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    Analysis of Students’ Autonomous Learning of English in Classroom Teaching 英语专业毕业论文.doc

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    Analysis of Students’ Autonomous Learning of English in Classroom Teaching 英语专业毕业论文.doc

    Analysis of Students Autonomous Learning of English in Classroom TeachingAbstract: To improve self-learning of teachers first need to establish a new educational concept; students strengthen their self-awareness; second optimization is necessary for teachers to enhance classroom teaching students study method, study method, including: comparative law, summarized France, Lenovo method, the exchange of an interactive method, communicative approach, and guide the students to prepare class notes. Key words: self-learning educational concepts Learning Methods To establish the main consciousness, creating an independent personality, has become a modern international educational thought an important sign of change. In various field of education, there is growing emphasis on "learner-centered" teaching methods. It was recognized that the final result of learning is the learners play a decisive role himself. Of any successful education must take into account the individual characteristics of study subjects, be people-oriented, students are subjective initiative, develop their independent learning and lifelong learning capabilities. Some futurists predict that: the twenty-first century will no longer be illiterate illiterate person, but will not learn. Students to independently take charge of their foreign language learning is not only a breakthrough in the reform of classroom teaching, but also the truth requirements of quality education is to develop comprehensive development of human resources requirements. Traditional classroom teaching model, most of the teachers Mantang Guan, lays down the law, review the class engage in naval warfare title, after-school emphasizes rote learning of students, classroom teaching methods, a single dull, it is difficult to mobilize the enthusiasm of students, student interest in learning English can not be increased, leading to students gave up part of the English language learning, resulting in severe polarization of students, English standards are hardly across the board. To tell the truth in foreign language teaching quality education, we must break the traditional teaching mode, to play a student's initiative and guide the students to do a good job of changing the main learning in English have a proverb put it well: "You may take a horse to the water , but you can not make him a drink. "Elementary School Foreign Language teaching process should be under the guidance of teachers, foster foreign language learning students are masters of view, to fully mobilize the initiative of students, enthusiasm, participation ears, looks, brains, hands-on learning activities, to develop self-defense, self-governing, self-care, self-learning ability to use knowledge and skills to develop students of observation, memory, thinking, imagination and innovative spirit, for their life-long learning and development to lay a good foundation. This will require the reform of classroom teaching of English teachers to adopt flexible teaching methods to mobilize the enthusiasm of the students to raise their interest in learning, interest is the best teacher, the students are not our hands of the figurines, they can not in accordance with uniform standards for teacher shape into what looks like, they are flesh and blood individuals, and only activate their interest in learning, learning to be successful. First, do a good job learning the premise of self - 1. To improve the overall quality of teachers, changing concepts of education. Teachers are quality education practitioners and implementers to improve their own quality of teachers is to educate the key. A salesman who cheapens Jiang Zemin pointed out: "Innovation is the soul of a nation's progress is a national prosperity inexhaustible power." Cultivation of knowledge and new capabilities, and composite-type talent, be a high-quality teachers. In the new situation, the large number of English language educators to update the concepts, enhance theoretical and vocational study, and character cultivation and shaping the perfect personality and profound knowledge in order to conquer the students, a noble personality probation students to rigorous style of work of students infected with . The body is truly a teacher, the words are the norm. And establish a modern education concepts are the core of the quality of teachers is that teachers teach the foundation of legislation and changes in conduct of a teacher leader. In the educational activities of self-expression and accurate positioning of the Teacher core. Teachers should be aware of the diversity of the role of teachers. To become much more, will not do by the teacher; to be a training round development of students who, democracy and the establishment of teacher-student relationship, students guide the learning process, students of the founder of lifelong learning. We should recognize that teachers and students to participate in the teaching process is an interactive process, from the education-centered shift to learner-centered, knowledge turned to the church to teach students from learning. 2. To enhance students sense of ownership. As a teacher, we are guided, and also a helmsman, we have an obligation to help students improve productive learning, our education should be for all, should help the students at different levels to achieve their learning objectives, so that elite eat more raw better, getting more and more health conditions; make an objective basis for poor students to know themselves and draw their own conditions and realistic short-term goals and help them step by step towards their goal, teachers should be encouraged usual, so that They find a sense of accomplishment, build confidence and to improve foreign language learning. to guide students to self-motivation motivation to learn. English learning motivation of students interested in learning play an active role in promoting the formation of which is to promote student interest in learning the basic conditions for the formation of a strong motivation to learn the only ones who can have a strong motivation for learning, but also in order to take the initiative to put into English Learning to go. to guide students to learn self-mobilization initiative. To self to establish learning objectives, develop a learning plan, sum up learning methods, the establishment of cognitive structures. From the acquisition of knowledge, problem-solving process of some kind of satisfaction and excitement active state of mind to face the English language knowledge and skills. carried out in class, "a gang of one, twinning" activities to create Hubanghuxue democratic atmosphere to encourage students to change the old learning methods to form a new good learning habits, influence each other, seek common progress. Second, self-learning throughout the whole process of learning, it is not limited to the classroom, should also be reflected in the before and after school. 1. Teachers are pre-class self-developed learning objectives and teaching programs of the designer. Teachers in self-learning self-study aspect of the role should be different from the class should be prepared by students, prepare teaching materials, maintenance and teachings. It is necessary to develop a general class teaching objectives, but also individualized for different levels of students to develop different learning objectives, teachers should also be a whole class teaching processes in the brain there is a clear impression. 