译林版牛津小学英语5B Unit8 At the weekends教案.doc
5B Unit 8 教学方案 (第一课时)第一部分 简要提示一、 年级:5年级 二、单元:Unit 8三、 课题:At the weekends 四、课型:新授课五、 教学内容: 单元PartA六、 教学目标:1. 掌握单词和词组:talk, weekend, learn from, sport, of course, catch, insect, cartoon.2. 能听懂、会说、会读日常交际用语:I can learn a lot from it. Of course, I do.七、 重点难点:初步了解掌握句型:How do you spend your weekends? How does he/she spend his/her weekends?及其相应的回答。 第二部分 教学过程第一步:重难点突破T: Hello, boys and girls. Nice to see you again. 很高兴又和大家见面了。Lets begin ourclass, OK? 首先,老师想先了解一下你们的业余爱好。Do you have any hobbies?(稍停) 你们的爱好一定很多吧!I think your hobbies are very interesting. I have some hobbies, too. Look, I like surfing the Internet. Do you like it? I learn a lot from it. 我从中学到了许多。(PPT出示句子)(PPT出示词组) learn from 从/向学I also like sport. 我也喜欢体育运动。 (PPT出示单词:sport, 带读)T: Do you like sport? 如果你也很喜欢体育运动,可以回答:Of course, I do. (PPT出示句子,带读) 这句话就相当于:Yes, I do.T: I like sport. I often go climbing on Saturdays and Sundays. 我经常在周六和周日去爬山。Saturdays and Sundays are weekends.星期六和星期天可以称作周末。 (PPT出示单词:weekend 周末,带读)T: How do you spend your weekends? 你是怎样过周末的?(PPT出示句子,带读)想知道老师是怎样过周末的,你可以大声地问我:(稍停)Yes, you can ask me:How do you spend your weekends?Let me tell you. I often go climbing. Sometimes I do housework. (PPT出示句子,教often)T: How do you spend your weekends? 那么你是怎么过周末的呢?请你也来说说看。引导学生回答。T: 现在请你了解一下你的同桌是如何度周末的,你们可以用这两句话来互相问一问,答一答。(PPT出示句子) How do you spend your weekends? I often Sometimes I 赶快开始吧! (学生同桌问答)T: 你们的周末活动一定很精彩。我有两位好朋友,他们的周末活动也是丰富多彩的。我们一起来看看。T: Look, David is coming. How does he spend his weekends? 他是怎样过周末的?(PPT出示句子,带读) Look carefully. He often watches cartoons. (PPT出示:cartoon, 带读) Sometimes he plays cards. (PPT出示图片和句子) T: Look at the girl. Shes May. 想知道她是怎么过周末的,你们可以问:(稍停,引导学生提问) How does she spend her weekends? (PPT出示句子,带读) Let me show you. She often catches butterflies in the park. (PPT出示:catch , butterfly, 带读) Sometimes she draws pictures. T: Lets talk about Nancy and Bens weekends. How do they spend their weekends?请你用这几个句子和同着谈论一下Nancy和Ben 的周末活动。(PPT出示句型) 注意,回答的时候动词要转变为第三人称单数的形式。T: 刚才我们谈论了周末活动,let's chant, our weekends. Listen to me first. 先听老师来说一说. 怎么样?会说了吧! Let's say together with the rhyme. 我们一起跟着节奏来说吧! Are you ready? Let's begin.(本步骤设计说明:本部分教师通过谈论业余爱好到交流周末生活,呈现新句型:How do you spend your weekends?及其回答,并自然地过渡到第三人称单数形式的问答。帮助学生理解本课新知识,减轻后面学习课文的难度。)第二步:课文学习T: Good. We learn a lot about the weekends. Look at the children. Where are they?(PPT出示人物) Yes, theyre in the classroom. What are they doing now ? Please listen .(PPT出示前言) T: Please listen again. But this time ,try to answer my questions.听的时候,注意思考这两个问题。 (PPT出示问题) Please listen carefully.1 What day is it today?2 What are the students doing now?