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    Efficient and Effective Approaches and Methods in English Teaching英语专业毕业论文.doc

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    Efficient and Effective Approaches and Methods in English Teaching英语专业毕业论文.doc

    The efficient way in English TeachingOutline:1.The reason why I choose the topic1). The importance of English Teaching2). The development of English teaching in China in the 20th century.2. What is the efficient way in English teaching1) Definition2) How is the way used in English lessons3. My opinion about how to teach English well 1) English teacher should be a good guider 2) English teacher should help the students to improve their study habits3) The teacher should get students to know important knowledge about the history, culture, etc. of other countries, especially English speaking countries.4) Learning before teaching4.Conclusion: Efficient and Effective Approaches and Methods in English TeachingHow to teach English well is the question I have been thinking about all these years since I began teaching. In 15-years teaching work, I have been trying my best to find an efficient and effective way to improve my teaching.Generally speaking, the goal of English teaching is to help the student master English in the shortest possible time. By mastering English, we mean that the student is able to have successful communication with others in English. In order to reach the goal, English teachers as well as applied linguists try hard to find out the most efficient and effective ways in English teaching.In the history of foreign language teaching, many language teaching approaches and methods have been tried: The Grammar-translation method, The Direct Method, The oral Approach, The Audio-lingual Method, The Cognitive Approach, The Natural Approach, The Communicative Approach, etc. All the ways have their good features and shortcomings. So in English teaching, we should take in all the good points and give up the bad points. And we should fit our teaching methods with our teaching based on the teaching content. The teaching method must meet the needs of our students and students should be the center of our teaching.I. What is the teaching approach?It is not reinventing the wheel or a new teaching method. It includes many good points from the different formal teaching approaches. It is efficient because it joins the language and the content into one.To use the Content Based Instruction teaching method, teaching courses are based on topics to improve English language teaching, when students are studying and researching some easy understood language, they will learn fast and remember it long. This is how the CBI teaching method use some familiar skills and tactics of the above teaching ways in classes and realistic life to make students control their study, including looking up reference materials, understanding from the context to mastering the general idea of the text, getting important information, listening to reports and making notes, as well as practicing writing skills. All in all, a teaching method, which can teach the student how to learn, will be successful.As an international language, English is spoken everywhere in the world. After entrance to WTO, English is becoming more and more important in our daily life, as well as in economic and cultural communication between different countries. Nowadays, English is taught in kindergartens, primary schools, middle schools and universities. Therefore, how to teach English well or what is the efficient way in English teaching has become a question worth thinking for all the English teachers.As we know, the Chinese English- teaching teachers and researchers have been looking for the best method for English teaching in China for many years. Different methods and approaches have been introduced, tried out and found unsatisfactory among them: the Direct method in the early decades of the 20th century, Situational Method in the 1960s, Audio-lingual Method in the 1970s, and Communication approach in the 1980s. Through trial and error, people come to realize that there is no single best method that can meet the needs of all learners all the time. The method chosen must be done according to the students practical needs, their learning style, their age and interest, their native language, and other factors, because all these factors decide whether our teaching will be successful or not. In Chinese, we should “ 因材施教,因地制宜.” That is to say, our English teaching should be based on the needs of the students, and based on the teaching content. I think it is an efficient and effective way for English teaching.Communication in class of this teaching ApproachIn such courses, students dont keep silent, instead, such classes are not only the co-operation between the teacher and the students, but also mainly depending on the students. For example, in a writing class, a student and his partner either discuss in pair or take part in conversations from time to time, and they will spend half less time than usual. Preparing a reading or listening passage, the students can share the information and questions they have known on the appointed topic. When they finish reading or listening, they can discuss the information they have got and compare it with their experience. In discussion, the students also can get more information by asking others.In such a class, the students can be trained in listening, speaking, reading and writing skills. It gets all the students acting. And the teacher is just an organizer. The students learn English in communication.Grammar teaching in classIn such a course, grammar teaching is not just for teaching grammar, instead the students learn about some concerned grammar knowledge in order to finish a writing or speaking practice, or understanding a particular reading or listening passage. For example, while listening a program about smoking on radio, they are able to learn the difference between “she stopped smoking” and “she stopped to smoking”. Then it can be turned into their skill, forming a efficient and attractive way for learning a language. To learn grammar in such a way, it will become more easy and interesting not boring.We can summarize the way into the following aspects:1.Students should be taught to use English, not only to learn some knowledge about English. When we give the students an English lesson, we should ask them to know not only the meaning of English words, sentences and how to pronounce them, but how to use them. As English teacher we should give them as many opportunities as possible to practice English. Practice make perfect. For example, when we teach them how to make a telephone call in English, we may ask them to make a similar dialogue in pairs in class. We should encourage them to try their best to communicate with each other as often as possible in or out of class. English is taught as a tool for communicating. When students begin learning English, maybe some of them are afraid of opening their mouths in class, so in class they just listen to the teachers, and do what their teacher ask them to do. They study English passively. In such a case, we should encourage them to be brave and active, help them to form their self-confidence, and tell them to think hard when learning English. Once they make some progress, praise them in time. Little by little, they will be more and more interested in studying English. 