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    2833.B 东恒物流公司的薪酬管理外文参考文献译文及原文doc.doc

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    2833.B 东恒物流公司的薪酬管理外文参考文献译文及原文doc.doc

    本科毕业设计(论文)外文参考文献译文及原文 学 院 经济管理学院 专 业 工商管理 年级班别 学 号 学生姓名 指导教师 年 月 日薪酬管理与精神激励机制摘要薪酬只是员工待遇的一部分,企业仅重视薪酬激励,非但不能收到预期效果,甚至陷入恶性循环中。企业在完善薪酬管理过程中,应当重视精神激励的作用。关键词:薪酬,待遇,精神激励,人力资源管理1薪酬管理的困难性与员工难以对薪酬满意的原因薪酬管理是人力资源管理学中理论与实践相差距离最大的部分。学习薪酬管理方面的理论知识对人力资源经理的帮助几乎是微不足道的。之所以如此,主要是因为薪酬管理有如下三个特性:1、敏感性薪酬管理是人力资源管理中最敏感的部分,因为它牵扯到公司每一位员工的切身利益。特别是在人们的生存质量还不是很高的情况下,薪酬直接影响到他们的生活水平。另外,薪酬是员工在公司工作能力和水平的直接体现,员工往往通过薪酬水平来衡量自己在公司中的地位。所以薪酬问题对每一位员工都会很敏感。2、特权性薪酬管理是员工参与最少的人力资源管理项目,它几乎是公司老板的一个特权。老板,包括企业管理者认为员工参与薪酬管理会使公司管理增加矛盾,并影响投资者的利益。所以,员工对公司薪酬管理的过程几乎一无所知。3、特殊性由于敏感性和特权性,每个公司的薪酬管理会差别很大。另外,由于薪酬管理本身就有很多不同的管理类型,如岗位工资型、技能工资型、资历工资型、绩效工资型等等,所以,不同公司之间的薪酬管理几乎没有参考性。从理论上讲,只有当员工的真实付出与真实回报不成正比的时候,员工才会对他的薪酬不满。但实际上,即使薪酬的发放有多么公正和合理,大多数的员工也会对自己的薪酬不满。对薪酬的不满并非客观的不公和不合理所至,其原因就在于:(1)低于期望值当员工的薪酬低于他的期望值时,就会对薪酬不满。而这个期望值只是员工个人的自我定位。一般而言,员工往往过高估计自己在公司中的贡献和价值,自然就会有过高的期望值,自然就会有许多人对自己的薪酬不满。(2)低于同等人员最高值如果员工的薪酬低于同等人员的最高水平,也会产生不满的情绪,并且差距越大,不满程度就越高。因为,每个人对自己的优点、特长和对公司的贡献会牢记在心,甚至有些放大,但往往看不到别人的优点、特长和贡献,而比较容易将别人的缺点记忆深刻。特别是对贡献比自己大的同等员工,出于本能的嫉妒,经常会认为他并不如自己。这种高估自己的心态,很难对自己和他人做出客观的评价,同时也就产生了不满。(3)高估他人的薪酬,同时低估他人的绩效由于公司员工的薪酬和绩效考评成绩一般都是保密的,员工无法从正式渠道得到真实的详细的信息。出于对别人薪酬及考评的兴趣,员工往往会根据一些道听途说加以猜测。这种猜测往往会高估他人的薪酬而低估他人的绩效,从而感到薪酬的不公,对自己的薪酬产生不满。4、精神待遇不满,也会导致对薪酬的不满精神待遇是待遇的一个重要部分,主要是指对工作的胜任感、成就感、责任感、受重视、有影响力、个人成长和富有价值的贡献等因素不满。由于精神待遇具有隐蔽性,员工在表达对精神待遇不满的时候,常常会强调对物质待遇的不满。精神待遇是人的一种需求,它不会因为这种忽略而消失。解决这个问题,主要途径是提高员工的精神待遇,而不是薪酬(物质待遇)。2提高员工对薪酬管理满意度的思路薪酬管理是人力资源管理中的一个难点,薪酬管理政策也是公司员工最关心的公司政策之一。在制定新的薪酬政策时,人力资源部门会广泛深入地进行各种调查,并与上级领导反复讨论,经过多次修改。虽然薪酬管理是人力资源部门最费心思的事情,但结果常常却不能让员工满意。1、满意度的重要性及决定因素员工对薪酬管理的满意程度是衡量薪酬管理水平高低的最主要标准。让员工对薪酬满意,使其能更好的为公司工作,是进行薪酬管理的根本目的。员工对薪酬管理的满意程度越高,薪酬的激励效果就越明显,员工就会更好地工作,于是就会得到更高的薪酬,这是一种正向循环。如果员工对薪酬的满意程度较低,则会陷入负向循环。常此以往,会造成员工的流失。员工对薪酬管理的满意度,取决于薪酬的社会平均比较和公平度。社会平均比较是指员工将自己的薪酬水平与同等行业同等岗位的薪酬进行比较,如果发现自己的薪酬高于平均水平,则满意度会提高,如果发现自己的薪酬低于平均水平,则满意度会降低。