Unit 7Listen 1 no more killing and stealing 2.will be able to have money 3. finding more things to explore and finding a cure for AIDS and for cancer 4. being cared for by those with more money 5. will be able to help the black people and not hating themThink about it1. Global recession is defined as an extended period of international economic downturn. Generally, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) considers a global recession as a period where gross domestic product (GDP) growth is at 3% or less. In addition to that, the IMF looks at declines in real per-capita world GDP along with several global macroeconomic factors before confirming a global recession. The global recession starting from 2008 is a marked global economic decline that has affected the entire world economy. It is a major global recession characterized by various systemic imbalances in the world.2. Few families have escaped the pain of this terrible recession. More than seven million Americans have lost their jobs, and countless businesses have been forced to shut their doors.3. Whenever we are in difficulties, nothing beats the support and love of our family. As everyone would agree, family is the first harbor of our journey and the terminal as well. No matter how fierce the wave outside might be, we know there would be a place for us to be safe and warm at home.爱意味着永远不会说“找工作去”我和我大学时的恋人结婚将近24年了。那时候我并没有意识到比尔让我最倾心的创业精神竟然是引起无比兴奋和深深焦虑的不竭源泉。正是经济大萧条使我明白了,所有的完美计划和梦想都可能在远强于我们自身的强大力量下改变。正是我们在这个动荡分化时期的所作所为才能说明我们到底是怎样的人。我的丈夫?在他频繁转换工作的那几个月里,我发现他喜欢清理车库。在我们获得了商科硕士学位以后,比尔和我跟随第一波技术大发展的浪潮来到硅谷安顿下来。我的工作是市场营销和广告策划,而他在一家新成立的公司找到了一份工作,这家公司很快就由Cisco System收购。他留了下来,并帮助Cisco建立起了无线网络业务。而后,他又最终离开了这家公司进入了另一家新兴企业,这一次他是去当公司的CEO。他还成功地卖掉了那家公司,然后休息了一段时间。我们有三个孩子,在Palo Alto有一栋很好的房子,而且我们感到前途会一片光明。我们生活在美国梦里。我们到处旅游。我们去做义工。我们购买了很多艺术品。我们忙着买东买西,没有注意到连我们的车库都装得满满的了。那似乎就是生活应有的样子。比尔很快又加入了Google,帮助他们开拓新的业务。他不必像在创业公司那么拼命地干,但日子还不错。稳定有其积极的一面。他有时间回家吃饭,而且还可以给孩子们的运动队当教练。还有,他喜欢他的那些更为年轻的同事们的精气神和智慧。接着,大萧条来了。我们目睹了朋友、家庭甚至整个国家都失去了工作,失去了住所,失去了全部的稳定感。我们本以为有免疫力,可以躲过这一劫。看看Facebook, Twitter, YouTube吧:难道硅谷又起火了吗?但是这种低迷滑坡却伤害了每一个人,包括那些高速发展的科技公司。Google重组了,很快比尔受雇所做的工作也变得不再那么令人振奋了。他决定冒个险,辞职不干工作了。我很焦虑。难道他疯了么?这个世界在萎缩,而他也不会再变得年轻。当然,如果你是一个20来岁的奇才,能开创下一个伟大的社会媒体公司,这个世界就只不过是你可以用来获取好处的工具;人们甚至会以你的生活为题材拍一部电影。但是这个城市喜欢年轻人。万一他找不到合适的机会怎么办?好几个月他都没有找到合适的工作。我们的吃住开销已经快要耗尽我们的积蓄了。我开始担心孩子们的大学学费、房贷以及我们的养老问题了。突然,我后悔辞去了自己的全职工作而专心照看家庭。我曾经梦想过写作生涯,但也许我应该再找份工作了。我们的未来似乎不再那么光明。 但是我那勇敢的丈夫并没有屈服于压力。相反,他认为现在做一次春季大清理恰逢其时。一天早上,我们送孩子上学之后他说:“哎,亲爱的,我们家的东西太多了。我们来一个清宅旧货大甩卖吧。”现在我有很多的事情要做,但是花时间去清理孩子们的旧录影带、不能穿的衣服、不用的玩具却不在其列。然而,他却停不下来。他需要找事做让自己忙碌起来,我已经开始隐约察觉到退休后的情景了。“来吧”,他敦促说。“一定很有趣的。”因此,我们花了几天时间来分类、整理、清洗。我简直不敢相信曾经以为丢失的东西又找回来了:有很久以前的一些老朋友的来信,我的大孩子最喜欢的毛毛熊,我自己小时候挂在床头的天使图。这真是一次清空净化。无论从字面上还是比喻手法上讲,它开始了一个把过去的旧包袱清理出我们的生活的过程。很快,我们发现我们已经作出改变去适应周遭世界了。我们需要得少了,而且更好的是,我们想要的东西也少了。事实上,我们喜欢上了这种“新的常态”。经过近6个月的求职,比尔在一家绿色技术新兴企业找到了他理想的工作。同时,我也开始了我的写作生涯。这是好的消息。不好的消息是,Bill的公司离家有两个小时的路程,而我们,就像这个国家的许多夫妻一样,在这个并非理想的情况下去努力争取最好的结果。我现在认识到,在婚姻中,就像在生活中一样,我们不能把一切都视为理所当然。当我们终于清除了所有这些乱七八糟的东西后,留下的仅仅是一个男人和一个女人,依然在一起。现在我们又开始做退休筹划了。等到真的该退休的那一天,我想我们会做好充分准备的。