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    新课标新目标初中英语八级下册期中精品试题 附答案(有MP3格式的听力).doc

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    新课标新目标初中英语八级下册期中精品试题 附答案(有MP3格式的听力).doc

    新课标新目标初中英语八年级下册期中精品试题附答案第卷(选择题,共65分)一、听力部分。(25分)I听辨单词。听句子从A、B、C三个选项中选出你听到的句子中所包含的单词。每个句子读两遍。( )1A. made Bmet C. mad( )2A. success B. suppose C. surprise( )3A. dangerous Bnervous C. never( )4A. own Bold C. new( )5A. copy Bempty CkeepII单句理解。从下面每小题给出的A、 B、C三个选项中,选出一个与你所听到的句子在意义上和逻辑上最接近的选项。每个句子读两遍。( )6A. This school doesn't have computers. B. There are more computers in this school CThere are more computers in that school( )7A. Kids will go to school BKids will study at home. CKids won't study.( )8A. I go to school by train B. I go to school when it rains. C. I don't go to school by train( )9A. Our life is better now BOur life won't be better. C. We'll be happier than now( )10. A. Each of us will have a credit card. BI don't like a credit cardCNobody will have a credit cardIII情景反应。从下面每小题给出的A、B、C三个选项中,选出一个与你所听到的情景句子相呼应的选项。每个句子读两遍。( )11A. I think it's boring. BI think so CYes,it is.( )12A. You'd better not. BYes,I am CYes,I can.( )13A. I don't agree B. I think she's lazy CI'm glad to hear that.( )14A. I'm glad to hear that. BI hope he's in good health now CAlan is very hard-working.( )15A. You are too lazy. BNo,let's watch the news. C. I'm mad at you.IV对话理解。听对话,每段对话后有一个提问。从下面每小题给出的A、B、C三个选项中,选出一个最佳选项。每段对话读两遍,问题读一遍。( )16A. In the kitchen. BIn the bedroom. C. In the bathroom.( )17A. She has seen it before. B. She doesn't want to see it. C. She is ill and has to see a doctor.( )18. A. David. BJack. CBecky.( )19A. Thirty-four yuan. B. Sixteen yuan C. Sixty yuan.( )20A. In hospital B. At home. C. At school.V短文理解。根据你所听到的短文内容及所提问题,从下面每小题给出的A、B、C三个选项中选出一个正确选项。短文读两遍。( )21John is a young man. He has . A. a small dog and a big car B. a small car and a big dog C. a big dog and a big car( )22John likes .A. playing basketball Bplaying football C. driving a car( )23John couldn't turn his key in the lock of the car because . A. the lock was broken Bthe car was not his Che didn't know how to use the key( )24When John jumped into a car,his dog . A. jumped out of the next car Bjumped into another car C. stayed beside another car( )25John smiled at last because . A. he found his dog B. he found his key C. he thought his dog was very clever二、单项选择(每题1分,共20分)( )26. There will be _ trees on the mountain in a few years. A. three hundred of B. three hundreds C. hundreds of D. hundred of( )27. The little girl didnt go to bed _ her mother came back home A until B so C because D and ( )28. If you dont want to go to the park, I wont _. A. too B. else C. also D. either( )29. Its hot today. How about going swimming after school? -_! Lets ask Eric to go with us. A. Good idea B. Best wishes C. Good luck D. Thats OK( )30. Mr Green was watching TV _ someone knocked at the door. A. while B. when C. since D. after( )31. Jack is _ math and I do _ physics.A. well at; good in B. good in; well in C. good at; good at D. good at; well in( )32. I looked for my pet dog _, but I cant find it _. A. anwhere; somewhere B. somewhere; anywhere C. anywhere; everywhere D. everywhere; anywhere( )33. A car accident _ in the Central Street this morning. A. took place B. was happening C. happened D. was taking place( )34. These boxes are too drity. Please _. A. take away them B. take them away C. take it away D. take away it( )35. Could you tell me how _ his work without any help every day? A. he finishes B. does he finish C. he finished D. did he finish( )36. He _ come to school at 7:00 am, but he was ten minutes late. A. supposed to B. was supposed to C. is supposed to D. supposing to( )37. My father _ a newspaper at 9:00 last night. A. is reading B. read C. read D. was reading ( )38. We wont go to the zoo if it_ tomorrow.A.rain B.rains C.will rain D.is raining( )39. Nowadays teachers may find _ hard _ middle school students.A. that; teach B. that; to teach C. it; teach D. it; to teach ( )40. The policewoman asked the little boy _.A. where did he live B. where he lived C. where he lives D. where does he lives三、完形填空(每题1分,共10分)How to practice spoken English?How can we practice our spoken English (英语口语)? The