Unit5Listen1. manuals 2. periodically 3. initiative 4. structura l5. remains 6. rewarded 7. honest8. Penalties against scandals are too lenient9. Japanese companies have little incentive to tackle ethical and compliance issues internally10. have made greater efforts to deal with ethical and compliance issuesThink about it1. Wall Street refers to the financial district of New York City.Over time, the term has become a metonym for the financial markets of the United States as a whole,or signifying New Yorkbased financial interests.It is the home of the New York Stock Exchange,the worlds largest stock exchange by market capitalization of its listed companies.The Economic Crisis of 2008 is believed to have occurred because of global inflation,increased unemployment,high oil and food prices,a declining dollar value,a horrible housing market,and a subprime mortgage crisis.The subprime residential mortgage crisis leading to millions of people losing their homes reached its climax in August 2008,when financial institutions reported billions of dollars in losses.Thus instability on Wall Street immediately spilt over into the European and Asian stock markets,thereby rapidly permeating the entire financial system.2. Yes.Everyone knows a modicum of ethics is called for in any business as you cant cheat your customers forever and get away with it.Unethical business practices are bound to derail your career or company, the abrupt collapse of Sanlu Group is the very hard lesson many businessmen should earn.Moral virtues such as compassion, responsibility, fairness, and honesty are essential ingredients in the recipe for business success in the long run. Far from being a constraining force that merely keeps people honest and out of trouble, morality creates a fertile source of business motivation, inspiration, and innovation. A strong sense of moral purpose notonly promotes a business career but also provides a telling advantage in the quest to build a thriving enterprise.3. Individuals, consciously or unconsciously, formulate their judgments of what is moral and what is immoral on the basis of their private system of moral values. This moral judgment or moral thinking certainly plays an indispensible role in our life, guiding us to do ethically and distancing us from wrongdoings under special circumstances.Bertrand Russell wrote in his essay “Education and Discipline” that individualcivilizationcertainly consists of intellectual, physiological and MORAL qualities-“of impartiality, kindliness, and a modicum of self-control.” Being civilized human beings, we are able to distinguish what is right fromwhat is wrong and try hard to take moral actions accordingly.It is our moral sense that keeps us away from trade-offs between ambition and conscience.For people with integrity, honesty and a strong moral sense doing the right thing outweighs doing things right.Passage A华尔街反人类的经济罪行美国国际集团的金融家们得到了千百万美金的奖金,因为他们的薪酬合同是基于他们完成的交易量而非这些交易产生的后果。