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    中职英语 基础模块1 unit 6.doc

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    中职英语 基础模块1 unit 6.doc

    授 课 课 题Unit 6 would you like to order?课时安排Period 1教学目标及能力要求教学目的: Knowledge goals学生能掌握部分与餐厅有关的词汇和短语,如order, restaurant , menu, juice, waiter, waitress, delicious, eat out, be far away等。 学生能掌握描述餐厅所使用的句型,如: Do you want to eat out ? Do you like Chinese food or Western food ? I think .Restaurant is better. restaurant is father away thanrestaurant. The food is more delicious. Ability goals学生能听懂有关描述餐厅的对话。 学生能用简单的比较级句式口头描述餐厅。 Emotional goals学生通过对餐厅的初步了解能喜欢上自己的专业。 培养学生大胆开口、勇于实践的良好学习习惯。能力要求:学生能听懂有关描述餐厅的对话。 学生能用简单的比较级句式口头描述餐厅。教 学 重 点通过部分餐厅英语的词汇学习,学生能够掌握相关词汇。 通过有关描述餐厅的对话,学生能够初步理解和运用形容词比较级。 教 学 难 点学生根据提供的有关餐厅图片,口头上简单用形容词比较级介绍饭店的基本情况,如路程远近,饭菜价格等授 课 方 法教 学 用 具教学过程补充内容Step 1 Lead-in (2min) Guess the meaning of the word Teacher writes the topic on the board and let students guess the meaning of the sentences, focusing on the word “order”. Meanwhile, teacher shows some pictures about ordering foot in restaurants to help students guess the meaning. Step 2 Vocabulary study (8min) 1.Read and tick ( Activity 1) Teacher lets one or two students read the words to see if how many words they can read correctly. If they cant, teacher helps them read the words. Then students read the words and tick out the words related to the restaurant. 2. Look and complete ( Activity 2 ) Students look at the pictures and choose the proper words from Activity 1 to complete the dialogues. Step 3 Listening ( 15min) 1.Pre-listening Teacher: introduce two girls, Sara and Tanghua, who are talking about the restaurant. First, let students look at the pictures and ask the following questions : (1)How many restaurants are there in the picture ? (2)Which restaurant is father from the school ? (3)Do you think the food in Yueguang Restaurant is delicious or more delicious ? Students: look at the picture and answer the questions, then work in pairs to describe the picture in simple sentences. 2. While-listening (1)Listen and choose ( Activity 3 ) Students listen to the tape and tick the answer. After that, teacher asks one or two students to check the answer. (2) Listen and tick ( Activity 4 ) Teacher : ask students to read the sentences to get the meaning of them and play the tape. Students:  Listen to the tape and find out whether the sentences are true or not. If they cant get the right answers, teacher can play the tape for several times.   3. Post-listening Students correct the sentences of Activity 4 and read them together to understand better the listening material. If students cant understand some of words or phrases, teacher can explain again.Step 4 Speaking (18min) 1. Read and underline Students read the dialogue after the tape and underline the words and sentences used to describe restaurant. The teacher writes the following words and sentences on the board. If necessary, teacher can explain the difficult words and sentences . (1)Do you want to eat out ? (2)Chinese food and Western food (3)What about restaurant ? (4)I think Restaurant is better. Its farther away than , but the food is more delicious. 2. Listen and repeat Read the dialogue after the tape again and learn to say the underlined words and sentences. 3. Practice and talk Teacher shows another picture which is similar to the one of Activity 3. Students work in the group to describe the picture in simple several sentences, which is similar to those of Activity 5, then make a dialogue with the partner according to the picture.   Step 5 Homework (2min) with the partner about the restaurants near your home, using the sentences patterns learned in the class. 板书设计Unit 6 Would you like to order ? ordereat out   menu   restaurant   Western foodChinese food juice waiter eat out waitress Do you want to eat out ?What about ?I think is better. Its farther away than The food is more delicious. 教学反思:授 课 课 题Unit 6 would you like to order?课时安排Period 2教学目标及能力要求教学目的: Knowledge goals学生掌握菜单上的食品词汇,如dish, burger, cheese, steak, chicken, coffee, salad等。 学生能掌握餐厅点餐的习惯用语,如: Would you like to order now ? Id like Well done or medium ? Would you like something to drink ? Ability goals学生能听懂关于餐厅点餐中菜名极其习惯用语。 学生就餐厅点餐能进行熟练的对话活动。 Emotional goals学生能够了解和掌握餐厅服务员及就餐者的基本礼仪。  能力要求:学生能听懂关于餐厅点餐中菜名极其习惯用语。 学生就餐厅点餐能进行熟练的对话活动。教 学 重 点通过有关餐厅点菜的听力活动,学生能听懂关于餐厅点餐的对话。通过与餐厅点餐对话的学习,学生能熟练运用点餐的习惯用语。 教 学 难 点学生能听懂菜单并写下菜名 学生能在真实的情景中口头表达餐厅点餐的习惯用语。授 课 方 法教 学 用 具教学过程补充内容Step 1 Lead-in ( 4min)   Teacher says: in the last lesson we have known that there are two restaurants. Now Sara want to go Meiwei Restaurant. Lets step into Meiwei restaurants with her together to order something to eat or drink today. But do you know How should have behavior as a customer?                