二. I. What did Bill do?II. What did the author and herfamily experience or believe?In good daysHe helped Cisco build its wireless-networking business. He left Cisco to go to another startup as a CEO.He joined Google to help it build a new business. The family was living the American Dream.The family had a sense that it was all still ahead of them.The family filled their garage to overflowing and believed that was how life was supposed to be. In Great RecessionHe left Google because the job was less than exciting.For months he could not find a job suitable. She was anxious and could not understand Bills behavior.The family began to eat into their depleted savings.She worried about college, the mortgage, and their retirement.She regretted leaving her full-time job.They felt their future didnt seem as glittering anymore. At the turning pointHe asked to do a spring cleaning and a yard sale.She was unwilling to do the cleaning at the beginning.They recognized that it was cathartic and a process of weeding old baggage from their lives.They changed to match the world around them.After all the messHe found his dream job.She began her writing career.The family was making the best they could out of a non-optimal situation.She learned that in marriage, as in life, people couldnt take anything for granted.They began to plan for retirement again. 三.1 She admires Bills entrepreneurial spirit, but finds it to be an ongoing source of both tremendous excitement and deep anxiety. 2. The people and the country as a whole lost their jobs, their homes, their entire sense of stability. 3. According to the author, while in good days we might change to bend to the forces far greater than ourselves, it is in the hard times that we could hold on to what we think is right. 4. To adjust to a simpler life by giving up and wanting less. 5. The most important lesson she learned from their familys economic downturn is that people cant take anything for granted.四. granted, entrepreneurial, anxiety, exciting, hit, resigned, Suitable, savings, retirement, decent 五. 1.depleted 2. overflowed 3. accumulate 4. figurative 5. ongoing 6. glittering 7. immune 8. downturn 9. stability 10. disruption六. 1.clean out 2. stay on 3. take it for granted 4. manage to 5. focus on七.1. a degree2. the garage3. a sports team4. a risk5. the family6. a wireless-networking business7. a high-flying technology company8. our retirement9. the world around10. a job八.1. I have no inkling about the examination results, we shall have to wait and see 2. I dont know what happened, but they were supposed to be here an hour ago. 3. The color of the shirt he is wearing today does not match that of his tie. 4. After years of preparation and accumulation, I have committed to a writing career fi nally. 5. I have asked my kids to learn to clear out their drawers.九.1. :I didnt realize then that the thing taking place in America which is 10 thousand miles away would be known by the villagers here so soon.2. It took the three-year-experience of living abroad for me to learn interpersonal communication principles.3. I have learned that in computer, as in any super market, everything should be systematically arranged.4. The company that is hotly discussed in mass media is our cooperator and we, like many other costumers, will closely see how things progress5. When we have realized our responsibility, what we should do is to confront various challenges十. Liu Ming: In fifty years, where do you think the world will be, Josh? Josh: Im not sure that you want to hear my opinion, Liu Ming. I have a fairly pessimistic outlook on the future.Liu Ming: No, I do want to hear what you are going to say. Why do you have a negative view of the future? Josh: I think that man is destructive by nature, and technology has created the capacity for greater destruction; therefore, man coupled with technology will lead to the demise of the world.Liu Ming: Thats quite a fatalistic mindset, dont you think so? Josh: Given mans track-record, I dont think so. Do you have a more optimistic view of life and