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    七年级英语新目标下Unit1-Unit12单元练习Unit 1一, 用所给词的适当形式填空1Whats name ? (you) 2 . My Bob . (name)3. name is Jim . (he ) 4. name is Mary . (she ) 5. His name is Jack . (one) 6. Whats telephone number ? (she) 7. Whats phone number ? (he) 8. name is Gina . (I) 9. Whats telephone number ? (you)二,据意填空1.- Whats your name ? - names Alan .2. Whats her name ? - names Jenny .3. Whats name ? His name is Bob .4. My name is Smith . 5. His name is Tony .6 . My phone is 6843028 .三,选择填空1. His names Alan . A. last B. first C. family 2. Whats your phone number? - 6843028 . A. Is B. It C. Its 3 His phone number 6842001 . A.it B.its C.is4.Her name is Green . A. first B. family 四,句型转换1Im Bob . (同义句 ) Bob .2. My names Tina. (就划线提问) ?3Her names Mary. (就划线提问) ?4. She is Jenny . (同义句 ) Jenny .5. He is Mike . (同义句 ) Mike .6. My telephone number is 6843028. (就划线提问) telephone numbre ? 五,翻译短语和句子1,姓2,电话号码3,名4,身份证5,我叫Mary.(1) (2) 6,她叫Tina. (1) (2) 7,他叫Tom. (1) (2) 8,他的电话号码是多少?是68420019,你的电话号码是多少?是684200510,我姓王,他姓张,她姓李,你姓Brown. 11,我名叫 Tom.他名叫 Bob,她名叫Tina,你名叫 Alan, 六,补全对话A:Hello! ? B: My name is Bob. A:Hi, . Tom.B: Nice ! A: ,too. ?B:His name is Jim.A: ?B: Her name is Mary.A:Whats your ?B: Its 6842006. A:Thanks. Good-bye! Unit 2一, 用所给词的适当形式填空1.Is this pencil ? (you) 2. This is backpack . (he)3.This is ruler . (she) 4.This is eraser. (I )5. do spell name ? (you)二,据意填空1.-Is this your book ? - , it is .2.-Is that his pen ? - , it isnt.3. Whats that English ?4. do you spell your name ?5. Call Jim 495-3539.6. Is that her computer game the lost and found case ?三,选择填空1. Is that your pencil case ? - . A. Yes , its . B. Yes , its not . C. No , it is . D. No , it isnt .2. Is this your dictionary ? - . Its my dictionary . A. Yes , it is . B. No , it isnt . C. Yes, it isnt.3. Is that your pencil sharpener ? - . Its her pencil sharpener . A Yes , it is B. No , it isnt .C. No , it is 4. Is this your eraser ? Yes , it is . Its eraser . A. your B. his C. her D. my5. This is eraser . A. the B. a C. an D./四,句型转换1. This is my book .(1)变否定句(2)变一般疑问句并做肯定回答和否定回答2That is her pencil . .(1)变否定句(2)变一般疑问句并做肯定回答和否定回答3. This is a pen . 就划线提问?4 That is a ruler . 就划线提问?五,翻译短语和句子1. 失物招领2。一串钥匙3电脑游戏4。这是一块橡皮。5那是书包。6。那是字典吗?7这是文具盒吗?8。他的手表在失物招领箱里。9你怎样拼写你的名字?10请给Bob打电话,电话号码6868456。六,补全对话A: , Jim. Whats this in English ?B:Its a pen .A: ?B:P-E-N .A: you .Unit 3一, 用所给词的适当形式填空1This is sister.( I ) 2. are my two brothers . (that)3. Are your parents ? (this) 4. This is father .(he)5. Those are my . (friend) 6. those your parents ?二,据意填空1. My fathers mother is my . 2. My mothers father is my .3. My fathers parents is my . 4. My mothers brother is my .5. My fathes sister is my . 6. My uncles daughter is my .7. My aunts son is my .8. Thanks the photo your family.9. These my parents .三,选择填空1. erasers . A. This is B. That is C.Those is D. Those are2. These are his . A. pen B. a pen C. pens D. penes3. Is father ? A. he, you B. he, your C. his, you D.his, your 4. is aunt . A. She, he B.She, his C. Her, he D.Her, his5. This is sister . name is Wei Fang . A. my , His B. his , Her C. her , His D. his , His6. Thanks family photo . A. for you B.at you C.for your D. in your 四,句型转换1. This is an orange . (变复数句).2. That is an eraser . (变复数句)3. Is that your ruler ? (变复数句) your ?4. Is this your dictionry ? (变复数句) your ?5. This is my uncle . (同义句) This is my .6. Thanks for your family photo . (同义句) Thanks for your family .7. This is my uncles daughter . (同义句) This is my .