(再次播放前言) 学生讨论并回答。T: OK. The first question: What day is it today? Yes, its Friday.Next. What are the students doing now? Good. Theyre talking about their weekends.(PPT出示词组:talk about 谈论,带读)T: OK. The children are talking about their weekends. 孩子们正在谈论他们的周末。How do they spend their weekends? 他们是怎样过周末的?Lets watch the cartoon. 我们来看一段录象吧。 (播放金太阳A部分录象)T: 看懂了吗?Lets watch and listen again. 我们再来看一遍。这次,要请你记住他们周末都做哪些事.T: 同学们的周末活动很丰富.How do they spend their weekends? 你能想起来吗?老师给你一些首字母作为提示. 我们来回忆一下,How do they spend their weekends? They逐字出示.T: Now open your books and turn to page 60. Read the dialogue by yourselves, then fill in the form. 现在请你阅读这篇对话,然后和同伴合作在表中记录下每位同学的周末活动。(PPT出示表格) NameWeekend activities (周末活动)oftensometimesMikesurf the InternetListen to musicgo to the cinemaWang BingHelenYang LingSu Hai and Su Yang (组织学生阅读,合作填写表格)T: Have you finished?完成了吗?Lets check the answers. T: How does spend his/her weekends? (教师讲评,核对答案)T: Now please read after the tape. 我们跟着录音来读课文吧!(组织学生跟读录音)T: Very good.现在请你来朗读课文。你可以自己读,也可以和同学分角色朗读。 (组织学生朗读)T: You read very well. This time, let's try to act. 现在,请你在小组里和同学分角色把这个对话演一演. Let's start!(本步骤设计说明:本课对话主要是围绕五位同学相互询问周末活动展开的,因涉及到的人物和周末活动较多,一时难以理清思路。教师在安排学生听录音,看动画后,设计了一张表格,要求学生在阅读对话后记录下每个人物的周末活动,并根据表格回答问题,帮助学生理解对话,培养学生对课文的整体把握能力。第三步:巩固操练T: 同学们的周末活动真是精彩。Mike回家后向他的父母讲起了朋友们的周末活动。Please read carefully and try to complete the passage.请你根据本课对话将Mike的话补充完整。(PPT出示短文) At the weekend, Wang Bing often surfs the Internet. Sometimes he goes swimming or plays basketball. He likes sport. Helen likes watching TV. She and Yang Ling often do housework at home. The twins (双胞胎) often watch cartoons. Sometimes they catch butterflies in the park. (学生完成填空)T: OK. Lets check out the answer. 我们一起来校对答案吧!(PPT呈现答案)(结束语)T: 本节课我们一起谈论了周末活动,希望你课后认真复习,我们下节课再见。See you next time! 第三部分 说明 本节课展现的是放学后学生们的一段对话,他们聚在一起谈论各自的周末活动。在课的开头,教师通过谈论爱好引入课文的重点难点,帮助学生学习了How do you spendyour weekends? How does spend his/her weekends?及其相应的回答,为后面的课文学习减轻负担。因本课人物、活动众多,教师再分层设计了活动帮助学生理解,掌握课文内容.首先,通过动画呈现课文整体内容;设计表格帮助学生理清思路,掌握课文重难点。最后通过书面练习,让学生再次巩固课文。这样的设计层层递进,便于学生理解掌握并初步运用。5B Unit 8 教学方案 (第二课时)第一部分 简要提示一、 年级:5年级 二、单元:Unit 8三、 课题:At the weekends 四、课型:单词句型新授课五、 教学内容: 单元PartBCD六、 教学目标:1. 掌握单词:ant, butterfly, dragonfly, firefly, bee, grasshopper.2. 进一步巩固掌握句型:How do you spend your weekends? I oftenHow does spend his/her weekends?He/She often Sometimes he/she七、 重点难点:1.掌握六个昆虫类单词。 2.进一步巩固掌握句型。 第二部分 教学过程第一步: 复习T: Hello, children. Last lesson we talked about the weekends. 上节课,我们一起谈论了周末活动,同学们还记得吗?我们再来看一遍动画吧! (播放金太阳A部分动画)T: 接下来请你回答老师几个问题,看你对课文掌握得怎么样?