the future?Liu Ming: Yeah. I think that in the last fifty years, life has become easier. Given the current rate of technological advance, I think the world will be much more comfortable in fifty years. Mark my words: in the next fifty years, there will be a cure for cancer, leukemia, and AIDS, and the average life-expectancy of people in developed countries will reach eighty years. Josh: Do you really believe that mans longevity is the cause for an optimistic outlook on the future? I really believe that people will cause the worlds destruction through war and famine.Liu Ming: I believe that people will ultimately work for the good of all people. Lets work to create change in the world, Josh. If we pursue cooperation and peace, and if we respect our neighbors, then the world will be a bit better than it is. Josh: Sounds good, Liu Ming. But can we change the world through our words?十一. Life After RetirementThe moment of retirement will mean the beginning of a new life for old Jack. From the age of 16 to 60, he worked very hard. Work and study, family and society were what he focused on. Now, in retirement, he wants to have a life of his own. The first thing he wants to do is to travel around the world, to visit the African wildlife, to appreciate the glorious Western and Oriental culture and to go to every corner of the world he has ever dreamed of. Then, he will find a beautiful quiet place, and write. He will write about his own world. Maybe, he will not publish it, and he will simply write for fun. Of course, family life will remain important for him. Every week, when his family gathers together, they will share their happiness and solve their problems together. Life after retirement means much more time for him, and he will enjoy every minute of it.Passage BThink about it1. It mainly comes from the taxes paid by the people who work.2. It would make it more difficult for the next generation to provide pensions for the old.3. We should save money for our future when we are retired, and the retiring pension system is a kind of social savings for this.退休金婴儿潮时期出生的一代人的担心四年后,当伊丽莎白布拉斯的父亲从工作了30年的电梯修理公司退休的时候,每个月他都将从公司提供的养老金计划和社会保障计划中获得到养老金。同时,他还可以从公司的401退休计划和自己的投资中取得养老金。但是,布拉斯明白,当她的丈夫目前就职于休斯敦一家电脑咨询公司的35岁的经理退休的时候,就只能够从他们现在每个月投入的401(k)计划中得到一点养老金,再加上一点私人积蓄。“养老金?我不指望。社会保险?那只不过是别人的猜测。”32岁的布拉斯说道。她是一个家庭主妇,她还说:“我想,我们只有靠自己。”她可能是正确的。因为在1935年美国刚刚实行社会保险的时候,全国的平均寿命只有63岁。但当布拉斯和她的丈夫出生的时候,这一数字已达到了70岁。更多的人要达到或超过退休年龄,这对那些迫切希望降低花销的雇主和政府来说,是一笔昂贵的支出。不幸的是,这并没有引起多少未来的退休者的关注, 可以说,他们还没有为将来作出任何打算。 休斯敦一家金融协作与资产管理公司的一位注册金融策划师迈克?布克尔说道:“老一代人虽然有更多的养老金来源可指望,而且他们对保持退休后的生活水平也不及现代人那样抱有太高的希望,但他们更在意不要背上债务并尽可能多存一点钱。”大萧条对他们这一代人有着深远的影响。布克尔说:“当涉及未来的话题时,现在的人似乎有一种防弹的精神。这是很可怕的。”金融策划师们说,现在的工人们需要明白的是除了他们自己以外,不可能有其他人可以供养他们的退休生活。虽然在字面上这个观点是很清楚明了的,但他们并没有真正明白这意味着什么。最明显的理由就是社会保险金。现在的退休人员平均每个月可领取$745的退休金,这占了他们收入的42%。但当到了未来的所有退休人员时,这笔钱可能已经不存在了。许多人认为,每月从他们收入中提取给社保的6.2% 将为他们积存下来,等到退休的时候就可以返回。事实不是这样的。他们的这些钱支付给了现在的退休人员。当目前的在职者退休的时候,他们得指望那时候还在工作的人缴的税。不幸的是,婴儿潮时期出生的人还有十年左右就该退休了,但到那时,美国已没有像以前那么多的劳动者了。虽然由于婴儿潮时期出生的人的贡献,目前的社保还有一定的盈余,但危机已经迫在眉睫了。据社保部门说,在1990到2030年期间,美国超过65岁的人数将翻一倍。而工作年龄的人口将只能增长25%。这就是说,与现在的每3.3个在职人员供养一个退休人员的比例相比,到那时将是2:1。即使这样,还有许多专家说这个数字还只是一个乐观的估计。未来的退休者的另外一个主要经济来源也在消失:雇主们对雇员的退休承担的责任已不及以前那样多了。据一家养老金咨询公司华信惠悦咨询公司的调查,1984年为雇员提供养老金的雇主是1995年的两倍多。华信惠悦咨询公司休斯敦办事处的查克巴维尔说,“由于成本的增加,许多小公司已经取消了养老金计划,就是大公司的养老金福利也远不及以前那么多了。”另一方面,雇员们也不愿意为了获取一份丰厚的退休金在一个公司待上一个较长的时间。他们可能担心被解雇或感到前途未卜。布克尔说道:“生活的步伐是如此之快,而现在的夫妇花了太多时间在他们的工作和抚养孩子上了,以至于他们往往到了50岁才抬头看看自己所处的形势。但到那时为时已晚。”肯布拉斯没有丧失时机。布拉斯承认说:“我们知道我们应该做什么,但我认为这没有引起我们足够的注意。”他们既没有买401(k)的最大限额,也没有另外存一些钱。对于布拉斯夫妇来说,目前最关心的是存下足够的钱供他们6岁的儿子上大学。