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    新目标初中英语八级上册Unit10I’m going to be a basketball player教案.doc

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    新目标初中英语八级上册Unit10I’m going to be a basketball player教案.doc

    Unit10 Im going to be a basketball player.Section A 3a-3b 【教材分析】本单元围绕谈论未来计划展开,让学生用“be going to”的形式谈论各自长大后打算干什么以及打算怎样实现目标。本节课时是第二课时,是一堂以读促写课。通过谈论dream job,进一步加深对“be going to”的理解和运用,同时通过描述自己的 dream job, 进一步提高听、说、读、写的综合素质能力。【教学目标】教学总目标 通过本节课的学习,学生能掌握并熟练运用一般将来时来谈论自己的今后的人生目标以及如何为实现这一目标而做出努力(dream job)。学生能围绕“wh-”questions和“how”questions来谈论、描述自己的(dreamjob)。同时能掌握一些新的重点单词,如 dream yet hold rich travel somewhere save artist retire exhibition 以及词组 part-time job at the same time all over.语言知识目标:1.学习谈论未来发生的事情,展望自己的将来生活(dream job)。正确运用一般将来时(be going to),并能运用“wh-questions”和“How questions”句子结构来展开讨论。What are you going to be when you grow up? Im going to be.How are you going to do that? Im going to.Where are you going to work? Im going to.2.掌握一些新词及词组:dream somewhere artist save hold rich yet retire hold exhibtionspart-time job travel all over the world at the same time 语言技能目标:能围绕“wh-”questions和“how”questions来谈论、描述自己今后的人生目标以及如何为实现这一目标而做出努力。情感态度目标:通过谈论将来的打算和怎样实现这一目标,学生能考虑自己的人生目标以及早为将来做准备,树立正确的价值观和人生观学习策略目标:1. 各作学习: 通过小组活动载体,使学生养成相互交流,互帮互助,合作完成任务的习惯。2. 阅读策略的培养:在阅读理解时,要善于抓关键词,注重问题与对应句的对比分析。3. 以读促写:通过阅读,概括出文章的框架结构,达到以读促写的目的。 【教学重难点】1. 教学重点(1) key words: dream somewhere artist save hold rich yet retire hold exhibtionspart-time job travel all over the world at the same time (2) key structures: What are you going to be when you grow up? Im going to be.How are you going to do that? Im going to.Where are you going to work? Im going to.(3) Topic: dream job.2. 教学难点(1)掌握并熟练运用一般将来时。(2)围绕“wh-questions和“how”questions,来谈论未来的梦想职业,进行语篇输出。【教学步骤】Teachers activitiesStudents activitiesPurposesI. Revision and presentation. 1. Greet and talk about the song and my dream job. 2.Ask Ss about their dream job “What are you going to be?How are you going to do that?Where are you going to work?”3. Show my dream after I retire4. Let Ss choose and complete the sentences.1. Answer the questions and learn the new word “dream”.2. Learn the new word “yet”, and practice their dream jobs in pairs3.Learn the new words: “retire somewhere hold exhibitionsave rich” and phrases “ part-time job at the same time travel all over the world ”. 4. Choose and complete the sentences.首先通过greeting,不仅拉近了与学生间的距离,而且引出了本课的重点单词dream,然后通过询问学生的dream job,引出单词“yet”。接着以Pair work的形式操练了本课时的重点句型,最后通过my dream after I retire的学习,引出本课的重点单词retire somewhere saverich 以及短语 part-time job hold exhibitions at the same time travel all over the world,同时对重点词汇加以巩固。II. Reading, 3a.1. Fast reading, Let Ss read and answer two questions “What does Tian Tian want to be?/ Which city is she going to move?2. Careful reading ,Let Ss read and underline the things she is going to do.3. Let Ss read the diary loudly by themselves.4. Let Ss write down the missing words in the chart in their paper.5. Let Ss pay attention to the connective words, like “first, then, next, finally6. Let Ss retell Tian Tians dream job according to the chart.7. Make a summary about how to describe your dream job.1.Answer the questions and learn the new word “ artist”2.Read and underline the things she is going to do.3.Read the diary loudly.4.Write down the missing words 5. Write down the connective words.6. Retell Tian Tians dream job.7. Make a summary together.