一位32岁的按揭贷款经纪人告诉我:“我觉得我的工作就是签订交易?,至于交易的后果那是他们的事,与我无关。”很多很多的商务高管们攫取了高额奖金,虽然他们撕裂了世界经济,造成千万亿美金的损失,使千百万的人的生活支离破碎。他们全然漠视处于这场危机核心的是令人恐惧的对人的摧残。每天的经济新闻都让我不断想起45年前汉娜·阿伦特在耶路撒冷为纽约人报作战犯审判报道时,她对纳粹战犯阿道夫·艾希曼的剖析。阿伦特剖析了盲从与恶行之间奇特的“相互依存”,并试图以她的著名论断“平庸之恶”来捕捉这一点。阿伦特发现艾希曼“既不是道德败坏,也不是残酷成性”,而是“非常可怕的正常。”远离现实他是新型犯罪,是“行政大屠杀”的参与者,“在他实际上不知道或未察觉自己正在做错事的情况下”犯下了罪行。艾希曼别无动机,只是阿伦特所描述的“一种超乎寻常的寻求个人升迁的勤奋而已?他从来没有意识到他在做什么。”阿伦特得出了这样的结论:“这种远离现实的心理和这种无思想的盲从会胜过所有的邪恶本性,从而引发出更大的惨祸,而这一点事实上恰是我们可以在耶路撒冷汲取的教训。”诚然经济危机不是大屠杀,但我敢说,这场经济危机源于一种总是生产出类似疏离与盲从的商业模式,并因个体道德判断的普遍性缺失而进一步恶化。随着我们对金融机构内的这种行为的加深了解,我们看到几乎所有的人都接受了一种不计后果的体制,它奖赏交易却拒绝为这些交易的后果承担责任。银行家、经纪人和金融专家们都是这种以自我为中心的商业模式的心甘情愿的参与者,该模式只颂扬有益于机构内部人员的做法,却不把机构以外的其他人当作人看而疏离他们。此种制度化的自恋和对“其他人”的蔑视在次级抵押贷款行业及其衍生而来的投资业得到了终极的显现。有太多的案例显示,贷款人或投资者面临的明显风险却只是被视为无人应该对其负责的外部因素。从来没有想到过会有这样的人,他们的家庭会面临被迫舍弃房屋的困境,会有退休者陷入养老金风险的无底深渊。那些体制内部的人是看不见这种困苦的:它太遥远了,从而实际上是不存在的。缺乏同情心当处于战争状态时,由于情感上的疏离,人们更易于依据自己狭隘的个人利益而行事,缺乏通常的同情心。同情心能让我们察觉到他人的痛苦,是我们之所以为人的标志。自恋的商业模式提供了现代的“情景”,促使个体无视自己的抉择的恶果,由此铺就了一条通往全方位的行政经济大屠杀的道路。阿伦特认为,艾希曼的审判给世界传递了一条信息,即个体必须为其判断承担责任,即使他们 “盲目地”顺应了无良组织制度的情景。这条信息并不仅仅局限于难以形容的大屠杀的恐怖行径。它也与任何情况下个体判断与制度程序之间的关系相关联。这条信息说:你不能把自己做下的坏事简单地归咎于体制。然而让世界为之惊愕的是,成千上万受托掌管我们金融福祉的男男女女们却全面系统地违背了文明行为的基本标准。他们无力辨别对与错。他们要么根本不判断,要么就根本不按自己的判断行事。这丧失底线的行为才让公众对离谱的奖励行为的每次披露都怒不可遏。公众的愤怒并不是渴望复仇,而是在反抗这个平庸之恶。公众的愤慨是道德感的反应,它的着眼点比那些为保护自立经营的商业伎俩而设置的法律更深刻,也更真实。现今,人们的呼声是去找回属于我们的群体,回到人们能由己及人辨别对错的地方。公众需要不,要求我们的领导者们来重新审视自己的能力和义务,判断出什么才是正确的做法,即便那会意味着要面对法律诉讼和发怒的银行家们。现在,有关千百万的人生死存亡的安全感已处于危险境地或被彻底摧毁。在这场价值堕落的浪潮中,没有谁会是安全的,而引发这场价值堕落浪潮的正是这个以自我为中心的商业模式的平庸之恶以及那些不问是非、缺乏道德判断的参与者们。留给资本主义继承人的迫切教训通过所有的新闻标题正在发生效应:没有“他人”,只有我们。本应属于“他们的”伤害现在却成为了全世球范围的共有磨难。 这场经济危机已经显现出越来越多的诈骗、利益冲突、漠视困苦、推卸责任和个体道德判断的全面、系统性的缺失,这一切就制造出了一个行政经济大屠杀,其涉及面之大足以构成反人类的经济罪行。二.1. F 2. T 3. T 4. T 5. F 6. T 7. F 8. F 9. T 10. F三1. Financiers at AIG didnt deserve such awards as they should be held liable for the disastrous consequences of their business practices.2. Self-centered as they are, these insiders are misguided by remoteness from reality and thoughtlessness in judgment, operating in their own narrow interests while distancing every outsider.3As revealed in Eichmanns trial, individuals must be held accountable for their judgment, even when they have “thoughtlessly” conformed to toxic institutional circumstances.4. The financiers cant work on a self-serving business model as the institutions they are in charge of are vital for the interests of “the others.” The damage that was supposed to be “theirs” is now shared misery on a global scale. No one is safe if such a “vacuum” of moral leadership remains in Wall Street.5. The “banality of evil” in Wall Street led to this economic crisis and made millions of people the victims of such a full-scale administrative economic massacre so much so that it constitutes an economic crime against humanity as Eichmann did in the Holocaust.