英语广告的语言特征 AbstractWith the development of global economy and the increasing economic and cultural exchange with foreign countries, advertising not only is a way of propagandizing and transmitting information, but also has become a global form of communication. As a specific career of advertisements, the language can express the ideas by print, radio, TV or Internet. Excellent advertisements need the support of good advertising languages. Since English is one of the most widely used languages in the world, the study of English advertisements has become a necessity. Analyzing the language features of English advertisements has great instructive and practical significance. From a linguistic angle, this paper uses abundant English advertisements copies, presents an analytical study of the language features of English advertisements from lexical, rhetorical, grammatical, pragmatic aspects. This paper will be presented in six parts. The first part is the introduction and the last conclusion. The focus of the paper is laid on the four middle parts. The second part analyzes the lexical features of English advertisements from the aspects of part of speech, word formation and implied meaning. The third part explains the rhetorical features from lexical, syntactic and phonetic stylistic devices. The fourth part is grammatical features, which expounds at the phrase, sentence pattern, voice and tense levels. And the fifth part is pragmatic features, which is analyzed according to the cooperative principle and the speech act theory.Key words: English advertisements;language features;lexical features; rhetorical features;grammatical features;pragmatic features摘 要随着全球经济1体化的发展,国内外经济、文化的交流大大发展,广告不但是1种宣传和传播信息模式,而且已发展成全球性交流的1种方式。 语言是实现广告的特定载体,是广告的具体表现形式之1;1则好的广告需要有好的广告语言支撑,广告语言的好坏直接影响广告的效果。英语又是世界上应用最为广泛的1门语言之1,因此,研究英语广告的语言特征有着重要的指导作用和实践意义。本文旨在从语言学的角度,通过列举大量广告文案,从词汇、修辞、语法、语用方面详细剖析英语广告的语言特征。本文共分6个部分,第1部分和第6部分分别为介绍与总结,中间4个部分为本文核心。第2部分论述英语广告的词汇特征,从词性、构词法、蕴含的词义方面展开阐述。第3部分为其修辞特征,从词义、结构、音韵3个层面阐述。第4部分为语法特征,从词组、句型、语态与时态方面分析。第5部分为语用特征,运用会话含义理论与言语行为理论对广告文案进行剖析。关键词:英语广告;语言特征;词汇特征;修辞特征;语法特征;语用特征