How should a waiter/waitree should behavior? Students work in the groups to discuss to get the right answers to the above two questions. Step 2 Vocabulary study (6min) Teacher asks students what they are favorite food when they eat out. Several of students are asked to compete with each other to list some favorite food when they eat out on the board. Then teacher shows some other words about food people usually order in restaurants. Teacher should give explanation by showing relative pictures to help them get the meaning of the words. Step 3 Listening (15min) 1. Pre-listening ( Activity 7 ) (1) Read the menu  teacher says we have our favorite foods when we eat out . Now lets look at the menu of Meiwei Restaurant to find out if there are any foods you like. Students read the menu individually to get main idea of the menu. (2)Look and tick Teacher leads students to look at the two pictures and let them guess what the waiter might say, then tick the right answers. 2.While-listening ( Activity 8, 9 ) (1)Listen and check Students listen to the tape and check the answers to Activity 7. (2)Listen and complete Students listen to the dialogue again and help the waiter finish the notes he makes about what Sara and Tang Hua order. If students cant get the answers, teacher should play the tape for several times to help them to get the right answers. 3.post-listening Teacher divides the whole class into three groups to act as waiter, Sara and Tang Hua . The students acting as the waiter read the sentences of Activity 7. The students acting as Sara read the food she ordered. The students acting as Tang Hua read the food she ordered. Then all students take turns to act as different characters to. Step4 Speaking (18min) 1.Read and underline (Activity 10)   Students read the dialogue after the tape and underline the words and sentences used to order in a restaurant. Teacher asks several students to give the answers and write the words or sentences on the board. If necessary, teacher should explain the key words and sentences. (1) Would you like to order now? (2) Yes, Id like (3) Well done or medium (4) Would you like something to drink? (5)What about you? (6) The same, please. (7) All right, wait a minute, please.2. Listen and repeat (Activity 11) Students read the dialogue after the tape again and learn to say the underlined words and sentences. 3. Act and practice (Activity 12) Students make a dialogue with the partner about ordering food in a restaurant, using the sentences patterns and words of Activity 12. One student acts as a waiter, the other acts as a customer. Firstly, they work together in their groups. Secondly, teacher lets some of them to act out in the front of the class. Step5 Homework Imagine you will open a restaurant. Now you make a menu for the restaurant. And you act as a waiter in your own restaurant make a dialogue with your partner who acts as a customer.板书设计Unit 6 would you like to order?教学反思:授 课 课 题Unit 6 would you like to order?课时安排Period 3教学目标及能力要求教学目的: Knowledge goals学生能理解并运用形容餐厅的词汇 如,delicious, cheap, expensive 等 学生能够正确运用形容词比较级和最高级比较各餐厅情况 ability goals学生能够读懂菜单,并通过文中给出的线索,猜出词义,归纳形容词比较级和最高级规律。 学生能够运用形容词的比较级和最高级以书面形式简单介绍餐厅的基本情况,如路程远近,饭菜价格及质量。Emotional goals通过对餐厅的比较,学生外出就餐时能做出理智选择。 能力要求:学生能够读懂菜单,并通过文中给出的线索,猜出词义,归纳形容词比较级和最高级规律。 学生能够运用形容词的比较级和最高级以书面形式简单介绍餐厅的基本情况,如路程远近,饭菜价格及质量。教 学 重 点通过阅读菜单和表格,学生能总结并掌握形容词比较级和最高级的变化规律。 学生能在口头及书面表达中正确运用形容词比较级和最高级比较不同餐厅 学生能根据阅读材料,纠正错误信息的表达。 教 学 难 点学生通过文中给出的线索,猜出词义 学生能够运用阅读表格的策略对餐厅进行比较 授 课 方 法教 学 用 具教学过程补充内容Step 1 Lead-in (1min)Teacher shows the situation: If you invite your friend to Meiwei Restaurant to eat out, What would you like to order for your friend ? Step 2Reading (22min) 1.Read and circle ( Activity 13 ) Students read the menu and circle what you may order for your friend. Then teacher asks several students , using the sentence pattern “ What would you like to order ? ” as an example. At last, students ask each other, using the sentence pattern “ What would you like to order ? ” 2. Read and guess Students work in pairs and read the price of the food on the menu of Activity 13 again , guessing the meanings of the underlined words of Activity 14. Teacher asks some pairs to tell the class what are the meanings of the underlined words. If the students cant get the correct meanings, teacher should explain them. 3.Read and choose Teacher tells the students situation: Zhang Qing is helping Sara, Wang Yang and Li Xiaonian to choose the right restaurants. Students: (1) read the table individually and the statements of three people. Ask the following question. “What kind of restaurant does Sara/ Wang Yang/ Li Xiaonian want to choose ? ” (2) discuss in the groups to choose the restaurant according to the following questions. a.Which restaurants food is the most delicious ? b.Which restaurants price is the cheapest ? c.Which restaurant is the nearest ? (3 )Every group gives the suggestion to Zhang Qing to choose the most suitable restaurant for the three people and fill in the blanks. If students cant understand some difficult words or sentences, teacher writes down them on the board and explains them to the students. Step Three Writing (18min) 1. Read and correct (Activity 16) Students read the table again and correct Zhang Qings statements. Then teacher asks several students to check the answers. 