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马达加斯加3 电影中英文字幕,看字幕学英语本文件为非完整版,只有10页,完整版本共95页若要下载完整版本,请进入:我将非常感谢您的下载准备起飞!要么蒙特卡洛,要么九泉之下- 起落架- 搞定- 机翼- 搞定- 钻石和黄金- 搞定我们几周后在赌城玩够了就回来- 再见- 或者金子用完的时候我们再回来- 再见啦- 再见一路走好,等着你们回来!开什么玩笑,我们才不会回来!什么,你说什么?时空加速启动他们是说再也不会回来了?人呢?马蒂?太好了,你在这儿!你要不要尝尝这个?我饿了我跟你开玩笑呢我几年前尾巴就没感觉了梅尔曼?你怎么长成那样了?看看谁家孩子在说话呢格洛丽亚?你们怎么看起来都这么老?你最近一次照镜子是什么时候?什么?不醒醒!醒醒!亚力亚!- 醒醒!- 马蒂!马蒂,太吓人了又做那个噩梦了?我们被困在非洲这边了,都年纪大了,脸上还长满皱纹好吧,我也老了,但是你们看上去都糟透了!放松,亚力克斯,我们为你准备了一个惊喜!是企鹅们回来了吗?他们准备把我们带回家吗?不是,是第二好的事情又是无聊的一天来吧看好了,小心,小心草皮抱歉,有点陡,爬上小上坡有根低悬的树枝,就在悬崖边,看?生日快乐,老兄!哇哦哇!纽约城惊喜吧!格洛丽亚,你是自由女神!快,给个大拥抱吧!梅尔曼,你是布鲁克林大桥!其实,我是三区大桥这都是你们做的嘛?是啊,凭记忆做的,凭着对纽约冲动而迷恋的记忆第五大道还不堵车!时代广场,摩登时尚却毫无个性一条街上有家杜恩里德药店!还有动物园我们的家有个迷你版的我!还有迷你版的所有人!亚力克斯!亚力克斯!亚力克斯!不!你们,你们让我悲喜交加许个愿吧,亲爱的你的美梦成真了!欧耶!我的胃在叫!噢,真恶心!如果我是你,我不会吃那块蛋糕亚力克斯,你许了什么愿?我希望我们都能回家不要误解我爱这个礼物,但它不是真的因为它是泥塑的模型,亚力克斯这不是真的纽约,这点很清楚我们在干嘛?指望企鹅回来带走我们吗但是我们应该直接去蒙特卡洛找到他们我们一个狮子,一个斑马,一个长颈鹿,一个河马怎么能进蒙特卡洛的赌场?我怎么知道,问牧师吧!- 我是认真的- 来吧我们能做到!我们什么都做得到!团结就是力量!团结就是力量!就是这样,我们都快环游过世界了!相比之下,蒙特卡洛真是近在咫尺!是啊为了回家- 为了回家!- 为了回家!- 为了回家- 为了汉堡你猜怎么着,企鹅们见到我们肯定会很开心的是啊,他们肯定无聊死了!跟我玩枕头大战,你们都太娘们儿啦!靠,这些枕头都是用小鸟羽毛做的!马达加斯加,欧洲通缉犯蒙特卡洛港口怎么了?就在这里,赌场!什么?我说,太好了我们能在这里找到企鹅什么?来吧企鹅们天生不会低调我们不能让自己引起注意我们是隐身的!我讲话很轻很轻大家快来一起跳!耶!耶!耶!大家快来一起跳!耶!第一步,闯进赌场,逮住企鹅让他们用猴子驱动的超级飞机带我们回纽约!好第二步,我们严厉谴责,企鹅在非洲抛弃我们好第三步,我们跟企鹅道歉说对他们谴责太过严厉,但是要点到为止第四步,回到纽约城- 太好了!- 这计划我喜欢!好了,我们沿着这些通风管道爬进赌场的通风管,找到企鹅只是,每个人该对应哪个管道呢?音乐:C+C Music Factory的“Gonna Make You Sweet”Pause Back with the bassThe jam is live in effectand I don't waste timeOn the mic with a dope rhymeJump to the rhythm中文歌词跳跃,跟着旋律跳跃,跳跃不要掩护- 嗨,亲爱的- 好吧好好,我来抓着你我来抓着你,亲爱的他们不会让动物踏上赌场的企鹅一定是做了伪装看!那个很丑的女人!丑到人神共愤啊!那不是女人,是凡尔赛之王也不是凡尔赛之王是猩猩,猩猩就像是烟OK. Wind her up, boys!It's Monte Carlo or bust.- Struts.- Check.- Flaps.- Check.- Diamonds and gold.- Check.We'll be back from our gambling spree in a couple weeks.- Bye!- Or whenever the gold runs out.- Buh-bye!- Good-bye.All right! We'll be waiting for you!Just kidding!We're never coming back!Sorry! What was that?Initiate warp drive.Did they just saythey were never coming back?Guys?Marty?Oh, goody, you're here!Why don't you just chew on this?I'm hungry.I'm just messing with you.I lost all feelingin this thing years ago.Melman? Why do you look like that?Look who's talking.Gloria? Why are you guys so. elderly?Now, when was the last timeyou looked in the mirror?What?No!Wake up! Wake up, Ally-Al!- Wake up!