初级中学八级英语下册《8B Unit 6 A charity walk》Period 5 Grammar(2)教案 牛津版.doc
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初级中学八级英语下册《8B Unit 6 A charity walk》Period 5 Grammar(2)教案 牛津版.doc
8B Unit 6 A charity walkPeriod 5 Grammar(2)Title(课题)GrammarType(课型)New新授课Period(课时)5Supporting theories(理论支持)建构主义学习理论的基本观点:1、学习是学习者利用感觉吸收并且建构意义的活动过程,这一过程不是被动地接受外部知识,而是同学习者接触的外部世界相互作用的结果。2、学习是在一定情境中发生的。3、个体学习需要先前知识的支持。如果个体没有先前形成的知识结构的基础,是不可能吸收新知识的。4、学习需要花费一定的时间。学习不是瞬间完成的,对于知识来说,需要学习者多次复习、思考及其应用, 这一过程不可能在5-10分钟内完成。多元智能理论认为:多元智能理论有助于转变我们的教学观,做到因材施教,有助于形成正确的评价观,注重对不同人的不同智能的培养;有助于转变我们的学生观,多方面了解学生特长,并相应地采取适合其特点的教学方法,使学生的特长达到充分的发展;有助于形成正确的发展观,让学生在接受学校教育的同时,发现自己至少有一个方面的长处,热切追求其自身内在的兴趣。Aims & demands(教学目标)Language skill (语言技能)1.Be able to make sentences with It is+ adjective + that.2.To use the structures to construct sentences.Feeling (情感态度)Encourage them to be helpfulKey points& difficulties(教学重、难点)1.To use It is + adjective + to infinitive to describe actions and situations 2. To use It is + adjective + for+ to infinitive to specify the person one is talking about To use the structures to construct sentences3.To use the structures to construct sentences.Teaching Methods(教学方法) Task-based approach Aids: 课前准备(教具、活动准备等)Blackboard recorderTry to read the words and phrases of this period according to the sounds 教 学 设 计课前延伸1.Try to finish the exercises. 2.Try to read the words and phrases of this period according to the sounds养成自学习惯,培养自学能力Teaching Plan(授课计划)Studying Plan(学习计划)Aims(设计意图)课内探究 学Step Warming upDoing warm-up activityHave a free talk with the whole class to organize the teaching.拉近师生之间的距离,导入新课,创设英语情境。Step Presentation1. We have learned about using adjectives to describe someone/something. We can also use adjectives in different patterns to give information about someone/something2.Look and read the following sentences1)It is necessary that you train yourself before the walk.2)It is important that you have your own support team.3)It is clear that you are wrong.3.Write some adjectives on the board, such as good, lucky, possible, surprising, etc. Ask students to make up sentences using the “It is” + adj.+ “that” structure.4.Finish the exercises on page 99 and invite students to read out their answers.新旧知识有机对接,在听说的基础上,让学生自主总结。反馈着重是看学生对此知识的掌握程度。导Step IIIPracticeMore practiceBen and Lily are talking about Oxfam Trailwalker, write what they say using the adjectives from the box and the given phrases.important lucky possible interesting nice surprising1.We can walk 100 kilometres in 48 hours.It is possible that we can walk 100 kilometres in 48 hours.2.There are so many different trees in the country parksIt is important that there are so many different trees in the country parks.面向全体学生,强调对语言的综合运用能力,此环节是培养学生的表达能力,还有对文章的理解能力。练Step IVProductionDoing additional exerciseAsk students to complete the following sentences with their own ideas. Using the structure they have learned in Part A It is important that It is tough that鼓励学生多多动口,让所有的学生都可以开口,不让部分学生煎熬度课。学Step VPresentationPart B: It is + adjective + to infinitive1.Explain the structure is similar to the one learned in Part A, in which the adjective describes an action or activity.2.Ask two students to read and explain the two examples in the grammar table on P100.3.Check that students have understood the structure with the extra example:E.g.: tiring / up hills / It is / to run-It is tiring to run up hills.HK$6,000 / necessary / to raise / It is / at least-It is necessary to raise at least K$6,000.4. Explain the context of the exercise beforemaking the sentences, match the correct word with the picture. And then put the words into the right order.5.Ask five students to read out the sentences loudly to check answers.6.Make up more sentences by using difficult / easy / exciting / interesting / necessary. Part C: It is + adjective + for + to infinitive7.Explain the structure in Part C is the same as the one in Part B except that we insert for (someone) between the adjective and the to infinitive to indicate who we are talking about.8.Ask three students to read and explain the three sentences in the grammar table on P101.9.Check that students have understood the structure with the extra example:E.g.: for him / It is / money / to donate / easy It is easy for him to donate money.HK$6,000 /for them / necessary / to raise / It is / at least. It is necessary for them to raise at least HK$6,000.帮助学生总结所学习的知识,提升优生的语言能力,在语境里让学生理解掌握本课语法知识结构。导StepPracticeNow go on to finish the exercises on page100 and 101, then checking the answers with me.提高课堂效率,减负增效,把课堂任务留在课堂。不让一个学生在课上掉队。练StepProductionDoing an extension activityComplete the following sentences with your own ideas:It is difficult to It is easy to It is exciting to It is interesting to It is good to It is necessary to It is important for to It is impossible for to It is tough for to It is necessary for to 强化练习,注重语言运用,摆脱简单的英语框架,让学生流畅的表达自己的想法。课后提升Step AssignmentTom 想知道如何学好英语,请用以下句型给他提些建议Suggestions:read English at least half an hour every morningdo many exercises to practice Englishtalk with foreigners in Englishwrite letters to friends in Englishread some English books at free timelisten to some English songswatch English programmes on TVrecite your English textsSentence structures:1. It is necessary for you to 2. It is important that3. It is useful to4. It is提升所学知识,强调语言运用。注重情感价值观的培养。