授课学时: 4 学时章节名称Unit 6 备注教学目的和要求1. grasp the main idea (this passage discusses the practice of bribery in business and lists the categories of bribery that exist.) and the structure of the text (the passage is organized in problem-solution pattern);2. appreciate the writing techniques demonstrated in the text (listing, exemplification, deduction); 3. master the key language points ,sentence patterns, and grammatical structures in the text;4. learn some translation skills5. conduct a serious of reading, listening, speaking and writing activities related to the theme of the unit. 重点难点重点:常用词和短语bribe substantial exaggerate commission category candidate violate reveal petroleum donate preface distinguish enforce code negotiation square donation reject impose secure withdraw payup standby afactoflife insupportof speedup behaveoneself难点:1. Suppose 的用法。2. It is + adjective +to do/that clause3. topic & listing (with some examples)写作方法4.the meaning and the structure of the passage.教学方法教学手段(1)教学方法:课堂讲授为主,师生互动学生为主进行讨论、对话、回答问题等。课堂讲解以举例、对比,学生参与拓展来突出重点,解决难点。(2)教学手段:读写教程以口述、板书为主,师生互动;听力材料、背景知识等采用多媒体辅助手段.教学进程设计(含教学内容、教学设计、时间分配等)1. Pre-reading 201.1 Background information1.2 Topic-related Discussion 2. While-reading 2. 1 Global reading 352. 1. 1 Words Collection 2.1.2 Understanding the organization of the text Reading Skills: Skimming for the main idea of the passage2. 1. 3 Understanding the major details of the textReading Skills: Scanning for the detailed info2.2 Detailed reading 402.2.1 Words and Phrases2.2.2 Sentence patterns2.3 Guided writing3. Assignment 5Section AWarm-up activitiesAnswer the following questions with your own experiences. 1. Why do business students study professional ethics?2. Why do the people in the motor industry have to give bribes or extra discounts?3. Why do some members of the ICC probably feel the code of conduct should not be legally enforceable?Text Analysis Main Idea and StructurePart I (Paras. 1-4)Main idea?Bribery and other questionable payments are on the increase in many countries. They seem to be based not on lack of business ethics but on business interests. Devices for developing it? ExemplificationThe authors viewpoint in Para. 4: Bribery and other questionable payments are on the increase. The examples in support:The Chrysler Corporation revealed that it made questionable payments of more than $2.5 million between 1971 and 1976.Three hundred other U.S. companies had admitted that they had made payments of one kind or another in recent years. Part II (Paras. 5-8)Main idea?The questionable payments are divided into three categories: payments made for political purposes or to secure major contracts; to obtain quicker official approval; and made to people who help with the passage of a business deal. Devices for developing it? Listing Para. 5 The first category consists ofPara. 7 The second category coversPara. 8 The third category inPart III (Para. 9-11) Main idea?To ban bribery, a code of conduct is favored by ICC, and even a council was proposed to manage it. But, its members are of different opinions. Anyway, bribery seems inevitable. Devices for developing it? DeductionDeduction General statement: Unfortunately, opinions differ among members of the ICC concerning how to enforce the code. (L. 61)Specific descriptions: The British members would like the system to have enough legal power to make companies behave themselves. However, the French delegates think it is the business of governments to make and impose law. What is the text mainly about? Bribery in various forms is on the increase and has become a