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    毕业论文(设计) 题 目:英语教学中的文化导入 专 业:英语 班 级: 学 号: 姓 名: 指导教师: X X 学 院 X年X月运城学院函授学生毕业论文(设计)开题报告论文(设计)题目英语教学中的文化导入Strategies of Introduction of the Cultures in Foreign Languag Teaching姓 名 学 号 班 级 专 业英语联系电话 选题目的和意义:随着中国对外开放程度的逐渐深入,西方社会的人和事物越来越多地走进了我们的视野,为我们提供了许多与西方人接触和交往的机会,在交际中我们所面对的是来自陌生的文化和国家,思维方式、生活习惯等与我们迥然不同。因此,文化冲突的事例屡见不鲜,严重影响了交往的顺利进行。英语教学的根本目的就是为了实现文化交际,教师应意识到文化教学是英语教学的一个重要环节,在教授语言的同时同步传授文化知识,提高学生的文化交际能力,避免学生在学习英语中的文化障碍,为今后成为新型复合型人才打下良好的基础。主要研究(实验设计)内容:本文从文化与语言的关系来体现出文化在语言中的重要性,通过分析造成中西文化差异的主要原因来设计语言教学中的文化导入内容以避免今后在交际中出现类似冲突。根据导入内容和教学对象的不同确定语言教学中文化导入的方法以及应遵循的原则。通过语言教学说明跨文化的重要性,以培养学生的跨文化意识,从而避免交际中的文化冲突。完成论文(设计)的条件、方法及措施:1、 在学校图书馆借阅相关参考书目2、 在中国期刊网上收集相关文章3、 在教师指导下认真完成4、 网上购买相关书目5、 做读书笔记 方法:文献研究法与比较研究法论文提纲:引言1. 文化与外语教学1.1 文化与语言的关系1.2 造成中西文化差异的主要原因 1.2.1 思维模式存在差异 1.2.2 价值取向不同 1.2.3 行为规范不同 2. 文化导入的内容 2.1 与词汇有关的文化 2.2 与篇章有关的文化 2.3 与交际环境有关的文化 2.4 与非语言交际有关的文化 3. 文化导入的方法 3.1 阐述法 3.2 渗透法 3.3 比较法 3.4 其他方面的方法 4. 文化导入的原则 4.1 可行性原则 4.2 相关性原则 4.3 实用性原则 4.4 循序渐进性原则 4.5 适度性原则 4.6 整体性原则结语指导教师意见及建议: 签字: 年 月 日中学英语教学中的文化导入Strategies of Introduction of the Culture in ForeignLanguage Teaching in the Secondary SchoolAbstract: As a carrier of culture, language reflects the content of culture. Human created culture with language and culture promotes the development of society and enriches the linguistic expressive forms. Since the ancient time, the rich cultural heritage accumulated in a society has influenced language greatly. Language, therefore, is the one that associate closely with human society. The language of a nation is bound to carry the nations culture and society experience, and to reflect the important characteristics of the national culture. In the international communication, people who have different cultural backgrounds often misunderstand the exotic culture. With the deepening of Chinas open door policy, we have more opportunities to exchange with westerners. However, during the communication with westerners, we often confront with cultural shock. The reason is that the we have different thinking patterns and life habits. These discrepancies often impede the communication. The fundamental purpose of English teaching is to achieve cultural communication. Learning a language is not only master the knowledge lexicons or grammatical regulations, but also to cultivate the ability to communicate with others. As foreign language teachers, we should pay more attention to cultivate students cross-cultural awareness and improve their ability of communication.This paper briefly introduces the relationship between language and culture and points out that it is necessary to introduce cultural background information in English teaching for the purpose of language learning. Based on this theory, this paper emphasizes the introduction of culture in the course of English teaching. The importance of culture should be put into the first place. Its importance is decided by language characteristic and the relationship between language and culture. It is essential to introduce the culture into college English teaching in order to enhance students communicative skills. The main task of English teaching is to cultivate communicative ability among people from different cultural backgrounds so it is important to introduce the culture .At the same time, in the process of cultural introduction some fundamental principles and methods should by conformed to, for the purpose of cultivating students cross-cultural awareness and promoting their communicative ability. The principles that cultural introduction should abide