薪酬管理的主要工作之一就是对岗位的价值进行市场评估,确定能吸引员工的薪酬标准。公平度是指员工把自己的薪酬与其他员工的薪酬进行比较之后感觉到的平等程度。提高公平程度是薪酬管理中的难点。实际上,人力资源部门不可能在这点上做到让全体员工满意。许多公司之所以实行薪酬保密制度,就是为了防止员工得知其他员工的薪酬水平后,降低对薪酬管理公平度的认同。另外,如果没有对公平度的认同,员工也会很难认同薪酬与绩效间的联系,从而降低绩效考评的效果。2、如何提高薪酬管理的满意度提高薪酬管理的满意度可以从与社会平均水平比较和提高公平度两个方面进行。不论公司的薪酬管理采用哪种管理类型,进行岗位的市场价值评估是必不可少的。人力资源部门可以建议将公司员工的薪酬水平定在稍高于同行业同岗位的薪酬水平之上(一般约10%至20%),这样有利于员工的稳定和招募。公平度是员工的主观感受,人力资源部门不要试图通过修订薪酬制度来解决这个问题。当然,薪酬制度在不适应公司发展的需要时,可以进行修订,但它不是提高公平度的最有效办法。在解决这个问题上,人力资源部门应该将注意力集中在薪酬管理的过程上,而不是薪酬管理的结果上。比如,在制定薪酬制度时,可以让员工参与进来。实践证明,员工参与决策能使决策更易于推行。一些老板和管理者担心,员工参与薪酬制度的制定会极大地促使政策倾向于员工自身的利益,而不顾及公司的利益。这个问题在现实中是存在的,但解决办法是让老板、管理者和员工一起来讨论分歧点,求得各自利益的平衡。实际上,员工不会因为自身的利益而导致不负责任的决策。员工参与或不参与的区别仅在于:如果员工参与,在政策制定之前就会发现并解决问题;如果员工不参与,当政策执行时,同样会暴露出问题,但这时往往会丧失了解决问题的时机。另外,人力资源部门还要促使老板、管理者和员工建立起经常性的关于薪酬管理的沟通,促进他们之间的相互信任。总之,沟通、参与及信任会显著地影响员工对薪酬管理的看法,从而提高对薪酬管理的满意度。3薪酬的内部均衡与外部均衡在制定或修改薪酬政策时,为了提高员工的满意度,应该注意薪酬的内部均衡和外部均衡问题。内部均衡是指在公司内部员工之间的薪酬达成的一种平衡;外部均衡是指公司整体薪酬与同区域同行业其他公司整体达成的一种平衡。不论是内部均衡和外部均衡哪一方面出现失衡,都会降低薪酬政策的效果,引起管理混乱,并增大人力资源成本。所以,在薪酬管理中,薪酬的内部均衡和外部均衡问题是非常重要的两个问题。(1)薪酬的内部均衡内部均衡是员工之间的一种平衡,这种平衡的衡量标准是能否让员工对薪酬的公平性感到满意。如果员工认为薪酬不公平,则公司的薪酬没有达到内部均衡;员工对薪酬公平性认同越高,薪酬的内部均衡性就越好。薪酬的内部不均衡,可能是由以下两种情况所导致:第一,薪酬差距过小。薪酬差距过小会让优秀的员工(薪酬较高的员工)感到不公平,他们会认为自己的付出大于自己的回报,从而影响他们的工作热情和效率。解决的方法是将优秀员工的薪酬进行上调,使薪酬差距加大。第二,薪酬差距过大。薪酬差距过大会让后进的员工(薪酬较低的员工)感到不公平,他们会认为自己不被公司认可和重视,从而影响他们的工作热情和效率。解决的方法是将后进员工的薪酬上调,使薪酬差距逐渐减小。总之,解决之道就是把优秀员工和后进员工的薪酬差距调整到一个合适的位置,让双方都能满意。然而在实际工作中,这点是很难做到的,即这个平衡点很难找到。如果不能让双方满意,不妨先让优秀员工满意,这更有利于公司的发展。因为,优秀人才创造着公司80%的价值,是公司不可或缺的人才,所以应该重点保护。(2)薪酬的外部均衡外部均衡是同区域同行业之间的一种平衡,这种平衡的衡量标准是公司是否能用最合理的薪酬招募到最合适的员工。如果公司的薪酬外部不均衡,则可能招募不到合适的员工(薪酬过低),或者浪费了人力资源成本(薪酬过高)。公司在制定薪酬政策时,首先要考察同区域同行业的整体薪酬水平,如果可能的话,最好能够了解到各具体岗位的薪酬标准。公司在进行人员招募时,如果招聘的是关键人员,则薪酬可以稍高于平均水平,这样有利于招募。另外,如果公司是一个小公司或刚成立的公司,也应该用较高的薪酬去吸引人才,这样可以弥补由于应聘者对公司稳定性的担心。3重视员工的精神待遇,提高激励政策的有效性员工的待遇包含两个部分,物质待遇和精神待遇,有时也称外在待遇(extrinsic rewards)和内在待遇(intrinsic rewards)。物质待遇主要指薪酬待遇,如薪水、福利、津贴、奖金和股票期权等;精神待遇是指工作的胜任感、成就感、责任感、受重视、有影响力、个人成长和富有价值的贡献等。员工除了有物质待遇的需求以外,还有精神待遇的需求。1、精神待遇的隐蔽性精神待遇具有隐蔽性的特点,它常常容易被员工和管理者忽略。