(PPT出示问题,逐一点出答案) 1. How does Wang Bing spend his weekends? He often surfs the Internet. Sometimes he goes swimming or plays basketball. 2. Does Yang Ling do housework at the weekends? Yes, she does. 3. How do Su Hai and Su Yang spend their weekends? They often watch cartoons. Sometimes they catch butterflies in the park.T: Very good. 同学们掌握得真不错。 (本步骤设计说明:动画片是学生们喜闻乐见的。通过观看,使学生对课文内容有回忆,提取,再记忆的效果,加深对课文内容的理解。为BCD板块的学习作好铺垫。)第二步:词汇学习(此处出镜)T: We know, at the weekends Su Hai and Su Yang catch butterflies in the park. 我们知道,苏海和苏洋在周末会去公园捉蝴蝶。 In the park, we can see other interesting insects. 在公园,我们还能看见其他有趣的昆虫。Lets go and have a look. 我们现在就去看看吧!/T: (PPT出示昆虫图) They are insects.它们都是昆虫。(PPT出示单词insect, 带读)T: What insect is it? It has big eyes It flies high.Its a dragonfly. (出示单词dragonfly, 带读)T: What's that on the bottle? 瓶子上面的是什么呢?It's very special. 它很特别。It glows at night. 它在夜晚会发光。It's a firefly. (出示单词firefly , 带读)T: Whats that in the flowers?花丛中的那个是什么?Its small. Its very busy. It likes flowers. Its a bee. (出示单词bee, 带读)T: Look at them. Theyre small, too. They're ants. Look, it's an ant. (出示单词ant, 带读). An ant is small,but it can carry big things.蚂蚁虽小,但它却能搬运很大的物品。 T: Whats this in the grass? 草丛里的又是什么呢?It has long legs. It jumps very high. Its a grasshopper. (出示单词grasshopper, 带读)T: We have learned about six insects. 我们学习了六种昆虫。 Now lets read after the tape. (听录音,跟读单词)T: 会读了吗?在跟着老师来读一读吧!(出示单词卡片,带读)T: 接下来,我们玩个游戏,比比谁的眼力好。Look and guess. What insect is it?(展示某一昆虫局部,让学生猜出昆虫名称)T: Good. You have magic eyes. 你们的眼力真不错。(本步骤设计说明:本部分是词汇教学。书中提供了六种昆虫类单词,教师不仅仅教学单词,还对每种昆虫进行简单的描述,既扩大了语言的输入量,也为下一课时的教学作好铺垫。这些昆虫在辨认和认读上有一定困难,需要教师多加指导,采用灵活的操练形式,培养学生的观察力,启发学生思维,让学生在积极地思考中掌握词汇。)第三步:句型操练T: These insects are very interesting. They often catch insects at the weekends. How do you spend your weekends?Tell me, please. T: Sounds great.听起来真不错。(PPT出示C部分图片)Look at the children. How about their weekends? 他们是怎样过周末的?我们来为他们配配音吧!T: Look at Picture 1. 我们可以这样说。(PPT出示图一,教师示范) A: How do you spend your weekends? B: I often do housework.T: 剩下的三幅图就由你和同桌来试试吧!你可以用这样的句型来表达:(PPT出示) How do you spend your weekends? I often 赶快开始吧!(学生两人一组进行操练)T: 都说完了吧!我们来校对一下答案。(PPT逐图出示答案)T: 你们一定也是这样进行采访的吧!T: 刚才我们谈论了几位同学的周末活动。现在老师要请你汇报一下。T: (PPT出示C部分图3人物)Look at the boy. How does he spend his weekend? (稍停) Yes. He often plays chess. (PPT出示C部分图4人物)Look at the girl. How does she spend her weekend? (稍停) Good. She often catches insects.T: 所以,当我们向别人打听某个人的周末活动,可以问:(PPT出示句子,带读) How does he/she/ spend his/her weekends? He/She often Sometimes he/she 注意,回答的时候动词要转化为第三人称单数的形式。T: 现在我们去向朋友们打听这几位同学的周末活动吧!T: Look at Picture One. 我可以这样问Nancy,(PPT出示图一,教师示范) A: How does Yang Ling spend her weekends? B: She often watches cartoons. Sometimes she reads English.T: 怎么样,你会了吗?