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    Unit4 He said I was hard导学案.doc

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    Unit4 He said I was hard导学案.doc

    Unit4 He said I was hard-working. Section A(1a-2a)编者: 李大才预习案预习导学教学建议 课前自学是学生在老师的引导下自主学习,老师课前要进行相应的指导,确保学生在规定的时间内独立完成。学习建议 在文中勾画出单词和短语,思考语法聚焦中的问题,标记好疑难,准备课上质疑探究。一、词汇精粹1.很生气的 2.(不)再 3. direct 4.肥皂剧 5.直接引语 6.一个惊喜聚会 7.在星期五晚上 8. be mad at 9. not.nay more 10. have the party 11.bringto 12. speak three languages 13. the next day 二、听力内容预测学习建议 请仔细观察图片和课本上的文字描述,完成下列题目。1. What are they talking about? (1a) 2. Why isnt Lana going to Marcias house on Friday night? (1a) 3. How many people are there in the conversation? (2a) 4. How many people are mentioned (提到)? (2a) 三、语法聚焦学习建议 熟背下列句子,总结语法现象。1. Im having a surprise party for Lana on Friday night. She said she was having a surprise party for Lana on Friday night.2. I am not mad at Marcia anymore. She said she was not mad at Marcia anymore.观察上面的句子和语法聚焦部分的例句,对比分析每组句子的特点:1.第一个句子都是双方说的原话,叫直接引语。第二句话则是对原话的间接 ,叫做间接引语。2.每个句子变成间接引语后哪些地方发生了变化? 教学建议 老师要指导学生在预习过程中积极动脑思考,尝试自己总结词汇与语法的规律和用法。预习自测一、词汇精粹1.他不想再撒谎。He doesnt want .2. Dont be angry with him.(改为同义句) Dont be him.3.他将举办一个惊喜聚会。He is going to .二、语法聚焦(一)用代词的适当形式填空1. Tony said is from England.2. Jane told me didnt finish homework.3. Peter and Jack said would like to go to Beijing.(二)用动词的适当形式填空1. Tina said she (will)travel around Europe alone.2. Gale said she (be)able to swim.我的疑惑?请你将预习中未能解决的问题和有疑惑的问题写下来,待课堂上与老师和同学探究解决。探究案导入新课 方案一:Talk about the soap opera.T:Now we can see that many of you will watch TV. So how much do you know about TV series or TV play series?T:In America,TV plays are divided into three parts,sitcoms(情景喜剧),plot series(情节系列剧)and soap operas(肥皂剧).Why is it called soap opera?(encourage Ss to guess the reason)Ask students to introduce it.T:Which one do you like best?(T can ask one student to make an introduction of his/her favorite soap opera)T:Now we can see that many people all over the world like watching soap operas,just like the two girls in our textbook. Please turn to page 26.方案二:以电视剧Friends 老友记的片段导入。Ask students what kind of TV show it is. Then conclude its characteristics. Tell them about famous soap operas from home and abroad to arouse their thirst for the new lesson.洗耳运动 一、Listen and answer the question:What is the relationship(关系)between Marcia and Lana? 二、Listen again and number the statements in the picture.(1b)逆时针方向: 三、Listen to the dialogue in 2a and choose the best answer.1. saw“Young Lives”last night. A. The boy B. The girl C. Marcia D. Lana2.Marcia told Lana that she would be after Lana called her. A. worried B. mad C. glad四、Finish the questions in 2a and 2b. 角色表演观察课本26页和27页的图片。让我们谈论一下他们在说些什么 。