五,翻译1这是我的爷爷。2。那是我的奶奶。3这是我的父母。4。那是他的父母吗?5这些是她的朋友。6。那些是他的兄弟。7他是你哥哥吗?不,他不是。他是我的朋友。8她是你妹妹吗?是的,她是。9谢谢你的家庭照。10这里是我的家庭照。六,补全对话A: Thats Mary thats Bob.B: your sister? A: Yes , she is .B: your brother ? A: .He is my friend.Unit 4一, 用所给词适当形式填空1.- the backpack ?- Its on the table .2.-Are the books on the bed ?- Yes , are .3-Are my keys on the dresser ? No, .4-Is his pen in the pencil case? Yes , .5-Where is your dictionary ? on the sofa .6-Where are my keys ? - in the drawer .7 The math book on the dresser .8 The math books on the bookcase .9 Can you take these things your sister ?10, Where my book ?11. Can you bring some things school ?12. Where my books ?二,据意填空1. Where the baseballs? (is) 2. Where are the ? ( dictionary )3. are on the table . (it) 4.Are on the bed ? (it)5. The pens in the pencils.(is) 6. Please take these to Jim.(thing)7.Can you bring some to me ? (thing) 8. Here some books for you.(is)三,选择填空1Wheres pen? A. a B. an C. the D. /2. Wheres notebook ? - in my backpack . A. your, Its B. my, Its C. your, Theyre D. my, Theyre3 Wheres your pencil ? - on table. A.Its,a B.Its,an C.Its,the .D Theyre,the4. - the alarm clock ? A.Whats B.Wheres C.Hows D.Wherere5 Where are his books ? the bookcase . A. Its in B. Theyre in C. Its on D Theyre on6. The math book on the dresser . The keys in the drawer A. is is B. is are C. are , is D are, are 7.Please take the chair your father . A. to B. at C. for D.in8. Can you bring some me ? A. pen to B.pens to C.pen for D. pens for9. - is it ? Its in the drawer . A. What B. Where C.How D.Who10. Here orange . A. is a B. is an C. are a D. are an四,句型转换 1. His backpack is under the table . his backpack ?2. Her books are on the bookcase . his books ? 3. The eraser is in the pencil case . the eraser ?4. Wheres my computer game ?(变复数句) 5 Where is it ? (变复数句) 6. Its a dictionary . (变复数句) 五,补全对话A: , Bob. the bag ? B: I .Is it on the bed ?A:No, . B: under the table ? A: Yes , it is .Unit 5一, 据意填空1. you have a TV ? 2. he have a computer ?3. Lets soccer . 4. I dont have a soccer .5. Lets play computer . 6.He has a great sports .7. He watches sports TV . 8. Lets TV .二,用所给词的适当形式填空1. He five volleyballs . ( have) 2. she have a sister ? (do)3. That boring . (sound) 4. We have many sports . (club)5. He TV every day . (watch) 6. Li Lei has 8 (ball)7 That sounds . (relax) 8 . Jim sports every day .( play)9.Mary TV every day . (watch) 10. She watches on TV. (they)10. Let play tennis . (we)三,选择填空1. you have uncle ? A. Do, a B. Do, an C. Are, a D.Are , an2. I have a . I play . A. ping-pong, ping-pong ball B.ping-pong ball,ping-pong C.ping-pong,ping-pong D.ping-pong ball,ping-pong ball3-Do you play soccer ? - .A.Yes, I dont. B.No, I do. C.Yes , I am. D.Yes, I do4. She a brother. A.have B.isnt have C.doesnt have D. doesnt have5. I have many . A. watch B.watchs C. watches 6. He five . A. have, volley B. has, volley C.have,volleys D.has,volleys7. Lets TV . A. watch B. to watch C. watchs D. watches四,句型转换1. I have a TV . (否定句) (一般疑问句,肯定回答和否定回答)2He has a tennis racket . (否定句) (一般疑问句,肯定回答和否定回答)3. She watches TV . every day . (否定句) (一般疑问句,肯定回答和否定回答)五,补全对话 A:Lets play soccer. B:No, its boring . A:Lets . B:That . Do you have a tennis racket ? A:Yes, . Do you have a ball? B: No, .