measurement can help the call in two ways. Firstly, it's a stimulus to the students. When the whole class is in a competitive, knowledge-centered atmosphere, everyone can learn the most and do their best. As a result, the teacher will enjoy a pleasant time. Secondly, the rules of the measurement are a constant reminder of what defines the expected performance. Just take the "star" design in the training class for example. The teacher kept on reminding that: if you get five "very good" from the teacher, you will be rewarded with a star. A "very good" can be earned by speaking loudly and clearly, listen carefully, and be active. In this way, the students will always remember what is expected of them. Therefore in this sense, the encouraging measurement is a great helper to the primary school teachers. In a class, there are always some active students, who can answer most of the question put forth by the teacher and keep their hand high all the time. While some other inactive students always sit there alone silently, or even totally ignore the teacher. If we want to take good care of all kids, as required in teaching, we need to find a way to solve the problem.Our tutors introduced us a solution-to set up some models for the rest. A successful team should be led by the lion, implemented by the sheep.For the model group members, firstly, they should be studious, obedient to the class rules, and be helpful to their classmates. The number of the models can be 25-30 percent of the whole class. And the honor is not fixed to one or two, but can be passed from one student to another on condition that he or she breaks any rules.The reason that why it works, as I see it, accounts to two points. First, the model group could help their classmates in study, which has been proved to be more effective than that from the teachers. Secondly, on some occasions, the model group can be set aside if we need to give special attention to those slower learners, without causing discipline troubles. In conclusion, we say establishing model group is quite an adoptable skill in teaching. As to the specific implementation, we need to take the actual situation of the class into account. Substantial award is also a kind of encouraging measurement, which use things like food (chocolates, crickets) or decorations to keep order and encourage students. No doubt, the method works well sometimes. For example, once my classmate taught them some new words and she adopted the substantial incentive method. She took some snacks in hand and announced on the platform that anyone who does well on class will get something to eat. At the beginning, the kids were all extremely active. They answered in their loudest voice, do the very best they can. However, when my classmate moved on with the lesson from one new word to another, the passion withered soon, they thought they were deceived. At last she had to give out the snacks as she has promised right on the class. After class the classmate shared that she didnt expect the kids would go so crazy about the snacks and the whole teaching plan failed.Using substantial awards is a way to encourage, but not the only way and nevertheless the best way. In the long-term consideration, to control the group of unconstrained kids depends more on the spiritual encouragement.To sum up, be careful in using substantial awards.III. Gains Today,I will leave this wonderful Training Camp.A bright new future is waiting for me .It really added color to my 4-year university life.I was granted with pains as well as gains.I have some suggestions for the the educationists. 1.Interest plays an important role in the process of learning.Teachers should help students to develop interests. And teachers should hand over the power to the students.The class should be led by the students.And the conventional "I should learn"must be transformed to "I want to learn". 2.Patience is much needed when teachers correct the mistakes.as mistakes are inevitable.Teachers should gain their trust and make them feel teachers are not out of touch. 3.Students need stimulus rewarding. As they are young ,they cannot be fully positive toward learning.Carrots are needed. 4.Teachers need feedbacks.We want different voices to be heard.We should pay much attention to the interaction with students. The month-long internship gave me a new understanding toward being a good teacher.A qualified teacher is one who has a high degree of morality and good character.Teachers are hard-working bees,threading around the garden for the better future of the blossom.In addition, this experience gave a good lesson which could never be learned in the class.Challenges pops out one by one.But I was always holding a firmly belief that things that do not kill only make you stronger.I would be inspired continuously by this precious experience.Though much of problems and suggestions are just reprints of the most commonly known rules in teaching, they are fresh to me with new meanings. Because the descriptive knowledge from my textbook has been transformed into programmatic knowledge, which can be applied in other situations. Moreover, on thing I learned in the practice that is worthy of life-long cherish is self-confidence, which, to certain extent, makes me a grown man.Thank you all.IV. Problems and Solutions Besides the fruitful gains, I have also found some problems needed to be solved.1. Communicating skills It's true that we should learn specialize knowledge well.And it's also true that good communication plays a great role in our work.In my internship, I had a chance to get contact with the parents.As we know, all parents pin high expectations on their dear children.I had to talk with them patiently and specially.I had to put a pointed comment on their children' academic performances. And a good teacher should always put this in mind:to teach students in accordance with their aptitude.2. Team work We couldn't fight alone as we are an inseparable member of the community.Remember that if you walk alone,you couldn't walk long.Two heads are better than one.We should work as a whole so that our individual potential could be optimized.3. Patience Patience is much needed in the teaching,especially in the pre-school teaching.Children make one mistake after the other.What we should do is to correct their mistakes patiently.


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