通过fast reading,培养学生快速阅读、捕捉信息的能力,通过构词法教学新单词“artist”。再进行careful reading,学生掌握了文章的大部分信息,同时感受了“be going to”和“want to”的句式来表述将来计划。然后通过自由朗读及填写表格进一步巩固了新单词,也习得了一些有用的连词。接着通过retell,学生对文章内容再作一次深刻的回忆,并操练了连词,更好地感受文本。最后,让学生对如何描述dream job作了概括,为下面谈论自己的dream job做好了准备,学生写作的思路更清晰了。III. Make an outline (about dream job.) Let Ss finish the outline according to the summary.finish the outline.学生列出有关自己的梦想职业及如何实现,操练了目标语言,同时让学生考虑了自己的人生目标,及早为将来做好准备。IV. Groupwork.Let Ss make a report about their own dream job according to the outline.One student make a report and the other three listen.让学生make a report,学生充分运用了本课的有用的词句,进行语言的综合输出。小组合作培养了学生的合作精神。  V. Homework1. Read 3a and retell Tian Tians dream job.2. Write down your trip. 培养学生的口头表达能力和写作能力。The Design of the blackboard: Unit 10 Im going to be a basketball player Section A(3a-3b) My dream jobdream part-time job first What: yet then Where: retire hold exhibition next Why: somewhere finally How: rich at the same time ( be going to./ want to.)save artist travel all over the world 1.Listen and write down the missing words in the blanks.Whatre Tian Tians plans for her dream? find a _ job _ some moneybe a student at _in Parisstudy French _ art exhibitionsbe _ and buy a big house for parentstravel _retire_quiet and beautiful2. An outline(提纲)My dream jobWhat: Where: Why: How(first, then, next,after that, finally): Unit 10 Im going to be a basketball player.Section A (3a-3b)教学反思 这次我上课的内容为八上Unit10 SectionA(3a3b), 文本内容是Tian Tians dream job,时态为一般将来时。这是一节典型的阅读精读课,通过阅读来指导学生写作,即read for writing。阅读写作课是一种模仿,首先是对文本的解读和内化,最后是模仿文本进行语言的综合输出。对此类课的处理,我首先进行词汇积累,通过提供阅读材料的相关知识,排除阅读中的障碍,同时对词汇进行巩固,最后让学生进行语言输出。其次是我利用各种阅读方法和策略带领学生熟悉文本、读透文本,带领学生对篇章结构进行分析,设置出框架,从而指导学生写作。最后,对学生进行情感方面的教育,“no pains ,no gains.”教育学生要让自己的梦想成真必须要通过自己的努力取得。首先通过greeting,不仅拉近了与学生间的距离,而且引出了本课的重点单词dream,然后通过询问学生的dream job,引出单词“yet”。接着以Pair work的形式操练了本课时的重点句型,最后通过my dream after I retire的学习,引出本课的重点单词retire somewhere save rich 以及短语 part-time job hold exhibitions at the same time travel all over the world,同时对重点词汇加以巩固。然后通过fast reading,培养学生快速阅读、捕捉信息的能力,通过构词法教学新单词“artist”。再进行careful reading,学生掌握了文章的大部分信息,同时感受了“be going to”和“want to”的句式来表述将来计划。然后通过填写表格进一步巩固了新单词,也习得了一些有用的连词。接着通过retell,学生对文章内容再作一次深刻的回忆,并操练了连词,更好地感受文本。最后,让学生对如何描述dream job作了概括,设置出了框架,为下面谈论自己的dream job做好了准备,学生写作的思路更清晰了。再次让学生列出有关自己的梦想职业及如何实现,操练了目标语言,同时让学生考虑了自己的人生目标,及早为将来做好准备。最后让学生make a report,谈谈自己的dream job,让学生充分运用了本课的有用的词句,进行语言的综合输出。从教学目标这一角度来看,本节课最终要达到以读促说,以读促写的目的,即利用文本框架来指导学生写作。同时也关注学生的情感态度。从词汇教学的角度来看,本节课的词汇是分阶段来呈现,并有侧重点通过选词填空和复述的方式加以巩固。在整节课的教学过程当中,有几处觉得处理得不够妥当。比如,在词汇呈现这一环节中,有几个词汇的处理不够妥当,比如somewhere这个单词,可以跟学生闲聊的时候询问学生,“Is there anywhere interesting in Lipu?”就可以呈现出来。还有在呈现rich这个单词中,可以询问学生“Why am I going to hold photo exhibitions”而呈现出来,这样的语境可能更真实性,学生也理解的更深刻。在careful reading 中,任务可以更给得清晰,可以问学生”How is she going to do that? 再让学生去划出她想做的事,这样部分学生不会很茫然,效果也会更好。Make an outline 这一环节,可能让学生先自己列出来,然后再小组互换outline,谈论对方的dream job ,这样可能会更好。只有通过不断的反思,我们才能发现自己的不足之处,让自己的课堂教学更加的完美。让我们在反思中不断成长,不断进步!


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