fact of commercial life. On the whole, the bribery can fall into three categories: for political purposes or to secure major contracts; to obtain quicker official approval of some projects; and to obtain help with the passage of a business deal. To ban bribery, ICC favors a code of conduct. However, the ICC members are of different opinions. The headache is still there to stay in business. How is the text organized?The passage is broadly put into three parts: bribery has become a common occurrence in many countries, three main categories of bribery, and the efforts to ban bribery and the result. The whole passage is organized in problem-solution pattern. In the first part, the phenomenon (the problem) is described; in the second, the questionable payments are analyzed; and in the third, the efforts for solution and the result are presented. Detailed Reading (language study)Words and phrases1.on the increase: becoming more frequent or greater in number 在增长中 Figures for one-parent families are on the increase in Britain and the U.S.A.单亲家庭的数目在英国和美国仍在增长。 Large-scaled drug smuggling was on the increase. 大规模毒品走私在增长。2.a way of life: how people do things or live 生活方式Sleeping in doorways, begging for food and money it's not a very enviable way of life. 睡在门口,乞讨食物和金钱这并不是一种令人羡慕的生活方式。 Watching football on Saturdays and cleaning the car on Sundays are all part of the British way of life. 周六观看足球,周日清洗汽车都是英国人生活方式的一部分。3.substantial: a. 1) large in amount or value There are substantial differences between the two groups. 这两组之间存在重大差异。 a substantial number of political prisoners大批政治犯 2) important, large enough to be noticeable 有重大价值、重要的、有价值的或内容充实的It expected “substantial” improvement in the second half of the year. 预计今年下半年将有重大改进。 The trade negotiating authority has substantial support in the Senate, where its passage appears likely. 贸易谈判当局受到参议院的实质性支持,因此通过(该决议)显然是可能的。4.put: v. express or state sth. in a particular way 表达To put it simply, we accept their offer or go bankrupt. 简单地说,我们要么接受他的提议,要么破产。 You can't put that sort of fear into words. 你无法用语言表达那种恐惧。5.pay up: pay (a debt) in full, often unwillingly 付款,还钱If you pay up now, you will not be taken to court. 如果现在付清就不会送你上法庭。 Eventually, they paid up, but only after receiving several reminders. 最后他们总算全部付清了,但那是在收到好几张催款单之后。 6.stand by: 1) still believe or agree with sth. said, decided遵守,履行 She still stands by every word she said. 她仍然信守自己所说的每一句话。2) help sb. or be friends with them, even in difficult situations支持I wouldn't break the law for a friend, but I would stand by her in need.我不会为了朋友而违背法律,但如有需要的话,我会支持她的。 I owe so much to my family for standing by me through all this. 我非常感激我的家人,他们支持我经历了所有这一切。 3) be present while sth. bad is happening but not do anything to stop it 袖手旁观How can you stand by and see him accused of something he didn't do? 看着他无辜受到指控,你怎能袖手旁观? He would not stand by and let democracy be undermined.他不会眼看着民主制度被破坏而无动于衷。 4) be ready for action 准备行动 The troops are standing by. 军队正严阵以待。7.in practice: what actually happens实际上,事实上,在实践中It seemed like a good idea before we started, but in practice it was a disaster. 开始前这似乎是个好主意,但实际上却是个灾难。 I can't see how your plan is going to work in practice. 我看不出你的计划在实践中如何行得通。8.questionable: a. having doubts about (sth.); likely to be dishonest 可疑的The conclusions that they come to are highly questionable. 他们得出的结论很值得怀疑。 It is questionable whether this is a good way of solving the problem. 这是不是解决问题的好办法还很值得怀疑。 9.numbered bank accounts: A numbered bank account is a bank account which is opened by using a number instead of the name of the depositor to keep secret.number: v. give a number to sth. as part of a series or list 遍号码All the seats in the stadium are numbered. 