隐蔽性特点首先表现在:精神待遇与物质待遇相比,精神待遇不像物质待遇那么容易测算和衡量,难以进行清晰的定义、讨论和比较。所以,在谈到待遇时,员工和管理者都倾向于注重物质待遇,而精神待遇往往会被忽略。这种隐蔽性还表现在:员工在表达对精神待遇不满的时候,常常会强调对物质待遇的不满。而管理者经常会在没有弄清员工的抱怨之前,就盲目地提高员工的物质待遇。当然,提高物质待遇可以暂时弥补员工对精神待遇的不满,但它并不能从根本上解决由于员工对精神待遇不满而造成的管理上的冲突。所以说,用提高物质待遇的方法来弥补精神待遇的不满是得不偿失的。如果长此以往,公司的薪酬管理有可能陷入恶性循环。因此,公司管理者只有明白精神待遇的重要意义,才能全面把握员工的需求。管理者可以通过改善员工管理来提高员工对精神待遇的满意度。另外,赋予员工管理和控制自己工作自由的权利,也可以为提高员工精神待遇的满意度起到积极作用。2、提高激励政策的有效性员工激励是人力资源管理的一个重要内容。许多管理者都希望在公司中实施有效的激励政策,来提高员工工作的积极性,从而提高整个公司的效率。从公司的角度来看,激励也是一种投资,投资的回报便是工作效率的提高。如果投资没有得到应有的回报,那么这种投资就是失败的。实施激励并不难,但如何实施有效的激励,让激励这种投资获得高额的回报,则是需要认真研究的问题。(1)激励来自于内因激励不是外界刺激,而是员工对外界刺激的反映。西方行为科学家对个体行为的研究有一个基本的理论,叫做“激励理论”。激励理论把人的行为发生的过程总结成如下的模式:需要心理紧张动机行为目的需求满足/消除紧张新的需要。这个模式说明了一个人的行为发生的全部过程。一个人产生某种行为的根源是某种需要,根据心理解剖学的研究,当某种需要对人的大脑产生刺激,大脑在接受这种刺激的时候,便产生一系列活动。激励理论可以简单地概括为:需要引起动机,动机决定行为。员工的需要使员工产生了动机,行为是动机的表现和结果。也就是说,是否对员工产生了激励,取决于激励政策是否能满足员工的需要。所以说,激励来自于员工的需求,是内因。(2)了解员工的需求要提高激励政策的有效性,就要使激励政策能够满足员工的需求。要做到这一点,首先就要了解员工的需求。在需求理论中,最著名的是美国心理学家马斯洛提出的“需求层次理论”。需求层次理论将人的需求分为五个层次:生理需要,安全需要,交往需要,尊重需要和自我实现需要。另外,从人的日常生活这个角度出发,将人的需求可以分为三个方面:生活需要(包括物质的和精神的),工作需要(包括学习和创造)及休息需要(包括娱乐和消遣)。我们可以从上述两个需求角度来分析员工的需求。从纵向看,不同层次的员工(知识层次、薪酬层次等)处于不同的需求状态,对薪酬较低的员工,要侧重满足他们的生理需求和安全需求(即提高他们的生存水平);对薪酬较高的员工,则侧重满足他们的尊重需求和自我实现需求。从横向看,同等层次的员工由于他们的个性和生活环境不同,他们的需求侧重也有不同。如有些员工很看中物质待遇(生活需求强烈),有些员工则喜欢娱乐和消遣(侧重休息需求),还有些员工以钻研某项技术为乐(工作需求强烈)。员工的需求是复杂和多样的,了解员工的这些需求,可为制定有效的激励政策提供基础。(3)制定有效的激励政策在制定激励政策之前,要对员工的所有需求做认真调查,并制定一份详细的清单,然后将公司可以满足和不能满足的部分分开,划掉那些不能满足的部分。对可以满足的那部分进行认真研究,找出满足的途径,并将这些途径流程化(可操作化),同时计算出公司需为此付出的成本。根据成本的高低不同,将各类需求进行等级划分,成本越高的需求,等级越高。上述工作完成后,激励政策就有了雏形。紧接着,要制定“游戏规则”,即得到某个激励等级的员工需要满足什么样的条件。另外,在每个激励等级上,都要设计几种不同的选项,员工可以根据自己的个人需要选择其中的一种。比如说,在某个激励等级上,有技术培训、公费旅游、带薪假期等多个选项,员工可以根据自己的需要选择其中一种。同时,也应看到激励政策本身也有一个不断完善的过程,这就需要在工作中不断了解员工的需求,及时将员工新的需求反映在政策中,这样才能使政策能够保持持续的有效性。