by are feasibility, relativity, utility, gradual and orderly manner, and moderation and overall principle. The main methods comprise expounding, fusion, comparison, scenarios conversation and others ways. In the concrete classroom teaching the teachers accord to real situation to use only principle and or method, but sometimes they use these principles and methods in combination. In the foreign language teaching, many teachers only emphasize the English language system study but not pay attention to raising students cross-cultural ability. Some excellent students who always get high scores in English exanimations are likely to misunderstand westerners or impede the communication with them. The reason is that they laity the ability of communication. Whats more, foreign language teachers should get familiar with western traditional culture and integrate those traditional elements to teaching activities. This will not only help students improve self-cultivation and know the outside world, but also improve students ability to learn the knowledge connected to a language. It could also charge the passive language learning to active one. In this condition, compound talents will be well prepared for the new century.Key words: language; culture; introduction of culture; English teaching in secondary school摘要:语言是文化的载体,文化是语言的所承载的内容,文化的任何内容都可以通过语言来反映。人类用语言创造了文化,文化反过来又促进人类社会的发展,同时也丰富了语言的表达方式。自古以来,人类社会积累下来的文化遗产给语言打下了深刻的烙印。语言是人类社会中的语言,与人类社会文化息息相关。一个民族的语言必然承载这个民族的文化和所有社会生活经验,反映该民族的文化重要特征。在国际交流中,不同文化背景的人往往由于缺乏对异域文化的了解,从而可能产生误解进而妨碍正常的交流。随着中国对外开放程度的逐步深入,西方社会的人和事物越来越多地走进了我们的视野,为我们提供了许多与西方人接触和交往的机会,在交际中我们所面对的是来自陌生的文化和国家,思维方式,生活习惯等与我们迥然不同。因此,文化冲突事例屡见不鲜,严重影响了交往的顺利进行。英语教学的根本目的就是要同步传授文化知识。学习一门语言不仅仅是为了掌握一些词汇,语法规则,学习者应该有意识地重视培养自身交际的能力,作为外语教师在教学过程中也要注意培养学生的跨文化交际意识,提高学生的交际能力。 本文概括介绍了语言与文化的关系,指出文化教学只有贯穿于英语教学中才能真正达到学习语言的目的。在此基础上,分析了文化导入在英语教学中的重要性。文化导入的重要性是由语言本身的特点及语言和文化之间的关系决定的。把文化导入高中英语教学以提高学生的语言交流能力是十分必要的。由于英语教学的任务是在培养具有不同文化背景的人们之间进行交际的能力,这就要求在英语教学中必须导入文化知识。在导入文化知识的同时要遵循一些基本的原则和方法,以培养学生的跨文化意识,从而提高学生的语言交际能力。文化导入应遵循的原则主要有可行性、相关性、实用性、循序渐进性、适度性和整体性的原则。文化导入常用的方法有阐述法、融合法、比较法、情景会话法和其他方面的方法。在具体的课堂应用中要根据实际情况,可以一种原则与一种方法、一种原则与多种方法或多种原则与多种方法相结合使用。英语教学的根本目的是为了实现跨文化交际,在外语教学中,许多教师只强调对英语语言体系的学习而不注重培养学生的跨文化语用能力,即使是外语成绩很优秀的学生在使用英语与英语国家人士进行交流时也会由于语用能力的低下而造成误解或谈话中断。因此,在外语教学中必须切实培养学生的跨文化语用能力。此外,外语教师还应熟悉本国的传统文化,把其传统文化融入到教学活动中,这不仅能帮助学生提高文化修养,了解外部世界,而且能有效提高学生学习外语的积极性,变被动学习为主动汲取知识,为成为新世纪的复合型人才打下良好的基础。关键词:语言;文化;文化导入;高中英语教学参考文献1 Sapir.E.Language:An Introduction to the Study of SpeechM.New York:Harcourt Brace& Campany.1921.2 Fast,Julius.Body Language,Pocket Book,New York.1971.3 陈 申. 文化教学策略研究M. 北京:北京语言文化大学出版社,2001.4 邓炎昌,刘润清. 语言与文化英汉语言文化对比M. 北京:外语教学与研究出 社,1989.5 邓 莉. 文化在外语教学中的作用J. 经济与社会发展;2004,(2).6 樊茉兰. 中西文化基础M. 太原:山西人民出版社.2006.7 冯勋波. 跨文化交际与中西文化冲突J. 考试周刊;2007,(26).8 胡文仲. 跨文化交际学概论M. 北京:外语教学与研究出版社,1999.9胡燕玲. 英语教学中的文化导入J. 沈阳电力高等专科学校学报;2004,(6).10马竞侠. 英语教学中的文化教育J. 继续教育研究工作, 2005,(3).11秦建华. 跨文化交际学引论M. 太原:山西人民出版社, 2006.12吴 霞. 英语教学与文化导入初探J. 大庆师范学院学报, 2005(2).13汪新安,陈慧君. 浅谈大学英语教学中的文化导入J. 江汉石油职工大学学报, 2006,(19).14王欣欣. 试论英语教学中的文化导入J. 商丘师范学院学报, 2005,(21).15邢福义.文化语言学M.湖北教育出版社.1990. 