first and most important thing is to believe 41 . You should always have confidence or you 42 be able to improve your English. You should often encourage (鼓励) yourself, “Come on, dont be afraid!You should never lose heart and never give up.Maybe you are afraid of losing face, but you should think we are students and were 43 , theres no need to worry 44 anything. You must always be active in practice. Theres no problem that your pronunciation and intonation(语调) cant be as good 45 the native (某国的,当地的) people because we are Chinese, and we dont have chances to live in foreign countries and talk with the people there 46 . But you must know that the main way to study English is to make ourselves understood and understand other people. You should believe that native speakers will not 47 you, 48 they will encourage you . If you are brave (有勇气的) enough, youll certainly be better at 49 English than before. 50 be shy or afraid! Just have a try.( ) 41. A. itself B. yourself C. themselves D. myself( ) 42. A. cant never B. are never C. will D. will never( )43. A. learning B. saying C. students D. teaching( )44. A. / B. to C. about D. for( ) 45. A. so B. with C. as D. than( ) 46. A. some time B. sometime C. sometimes D. all the time( ) 47. A. laugh at B. get over C. open up D. seem like( ) 48. A. so B. instead C. or D. nor( ) 49. A. speaking B. speech C. speak D. spoke( ) 50. A. Dont B. Not C. No D. Do四、阅读理解。(一)阅读短文,选择答案(共15小题,15分)AAHere is a kind of car that may someday take the place of (代替)todays big ones. If everyone drives such a car in the future, there will be less pollution in the air. There will also be more space for parking(停) cars in cities, and the streets will be less crowded. Three such cars can fit in the space which is now needed for one car of the usual size(尺寸). People will spend less to buy and drive the little cars. Driving will be safer, too, as these little cars can go only 65 kilometers per hour(每小时). Cars of the future will be fine for getting around a city. But they will not be useful for long trips. Little cars powered by gasoline (汽油) will go 450 kilometers before they need to stop for more gasoline. If big cars are still used along with the small ones, two sets of roads will be needed in the future. Some roads will be used by the big and fast cars, and other roads will be needed for the small and slow ones.( )51. If everyone drives a little car in the future, there will be _.A. more trees B. more crowed streets C. less space for parking cars D. less pollution in the air( )52 These little cars can go _ kilometers per hour? A. 65 B. 450 C. 400 D. 500( ) 53. _ such cars can fit in the space which is now needed for one car of the usual size. A. Two B. Three C. Four D. Five( )54. This kind of little car will be useful for _. A. short trip B. long trip C. a big family D. ten persons at the same time( ) 55. The advantages (优势) of this kind of car are _ A. fast and safe B. cheap and slow C. safe and cheap D. big and fast BA good way to pass an exam is to work hard every day in the yearYou may fail an exam if you are lazy for most of the year and then work hard only a few days before the exam If you want to learn English well, do not remember only grammar (语法)when you are learning EnglishAnd you should try to read stories in English and speak in English as often as you canYou should go to bed early a few days before the examDo not study late at nightBefore you start the exam, read carefully over the exam paperTry to understand the exact (确切的)meaning of each question before you begin to write your answersWhen you have finished your exam at last, read your answers againCorrect (改正)the mistakes if there are any. And make sure you have not missed anything out( )56If you want to do well in an exam , you must _ _Awork hard every day in the year Bstudy hard a few days before exam Cget up early a few days before exam Dkeep doing your homework day and night( )57In the writers opinion, it is _ to go to bed late at the night before the examAhelpful Bimportant Cnot helpful Ddifficult( )58If you want to learn English well, you must _ Atry to read as many English stories as you can Blearn grammar well Ctry to speak in English as much as possibleDA, B and C ( )59Try to understand the exact (确切的)meaning of each question _Aafter you write down your answers Bbefore you write down your answers Cas soon as you write down your answersDwhile you are writing down your answers( )60When you have finished your exam at last, you should _ _Aread your answers again Bcorrect (改正)the mistakes if there are any. Cmake sure you have not missed anything out DA, B and CC某学校的心理咨询老师对来访的五位学生出现的问题提出了有交往的建议(AE)。