第三版大学体验英语 综合教程4UNIT 6.doc
Unit 6Listen 1. serious 2. involves 3. several 4. changes 5. families 6. means 7. painful8. Get a medical checkup to rule out any other illnesses that might be causing signs of depression9. Go to the government services pages and look for health clinics or community health centers10. There are two common types of treatment for depression:medicine and talk therapy Think about it1. Die-hard football fans are those who love football games too much or take it too seriously. Their love affair with a team makes them pay less attention to their work, their study, or even their families. Their self-esteem soars with victory and plummets in defeat, which sometimes affects their lives long afterwards.2. Yes, I do. And I think almost everyone has his or her own favorite sports or recreational activities, such as reading, watching TV, playing basketball, watching basketball games and playing cards.3. Although I am not a hard-core football fan, I like to watch football matches. But football is just a game, and to me it is a kind of light-hearted display of athletic prowess. Everyone should have his or her own normal life. We can have our hobbies but we should not overdo it.爱好足球有利健康吗? 为什么球迷知道真相当球队取胜时,铁杆球迷会兴奋到极点;而当球队失败时,他们又会极度低迷。科学研究发现,对一支球队的喜爱在情感上可能与真正恋爱一样强烈,而且球队之间的碰撞具有角斗士般的影响力。这究竟是怎么回事呢?为什么热情的球迷在观看比赛的时候会产生荷尔蒙的起伏以及其他的心理变化?为什么球迷的自尊心会随着胜利而高涨,随着失败而低落,有时还会影响到他们以后很长时间的生活?人们为什么会对球队形成如此深厚的情结?而如此痴心地全力支持一支球队对你的健康是好还是坏?当你找到答案时可能会大吃一惊。球迷的性格心理学家经常将铁杆球迷描绘成寂寞而又不适应环境的人,他们通过对一支球队的认同来寻求自我。但一项研究却得出了相反的结论。这项研究显示,与那些从来不看“赛事集锦”的人们相比,足球迷们所经受的沮丧和麻木要小。铁杆球迷还表现出与球队狂热的牢不可破的联系。这种球迷心理的根源也许可以追溯到原始时期。那时,为保护部落而战的武士是其种族的真正的代表。在现代道理依然如此,职业运动员是一个城市或国家的武士,他们在足球场上进行没有硝烟的战争。一场战争球场上的一些对抗是激烈的。从这方面看,我们的体育英雄就是我们的斗士。足球比赛,尤其是在竞争对手之间,并不是一种轻松的运动技艺的展现。你自身会情感上介入比赛结果,因为你所全力支持的球队代表着你。所以,对一些球迷来说,职业足球选手似乎能再现当年部落战争对他们的祖先所产生的那种紧张情绪。甚至可以说,正是这种情绪在过去的20年中加速了人们迷恋体育运动的狂热化。代理人身份因此,通过足球比赛,你有可能会赢得对手的尊重,虽然这只是间接的感受。也就是说,你可能受到十分敬重,但这不是因为你自己的成就,而是因为你与获胜的球队有联系。再者,如果你愿意,你还可以将自己与某个球技精湛的足球队员相联系,如中场队员大卫·贝克汉姆,边锋瑞恩·吉格斯,以及前锋蒂埃尔·亨利等。然而,那种关联可能是不牢固的。爱炫耀的体育迷在他们球队的胜利时总爱自夸地说“我们赢了”,当球队失败时,他们则会把自己与球队拉开距离,而说“他们输了”。 善始善终大量研究发现,那些“高度投入”的球迷无论男女不大可能在球队表现不佳时背离球队。凡读过尼克·霍恩比的极度兴奋的人都知道,阿森纳球迷正是如此。不仅如此,他们更愿意把他们球队的失利归咎于裁判不公或球运不佳,而非阿森纳队的差错或其对手的水平。因此,这些狂热的球迷对比赛高度亢奋并花费更多的金钱购买球票和俱乐部的商品,这一点就不足为怪了。睾丸激素受影响吗?球队获胜后男性球迷的睾丸激素含量会显著上升,而在失利后显著下降。这种特性在为争夺雌性而战的雄性动物身上也得到了验证。生物学家认为,人类可能已演化了这一方法来尽快结束冲突。如果是这样,它就为大赛后的足球流氓行为提供了一个有趣的生物学解释。科学验证了这一理论。在1994年的美国世界杯赛中,分别在巴西队战胜意大利队之前和之后对21名意大利人和巴西人的睾丸激素含量进行了测试。结果,赛后巴西人的睾丸激素平均上升了28%,而意大利人的睾丸激素却下降了27%。作为球迷会损害健康吗?会的,甚至会是致命的。在罚点球时的紧张心情可能会触发男球迷的心脏病发作和中风。 1996年的欧洲杯赛中,荷兰队输给法国队的当天,因心脏病发作及中风而死亡的人数提高了 50%。群体特征一名热情的球迷可能只是希望自己属于某一团体或组织这是曾经被宗教和政治所满足的一种需求。这可以解释为什么一些球迷面对球队的不断地失利依然义无反顾地忠诚于他们的球队。在比赛中,你周围的人群能够激起你极大的热情,而且你可以通过挥舞帽子和围巾、墨西哥式的人浪以及歌唱来表明你只属于这一群体。而且,你是这一群体的一员,在这里从不问问题,没有必要解释,并且总是有人支持你。随着宗教和家庭等诸多传统体系开始分解,足球人群就成了完美的家庭较健康的面貌?在大多数场合下,深深地依恋于某一球队是有益的。多项研究表明,对某一球队所产生的强烈兴趣可以忘却沮丧,并可培养自身价值和归属感。这一点适合于所有的热情体育迷。全部人类包括足球迷都有这种最基本的心理需求:归属感。没有了宗教,没有了家庭,必须要有一种新东西来满足这一需求。今天,盖过所有其他运动项目的足球,填补了这一至关重要的空缺。二.AnswerI. ArgumentsII. NO. of paragraphYes1) Through football matches, it becomes possible to gain respect from your rivals, albeit vicariously.2) You can be highly regarded not for your own achievement, but through your connection to a team that wins.3) Its not surprising that these avid fans get more psychologically aroused at games and spend more money on tickets and merchandises.4) Human animal have evolved this way to end conflicts quickly.5) Being an ardent fan could be simply the desire to belong to a group or a society.6) With so many traditional institutions like religion and family beginning to break down, the football crowd is the perfect