体育馆里的座位都编了号。 Number the car's features from 1 to 10 according to importance. 将汽车的特性按照重要程度从1到10编号。 10.in private: with nobody else present; secretly 私下地,秘密地 All she wanted now was to crawl away somewhere to lick her wounds in private. 现在她想要做的是悄悄地找个地方,独自一人从挫折中调整过来。Compare: in public, in a public place It was the first time that she had sung in public. 那是她首次公开演唱。 Smoking is not allowed in public places in the city. 在城市的公共场所禁止吸烟。11.worth: n. the amount of money which sth. can be sold for 价值, 财产If you are unhappy with your hotel room, we will give you another of comparable worth. 如果您对您的房间不满意,我们会给您另一间同等价格的房间。 Four million dollars worth of souvenirs and gift items have been produced for the event. 为这次活动已生产了价值400万美元的纪念品和礼品。12.a fact of life: a cant be changed situation, unpleasant one 现实,残酷的事实Gradually she had come to accept it as a fact of life. 她逐渐地把它视作残酷的生活现实。 It's a fact of life that if you're in any way well known, then you're going to come in for criticism. 这就是残酷的生活现实:你在任何方面出了名,你就会招致批评。 13.divide into: (cause to) be separated into (parts) 分开;划分Divide the cake into four equal parts. 把蛋糕分成相同的四份。 Compare: divide among, divide between 在.之间分配Divide the money equally between your brothers. 把钱在你两个兄弟之间平分。 Divide the cake equally among all the children. 把蛋糕在这些孩子们中间平分。14.in support of: supporting 支持,拥护This photo is considered to be evidence in support of the theory. 这张照片被认为是支持这理论的依据。 15.under investigation: in the process of being investigated 正在调查中 Currently, the individuals who might have caused the accident are under investigation.目前,那些可能造成这起事故发生的个人正在接受调查。 Compare: under threat, under pressure, under attack, under suspicion16.throw out: make (sb.) leave because of a fault 抛弃,扔掉,驱除Two members were thrown out of the club for failing to pay the money they owed. 两名俱乐部成员由于未支付欠款而被驱逐出俱乐部。 If you don't want these books any more I'll throw them out. 你不想要这些书的话,我就把它们扔掉了。17.close a /the deal: make a successful business arrangement 完成交易,生意成交He closed a deal with one of the chain stores who had shown an interest in the site.他同对这一地区有兴趣的某家连锁店成交。 After two years of hard negotiations, we've at last closed the deal. 经过两年的艰苦谈判,我们终于成交了。18.donation: n. (to, of)捐赠品, 捐款, 贡献The work of the charity is funded by voluntary donations. 这个慈善团体的运作资金来自于人们的自愿捐款。 donations to educational institutions 向教育机构捐赠Charities appealed for donations of food and clothing for victims of the hurricane. 慈善机构呼吁人们给遭受飓风袭击的地区的灾民捐献食物和衣服。 Compare: donate: v. He donated thousands of pounds to charity. 他向慈善事业捐赠了几千英镑。 These people are willing to donate their organs for use after death. 那些人愿意在死后将器官捐献出来。 19.speed up: (cause to) move, go or happen more quickly(使)加快速度 This drug may have the effect of speeding up your heart rate. 这种药也许会使你的心跳加快。 We have succeeded in speeding up our production rates in the last few months. 最近几个月我们成功地提高了生产率。20.hit upon: think of a good idea suddenly or by chance 碰巧想出,忽然想出She hit upon the perfect title for her new novel. 她突然为自己的新小说想出了这个绝好的名字。 We finally hit on a solution.我们终于找到了解决的办法。21.rare: a. not common and therefore sometimes valuable 稀罕的, 珍贵的,半熟的The museum is full of rare and precious treasures. 博物馆里到处是稀世珍宝。 These sheep are a relatively rare breed. 这些羊是一种相对稀有的品种。 He likes to be alone, and only goes out on very rare occasions. 他喜欢独处,只是偶尔才出去。 Compare: scarce a. not easy to find or obtain 缺乏的, 不足的, 稀有的, 不充足的Firewood is scarce in many parts of the world. 木柴在世界许多地方已经很少见了。 Reasonably priced accommodation in Britain is scarce. 价格合理的住所在英国并不常见。