- Marty!Marty, it was horrible.That same nightmare again, huh?We were stuck here in Africa,and we were all super-old and wrinkly.Well, I aged well,but the rest of you looked terrible!Relax, Alex.'Cause I got a surprise for you!Is it the penguins?Have they come to take us home?Nope. But it's the next best thing.Another day bites the dust.Come on, now!Watch it. Watch yourself. Small divots!Sorry, little incline there.Back up this hill.A low-hanging branch,then just over this bluff and voil?Happy birthday, pal!Whoa.Wow! New York City.Surprise!Gloria! You're the Statue of Liberty!Bring me your huddled masses, baby!And, Melman,you're the Brooklyn Bridge!Actually, I'm the Triboro Bridge.Wow! You guys made this?Yeah. From memory!From crazy, obsessive memory.Hey! Fifth Avenue. with no traffic!There's Times Square, with itsmodern-day corporate lack of character.Nine Duane Reades on the same street!And the zoo.Wow, our home.Look! There's a little me.And little all of us-es!Alex! Alex! Alex!Oh, no!You guys.You've both made and ruined my day.Make a wish, sweetheart.Your wish has come true!Oh, yay!My tummy is speaking to me!Oh, gross!I wouldn't eat that side of the cakeif I were you.Alex, what was your wish?I wished we could go home.I mean, don't get me wrong.I love this.But it's not the real thing.That's because it's a mud model, Alex.It's not actually New York.I hope that was clear.What are we doing?Here we are relying on the penguinsto come back for us.But. we should just go to Monte Carloand get them.How do a lion, a zebra,a giraffe and a hippo walkinto a casino in Monte Carlo?I don't know. Ask the rabbi!- Hey, I'm serious.- Come on!We can do it!We can do anything! It's us!We're us!Yeah, that's right.We've gone halfway around the world!Compared with that, Monte Carlo'sjust a hop, skip and a swim away!Yeah.To home.- Home!- Home.- Home.- Cheeseburger.Tell you what, bet those penguinswill be glad to see us.Yeah, they're probablybored out of their minds!You pillow fightlike a bunch of little girls!Chimichanga! These pillowsare filled with baby birds!What?There it is. The casino!What?I said, "Perfect.That's where we'll find the penguins."What?Come on, guys.Operation Penguin Extractiondoes not include levity.We can't draw attention to ourselves.We're invisible!I'm talking really, really quiet.Everybody dance now!Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah!Everybody dance now!Yeah!OK. Phase One: We breakinto the casino, grab the penguins,and get themto take us back to New Yorkin the Monkey-Powered Super Plane!Check.Phase Two: We chew out the penguinsfor abandoning us in Africa.Check.Phase Three:We apologize to the penguinsfor overly harsh chewing outing,but we've gotten our point across.Phase Four: Back to New York City.- Yes!- I like it!All right, we takethese ventilation ductsto the crawlspace above the casinowhere we find the penguins.I just need to figure outwhich duct each of us should take.PauseBack with the bassThe jam is live in effectand I don't waste timeOn the mic with a dope rhymeJump to the rhythmJump, jump to the rhythm, jump.Oh, no!Take cover!