四1. transactions 2. trial 3. thoughtlessness 4. civilized 5. insiders 6. empathy 7. vacuum 8. unquestioning 9. heirs 10. humanity五1. dismay 2. invisible 3. accountable 4. mortgage 5. compounded 6. discern 7. mounting 8. haunt 9. indifference 10. terrifying 六1. at the heart 2. derive from 3. pave the way 4. conform to 5. stand up to 七1. act on their moral judgment 2. reap rewards 3. ignore responsibility 4. commit crimes 5. conform to institutional circumstances 6. meet the minimum standard 7. pave the way for a full-scale administrative economic massacre 8. reflect a sense of morality 9. complete transactions 10. relinquish its home八1The explanation in the advertisement of the product must conform to its actual quality.2. New insights will hopefully pave the way for us to explore new ways of treating this condition.3. Proverbs, which derive from life, are the condensation and embodiment of the language and culture of a nation.4. The emotional relationship has been haunting her with no end in sight.5. Admittedly, the right price for this unique commodity is hard to discern.九1. We agree that he had nothing to be praised for other than what he had done for his son. 2. That many enterprises dont take business ethics seriously can be more destructive to world economy than any illegal commercial action.3. The hospitality of the Chinese finds its ultimate expression in the grand feasts during the Spring Festival.4. This loan of money from the World Bank provides financial guarantee that enables more children to have better facilities in school.5. It is less a scientific research about equal education opportunity than it is a call for public attention to the development of the poor.十 Dr Smith: Im going to give you all a test to complete over the weekend.Frank: Can we get help from our classmates?Dr Smith: No, Im trusting you to work alone. Each of you has a moral conscience, so you dont need someone to monitor you. One day in the business world, you will have to be honest on your own.Frank: Dr Smith, if I get someone to help me, Ill get a better grade, and you will never know that I cheated.Dr Smith: I know. However, I want to teach you all self-discipline and self-worth. If you cheat, you might receive a better grade, but you will feel quite guilty later for what you have done.Frank: Ill be honest because I know its the ethical thing to do. Doesnt our student code of conduct talk about honesty?Dr Smith: It does. It says that each student should work to prevent injustice in both his own actions and in the actions of others. You signed that pledge when you started school here, committing to pursue honesty. We should be honest, simply because its the right thing to do. Frank: I think honesty will also make me a better employee one day.Dr Smith: Frank, integrity is far better than riches or fame. You can lose your money and then gain it back again, but you can never regain your integrity and your good name once it is lost.Frank: Thank you for trusting us, Dr Smith.