中学英语教学中的文化导入Strategies of Introduction of the Culture in ForeignLanguage Teaching in the Secondary SchoolAbstract: As a carrier of culture, language reflects the content of culture. Human created culture with language and culture promotes the development of society and enriches the linguistic expressive forms. Since the ancient time, the rich cultural heritage accumulated in a society has influenced language greatly. Language, therefore, is the one that associate closely with human society. The language of a nation is bound to carry the nations culture and society experience, and to reflect the important characteristics of the national culture. In the international communication, people who have different cultural backgrounds often misunderstand the exotic culture. With the deepening of Chinas open door policy, we have more opportunities to exchange with westerners. However, during the communication with westerners, we often confront with cultural shock. The reason is that the we have different thinking patterns and life habits. These discrepancies often impede the communication. The fundamental purpose of English teaching is to achieve cultural communication. Learning a language is not only master the knowledge lexicons or grammatical regulations, but also to cultivate the ability to communicate with others. As foreign language teachers, we should pay more attention to cultivate students cross-cultural awareness and improve their ability of communication.This paper briefly introduces the relationship between language and culture and points out that it is necessary to introduce cultural background information in English teaching for the purpose of language learning. Based on this theory, this paper emphasizes the introduction of culture in the course of English teaching. The importance of culture should be put into the first place. Its importance is decided by language characteristic and the relationship between language and culture. It is essential to introduce the culture into college English teaching in order to enhance students communicative skills. The main task of English teaching is to cultivate communicative ability among people from different cultural backgrounds so it is important to introduce the culture .At the same time, in the process of cultural introduction some fundamental principles and methods should by conformed to, for the purpose of cultivating students cross-cultural awareness and promoting their communicative ability. The principles that cultural introduction should abide by are feasibility, relativity, utility, gradual and orderly manner, and moderation and overall principle. The main methods comprise expounding, fusion, comparison, scenarios conversation and others ways. In the concrete classroom teaching the teachers accord to real situation to use only principle and or method, but sometimes they use these principles and methods in combination. In the foreign language teaching, many teachers only emphasize the English language system study but not pay attention to raising students cross-cultural ability. Some excellent students who always get high scores in English exanimations are likely to misunderstand westerners or impede the communication with them. The reason is that they laity the ability of communication. Whats more, foreign language teachers should get familiar with western traditional culture and integrate those traditional elements to teaching activities. This will not only help students improve self-cultivation and know the outside world, but also improve students ability to learn the knowledge connected to a language. It could also charge the passive language learning to active one. In this condition, compound talents will be well prepared for the new century.Key words: language; culture; introduction of culture; English teaching in secondary school摘要:语言是文化的载体,文化是语言的所承载的内容,文化的任何内容都可以通过语言来反映。人类用语言创造了文化,文化反过来又促进人类社会的发展,同时也丰富了语言的表达方式。自古以来,人类社会积累下来的文化遗产给语言打下了深刻的烙印。语言是人类社会中的语言,与人类社会文化息息相关。一个民族的语言必然承载这个民族的文化和所有社会生活经验,反映该民族的文化重要特征。在国际交流中,不同文化背景的人往往由于缺乏对异域文化的了解,从而可能产生误解进而妨碍正常的交流。