六,翻译1 让我们打乒乓球吧。你有乒乓球吗?是的,我有。2 她有足球吗?,不,她没有。3 我没有排球。他没有足球。他有排球。4那听上去很好。5让我们做运动吧。6她有许多书。7他有大的运动收集物。8他不做运动。他天天看电视。Unit 6一, 据意填空1. you like bananas ? 2. she like salad ?3. I like oranges , but I like bananas . 4.She likes bananas, but she like oranges.5. I like eggs ,bananas and apples breakfast . 6. She has ice cream dessert.7.- Does Bob like broccoli ?-No, 8.-Does Mary like carrots?-Yes , 9. Jim likes apples , he doesnt like oranges10. He eats lots healthy food. 二,用所给词的适当形式填空1. I like .(strawberry) 2. She French fries . (like)3 I dont like . (tomato) 4. Liu Xiang is a great star .(run)5. My uncle is a .(run) 6. I eat food. (health)7. He salad . (eat)三,选择填空1. Alan hamburgers ? A.Is,like B.Does,like C.Is,likes D.Does,likes2. they chicken ? .A. Do,eat B.Do,eats C.Are, eat D.Are, eats3. She broccoli. A.isnt like B.isnt likes C.doesnt like D.doesnt likes4 He has for dinner. A. tomatos B. strawberrys C.chicken D.broccolis 5.She eats apples. A. lot of B. lots of C. a lot D. a lots of四,句型转换1.They eat chicken. (1)否定句。(2)一般疑问句,肯定和否定回答2.She has chicken . (1)否定句。(2)一般疑问句,肯定和否定回答3.I like oranges . (1)否定句。(2)一般疑问句,肯定和否定回答4.He watches TV. (1)否定句。(2)一般疑问句,肯定和否定回答 5.She plays tennis. (1)否定句。(2)一般疑问句,肯定和否定回答6。He has many friends. (同义句)She has friends.五,翻译1 你喜欢香蕉吗?是的,我喜欢。2 你喜欢沙拉吗?不,我不喜欢。3 她吃鸡肉吗?是的,她吃。4 她参加体育运动吗?不,她不参加。5 他们吃许多健康的食品。6 午餐她喜欢吃汉堡包,沙拉和橙子。六,补全对话A:Do you like carrots ? B: , . I like all vegetables.A:How about broccoli ? like broccoli ?B:Yes, I do. Its great .Do you like vegetable ?A:No, I vegetables. I like bananas,orangesB: I like apples.Unit 7一, 据意填空1 - this sweater? Its 20 dollars .2.- these socks? Theyre five yuan.3.-What do you want ?-Black. 4. I need bags sports .5.They have sweaters a very good price.6. boys , you can buy socks only five yuan each .7. girls, we have T-shirts red, green and white .8.Come and buy your clothes Huaxings great sale.9.Have a look Mr. Cools Clothes Store.10.The green shorts are sale 12 dollars.11.The yellow hat is small, but the red hat is .12.The red T-shirt is short, but the blue T-shirt is .二,用所给词的适当形式填空1 How much are shorts ?(this) 2.Are socks two dollars? (that)3.Come and see for at Huaxing Clothes Store .(your )4.Lets look at Clothes Store.(Bob)三,选择填空1.-How much is T-shirt ?- ten dollars . A.this,Theyre B.these, Theyre C. this, Its D.these, Its2.-How much socks ?- two dollars each. A.are the ,Theyre B.is the, Its C.are these ,Its D. are those , Its3. I like T-shirt red. A.for B.in C.at D.on4.We have black hats 12 dollars. A.at B.for C. in D. on5.Have a look my family photo. A. for B. at C. in D. on6.The pants are sale 20 dollars . A. on ,on B.for,for C. on,for D.for,on四,句型转换1.The red socks are 8 dollars. are the red socks?2.How much


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