2. The method used in teaching is a combination of modernism and traditional. It does not follow one single method but incorporates in it the effective points of audio-lingual traditionalism and communicative language trending. We should look after the development of both language knowledge and communicative competence. It doesnt simply teach the students language, but provide plenty of opportunities for students to use English and they should learn English for the purpose of using it.3.The language material is arranged from simple to difficult according to grammatical structure.4. Learning before teaching. Before class, the students should get well prepared for the materials, then in the class they can know what they should focus on. This can help make things easier. They should pay special attention to what they need to know, listening carefully and making notes about it. 5. In teaching course, the students should be divided into groups according to their grades. Students in a class are in different grades, that is, some of them have a good foundation in English, and the others have a bad foundation. It is necessary for us to divide them into different groups and give them different requirements in English learning. In class, we can appoint them to do different assignments according to their situation. For example, for the good students we give them leveled practice, while for the students with poor knowledge, we can give them some basic practice, such as remembering the new words, key phrases and expressions. In this way, we can suit out teaching to the needs of different type of students and make our teaching interesting and effective. What is more, the divided groups are changeable when their situation changed. For example, some students find it difficult to catch up the students in the same group, the teacher may give them lowered requirements. On the other hand, some students feel it easy to finish the teachers appointed homework, the teacher can give them leveled requirement. They can go into group A from B.II. What should a teacher do in English teaching?1. English teacher should be a good guider. “Give a man a fish and hell eat for a day; teach a man how to fish and hell eat all his life.” From the viewpoint of language teaching, we know that an English teacher should not only teach students English knowledge but teach them how to study and develop their self-taught abilities.(1) Guide the students to draw up a good study plan. “Everything will be done well if it is well-prepared.” At the very beginning of the term, the teacher should guide the students to draft a study plan so that they can understand what to do and how to study orderly.1) Explaining the English teaching task plan and demands of the term to the students.2) Guiding them to lay down a study plan which suits to the teachers demands and their actual situation, to discuss their plans and former study method with their classmates.(2) Tell the students to remember effectively. There are many difficulties in English study, which can be seen in pronunciation, memory, comprehension and usage. But remembering the new words is the most difficult of all. So the teacher should guide them to remember the new words efficiently and help them establish their self-confidence in English learning. During the process, two things must be done:1) Teach the students to remember effectively. Different from other subjects, English focuses on remembering and replying. The teacher should make the students understand the laws and methods of remembering, encourage them to face difficulty, and remember with all organssuch as eyes, nose, tongue, ears and body.2) Teach them to revise on time. German psychologist Ebbinghaus Curve of Forgetting shows the regular pattern of forgettingthe remembered materials will fade away from the memory, first rapidly, and then slowly. The only way to engrave in the brain is to revise on time. It is suitable to recall the materials of learning for the first time after 10 minutes; the second time after 24 hours; and a week later for the third time. In the course of this, what the teacher should do is to supervise them to keep reappearing the materials at a regular interval until they root in their brains.(3) Guide the students to make good use of their time. The students have much time to control except the classroom learning. The teacher must teach them to plan their time reasonably.Morning time is the best time for reading. The teacher should inform the students to spend about 30 minutes reading English aloud every morning. This is helpful for their English fluency. In the evening, the students must review the days new words and structures before they go to bed because the materials of bedtime memory will last long. If the students keep doing this day by day, their vocabulary will be seen increasing.(4) Teach the students how to use their reference materials. The students have many English materials to choose besides textbooks- such as dictionaries, reference books and tapes. Its badly needed for the teacher to guide the students to make good use of them at anytime.a)b)c) 待添加的隐藏文字内容3Ask the students to use dictionaries as often as possible. A good dictionary is a excellent teacher. So it is necessary for the students to use dictionary to preview the lessons, correct the pronunciation and spelling, look up the meaning and usage of the new words. If some aspects cannot be settled by referring to the dictionaries, such as important structures, difficult points, they can make notes and leave them for classroom learning.d) Show the students how to make notes accurately. The teacher should help the students make notes as details as possible by making English flash cards in revision classes. Well-designed cards include: pronunciation, word tape, grammatical function and language usage. The notes collected by the students will be different, so the teacher should require them to exchange their cards periodically, which will enable them to absorb each others good points and improve their English standard evenly.e) Inform the students to arrange their notes regularly. Through the process of learning English the students can also train their thought in English. Teacher should make them think in English and get them arrange their notes to make their information in order and systematically. At the same time ,the students must consult English reference books to reinforce the lessons.f) Help them to develop their language sense. A good language sense can not be achieved easily without strict training and hard working. In order to form a good sense of language, the teacher must not only stimulate the students to read aloud and extensively, but also demand them to listen to The English tape, watch English videos and movies frequently. A lot of attention must be paid to encourage students to seize any opportunities to practice English. One topic of conversation every day is enough. In this way, our students will get a feeling that they are dipping into the sea of English.2. English teacher should help their students improve their study habits.Maybe some students are average ones with average intelligence. They seldom get good grades, especially in English study. They are more interested in parties than Studying English, and in sports than scholarship. The fact is that they dont study very hard, so it is very important for us English teachers to help them improve their studying habits. We English teachers should have them plan their time carefully, find a good place to study,


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