family.7) Several studies show that an intense interest in a team can stave off depression and foster feelings of self-worth and belonging.Para. 5Para. 5Para. 7Para. 8Para. 10Para. 10Para. 11 No1) Some psychologists believe that die-hard fans are lonely misfits searching for self-esteem by identifying with a team.2) The tension felt by football fans during penalty shootouts can trigger heart attacks and strokes in male spectators.Para. 3Para. 9 三.1. Lonely misfits searching for self-esteem by identifying with a team.2. They suffer fewer bouts of depression and alienation3. (Because they say) “We won” (when) describing (the teams) victory, and “they lost” (when) describing (its) defeat.4. on their teams mistakes or the other teams skill.5. Yes, in most cases四. 1. portrayed 2. revealed 3. depression 4. game 5. admiration 6. connection 7. Uninterested 8. loyal 9. including 10. psychological 五. 1. achievement 2. self-esteem 3. primitive 4. Aroused 5. identified 6. confrontation 7. reveal 8. Soaring 9. abandoned 10. professional六. 1. through thick and thin 2. root for 3. backed up 4. belonged to 5. stave off 七. Synonyms 1. conflict; clash 2. mental; psychological 3. feeling sad; depression 4. self-esteem; self-worth 5. back up; support Antonyms 1. light-hearted; intense 2. helpful; harmful八.1. She portrayed her childhood as a time of wonder and discovery.2. Experiments showed that nonsmokers committed fewer errors than smokers3. Football fans are often highly regarded not for their own achievement, but through their connection to a team that wins.4. Despite the actors wonderful acting, the three-hour movie could not hold our attention.5. Professor Wang is the only doctor I can rely on to save my son.九. 1. We hit the heights when we got the news that someone survived the flood and reach the depths of despair when we can not find the classmates lost in this accident.2. The opportunities for us to win the match are much fewer than those who practice often3. What we did is not for fame or fortune of ourselves, but for the hopes of more people4. He blamed his poor performance in school on his poor family background, rather that on his own laziness.5. One of the difficulties college students face is how to apply what they have learned in school to practice十.He Xin: Li Shasha, do you think that our teachers put too much pressure on us to succeed?Li Shasha: I think they are using whatever means they can to motivate us to perform well. I dont think it is pressure; I think they just want us to work hard, and we are often motivated by success. He Xin: I am asking this question because I feel too stressed. Even though I try my best, I feel like it is never good enough for my professors or my parents.Li Shasha: He Xin, you shouldnt judge your self-worth by how others perceive you. If you are giving your best effort in your studies, then you should be proud of yourself. For most of us, we need some pressure. Would you study as hard as you do if there was no pressure?He Xin: I probably wouldnt study as hard if I knew that no one cared; however, I believe there is a healthy balance between showing care and concern and placing undue pressure on students. Im just afraid that such performance-oriented pressure might drive someone to depression or suicide.Li Shasha: He Xin, we cannot take pressure too seriously. Sure, we are all under stress as students, and none of us wants to fail; however, we must remember that if we do fail, we can try again. Success should not be measured by wins or losses or passing versus failing grades. We should be proud of ourselves if we simply give our best effort