为你的同伴介绍一下昨晚电视的内容吧。要求:1.两人一组,每人负责解释一幅图片。2.可参照听力中的对话内容,运用其中的重要句型,比比看谁完成得最快。示例: What did she say? She said she was going to have a surprise party for Lana on Friday night.质疑探究学习建议 请同学用5分钟时间认真思考这些问题,并结合预习中自己的疑问开始下面的探究学习。教学建议 直接引语和间接引语是重中之重,建议老师给学生充足的练习时间,保证一次过关。探究点一 单词和短语1.mad adj.很生气;气愤的(1)I am mad at/with Marcia.我生马西娅的气。(2)He was mad about being waked up so early.他因这么早就被叫醒而生气。(3)Dont fight with him;he is a mad man. 别跟他打架,他是个疯子。思考:(1)mad 作“生气的”讲时,同义词是 。它们的用法分别是什么? (2)除了作“生气的”讲,mad 还有 的意思。2. anymore adv.(不)再(1)I didnt go there anymore.我再也没去过那里。(2)I no more went there.我再也不去那里了。(3)He is not young any longer.=He is no longer young.他不再年轻。思考:(1)anymore 通常用在否定句中表示“不再”,not anymore= ,anymore 放在动作或事件的 ,而no more 放在动作的 。(2)not any longer= ,也可表示“不再”。(3)从含义和修饰的动词方面总结两个“不再”的区别。 3. bringto把带给(1)Lana told Marcia she would bring some books to her house on Friday night. 拉娜告诉马西娅她星期五晚上会带些书去她家。(2)He often brings me some nice food. 他经常给我带好吃的。(3)Last Sunday my mother took me to my aunts.上个星期天我妈妈带我去我姑姑家。(4)Take the umbrella with you. Its going to rain. 带上雨伞。要下雨了。思考:(1)bring sth. tosth. to sb.= (2)take 的用法: (3)试比较两者的区别: 拓展:要注意它们与carry,get不要混淆了。carry 意为搬运、运、抬,常含有负重的含义。get 取来、拿来,表示离开说话的地点去取某物,再回到说话地,有“往返”之意。即时练习:1. There is a good news for all Chinese middle school students in the countryside. They dont have to pay for school . A. anymore B. so far C. no longer D. no more 2. My father wasnt mad me for losing the key to the door. A. about B. at C. in D. on3.William,please remember to the photo taken in Canada here when you come to school tomorrow. Id like to have a look.OK. Ill introduce something about it to you myself. A. take B. pass C. bring D. carry探究点二 重难点句子和语法重难点句子探究What are some things that happen on soap operas? 肥皂剧中会发生哪些事情?思考:此句是含有 的复合句,that happen on soap operas 修饰名词 。that 在从句中作 。重难点语法探究直接引语和间接引语Lana said,“I will go to Marcias house on Friday night.”拉娜说:“我星期五晚上要去马西娅的家。”Lana said she would go to Marcias house on Friday night.拉娜说她星期五晚上要去马西娅的家。思考:结合课本P100-P101,总结直接引语和间接引语如何转换。(1)直接引语一般有 ,间接引证没有。(2)直接引语转化为间接引语时,如果原句是陈述句,我们用连接词 引导(常省略),形式为sb.+动词 / (that)+ 。(3)转化为间接引语后,要特别注意 和 的变化,如:I 改成she,is 改成was,will改成would。时间状语和地点状语、指示代词也会有变化。如:This ,these ,now ,today ,here ,come 。即时练习将下列句子转换为间接引语1. He said,“I can speak Japanese.” 2. Mom said to me ,“Your aunt wont come to dinner tonight.” 3. George said,“She comes here every day.” 4. “We are having a class,”Jim said. Section A(3a-4)预习案教材助读(二轮阅读)一、一轮阅读做题目1. Read the passage and answer the questions:(1)What is “Young Lives”? (2)Why wasnt Lana mad at Marcia anymore? 2. 再次阅读3a,完成填空题目。 二、二轮阅读找难点学习建议 在文中画出单词、短语、重点句型和交际用语。根据语境猜测含义或根据含义写出英语。(一)单词、短语1. message 2. suppose 3. first of all 4. pass on 5. be supposed to 6. do a homework project (二)句型1. It was an exciting week for the people in the soap opera “Young Lives”. 