十一。 Business EthicsCreating and sustaining an ethical corporation isnt as difficult as you might think; its actually easier than some of the day-to-day business challenges you face. The keys to running an ethical company are accountability, honesty, and information transparency.Corporations arent ethical or evil in and of themselves but people can be. So ethics must focus on you and the people you work with. Most people want to do the right thing, but organizational structure does not guarantee they will do the right thing, without meaning to or even knowing it. Structuring an ethical corporation makes the goal easier to achieve.The challenge could not be more urgent. A substantial majority of people in China are dissatisfied with the social behavior of our corporations, say several recent news reports. Poor treatment of workers at home and abroad, products that dont perform as advertised, fake commodities, poor customer service, environmental pollution, to mention a few.Responsible behavior is important to your business success, but lets not forget that youre in business youre not out to solve the worlds problems. So how do you balance the two? What does it mean to be ethical in business?It simply requires that you follow your best moral instincts, even in areas that dont appear to involve moral issues, such as cost-benefit analyses. But while good ethics often equates to good business, sometimes it doesnt. Sometimes being truly ethical means giving up something you want in exchange for doing the right thing. Thats why we worry about ethics in the first place if it didnt cost us anything, everyone would be ethical all the time.Passage BThink about it1. Yes, especially if you expect to have any further business deals with that person, or with any other. You dont want to risk getting a reputation as a dishonest person in business. Short cuts and sharp dealings to quick success may make great fodder for novels and movies, but are not smart practices on which to build a successful business. The role models of “greed is good” and “have I got a deal for you,” can lead you to failure.2. No, definitely not. Society in general has seen a trend away from ethical and honest behavior, and modern business practices are no exception. Good work is overlooked and those who have a slicker approach are rewarded. However, those treacherous businessmen will certainly be uncovered soon or later for customers can not be cheated for ever. If a responsible businessman really expects a thriving career in the long run, he has no choice but to follow the best policy to treat his customer ethically and honestly.3. If cheated in business dealings by some company, I will take the following steps to protect my own interests: Obtain a copy of the related documents recording the business dealings between that dishonest company and me; engage an attorney to suit that target company if necessary. And possibly I may determine to report the whole thing to the media. Anyway, I will not keep silent tut rather to take actions to defend myself.4. The author aims to appeal that honesty rests at the heart of business success.