2. Read and write Teacher writes the sentence according to the table of Activity 15, using Superlative degree. For example: The food in Meiwei Restaurant is the most delicious among the three restaurants. Students read the table again and write the similar sentences on paper, using Superlative degree. 3.Introduce a restaurant According to the form in Acitivity 15, let students write several sentences to introduce the three restaurants by using Positive degree, Comparative degree and Superlative degree. Teacher should give an example as follows: Lyyuan Restaurants is the nearest in the three restaurants. The food in the restaurant is delicious but more expensive than Haoyun Restaurant. Step 5 Homework (4min) Read the following table and write 3 sentences, using Comparative degree and Superlative degree. Name of the store Place ( far or near home ) price quality Hongming clothes store near expensive beautiful Xiaocao clothes store nearer most expensive more beautiful Zhaoyang clothes store Nearest more expensive   most beautiful 板书设计Unit 6 would you like to order?The food in Meiwei Restaurant is the most delicious among the three restaurants.教学反思:授 课 课 题Unit 6 would you like to order?课时安排Period 4教学目标及能力要求教学目的: Knowledge goals学生能熟练掌握与餐厅有关的词汇,如manager, fork, menu, customer, chopsticks, juice, coffee, beef等。 学生能熟练掌握形容词比较级和最高级的用法。 Ability goals学生能够在口头和书面上正确运用形容词比较级和最高级比较事物.学生能够将与餐厅有关的词汇进行分类并写出菜单.学生在完成单元任务的过程中,提高语言综合运用能力,即听、说、读、写能力。 Emotional goals学生能积极和他人合作,完成任务。 学生敢于开口,勇于实践。学生能客观评价周围事物,并做出合理的选择。能力要求:学生能够在口头和书面上正确运用形容词比较级和最高级比较事物.学生能够将与餐厅有关的词汇进行分类并写出菜单.学生在完成单元任务的过程中,提高语言综合运用能力,即听、说、读、写能力。教 学 重 点总结形容词比较级和最高级的用法,学生能够理解其变化形式和规律,并能够在口头和书面上正确使用比较事物。   教 学 难 点根据图片情景,学生能正确并熟练使用形容词比较级和最高级。 学生能够运用本单元的所学语言完成一个真实的任务,即请一个美国朋友到一家合适的餐厅吃饭。授 课 方 法教 学 用 具教学过程补充内容Step 1 Grammar focus 1.Read the table Let students look at the table on page 95 and try to generalize the rules of the different degrees of adjectives: Positive degree, Comparative degree and Superlative degree. Then teacher summarizes the usage of adjective degrees. 2. Look and write ( Activity 17) Teacher explains the example to students. And students look at the pictures and complete the sentences they may say in that situation, following the example. Finally, Teacher ask 3 students to write the sentences on the board to see if they are right. 3. Discuss and write (Activity 18) Students discuss in the groups to find out “who is the .in our class” and recorder on the book, following the example . Another 3 students are asked to write the sentences on the board to make every student can check whether the sentences are right or not.Step 2 Vocabulary consolidation 1Read and group ( Activity 19 ) Students read the words related to restaurants and put them into different groups individually, and then check with each other in the group. 2Discuss and write ( Activity 20 ) Suppose you run a restaurant. You need English menus for foreign guests. Work in groups and make a menu. Then compare your menus and choose the most attractive restaurant for foreign guests. Step 3 Unit task Teacher shows a map of 5 different restaurants around the school. The information about their location, menu will be shown on each photo. Teacher introduces a situation to the class: An American friend comes to our school. You want to invite him /her to eat out. You want to find a restaurant with reasonable prices and good food. Now you need make a survey to decide on a restaurant. Students work in the groups and the steps are as follow: 1. Choose three restaurants near the school. 2. Choose three kinds of food and drinks that are related in all the three restaurants. 3. Ask classmates about the food quality in the three restaurants, using the following sentence patterns: Do you like? How about/ What about? Is far from/near our school? Is it delicious? Is the food good? How much is it? 4.Complete the following table Name of the Restaurant Kind of food Quality of Food (delicious or not) Average Price  Place ( far or near school)5Report the result of the survey One of the students in every group presents the result of the survey, following the example on page 98. Step Four Homework Set up own restaurants in every group 1.Name your restaurant 2.Choose the location 3.Make a menu 4.Compare with the restaurants in other groups and fill in the fo


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