“我们更关注的是10年后而不是30年后的事情,”伊丽莎白布拉斯说道,“我知道这样不好,但这就是我们目前所想的。”金融策划师怀特说,对于那些没有作长远打算的客户,她有一句简单的建议:“如果你不提前为未来积存一点的话,等到了那时候,你将一无所有。”十二. 1. A 2. B 3. C 4. A 5. D十三.1. Social Security2. companys 401(k)retirement3. their investment4. companys 401 (k)5. Different attitudes6. Positive7. Less working people8. much responsibility for their employeesretirement9. qualify for a decent pension10. dont send anything ahead十四. 1. certify 2. consulted 3. monthly 4. maintained 5. benefits 6. survey 7. restless 8. aggressive 9. evaporated 10. maximum 十五. 1. scrape together2. sunk in3. count of4. account for5. laid off十六.SynonymsAntonyms1. sink in; be understood1. investment; income2. count on; rely on2. save; spend3. set aside; scrape together3. offer; drop4. war; combat 5. attitude; outlook十七.退休并不意味着你一只脚已经踏入了坟墓,而仅仅是表示你已经走到人生的一个点,你可以双脚落地并有时间以你自己的节奏前行。你的社交生活会在你人生的这一黄金时期到达顶点。人们常说人生中最好的东西都是免费的。朝霞和美丽的夕阳都不需要花一分钱。现在是你该去找一个最喜欢的钓鱼地点或者约一群朋友来一次钓鱼之旅的时候了。这些活动花费很少,但回报却是巨大的。十八. 1.General partners 2. The importance of the general partner in a limited partnership.3. Morale 4. Morale dominates and people are sometimes unconscious of this.十九.1. 虽然他跑得很快,他还是赶不上其他人。2. 要努力,你就肯定能成功。3. 在公众场合她显得很高兴,但私下里却很忧虑。4. 大学毕业后,我在深圳已经工作4年了。5. 直到查清发生的一切,我才意识到我给你们带来了多大的灾难。二十. Social Security in ChinaThe modern social security system in China began to function in 1986, which covers an array of employment benefits including unemployment insurance, old-age pensions, minimum wage levels and labor management relations. It has ambitious provisions for a comprehensive pension system for all Chinese workers.Within the system, employees and enterprises must jointly bear the cost of the insurance, and premiums paid by workers must gradually increase. Provincial and municipal governments will determine the actual amount of the increase. However, the cost to workers is not uniform throughout the country. In Beijing, workers have had to contribute as much as 5 percent of their wages, while workers elsewhere have contributed an average of 2 or 3 percent.While the government plans for a uniform retirement system, problems still remain. Confusion about the retirement scheme abounds, and workers have not necessarily adapted to the new system with enthusiasm. A survey found that only 45 percent of the 6.6 million urban workers had joined a pension plan. Many workers simply do not understand how the new system works. This lack of understanding is the main problem faced by the government.二一.The Peoples Insurance Company of ChinaHead Office: BeijingInvoice No. 198Established in 1949Certificate of Insurance Certificate No. 168Assured: China National Light Industrial Products Import & Export Corp. Shanghai BranchWe have this day noted a risk as hereunder mentioned subject to all clauses and conditions of the Companys printed form of policy and to the terms outlined herein, which shall override the policy terms in so far as they may be inconsistent therewith Description of goodsAmount insuredMarks & Nos.“Butterfly” Sewing Machines$100 000AA/DD5 000 sets Total amount insured: $100 000Premium: Per conveyance S.S: “Fengshou”Sailing on or about: December 10th, 2002Conditions &/or Special coverageAll risksClaims, if any, payable to the Holder of the appertaining documents and on surrender of this Certificate.Claim payable at: ShanghaiAddress of Issuing Office: The Peoples Insurance Company of China, Chengdu Branch, 25 Yangxi Road, Chengdu, Sichuan Province, ChinaDated: Oct 21st, 2011At ShanghaiAcknowledgements My deepest gratitude goes first and foremost to Professor aaa , my supervisor,