随着中国对外开放程度的逐步深入,西方社会的人和事物越来越多地走进了我们的视野,为我们提供了许多与西方人接触和交往的机会,在交际中我们所面对的是来自陌生的文化和国家,思维方式,生活习惯等与我们迥然不同。因此,文化冲突事例屡见不鲜,严重影响了交往的顺利进行。英语教学的根本目的就是要同步传授文化知识。学习一门语言不仅仅是为了掌握一些词汇,语法规则,学习者应该有意识地重视培养自身交际的能力,作为外语教师在教学过程中也要注意培养学生的跨文化交际意识,提高学生的交际能力。 本文概括介绍了语言与文化的关系,指出文化教学只有贯穿于英语教学中才能真正达到学习语言的目的。在此基础上,分析了文化导入在英语教学中的重要性。文化导入的重要性是由语言本身的特点及语言和文化之间的关系决定的。把文化导入高中英语教学以提高学生的语言交流能力是十分必要的。由于英语教学的任务是在培养具有不同文化背景的人们之间进行交际的能力,这就要求在英语教学中必须导入文化知识。在导入文化知识的同时要遵循一些基本的原则和方法,以培养学生的跨文化意识,从而提高学生的语言交际能力。文化导入应遵循的原则主要有可行性、相关性、实用性、循序渐进性、适度性和整体性的原则。文化导入常用的方法有阐述法、融合法、比较法、情景会话法和其他方面的方法。在具体的课堂应用中要根据实际情况,可以一种原则与一种方法、一种原则与多种方法或多种原则与多种方法相结合使用。英语教学的根本目的是为了实现跨文化交际,在外语教学中,许多教师只强调对英语语言体系的学习而不注重培养学生的跨文化语用能力,即使是外语成绩很优秀的学生在使用英语与英语国家人士进行交流时也会由于语用能力的低下而造成误解或谈话中断。因此,在外语教学中必须切实培养学生的跨文化语用能力。此外,外语教师还应熟悉本国的传统文化,把其传统文化融入到教学活动中,这不仅能帮助学生提高文化修养,了解外部世界,而且能有效提高学生学习外语的积极性,变被动学习为主动汲取知识,为成为新世纪的复合型人才打下良好的基础。关键词:语言;文化;文化导入;高中英语教学1 Introduction As a carrier of culture, language reflects the content of culture. Human created culture with language and culture promotes the development of society and enriches the linguistic expressive forms. Since ancient times, human society has accumulated to the language of cultural heritage lay a deep imprint. Language is the culture of human society and language and culture are closely related to human society. The language of a nation is bound to carry the nation's culture and social experience to reflect the important characteristics of national culture. English is the English-speaking countries, cultural carriers, the total process of English rich in cultural understanding of the factors. English-speaking countries reveal the human customs, social psychology, consciousness and other ideas and values. This is determined by the internal laws of the English decisions. English is the English of this inherent characteristic of culture. In the international exchange of people from different cultural backgrounds often due to lack of exotic culture, which could lead to misunderstanding, thus impeding normal exchanges. Language and culture are inseparable. Language is not just a symbol system, people's language by language expressions to the existence of social customs, lifestyles, behavior patterns, values, and ways of thinking, religion, national psychology and character and impact of constraints such as. For a long time, people believed that there is no obstacle to communicate if an English learner masters the sounds, grammar and vocabulary. However, this only one-side. There is no doubt that it is necessary to master the basic skills in language learning, but it is more important to cultivate the communicative ability. As a foreign language teacher, they should pay more attention to foster students awareness of cross-cultural communication and improve their ability in cross-cultural communication. (樊茉兰,2006)There is no doubt that language is necessary to master the basic skills, but at the same time we should also understand that learning a language is not only to remember some vocabulary, grammar rules. Learners and therefore there should be keen to cultivate a self-conscious communication capabilities, as foreign language teachers in the teaching process students should also pay attention to the cross-cultural communication awareness, improve their language forced cross-cultural communication. With the frequent exchanges of science and technology, the increasing of cultural exchange among countries, the relationship language and culture in English teaching has become an important topic. It is particularly important to adopt the concept of culture and la


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