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    unit9新标准大学英语 视听说 综合教程 网上作业 答案.doc

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    unit9新标准大学英语 视听说 综合教程 网上作业 答案.doc

    Part I: Vocabulary and StructureSection A: Complete each sentence using the correct word or expression from the box.persistent negative disorder emotional individual infection enhance measurement destructive soles 1. The strain of an ill relative is something I wouldn't wish on anyone. Your answer Correct answer emotional emotional 2. Dr. Murphy wanted to take a(n) of my stress level before he recommended any medicine. Your answer Correct answer measurement measurement 3. Addiction to cigarettes and alcohol can have effects on families and relationships. Your answer Correct answer destructive destructive 4. My grandfather has smoked his entire life, and he's always been in his refusal to quit. Your answer Correct answer persistent persistent 5. Each must be responsible for his or her own healthy eating habits. Your answer Correct answer individual individual 6. Florence always drinks that tea because she believes it will her failing memory. Your answer Correct answer enhance enhance 7. Quick, go wash that cut before you get a(n) . Your answer Correct answer infection infection 8. People have known for a long time about the health effects of eating too much fat. Your answer Correct answer negative negative 9. My sister gets a foot massage every week to stay healthy because the of the feet are connected to the entire body. Your answer Correct answer soles soles 10. Kevin has to visit the doctor every month because of his stomach . Your answer Correct answer disorder disorder Section B: Choose the best way to complete the sentences.11. "Can you tell me _ what you ate last night?" the doctor asked. A. special B. specifically C. specific D. specially 12. How could I be sick? I don't smoke or drink and, _, I eat very healthy! A. furthermore B. however C. although D. nevertheless 13. Many women experience a form of _ after childbirth. A. depress B. depressing C. depressed D. depression 14. I asked the doctor to give me _ advice on how to lose weight. A. real B. realistic C. realism D. realistically 15. Modern medicine is so quick and _, but it's also very expensive! A. proficient B. sufficient C. efficient D. deficient 16. The surgeon showed an impressive amount of skill and _ during the surgery. A. concentration B. contradiction C. consumption D. contamination 17. In order to stay healthy, you need to _ a regular routine of exercise. A. maintenance B. maintaining C. maintained D. maintain 18. The nurse told me that there was no _ in the test results; they were exactly the same as before. A. variation B. varied C. variety D. vary 19. Chuck said that his heart attack really helped _ him to live healthier and visit the doctor more often. A. motivator B. motivate C. motivation D. motivating 20. Listening to the doctor say that everything was fine really helped to _ a lot of the pressure I'd been feeling. A. achieve B. retrieve C. believe D. relieve Section C: Complete each sentence with a suitable word.21. Paris has played a dominant role in France, not just political terms but also in economic power. Your answer Correct answer in in 22. In the face such overwhelming evidence, how can you deny that the medicine is helpful? Your answer Correct answer of of 23. Many cars slowed to look at the scene of the accident; this was how the jam was caused. Your answer Correct answer down down 24. I think, to a point, your argument makes sense. Your answer Correct answer up up 25. What goes your mind when you find out you have cancer? Your answer Correct answer through through 26. Roger grew of his shoes just before the school year began. Your answer Correct answer out out 27. What this doesn't work out? Have you thought of that? Your answer Correct answer if if 28. The medication I take for my diabetes helps me stay control of the illness. Your answer Correct answer in in 29. Don't give up your dreams! Your answer Correct answer on on 30. The government of this region is trying to avoid a war any cost. Your answer Correct answer at at Part II: Banked ClozeQuestions 31 to 40 are based on the following passage.My friend Rob was just about the most positive person I've ever known. He's always smiling and telling jokes. Last year, however, Rob got very sick and had to go to the hospital. He had a problem with his (31) system. This particular (32) was very rare and, if untreated, could be (33) to his body. Rob had never really faced this much (34) to his health before, and it was (35) difficult for him. He was (36) unprepared for the hospital and all the doctors, and he quickly fell into a deep (37) . His doctor told me that much of this was normal and it would soon pass. Believe it or not, she was right! After a while, the doctors helped Rob control his illness with medication and lifestyle changes. The (38) Rob soon went away and the original positive, funny Rob returned. Rob's mother thought it was a(n) (39) day when he started acting like a(n) (40) again, telling jokes to anyone who would listen. Your answer Correct answer (31) immune immune (32) disorder disorder (33) destructive destructive (34) adversity adversity (35) mentally extremely (36) extremely mentally (37) depression depression (38) negative negative (39) glorious glorious (40) comedian comedian Part III: Reading ComprehensionQuestions 41 to 45 are based on the following passage.Traditional Chinese Medicine is becoming more and more popular in Western countries. There is, perhaps, no other aspect of Traditional Chinese Medicine that is more famous than acupuncture. Even those who have never had it performed (and who will likely never have it performed) know what it is from its many descriptions and portrayals in popular media. Acupuncture has been the subject of, or included in, many television shows, movies, and newspaper and magazine articles. Acupuncture can be dated back several thousand years. Scientists have found sharpened stones in northern China that they believe were used for this purpose. The actual origins of acupuncture in China are still surrounded in mystery. Many stories and legends attempt to explain how it began, but no one knows for certain. Over the years, the practice of acupuncture spread to other Asian countries, including South Korea, Japan, and Vietnam. By the late 20th century, it had successfully spread around the world and was gaining popularity in Europe and the United States. Traditional Chinese Medicine is largely based on the idea that energy flows throughout the body in different pathways. These pathways correspond to the main functions of the major organs in the body. Acupuncture points are located at key points along these pathways. Doctors who practice acupuncture will typically insert needles into the patient's skin at these points, depending on the patient's illness or complaint. There are several safety risks associated with acupuncture because of the use of needles. It is essential that the needles are clean and sterile. However, despite its reputation, acupuncture is generally safe and the pain is relatively minor. Though it is still controversial and not accepted by everyone, Traditional Chinese Medicine in general, and acupuncture in particular, is quickly becoming common in Western countries. 41. Which of the following would be the best title for this passage? A. The History of Traditional Chinese Medicine B. Acupuncture: Its Global Spread and Rising Popularity C. The History of Acupuncture D. Acupuncture: Its Many Medical Uses 42. Which paragraph explains how acupuncture is thought to work? A. Paragraph 1. B. Paragraph 2. C. Paragraph 3. D. Paragraph 4. 43. According to the author, the pain associated with acupuncture is _. A. significant B. greater than that associated with Western medicine C. less than that associated with Western medicine D. insignificant 44. Which of the following sentences contains an opinion? A. Acupuncture can be dated back several thousand years. B. The actual origins of acupuncture in China are still surrounded in mystery. C. There are several safety risks associated with acupuncture because of the use of needles. D. However, despite its reputation, acupuncture is generally safe and the pain is relatively minor. 45. This passage is an example of _ writing. A. informational B. persuasive C. personal D. technical


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