The tragedy of Tess(苔丝的悲剧) .doc
The tragedy of Tess(苔丝的悲剧) “Tess of the d'Urbervilles ” is generally regarded as Hardy's finest novel. A brilliant tale of seduction, love, betrayal, and murder, Tess of the d'Ubervilles yields to narrative convention by punishing Tess's sin, but boldly exposes this standard denouement of unforgiving morality as cruelly unjust. Throughout, Hardy characterizes Tess as a daughter of nature who endures the brutality of industrialism through the people and circumstances in her life. Using specific language, character depiction, and story development, Hardy provides a strong argument against the urban movement by showing the reader its harsh effects on the agrarian lifestyle. The novel centers around a young woman who struggles to find her place in society.Tess is a beautiful,intelligent and distinguished woman.But those advantages do not take her happiness or good lucky. It didn't like Jane Eyrea good ending the satisfaction of all with the help of oversea colony's money. In her life is full of Suffering and Unfortunate.Who and what couse the tragedy of Tess? I think there are four factors.At first of all, Tess is the tragedy of the times. Tess was living in the late nineteenth century .At that time, British capitalism begin invading rural. This Phenomenon sets conflicting betweeting country and city. In part, Tess represents the changing role of the agricultural workers in England in the late nineteenth century. Hardy shows that life as a maiden begins in the natural country and ends in the brutal city. Tess's life begins in the rural secluded town of Marlott where the country atmosphere allows her to grow into a virtuous caring young girl. In contrast, Tess's downfall occurs in the city. Towards the end of the tale, when Tess is once again in Alec's possession, negative consequences ensue. She murders Alec in the city of Sandbourne that was like a "fairy place suddenly created by the stroke of a wand." (Pg. 296) The suddenness with which the city is created parallels the quick actions of Tess in murdering Alec d'Urberville. In both scenarios it seems like there was no thought before the action was orchestrated. Once Tess is put to death in the city, the harsh realities of justice and punishment remind the reader of Hardy's pessimistic view of industrialism. Hardy purposely begins and ends Tess's life in such a manner to show her as a sacrifice of rural landscape to the urban movement. Through his portrayal of Tess, Hardy is able to use her entire being to make his negative attitude towards urbanity known.Many people in England were forced to make sacrifices during the industrial revolution. Through language, character depiction, and specific scenes in the novel, Hardy illustrates the harsh effects of industrialism on certain agrarian lifestyles. He shows the reader that the commercialism and emphasis on modernistic ways of life did not fall well with all the people in the land. The substitute of machinery to manual labor came at a heavy price for the beautiful English land and the families who inhabited it. Hardy allows his readers to see that progress may not always be a positive occurrence and good intentions may cause dire consequences.At the beginning of stoy,Tess is a naive country girl. She is primarily a daughter of nature upon whom urbanity will leave its lasting marks. but one day , When her fathe discovere that the low-class Durbeyfield family is in reality the d'Urbervilles,he want Tess to recognizes the relative. Because the family circumstances are poor.tess complies by unvoluntary,even if she feels very ashamed.In there she meets masters son Alec dUrberville,who plays a character as chief criminal in her tragic life.An insouciant twenty-four-year-old man, heir to a fortune, and bearer of a name that his father purchased, Alec is the nemesis and downfall of Tesss life. His first name, Alexander, suggests the conqueroras in Alexander the GreatZ,who seizes what he wants regardless of moral propriety. His full last name, Stoke-dUrberville, symbolizes the split character of his family, whose origins are simpler than their pretensions to grandeur. After all, Stokes is a blunt and inelegant name.At the very end of the novel,he becomes a reverent Christian On surface.But when he remeeting Tess, he quickly abandons his newfound Christian faith. It is hard to believe Alec holds his religion, or anything else, sincerely. His supposed conversion may only be a new role he is playing. Indeed Alec is diabolical. Alec creeps up on Tess in the darkness of the Chase and lies with her without her knowing it.He deconstructed the tesss chastity and pure.At last,he forces tess to be his lover.Not aslo he really love tess,but only regards tess as his toy. It can be said,he is the immediate cause of tesss tragedy.Angel Clare is also one of the important factors, caused more serious and terrible harm on tess psychological. Angel Clare is a complex art image. On the one hand,he is Bourgeois intellectuals , having Open minds and independent thinking.He hope depend on his own labor to survive and do not want to inherit his father's mantle.He is a secularist who yearns to work for the “honor and glory of man,” as he tells his father in Chapter XVIII, rather than for the honor and glory of God in a more distant world. A typical young nineteenth-century progressive, Angel sees human society as a thing to be remolded and improved, and he fervently believes in the nobility of man. He rejects the values handed to him, and sets off in search of his own. Indeed Angel Clare is a fascinating and good-hearted man. When he was working on the Pasture,a lot of girls admired him. But his love for Tess, a mere milkmaid and his social inferior, is one expression of his disdain for tradition. This independent spirit contributes to his aura of charisma and general attractiveness that makes him the love object of all the milkmaids with whom he works at Talbothays. But on the other hand, Angel Clare aslo is one of the male chauvinist supporters. In his heart, he is still difficult to get rid of controling by feudal morals.His love for Tess may be abstract, as we guess when he calls her “Daughter of Nature” or “Demeter.”