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    1. I, for one ,am far from to book 11.troubled 2.tools 3.offered 4.not 5.all 6.into 7.special 8.succeed 9.positive 10.reach out to 11.through 12.relationship 13.access miment 15.does not 2. Im not sure whether a” generation gap” exists1.does 2.younger 3.who 4.kept 5.admit 6.sitll 7.Advances 8.to 9.Nowadays 10.straight 11.allows for 12.such 13.actual 14.awful 15.appeal 16.trying 17.patience 18.negative 19.In any case 20.though 3. Do not put off until tomorrow the good you can do today1.possibilities 2.Examples 3.regret 4.of 5.habit 6.attempts 7. therefore 8.secret 9.awaken 10. thus 11.once 12.free 13.arise 14.instead of 15.nor 16.save 17.delay 18.built up 19.service 20.benefits Standing in the door 1.focused on 2.on 3.participation 4.approach 5.banged 6.look up 7.body 8.any 9.encouragement 10.made 11.pitch 12.interrupt 13.disappointed 14.much 15.as if 16.haing stated 17.encountered 18.or 19.extended 20.empty When they gave us our sex1.although cern 3.next 4.however 5.rather 6.whatever 7.being 8.that 9.of 10.By the time 11.infected with 12.on 13.remained e in 15.from Lets face it ; young people entering the 1.as much 2.contary 3.prior 4.lack 5.anyone 6.promoted 7.scared 8.By the time pizined 10.unfortunately 11.quit 12.start out 13.bottom up 14.managing 15.looked down on 16.triumph 17.atttude 18.matter mence 20.intial I was walking from the door of my1.parked 2.as if 3.Instinctively 4.searched 5.valuable 6.so 7.what 8.faded 9.conscious 10.trembling 11.hurt 12.or 13.details 14.so 15.identify 16.reported 17.additional 18.robbed mitted 20.Apparently I think I am like many people in that I have1.awake 2.hard 3.what 4.justce 5.more 6.unconscious 7.explaining 8.Why is there 9.as though 10.does not exist 11.mystery 12.less 13.entertainned 14.myself 15.make 16.on to 17.not 18.capture 19.seeking 20.secretIn a lecture to the student body 1.fantastic 2.over 3.claimed 4.applauded 5.believed 6.mysterious 7.labors 8.amount 9.suggests 10.necessary 11.profited 12.tours 13.assisting 14.however 15.whatsoever IS integrity fashionable ?1.sense 2.tempt 3.posing 4.as 5.account 6.were given 7.It 8.make 9.conceded 10.demonstate 11.instance 12.costs 13.fascinating 14.surveyed 15.when 16.health 17.buy 18.suggest 19.conclusion 20.rather than I am frequently asked the question book 21.more often 2.when 3.further 4.the least of 5.how 6.nothing but 7.whereas 8.conduct 9.just 10.whne 12.impolite 13.interactions 14.incresingly 15.give back This was what all of the training and pain1.coaching 2.had it not been for 3.make it 4.to thinking 5.promising 6.sessions 7.swear 8.indisserent 9.rank 10.passion 11.persist 12.despite 13.gaining 14.best 15.used toI didnt marry for all the 1.nothing 2.suspect 3.through 4.bother 5.above all 6.doubt 7.applaud 8.spend plaining 10.than 11.care 12.mutual 13.realstic 14.illusion 15.divorceLove is important without it life has 1.ever 2.physical 3.overlook 4.on 5.But 6.care for 7.what 8.what 9.evets 10.alleviate 11.that 12.betond 13.sacrifce 14.risk 15.bue rather “Knock it off!”1.cease 2.patience 3.deaf 4.hardly 5.got used to 6.ignored 7.possible 8.upsets 9.mind 10.intentions11.alternatives 12.noticeable 13.incresingly 14.even if 15.applyingWhats in a name?1.entirely 2.recognzie 3.rather than 4.choose to 5.claim 6.more likely 7.convey 8.on 9.declined10.far more 11.embarrassed 12.identical 13.Similarly 14.how 15.asI was in a bad temper .1. ruing 2.attribute 3.evaluating 4.inevitable 5.sharinking 6.hopeless 7.argument 8.temper 9. as usual 10.proceeded 11.assumed 12.but instead 13.nearly 14.harely 15.protectionIt is strange 1. puzzles 2.perspective 3.incredible 4.fearful 5.confined 6.rewarding 7.advantage 8.But 9.occupations 10.exist pose 12.career 13.bound 14.ensure 15.robbing 16.currently 17.woory 18.challenge 19.in effect 20.insteadJournalists play a very important1. increasingly 2.involve 3.objective 4.from 5.ensure 6.far too 7.instead of 8.rather than 9.count on 10.nowadys 11.aims 12.Naturally 13.post 14.or not 15.nuisanceIn the summer of 1940 1.over 2.destroying 3.attempt 4.as 5.invaded 6.relied on 7.effective 8.treated 9.would have been10.after all 11.eveb though 12.as 13.little more than 14.In addition 15.range Although they may not book31. competed 2.cermony 3.all about 4.examples 5.aim 6.disabilities 7.respected 8.wins 9.in a way10.restrain 11.but 12.ending plete 14.while 15.held up 16.anywhere 17.pray 18.with which 19.host 20.pledgingJim Fixx had been a heavy smoker 1.took up 2.reaped 3.by 4.inspried 5.considreably 6.to 7.evidence 8.revealed 9.suffered 10.Given11.acknowledges 12.impact 13.particularly 14.However 15.moderate 16.resuIt in 17.summed up 18.As with 19.reward 20.likelihoodHyde was founded in 19961.rather than 2.because 3.before 4.typicble 5.primary 6.adopt 7.is placed on 8.expose 9.led to 10.available 11.counsel 12.to 13.focus on 14.share 15.exteded 16.invove 17.over 18.assigned 19.but also 20.earn When Henry Ford announced he was going 1.affordable 2.impact 3.eventually 4.strategies 5.As a result 6.moblility 7.fasible 8.no matter what 9.provded 10.no longer 11.packed 12.explore 13.attraction 14.to 15.restricted 16.instantly 17.On average 18.cope with 19.define 20.dominating Aging is a natural processe up with 2.tend 3.known as 4.dividing 5.considered 6.psychological 7.due to 8.to do with 9.in general 10.take place 12.unlike 13.no longer 14.where 15.customary 16.considereation 17.increasingly 18.as well as 19.reduction 20.very likely


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