备考指南:雅思口语备考注意事项 在雅思口语备考中,很多新手通常就直接进行话题模板的背诵和训练,容易产生依赖性导致难以纠正。因此,考生需要在进行雅思口语训练之前,要掌握相关的注意事项。下面就和大家分享备考指南:雅思口语备考4点注意事项,欢迎阅读!备考指南:雅思口语备考4点注意事项雅思口语备考训练中要注意语速很多新晋的雅思考生,面对雅思口语通常刚开始都是背模板,但是小站君要提醒的是背诵的回答和你临场的回答是不一样的,往往自己单独背的时候语速都特别快,而且很流利。但是临场的时候,尤其是卡片题,很容易语速变慢,然后重复和停顿也常发生。而且考生在进行回忆的时候,回答速度会变慢,考官会认为你在背诵模板,然后就打断进行下一轮的复习。因此考生在训练的时候,一定要注意语速的调整。我们看下面例子:问题:When did you start to use social networking sites?范文:Let me see. Um, it was probably eight or nine years ago, when I was in Middle school. Back then, we use QQ regard as networking site among students, which was sort of like the Chinese social median of Instagram.这是一个关于社交网络的话题,也是经常会出现的考题,考生或多或少也背过相关的题库。我们如果把自己背的内容安插进去呢?小站君建议可以在一些承接词和数字上慢下来,例如Let me see; so,8 or 9 years等。同时我们对强调的内容也要进行降速处理,上述的范文中的重点像use QQ, Back then,需要慢下来。这样才能让考官觉得你不是在刻意的背诵,而是进行生动形象的表达自己的观点。雅思口语备考训练中要注意停顿很多考生口语模板背的滚瓜烂熟,而且幸运的是考试也考到了,于是一气呵成的说话,但往往并没有得到高分。因为考生需要明确的是,口语是一个交流的过程,需要有抑扬顿挫,也就是所说的停顿。尤其是对于刚接触雅思口语的同学而言,停顿也很重要。我们看上述给出来的原文:Let me see. Um, it was probably eight or nine years ago, when I was in Middle school. Back then, we use QQ regard as networking site among students, which was sort of like the Chinese social median of Instagram.这段一共3句话,很多同学背熟之后不需要1分钟就可以说出来,但是却并没有体现说话的感觉。因此需要停顿,在每一个语块后面进行停顿,然后在强调的重复单词后面停顿。这样才能成功的转化自己背过的内容。让考官觉得你是再跟他对话,而不是检查背诵。雅思口语备考训练中要注意发音和语调要跟欧美一样的发音语调肯定是很难的,因此考生也不必担心不一样就会被扣分。但是切记就是不要像机器人那样读出来,就是没有任何语气,例如强调,疑问等,这些需要变化语音语调。需要带入感情进去对话。还有一点很多动名词发音也不一样,例如present,还有时态不一样,发音也不一样,例如read。像这种问题是要扣分的,也是考官会考核的重点之一。雅思口语备考训练中要注意答题思路很多考生在进行口语备考训练中,常常会记住一些万能的模板,然后就直接插入陈述内容中,这样很容易导致前后矛盾和文不对题。很多时候就是加一点承接词就以为考官听不出来了。其实这样打错特错,例如我们说运动这个话题,很多考生会说不愿意运动,但是在卡片题中出现:An article you read online or from magazines about healthy living,或者An activity you do to keep fit.这时候考生又会话锋一转,认为运动特别好,平常也很爱运动之类的。跟part1的内容就差很远,那时候再多万能模板也很难套进去。2020年9-12月雅思口语part1答案解析:Public transport1. Do you often use public transportation?Yes, I take the subway every day to work. I hate it. Its packed, really crowded, and I have to change lines twice. I really dislike using public transport, but also if you take a taxi or go by private car then you face horrific traffic jams, so its a nightmare either way! I really dont like living in such a big overcrowded city.2. Do people in your country take the bus?Yes, a lot of people take the bus. For some destinations in the city its more convenient, and its really cheap. Depending on where youre going to and from, it can be more comfortable than taking the subway, and you at least can see out of the window! There are also some places, especially countryside locations, where there is no train service, so you have to take the bus. Like one time I took a long-distance bus from Kunming to Lijiang in Yunnan Province. Actually, now they have an airport in Lijiang, but they didnt at the time I mean, they didnt have an airport when I went as a child with my father there. Anyway, yes, buses are still popular in cities and to and from some locations outside cities too.3. What kind(s) of transport do you usually use?I usually take the subway, or walk if Im going somewhere nearby At times I take one of those hire-bikes you see around the city a lot. Theyre pretty convenient and theres a lot of fairly safe bike lanes in my city so thats a good way to get around, especially in spring, summer or autumn when its not too cold, or wet.4. How often do you take the bus?I take the bus about once or twice a week. I usually go to work on the subway, you see, so I only take the bus on weekends sometimes if I want to go visit a park or a friend who lives in another district. The bus routes are pleasant and buses have their own lanes on the street, so they are usually efficient and on time.2020年9-12月雅思口语part1答案解析:Discussion1. What kinds of things do you like to talk about?I love talking! Im a really social person and I have lots of thoughts and opinions on all sorts of things, so I like to meet friends in a caf on the weekends and chat about all sorts of things. I am really into psychology and so I enjoy talking about that kind of thing you know, why people do things, what motivates people, and so forth. However, Im also a good listener and enjoy listening to all number of different types of things other people have to say. Even celebrity gossip and silly stuff like this!2. Have you changed the way you discuss things since when you were a child?Most certainly. Like most children, I wasnt really good at logically reasoning and discussing things, but was very much driven by my feelings, desires emotions. As we get older we learn from our family, from school, and from those around us, that we have to listen and construct logical arguments when we are discussing things with people. I also have read a lot over the years since I was younger and I think this helps with critical thinking and discussion skills.3. Do you change your opinions frequently?Im not sure how to answer that question. It really depends. If someone present a convincing argument with solid evidence then yes, I might change my opinion on something. However, I can also be quite stubborn and headstrong about my own opinions too and sometimes dont want to bend or change them for anyone!雅思口语