2. Lana told Ben that she wasnt mad at Marcia anymore,and that she would go to Marcias house on Friday night 3. B and C are at Bs house doing a homework project. 4.You were supposed to meet at the bus stop this morning to return it 我的疑惑?请你将预习中未能解决的问题和有疑惑的问题写下来,待课堂上与老师和同学探究解决。探究案导入新课 方案一:Play a game.The teacher gives a direct speech sentence. Students change it into a reported speech sentence.T:I will say 1,2,3,go. You are supposed to put up your hands as quickly as possible.The first one will get the chance to answer it.If you answer it correctly,you will get 10 marks for your team.教学建议 学生在课堂之初应当对本节课所要学习的内容有所了解,建议老师导入之后解决本节课学习目标或任务,帮助学生在各个环节做到心中有数,从而提高课堂效率。质疑探究教学建议 (探究点的使用)建议展示点评过程要迅速、内容要简练,过程之中老师要充分发挥课堂的主导性作用,及时地学生的点评进行点拨鼓励,引导学生对所学内容进行正确总结或拓展延伸以及方法规律的总结。并且充分利用即时练习进行跟踪练习、强化理解与记忆。学习建议 请你认真浏览并思考探究案中的问题,结合自己在预习中的疑问开始下面的探究学习。探究点一 语篇探究1. Whats the topic sentence of this passage? 2. Why wasnt Lana mad at Marcia anymore? 3. What may Marcia do next? 探究点二 单词和短语1. first of all (1)First of all,Marcia told Ben she was having a surprise party for Lana.首先,马西娅告诉本她将为拉娜举办一场惊喜聚会。(2)First of all,I will tell you something about my travel. 首先我给大家讲一些关于我旅行的事情。(3)At first I didnt want to go,but I soon changed my mind.起初我不想去,可是不久我改变了主意。思考:(1)First of all意为 ,它可用一个词 代替。(2)它往往用于说明 ,时间上或一系列动作的开始,与后面的next,then,finally等相呼应。(3)at First 也翻译为 ,但更强调“起初”,一般暗示在事情发生后会渐有变化。2. message n.(1)You want B to pass this message to C. 你想B给C传递个消息。(2)Can you leave a message for me ? 你能给我捎个口信吗?(3)Can you give my mother a message? 你能给我妈妈传个口信吗?思考:(1)message 是 名词,常用短语有 (2)辨析message与news和information: 3. suppose v. 假定;认为;期望(1)I suppose he will be back by eight oclock.我想他八点钟以前会回来。(2)I dont suppose I did wrong. 我想我没做错。(3)Suppose he is ill,who will take care of him? 假设他生病了,谁来照顾他?思考:(1)suppose当“认为;猜想”讲,后跟宾语从句时,常用 引导,且可省略。当主句的主语为第一人称时,谓语动词后面的宾语从句如含有否定词,则该否定词要前移到主句中,这就是 。有类似用法的动词还有 , , , 等。 (2)suppose 还有 的意思,后跟 从句。(3)形容词是 ,课文中的短语是 。提示:当 be suppose to的主语是“人”时,意为“应该”;“被期望”,它可以用来表示劝告、建议、义务、责任等,相当于情态动词 should。即时练习:1. I have sent my mother a to tell her I shall be home late. A. message B. news C. information 2. You can get much about the World Expo on the Internet.A. map B. picture C. ticket D. information3.首先我们必须理解单词的意思。(翻译句子) 4. We think that they will come in two days.(改为否定句) 5. Everyone is supposed to wear a seat belt in the car.(翻译句子)探究点三 重难点句子探究1. Your are at Bs house working on a homework project.思考:(1)翻译句子: (2)work on 表示从事、创业、进行,后面接 、 、 形式。它还有“继续工作”的意思。(3)working on a homework project 是现在进行时吗?在整个句子中作什么成分?2. You want to know why C didnt return it and where it is. 你想知道C为什么没有归还它,它(夹克衫)在哪里。思考:(1)本句是why 引导的 。(2)where it is 在句子中作什么成分? (3)want 的用法: ,return 有什么用法呢? 