请将这些问题与建议配对。( )61. Im easy to have a cold because of the changeable(多变的) weather. If Im ill, I have to take medicine. I hate taling medicine and Im unhappy.( )62. I argued with my best friend yesterday. Im angry and disappointed. Should we go on to be friends with each other or end the friendship between us?( )63. I love painting but my parents let me join the guitar club. I try my best to practice the guitar but I cant play it well. I want to study painting.( )64. I cant remember English words. My problem is: If I learn a word today. Ill forget it tomorrw. Im very upset because I have a bad memory.( )65. Im getting fatter and fatter. Im so fat that I have to rest after a few walks. How can I lost my weight?A. If you are really interested in painting, you should tell your parents about it. You can tell them you will make much progress in painting because “Interest is the best teacher”.B. I think you should eat less meat, more fruit and vegetables. And you should do exercise every day. It can help lose wight and make you healthy.C. I think you could have a good talk with your friend. If you are right, you should let your friend know why he is wrong. If youre wrong, you should say sorry to your friend. Dont end the friendship between you.D. Why not try your best to take more exercise? Its good for yourhealth. If you are strong enough, the lilness will be away from you.E. A good way to remember English words is to read English stories every day. If you do, youll remember English words well.(二)、阅读短文,完成第二卷的66-70题。DWelcome to Niagara Falls State Park!Niagara Falls lies between the USA and Canada. For years, the beautiful Niagara Falls State Park has become one of the peoples favorite vacation places. Through the years, thousands of people have enjoyed the wonderful falls, making the Niagara Falls a favorite for the whole family. Writers, artists and famous people have also come to the falls to feel the greatest natural gift. Experience Niagara Falls State Parks waters, while letting your excitement flow as freely as the waters. The wonderful American Falls helps you make the most of your trip. Eat at the top of the Falls Restaurant, walk right up to the base(基部) of Niagara Falls during the Cave of the Winds tour, or let the water fall all around you during the boat ride. Theres so much to discover at Niagara Falls - start planning your vacation today.第卷答题卡请将第一卷的答案填入以下表格内。题号123456789101112131415答案题号161718192021222324252627282930答案题号313233343536373839404142434445答案题号464748495051525354555657585960答案题号6162636465答案第卷(55分)题号一至四五六七八九总分得分五阅读表达。阅读第一卷第四大题D篇短文,根据短文完成下列各小题。(共5小题,10分)66.This passage is probably from _. A. an advertisement B. an article C. newspaper D. magazine67. Where does Niagara Falls lie? _68. What does the greatest natural gift mean in this passage? _69. You can experience the water fall all around you during_.70. If you have a chance to enjoy a vacation, where do you want to go most? Why? _六、词汇(每题1分,共10分) A.根据句意及首字母提示补全所缺单词。 1. The poor man lives a_ in a small village. He feels lonely sometimes. 2. All my friends went to climb the hills e_ me because I had to look after my sick mother. 3. I have sent my mother a m_ to tell her I shall be home late. 4. The Internet makes it p_ for us to send information to each other in a few seconds. 5. Yesterday afternoon he told me about his e_ as a young man.B.用所给单词的适当形式填空。 6. The children enjoyed_ (they) in the zoo last weekend. 7. She _ (be) a good dancer if she practices often. 8. I think Ill have a difficult time_ (know)who is who. 9. They said they_ (have) an English party at 8:00 last night.10. She fell off her bike._ (lucky), she didnt hurt herself.七、句型转换(10分)1. Ill be an astronaut when


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