2. Keqianyuxi students are the perpetrators, their small target makers. Many students in English learning halfway even lead to the failure of a very important reason is that poor study habits. There are many good learning habits, Keqianyuxi one, Keqianyuxi is a prerequisite to learn new courses, which can not only students pre-class self-learning ability, but also enhance the learning of new courses of interest, mastery learning initiative rights, not only strengthened the review of old knowledge, but also allows students to find difficult points, their own independent thinking, so that the students bring their questions to the lectures, the purpose of strong, reducing the blindness and improve classroom teaching effect. Is an old saying goes: "forewarned is forearmed and without prejudging the abolition of" to do a good job learning, we must first develop a plan. With the plan, all work will be an orderly manner, in terms of time and energy that could be achieved a reasonable arrangement and distribution. With the learning program according to their own situation but also to develop their own small goals, objectives can be also be for each unit of each lesson, with the objective, can the momentum and direction to learn and to keep adjusting their own learning approach towards their own goal. Third, the reform of classroom teaching methods, teacher-led, student-centered, focusing on study method. English classroom teaching is the quality of education in English in the main channel in class is that students master the basic knowledge, develop basic skills, improve the overall quality of the key components of language, but also bilateral activities and exchanges between teachers and students of the main venues. The traditional classroom teaching methods and seriously hindered the self-learning ability of students to play, to break the traditional classroom teaching model, we should take the following aspects: 1. Create a relaxed, happy, democratic and harmonious classroom atmosphere for students, knowledge of friends. Rousseau put it well: "Only a student's friends in order to be a real teacher," is education first of all should be warm, humane taste, and in the classroom teaching we only have to wholehearted enthusiasm to help students, love of students, respect, understanding students, teachers and students in order to make a soul in order to enable students to "pro-its division, while the letter of its Road" in order to create a good classroom atmosphere, in order to lay the foundation for improving classroom teaching. 2. Teachers should use classroom materials through flexible and diverse teaching methods to enhance the students study method. Study method, including the study of law and Sharia law is the way educators through a certain learning methods for teaching learners, induction, diagnosis and treatment, so that students master the scientific method, and flexibly applied to the study. Student learning will be the main way to make full use of teaching materials for classroom teaching. Now our English language teaching should be "study teaching method" as the center was transformed into "research study of law" center of gravity. Mr. Ye Shengtao, said: "Teaching is to do not need to teach." At present, our five-step teaching method commonly used classroom teaching, in the step all aspects of pedagogy, the teacher's role are different. In the whole process of teaching, teachers in addition to flexible teaching methods, but more important is to guide students how to learn is Learning Methods. Main methods are as follows: contrast Contrast is mainly used to study some similar phrase, by comparing the usage to learn some phrases to distinguish between their different points to deepen the impression of these phrases. As in teaching in / on / to position the word of a certain place in these reposted elsewhere in the paper for free Download Center http:/ The usage of a phrase, such as when taught directly to students empty their usage are relatively abstract, the students learn more passive, we can give a few sentences below to enable students to differentiate their usage: A. Japan is to the east of China. B. Shanghai is in the east of China. C. India is on the southwest of China. D. Sichuan is on the west of Hunan. By comparing these few sentences, the students most of them can sum up the usage of these phrases: to position the word of that in a place outside of a certain direction; in terms of that in a certain direction within a certain direction; on the word of that in the adjacent position, and a place outside the borders of a certain direction. Arrive at this conclusion, let the students repeated drills, so that the students use these few phrases in the deep-rooted. This method can be used not only to learn the phrase, tense may also use this method of teaching. summarized France Of a linguistic phenomenon, we should guide the students through the phenomenon of looking for laws, and guide them to their own conclusion, after thinking, so that impart more than the direct effects of the different teachers. That our teachers of English grammar teaching is most often taken the headache is grammatical rules introduced by teachers, students passively listening, and then to a number of practice drills, this has led to the listener feel dull and muddy muddy Yu Shui, without mobilizing the enthusiasm of the students will ultimately not achieve the desired effect of teaching. Such as in teaching third-year Unit9-Unit11 the usage of the passive voice, we can select some representative texts to enable students to think of the sentence after the conclusion: A. English is spoken by more than 400 million people. B. It was discovered in Liaoning province. C. Most business letters around the world are written in English. D. The eggs were found by a group of scientists in the 1920s'. E. Many more trees must be planted on the mountain. F. The ground should be dug in winter. G. A new road will be built in our hometown in two years. H. Many trees have been planted near our house these years. And so on. Through these sentences so that students master the required books summarized the passive voice, the composition of several tense and its basic usage, the students impresses. Lenovo France Many students in vocabulary learning has been relatively passive method of a single rigid, resulting in inadequate vocabulary to English language learning has brought a lot of obstacles, in the vocabulary learning, we can take association law, learned a new word can be in accordance with its word form, sound and meaning, by adding the prefix or suffix to associate previously learned words, phrases, so that both the review of the old knowledge, but also played a student learning initiative. Such as care by a study can be associated with careful, carefully, careless, carelessly, carelessness. By the happy association happily, happiness, unhappy, unhappily so. interact France Teachers by organizing panel discussions, class discussions, to play a collective force to create a good learning atmosphere, we work together to solve the problem. After the emergence of new content to let the students about self-control, and then divided into several groups of teachers to students, each 4-6 people, group to c


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