because that is the best that we can do. Our parents and professors should be careful about how much pressure they put on us because they want to see us perform at our best.He Xin: I guess Im just tired of feeling stressed-out all the time.Li Shasha: Cheer up, He Xin. You have one of the best grades in the class, and everyone likes you. I think you are putting too much pressure on yourself. Lets go get some ice cream.He Xin: I cant go, Li Shasha. I have to study for my test next week.Li Shasha: Next week? You can study later in the week! Right now, lets go and have some fun. Besides, even if you dont study, youll make a higher grade than me.He Xin: OK, Ill go, but dont put any pressure on me to beat you on that test!十一. Sports and Psychological Health Sports and Psychological Health Sports do much good to our health. They can be of especially great value to our psychological health. People who are involved in athletics feel more self-sufficient and confident in their abilities. They often feel they are in control of their own actions. Sports offer people an opportunity to feel more competent, self-reliant and able to achieve their goals. Sports demand not only physical skill and strength but also courage, enthusiasm, discipline and usually teamwork. For people, what is learned on the playground often has a deep effect on their character. If each of them learns to work for his team and not for himself on the football field, he is more likely to find it natural to work for the good of his country instead of only for his own benefit.Passage BThink about it 1. A healthy person, in general, is a person with high morale and low depression2. The pressure on a person is usually caused by tasks that are slightly beyond his / her reach. For example, some people want to advance in their professions, and climbing the career ladder can cause pressure.3. Yes, I do. Work is good for men, and a successful and accomplished man is a healthy and happy man.男人工作有利于健康 也许,你只有30岁或者40岁,50岁而已经在想象着要退休。你已拥有(填空选项:购股选择权、信托基金、有钱的妻子),而现在仅有的问题是什么时候退休。什么时候是全身心地投入到高尔夫球运动的最佳时机? 或许这是一个可怕的念头,尤其是对那些工作不是为了养家糊口的人来说。而且种种流行病学的分析早已得出结论:较早退休的男人不如那些工作到老的人寿命长。假如有机会整天除了娱乐活动别无他事,我们就会遇到麻烦被高尔夫球击中头部,喝酒过多掉下渔船,诸如此类的事情。任何事情使得我们过多地远离妇女的关爱都不利于我们的健康。这并不是说工作不会带给我们有害的影响。90%以上与工作有关的事故的受害者都是男性。高度竞争的本能也驱使我们在事业上求得发展,而一级一级地往上爬也会使人紧张(虽然有趣的是,大多数首席执行官非常健康;他们都很有韧劲,是天生的领导者)。 任何稍微超越我们能力的工作都会引起紧张,伴随而来的是高血压,免疫力下降以及心血管疾病的患病概率的增加。但是,养育孩子也让人紧张。失业真的会让人紧张。度假也会让人紧张。在米兰开汽车更是一场噩梦。 问题在于,看看这幅图画,无论愿意与否,不工作总比工作更糟糕。这一点一直是对的,但是现在随着性别角色的变化,这一常理也有些难以解释了。 成功的回报 工作对男人有利尤其是条件合适时更是如此。例如当然这并不适合那些社会平等主义者娶了一位“家庭主妇型”妻子的男人有更大的可能在事业上不断得到提拔。这是康纳尔大学退休和康乐研究得出的结论,这份研究同时发现反之亦然:男人娶了有全职工作的妻子,其事业也更加可能走下坡路。从其他的资料中我们了解到,一位成功的和有成就的男人是健康和快乐的人。 近来苏格兰有一项研究也表明,性别角色的变化对男人工作生涯有影响。研究人员指出,有全职和兼职工作的妇女人数的增加可能与男性自杀和抑郁人数的不断增加有间接关系,至少在英伦诸岛是如此。对于男人来说,失去作为家庭唯一供养者的地位以及其意识到的社会地位的丧失,可能是诱发抑郁症的危险因素。 家庭生活也会影响男人从工作中获得的利益。有了孩子以后,特别是有了一个男孩之后,美国男人的工作时间就要延长。 华盛顿大学的心理学家和经济学教授谢里·兰贝格说,“我们只能猜测,有了一个儿子对男人来说增添了婚姻和家庭的价值。”他根据“美国收入动态跟踪调查”的数据,发现第一个儿子的出生导致男人平均每年增加84小时的工作时间相当于增加了两个星期的工作。有了女儿之后男人只增加了31小时的工作。他们还发现了一种“父亲奖励”,使得男人每生一个孩子都会增加大约5%的小时工资。 退休 研究一再表明,一个在职的、有家室的男人的可支配收入越多,则越幸福、越健康。还不相信?研究退休的人们的一些发现进一步说明了不要退休的理由。首先,刚退休的男人比没有退休的男人会遇到更多的家庭冲突。你的夫人会很紧张地担心你是否被高尔夫球击中了头部,或者喝酒过量落水漂在海上。 好消息是你还可以弥补因退休而产生的损失重新回去工作。康纳尔大学心理学家荣格默恩·科·基默和菲莉斯·摩恩发现,退休的男人一旦决定重新工作时,他们又重获新生。基默认为,“退休后再就职对他们的心理健康有好处。”那些退休后又重新工作的人们感觉士气高昂,很少有沮丧的心情。而那些退休后没有重新工作的男人们则感觉精神消沉,心情极其沮丧。 他们对534名在50岁和74岁之间的已婚男人和妇女的研究发现,工作状况对精神和抑郁的影响是不分年龄、收入和健康状况的。 因此,加劲干吧,朋友,并且设法一直干到你躺下为止。延年益寿的药方之一就是工作。