那么和小伙伴一起试试吧。记住,你要用的句子是: How does spend his/her weekends? He/She often Sometimes he/sheT: 开始对话吧!T: 现在我们来校对一下。(PPT逐图出示答案)T: Great! 你们说得非常好。第四步:综合练习T: Next. Lets do a survey. 我们来做一个小小的调查。(PPT出示调查表) NameWeekend activities(周末活动)oftensometimes 请你采访一位同学,了解他以及他的父母是如何度周末的。你可以用以下几个句子:How do you spend your weekends? How does spend his/her weekends? 我们先看看这几位同学是怎么做的。(学生示范)T: They did a good job. 你会做了吗?赶紧试试吧! (学生开展调查)T: 你们还可以把调查结果在小组内汇报一下。(结束语)T: 本节课我们一起学习了六种昆虫名称。请你跟着老师大声说。(PPT逐一出示六种昆虫,教师带读一遍)T: 我们还继续谈论了周末活动。 (PPT出示小结) 当我们要了解对方的周末活动,可以问: How do you spend your weekends? 回答是: I often 当我们要了解某人的周末活动,可以向朋友们打听: How does spend his/ her weekends? 回答可以是:He/She often Sometimes he/sheT: 今天,我们学习的内容比较多。同学们课后一定要好好复习哦!Thats all for today. Goodbye, children! 第三部分 说明 本节课的主要内容是教授和操练BCD部分的单词、词组和句型。本课的新单词均为昆虫类的名称,学生在朗读和记忆上会有一定困难,教师通过图片呈现,游戏巩固操练词汇并注意朗读时的示范。在CD部分,教师先根据书中现有的场景组织学生操练,并结合一个任务型活动Do a survey,让学生在完成任务的过程中恰当地使用所学句子进行交流,进行有意义地学习和操练。5B Unit 8 教学方案 (第三课时)第一部分 简要提示一、 年级:5年级 二、单元:Unit 8三、 课题:At the weekends 四、课型:新授课五、 教学内容: 单元Part EFGH六、 教学目标:1. 掌握单词、词组:primary school, other, carry, glow2. 能看懂E 部分短文;3. 了解字母组合ee在单词中的读音。4. 会演唱歌曲We know七、 重点难点:E部分短文。第二部分 教学过程第一步:复习(单元重点内容)T: Hello, boys and girls. Nice to see you again. 前几次课,我们一起谈论了周末活动。现在老师打算来考考你。Let's review! (用上节课结尾的根据情景说句子)T: 同学们掌握的不错。(PPT出示图片) Look, my friends are coming. Who are they? They are Liu Tao and Yang Ling . 他们俩是如何度周末的?你能用以下句子和同桌交流一下吗?(PPT出示句型) Are you ready? Lets begin.T: 完成了吗?我们来校对一下。T: 同学们说得很好。我们还学习了一些昆虫名称。我们来猜谜语吧。Think and guess what insect it is. 猜猜老师说得是哪一种昆虫。Listen carefully. 1. It has long legs. It jumps high. What is it? (PPT出示谜语) Is it a butterfly? Is it a bee? 请你用问句 Is it?来猜答案。(PPT出示句子) Look, its a grasshopper. (PPT出示图片) 你猜对了吗?Lets go on with the game. 2. It likes flowers. Its very beautiful. What is it? (A butterfly) 3. Its small. It can fly. Its busy in the flowers. What is it? (A bee) 4. It flies high. It likes flowers too. What is it? (A dragonfly) 5. Its very small, but it can carry big things(搬运大物品). (An ant) 6. It can fly. It glows at night(在夜晚发光). (A firefly)T: 你都猜对了吗? 在猜谜语的时候我们遇到了几个生词,跟老师来学一学吧! (PPT出示) carry 搬,运,带 carry big things glow 发光 glow at night第二步:完成各版块教学(一) F部分T: Now look at the boy and the girl. What are they doing?他们也在猜昆虫的谜语呢!请同学们打开书,翻到66页,先读一读他们之间的对话。(学生自由朗读)T: 怎么样?这个游戏你会玩了吗?和小伙伴一起试试吧!你可以参考下面的一些词组。(PPT出示) 注意,猜的时候要用问句 Is it ? 来猜答案。 OK. Time for the game. Lets start. (学生活动)(二) E部分T: 这个游戏很有趣吧!同学们还可以在课后继续玩。我们知道每种昆虫都有它的特点。Let's learn to say. 跟着老师一起说。Ants can carry big things.Butterflies and dragonflies are beautiful. They dance in the flowers.Fireflies are very special.