商业诚信几年前,我和丈夫在报纸上登广告打算卖掉我们的一辆老沃尔沃牌汽车。汽车在那里闲置了几个月都没有人问津,最后一对正为生活打拼的夫妇买下了它。由于我们是律师,精通法律,所以在我们选用的合同书上,给年轻夫妇留出签名地方的上方印着“按现状”3个大红字。 “按现状”是一个极妙的法律术语,意思是如果这对夫妇一旦把车开离这里,车轮丢了或是传动器从车上掉下来,车子缺少轱辘或不能开动就是他们的问题了,与我们无关。就在这对夫妇买下车以后第二天早上,他们从驾车上班的路上打电话给我们说,每当他们转动方向盘时,沃尔沃车就发出可怕的声音。我丈夫打电话给我,讨论我们和他们双方的权利。按照法律,我们受全面保护,这应该是他们的事,与我们无关。然而,由于我们当年也曾经是一对为生活而打拼的年轻夫妇,同情心让我们给他们回了电话,叫他们把车开到我们的修理厂检修。我们保证“修好它”。我们作为卖方的法律义务是有限的,因为法律赋予卖方有权在完成公平交易之后不再接受买家投诉的烦扰。然而,商业中有多少交易是真正公平的呢?难道我们不是生活在同一个世界吗?难道我们来生都不会再见面了吗?当我们面对面站在一起时,难道不会因为需要向我们的公平交易过的买家进行这样的问候而尴尬万分吗“实在抱歉,卖给你的车第二天就出了毛病,但是,法律就是法律”。假如一个人赢得了一切,或者在出售沃尔沃汽车中赚了点钱,但却失去了灵魂,那么他又赢了什么呢?最好的结果我们这次与这对年轻夫妇的公平交易经历,所得到的结果是最好的,也是有利于我们的。噪音是由于驾驶杆上的螺栓松了,这是因为我们的沃尔沃闲置了几个月的缘故。我们的机械师免费为这对夫妇上紧了螺栓,他们又高兴又松了口气。而我和我的丈夫也避免了在天堂中一次棘手的窘况。我们那些研究资本主义特性、商业道德、违背商业伦理以及违背商业伦理道德的后果的人仅仅开始懂得在成功的经济体制中潜在的价值系统的重要性。诚信问题仍然是我们价值鉴别的一个标准,因为我们还没有看到理想的以圣经中福音为基础的商业成功。“好人总是落后”是一意追求眼前利益的坏人编造的一句话。正是商业中还存在的诚信为成功提供了机会。许多生意中的人都没有遵循这条原则。那些没有学会运用这一点的人注定要失败。对于生意人来说,问题不是经商中我们要不要诚实,而是我们必须懂得诚实是生意成功的关键。在商业道德中有许多令人信服的例子,都可以毫无疑问地得出这样得结论:诚信是商业成功核心。诚信与幸存的经理们福兰克·希普教授,马里兰州索尔兹伯里州立大学的一位管理学专家,探讨了这样的问题:为什么一些经理会在过去十年中,在无数次企业裁员中得以幸存下来。他们没有经受过企业裁员的痛苦,而许多像他们一样的人却经常失业,有时长达一年之久。关于这些经理,希普教授发现了两个非常重要的特点:第一,这是一群不同类型的人,有男有女,年龄不同,种族不同,管理风格也不同。第二,这些经理和他们的雇员都可使用一个非常通用的形容词来描写:诚实。这些经理在他们工作的各个方面都恪守诚信。他们赞赏员工们能给高级行政管理人员转去新想法时,把功劳正确地归功于员工,坦率地向员工们解释新的规则、新的策略以及和政策性或程序性的变化等。商业中时有所闻的不正当竞争、裙带关系和踩着他人往上爬等对于这些经理们来说都是格格不入的。这些经理们懂得,不仅仅是诚信,还包括善良和公平这些圣经福音中的原则也都是重要的。他们取得了成功是因为他们具备了这些素质,而不是违背了这些要求。他们的工作稳固只是因为他们恪守基本的诚实律条。 诚实与信誉一条日本谚语为那些想欺骗他人的人提供了一条至理名言:千年的信誉会毁于一时的行为。商业中,我们对待他人的态度,不管是对顾客、供应商还是股东,都会回过头来帮助我们或是困扰我们。一家国际食品生产企业,于1970年做出决定向第三世界国家出售婴儿奶制品。这家公司是第一家也是唯一的一家打入这些市场的婴儿奶制品生产厂商。尽管当时在非洲国家销售婴儿奶制品并不违法,但是也有一个诚信问题。在这些国家,即使在母亲营养不良的情况下,母乳仍然是儿科医生首选的喂养方法。这有几个原因:1. 没有冰箱来保存尚未食用的听装奶制品; 2. 没有冲调配方奶粉的纯净水;3. 不了解将貌似黏稠的奶制品稀释到母乳浓度的有害性;4. 在免费赠送的样品用完而母乳又断流时缺乏资金来购买新的配方奶制品。然而,该公司在没有透露这些弊端的情况下进入了第三世界国家并在销售配方奶制品中获得了巨大成功。但是,上述四个因素的存在却使这些奶制品有售的国家的婴儿死亡率火箭般地攀升。 十二. 1. B 2. C 3. A 4. A 5. A十三.1. Success achieved in business without breaching the Bibles teachings2. Being honest in all aspect of work.3. Any bad behavior at any time can lead to damaging your long-established reputation4. It actually was a cheating / fraudulent operation leading to serious consequences.十四. 1. compelled 2. compassion 3. disclosure 4. exploring 5. malnourished 6. plaguing 7. pledge 8. breach 9. span 10.transaction十五. 1. sitting idle 2. broke down 3. in all respects 4. gave . credit 5. by the conduct of十六. Synonyms : 1. idle; fallow 2. diverse; varying 3. key; important 4. self-esteem; self-worth Antonyms :1. sell; purchase 2. plagued; delighted3. breach; faith十七. 传奇企业家沃伦?巴菲特说:“信任就像我们呼吸的空气。它在时,无人会真正留意,但一旦它不在,每个人都会注意到。”若坚持道德原则的话,你能把生意从创业一直做到退休。现在正是把以下这些正确的方方面面安排到位来建立企业伦理文化的恰当时机:使命、价值、明晰可及的规章制度、企业公民意识以及慈善心等。第一步是自己