You say that something is scarce when there is not much of it, especially when people need it and cannot get it. You say that something is rare when it is not common and is therefore considered to be interesting and valuable. 22.code: a set of moral principles or rules of behavior that are generally accepted by society or a social group 代码, 代号, 密码, 编码/ 规范;礼法The committee decided to draw up a code of conduct/ behavior for its members.委员会决定为其成员制定行为准则。 Young people unconsciously conform to a dress code but reject any kind of uniform. 年轻人会不自觉地遵守一定的着装准则,但他们不喜欢制服。 23.distinguish between: recognize the difference between 区分,辨别,分清Sometimes it's hard to distinguish between fake banknotes and genuine ones. 有时候假钞与真币之间是很难区分的。 It's important to distinguish between business and pleasure. 分清正事和娱乐是很重要的。 Compare: distinguish from I sometimes have difficulty distinguishing Spanish from Portuguese. 有时候我难以辨别西班牙语和葡萄牙语。24.amount to: be equal to or be the same as/ be in total 实际上,意味着/ 总计Keeping silent in this case amounts to supporting the speaker. 在这种情况下保持沉默就等于支持发言者。 His behavior amounted to serious professional misconduct. 他的行为等同于严重渎职。 The annual cost of the income support to unmarried mothers amounted to $700 million in that year. 该年度对未婚母亲的收入补助总计达7亿美元。25.behave oneself: act in a way that people think is correct or proper 检点(自己的)行为,(使自己)循规蹈矩As far as I know my boy doesn't have to do much on stage and I'm keeping my fingers crossed he'll behave himself. 就我而言,我儿子在舞台上不一定要做得非常出色,我希望他能发挥出自己的水平。 He is now 20; it's time that he started behaving himself. 他现在20了,该是规矩行事的时候了。26.be caught in: 陷入,遭到,淋雨It's like being caught in a huge sticky web the more you struggle, the more entangled you get. 这就像陷入一个巨大的蜘蛛粘网,越挣扎,缠得越牢。 Caught in the poverty trap, they are unable to make the savings necessary for business ventures. 他们处于贫苦困境,省不下经商所必需的钱。 Compare: be caught up in: become involved in sth., often without wanting to 受某物吸引, 受某物感染He got caught up in the drug business. 他被卷入了毒品交易。 I found myself caught up in an expensive legal battle. 我发现自己被卷入了一场代价昂贵的法律争斗27.on the take: (slang) regularly taking bribes 受贿They claim that a senior police officer is on the take. 他们声称一名高级警官受贿。 I honestly don't trust him he always seems to be on the take (= in search of personal profit). 我实在不相信他 他看上去总想谋取私利。 28.square sth. with sth.: make two ideas combine well with each other 符合,相符It simply does not square with the facts about when and where riots happen.它与骚乱事实上发生的时间和地点根本不相符。 What she was being asked to do did not square with her political beliefs. 他们让她做的事和她的政治信仰不一致。PART ONE (problem)1.He was jailed on charges of bribery.They bribed the waiter to find them a table.He was accused of accepting / taking bribes from wealthy businessman.2. sentence pattern is a little (much / very) surprised (distressed / delighted / disappointed / excited depressed ) to find / know / learn that: 应用: 许多人对新组成的国家队里没有这位著名的运动员感到很吃惊。Many people were very surprised to know that this famous player was not included on the newly-formed national team. 3. The number of people who own private cars are on the increase in China. 4. translation (E-C)T1(line 2) 他们通常没意识到在很多国家,形形色色的贿赂行为正日益增多。在某些国家,这已成为人们几百年来的生活方式Meaning: are becoming frequent and it is traditional to bribe people in some ways.5.信息技术对社会的巨大影响表明我们正生活在信息时代。The immense influence of IT on our society makes it clear that we are living in the Information Age. 6. To put it simply, we accept their offer or go bankrupt.(express or state sth. In a particular way)7. LINE 5 Meaning: a large sum of money, more easily and quickly , some of the procedures will go quickly and smoothly without delay.8. If you pay up no