(教special) They glow at night.你自己来把这几句话读一读吧!T: Now lets meet a new friend. He likes insects, too. 现在我们来认识一位新朋友。他也喜欢昆虫。听听他要对我们说什么。Lets watch the cartoon. (播放金太阳E部分)T: 听懂了吗?I think the boy likes insects very much. Lets watch again,and try to answer my questions. 我们再来看一遍,然后回答这几个问题。 (再次播放金太阳E部分)T: Now look at the questions. 1. Where does the boy study? He studies at Yu Cai Primary School. (教学primary school) 2. How does he spend his weekends? He often goes to the park. 3. What is he talking about? He's talking about insects.(此处不出字幕)T: (PPT呈现E部分图片)There are a lot of insects in the park. There are ants, butterflies, dragonflies, fireflies and other interesting insects. (教学other, other interesting insects)T: What can the insects do? 这些昆虫都有什么本领呢?You may read the passage, then tell me. 请你打开书,翻到65页。朗读这篇短文后告诉老师。T: 你一定在书上找到答案了吧。We know the ants are very small. 3. What can ants do? They can carry big things. 4. What can butterflies and dragonflies do? They can dance in the flowers. 5. What can fireflies do? They can glow at night.T: So the boy catch them and put them in bottles.What a lovely boy!T: 每种昆虫的特点各不相同。What insect do you like? 你喜欢哪一种昆虫呢?Listen to me ! I like butterflies. They are beautiful. They can dance in the flowers. (PPT出示) How about you? What insect do you like? (PPT出示) 请你仿照老师的话用英语在小组里说一说你喜欢的昆虫,以及喜欢它的理由。快开始吧!(三) H部分T: 每个同学都有自己喜爱的昆虫。Look at this rhyme. Let's try to read! 我们一起来读一读这首诗。你知道吗?这其实是一手歌曲,名字叫We know. Lets watch and enjoy! 我们先来欣赏一下。(播放金太阳U8歌曲)T: Now, lets enjoy the song again. This time you can try to sing.现在我们跟着音乐一起来演唱吧!(播放金太阳U8歌曲)T: 这首歌曲能帮助我们更好的表达每种昆虫的特点,大家课后要多多练习哦!(四) G部分T: Insects are our good friends. Look at the bees. (PPT出示图片)Where are they? They're in the tree. What are they doing? They're sleeping. Good. I can see bees sleeping in the tree. (PPT出示句子) Please read the four words. 请你先读一读句中的这四个单词。T: Now please read after me. (教师带读bee, see, sleep, tree) 请你自己再读一读,想一想,这四个单词中字母组合ee的发音是什么呢?T: Right! They pronounce / i: /.这里字母组合ee的发音是 / i: / (PPT出示) Follow me.(读音标3遍)把这四个单词连成一句话。Now, read after me. (读书上的句子2遍。)T: Good! 除了这四个单词,你还能想到哪些单词,其中也有字母组合ee发/ i: /的呢?你可以和同伴一起讨论讨论。(同桌讨论半分钟) OK. 这里老师也给你们搜集了类似的单词,和你们想的一样吗?我们来读一读吧。T: 如果你能找到更多这样的单词,请你把它们加上去。(结束语)T: 今天,我们继续学习了有关六种昆虫的知识,了解了它们的特性。这些昆虫就生活在我们身边,希望大家在课后多注意观察,看一看,说一说,把我们所学得知识掌握得更牢固。Time for break. Goodbye, everyone! 第三部分 说明 本节课上教师首先用看图对话的形式巩固了这个单元的主要话题,用猜谜的方式复习昆虫类单词,为E,F部分的教学打下基础。在本课教学中,教师注重学生阅读能力和口语表达能力的培养,E部分是通过看动画,阅读短文寻找问题的答案进行教学,再通过描述自己喜欢的昆虫这一口语交际活动巩固对短文的理解与掌握。G部分语音教学注重知识的总结与归纳,帮助学生体会字母组合ee在单词中的发音特点。H部分歌曲虽然是本节课的内容,但在平时的教学中,我们可结合歌曲,歌谣内容在每节课前或课后播放,既能渗透教学内容,又能营造良好的英语氛围。总的来说,在这样的单元综合课中,教师要根据教学内容变换不同的教学方法,以达到知识的不断巩固和提高。