十二. 1.C, 2.D, 3.B, 4.B, 5.A十三.1. You are only 30-year-old or maybe even 40 or 50 and are already fantasizing about retiring2. We get in trouble we might get beaned by a shanked golf ball, fall off a fishing boat after one drinks too much and that kind of thing.3. Men are the victims of more than 90 percent of all job-related accidents. Our highly competitive instincts also propel us to advance in our professions and climbing the ladder can be stressful.4. Raising children is stressful. Unemployment is really stressful. Vacations can be stressful. Driving in Milan is a nightmare.5. Men married to women who work full-time are more likely to have downwardly mobile careers.十四. 1. victim 2. depress 3. devote 4. concluded 5. beneficial 6. recreational 7. propelled 8. financial 9. nothing 10. regardless十五. 1. along with 2. agree with 3. in terms of 4. go back to 5. be responsible for十六. 1. raise children 2. increase wages / value 3. experience conflict 4. give an opportunity 5. climb a ladder 6. cause stress 7. change roles / value十七. 心理健康不应该因为你是否受到精神或情绪紊乱而感到困惑。关于健康问题的研究涉及正常人个体或者普通大众的感受。当我们说到心理健康,我们指的是普通人在生活中的所作所为。换句话说,如果你觉得压抑,这并不意味着你就有心理问题。心理健康涉及你怎样处理事情,你又怎样反应而且还涉及你是否觉得你的生活是有趣而享受的。十八. 1.B, 2.D, 3.C十九.1. 申请表必须在截止日期之前寄回。2. 那个男人的发誓遭到了其他几位证人的反驳。3. 在玩具历史上值得注意的一点是,与其说数百年来玩具变化了多少,不如说有多少玩具保持不变。4. 据报道,大多数收养的孩子都想要知道他们的生身父母是谁。5. 这就是教师们经常鼓励学生及早使用词典并重视文字内容,而不是技术能力的原因。6. 一天中当你感到精力最充沛时,也就是你的体温处于其周期高峰的时候。7. 事实是能源危机已经伴随我们很长时间了,而且还将伴随我们更长时间。8. 正因为如此,甚至有人提出应该完全取消现有的速度限制。9. 请问我们如何能在最短的时间内到达机场?10. 你知道我在哪儿能买到尺码比这更大的衬衫吗?二十. Car Accidents Declining in Chongqing City According to the graph, we can see that the number of car accidents in Chongqing city fluctuated considerably during the year 2011. The first two months of 2011 showed an increasing trend, moving from 22 accidents in January to 32 in March. Accidents decreased steadily over the following 3 months to only 26 incidents in June. The months of July and August saw a second sudden increase, numbering 33 and 39 accidents respectively. After August the situation steadily improved, with accident numbers declining to a minimum of 16 in December. These fluctuations can be explained by weather and road conditions. The increase in accidents evidenced in March can be attributed to the excessive rain that comes in early spring, making the roads muddy and slippery. The peak in accidents in August is related to the heat and humidity of the summer months, making drivers drowsy and impatient. Improved weather conditions and the completion of two new roads obviously improves traffic and driving conditions in the autumn and winter months, leading to the strong decline of accidents during that period. Based on the information presented in this graph, I would expect the following year to have similar fluctuations in its numbers of accidents, in variation with the weather. However, I would also expect the overall number of accidents to be lower due to the existence of two new roads, therefore improving the traffic conditions all year round.Acknowledgements My deepest gratitude goes first and foremost to Professor aaa , my supervisor, for her constant encouragement and guidance. She has walked me through all the stages of the writing of this thesis. Without her consistent and illuminating instruction, this thesis could not havereached its present form. Second, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to Professor aaa, who led me into the world of translation. I am also greatly indebted to the professors and teachers at the Department of English: Professor dddd, Professor ssss, who have instructed and helped me a lot in the past two years. Last my thanks would go to my beloved family for their loving considerations and great confidence in me all through these years. I also owe my sincere gratitude to my friends and my fe