即时练习:1. Have you returned the book the library?A. for B. to C. with D. in2. We are working on a new machine.A. invent B. invents C. inventing D. invention3. They didnt know when .A. did it happen B. it happens C. it happened Section B(1a-2c)预习案教材助读一、听力内容预测学习建议 在回答问题之前,先仔细观察图片,牢记单词,扫清听力障碍。1. 看2a图片,回答下面的问题。(1)What is the math teacher saying? (2)What subject does the woman teacher teach? 2. 阅读2b,完成下面的问题。(1)What is Scott good at? (2)What subject is Scott bad at ?二、仔细阅读该部分内容,找出重点单词、短语和句型学习建议 在文中勾画出单词、短语、重点句型,结合语境猜测其含义或根据汉语提示写出英语。(一)单词、短语1.努力工作的 2. be good at 3. do better in 4. lazy students 5. 成绩单 (二)句型1. In English,Im better at reading than listening 2. He said I could do better 3. He said I was hard-working 4. Youll have to try harder at science. 5. How about Spanish? 我的疑惑?请你将预习中未能解决的问题和有疑惑的问题写下来,待课堂上与老师和同学探究解决。探究案导入新课 Ask students to retell the story or dialogue in the pictures. The teacher can make an example first.Review the usages of direct speech and reported speech. e. g. The doctor said to the patient that he would give him some medicine.洗耳运动学习建议 先感知问题,再有目的地去听,边听边记录要点,听不清的先暂时放弃,做好标记,听第二遍时重点解决。1. Listen to the dialogue in 2a and check.(1)Scotts history teacher said he could do better.( )(2)Dad is pleased about his history.( )(3)Mr Ricardo teaches English.( )(4)Scotts science teacher said he was lazy.( )2. Listen again and finish questions in 2a&2b. 质疑探究学习建议 请同学认真思考下面这些问题,并结合预习中自己的疑问开始下面的探究学习。教学建议 老师可指导学生在自主学习的基础上(时间根据具体情况而定)进行同学之间的一对一交流,或学习小组内部的合作探究。探究点一 单词和短语1. hard working adj. 勤勉的,努力工作的(1)Im hard-working. 我工作很努力。(2)Building the railway is hard work.修建铁路是艰苦的工作。(3)He works very hard.他工作很努力。思考:(1)hard-working 是由副词+现在分词构成的 ,用来说明人或事物的特征、性质。(2)hard work 是名词词组,hard为形容词,修饰不可数名词 ,意思是 。(3)例(3)中hard是 词,修饰动词 。2. do well in She does well in math.她数学觉得好。思考:Do well in 表示 ,后面接 ,同义表达是 。即时练习:1. He works very ,so he gets good grades.A. hardly B. hard C. late D. lately2. Linlin is good at play the piano.(改错) 3. 写出上一句话的同义句: 探究点二 重难点句子探究教学建议 该句型含有本单元的重要语法项目,在此呈现主要是加深对上节课所学的直接引语和间接引语的认识,老师可带领学生再复习巩固一遍。He said I was hard-working.他说我学习刻苦。思考:(1)此句是直接引语还是间接引语? 。(2)从句为什么用过去时? 。(3)把它变成直接引语: 即时练习:“Im leaving for London next week.”My sister said to me.(改为间接引语) Section B(3a-4)& Self Check预习案教材助读(二轮阅读)一、一轮阅读做题目1. Check whether they are true or false.(1)Grandma had a cold last week.( )(2)Alan was surprised to find his science report the worst.( )(3)Alans Spanish is good.( )2. Answer the following questions.(1)How did Alan feel when he heard that his grandpa had a cold? (2)When did he finish his end-of-year exams? (3)When does Alan get nervous? 二、二轮阅读找难点学习建议 认真阅读第30页(3a-4)及31页Self Check。画出单词、短语、重点句型和交际用语并结合语境猜测其含义或汉译英。(一)单词、短语1. nervous 2. 信封 3. semester 4. 真实的


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