. Tess may be more an archetype or ideal to him than a flesh and blood woman with a complicated life. So Angel deserts Tess when he finds the innocent country girl he fell in love with is not so pure.On their wedding night, tess confesses that she is not a virgin and explains what happened with Alec d'Urberville. Even though he himself has also had an affair out of wedlock, he becomes upset and is unable to reconcile his real affection for Tess, his wounded pride, and his image of Tess as a pure and virginal figure. He cant forgive her for having another mans child even though she forgives him everything. Angel abandons Tess and tells her she cannot contact him; he will contact her. But he has not divorced with tess, because of Men's dignity.At last, after his failure in Brazil, and only then Angel realizes he has been unfair to Tess. His moral system is readjusted as he is brought down to Earth. But to his sorrow, when returning to England to find Tess, he discovers tess living in a hotel with Alec d'Urberville.Everthing is too late.In addition, Tesss character is also an important reason for the tragedy.Although Tess has great courage to against social injustice,she cant get rid of astrology from her own moral traditions. She understood herself is a victim of the social violence and ethics morals victim. But in while receives which the native place persons censures, she also consider herselves guilty. To forget the past ,she is Far away her family and home to Tabou Lei. Falls in love with Angel Clare makes her happiness,howere,her heart still fell suffered.Facing Angel Clares abandon,she think that is her own crime. Thus she silently endures the unjust fate.In her thingking, strong moral consciousness and religious sense is very obvious. The intense moral sensitivity and psychological atonement causes her to fall into the mire of suffering and tragedy.Tess has a lot of advantages, for instance saidindustriously, selfless, simple. Among them, her most Prominent advantages is pure, as the author described in subheading-“A pure woman”.But the such commendable moral excellence makes her go to the Abyss of tragedy. She is unable to live with Alec for the matter to enjoy ,while she cant deceive Angel for Own happiness. If Tess is willing, she can request Alec to marry with her,when she was pregnant with his child, and does not have to endure other people's criticism.On wedding night, Listening to the advice of her mother,she can chooses to Hide her busband the matter happened with Alec d'Urberville,like any other women who have suffered simila matter as her.but her pure dont allow her to do such “simple” matter.Tess thus represents what is known in Christian theology as original sin, the degraded state in which all humans live, even whenlike Tess herself after killing Prince or succumbing to Alecthey are not wholly or directly responsible for the sins for which they are punished. This torment represents the most universal side of Tess: she is the myth of the human who suffers for crimes that are not her own and lives a life more degraded than she deserves. In a word, Tess is a really pure woman. She has many valuable advantages.But because of Personal reasons, social reasons and time reasons,she didnt have a good end. Her tragedy is inevitable.摘要:德伯家的苔丝是英国文学的瑰宝。作者托马斯哈代通过此小说描述了一个农村女孩苔丝的悲剧。近一个世纪以来,苔丝的悲剧感动了全世界数以千计的读者。本论文就是探讨苔丝悲剧的原因。首先本论文介绍了哈代的相关资料。随后介绍了故事的情节,在此基础上,从社会变革、认为因素和性别歧视等方面探讨了苔丝悲剧的原由。通过分析讨论,得出苔丝悲剧的根本原因是:双重性道德标准或性别歧视。解决的根本途径是:真正实现男女平等,而这需要社会进步和文明的发展。关键词:苔丝悲剧社会变革人为因素性别歧视TessoftheDurbervillesisthemasterpieceofEnglishliterature.ThomasHardy,theauthorofthisbook,describesatragedyofapeasantgirl-Tess-betrayedandruinedbytwomen.Overthepastcenturyhertragedyhasmovedthousandsofhundredsofpeopleallovertheworld.ThisthesistriestoexplorethecausesofTessstragedy.Firstly,thisthesisintroducessomerelatingmaterialsaboutHardandhisnovel,concerningthesituationofThomasHardyandhisattitudetowardsTess.Then,thetaleofTessoftheDurbervillesisgivenforbetterunderstandingoflateranalysis.ThecausesofTessstragedyaresubtleandthisthesismainlyanalyzesinthreeparts:thesocialbackground,thehumanrolesandtherootreason.Thesocialbackgroundofthisstoryisthechangingsocietyattheturningpointoffeudalismtocapitalismwhenthousandsofdecayedpeasantssuffering.AndthehumanfactorsheremainlyconcerntwomenAlecandAngle,whoseparatelyviolatesTessphysicallyandspiritually.ThoughthefirsttwocausesplayanimportantroleinTessstragedy,therootreasonisthesexdiscrimination.ThenthisthesiscomestoanaturalconclusionthatthetragedyofTessismainlycausedbysociety,humanandespeciallythemorality.Tessisthevictimofthecontroversialmorality.Shesuffers,andstrugglesagainstthisunjustmoralcodebutfailedattheend.Thesolutionistoachievetherealequalityofmaleandfemale,nomatterinsocialstatusorfinancialsituations.Surelythisrequirestheadvancingofthesocietyandhumancivilization.Keywords:Tessstragedy,Socialchanges,Humanfactors,andSexdiscrimination