Salary management and incentive mechanisms spiritAbstractPay is only part of the treatment, enterprises only pay attention to incentives, it will not be able to achieve the expected results, even caught in a vicious cycle. Enterprises in the process of improving the management of salaries, incentives should be paid attention to spiritual role.Key words: Salary ,Treatment spiritual inspiration, Human resources management 1Pay management problems and employee satisfaction is difficult to pay the right reasons Salary Management is a human resources management theory and practice from the difference between the largest part. Pay learning management theories and knowledge of human resources manager to help is almost negligible. The reason is mainly because of salary management following three characteristics .(1)sensitivity Salary Management is a human resources management the most sensitive part, because it involves every one of the vital interests of the staff. Especially in the people's quality of life is not under high salaries directly affect their standard of living. In addition, the salaries of employees at the company level and the direct embodiment, workers often pay level through to judge themselves in the position of the company .So pay for every one staff will be very sensitive (2)Privileged Management salaries of the staff involved in the least human resources management project, which is almost the owner of a privilege. Bosses, including enterprise managers that staff participation in the management will pay the company to manage conflicts and affect the interests of investors . Therefore, the staff of the management company pay almost ignorant of the process. (3)Particularity As the sensitivity and privileges, and each company's management will pay big difference. Moreover, as the administration itself has many different types of management, such as the post-wage, the wage-type skills, seniority-based pay, performance-based pay, and so different between the companies pay almost no management reference. In theory, only when the staff of the true costs and true return is not directly proportional to the time, staff will be on his salary dissatisfaction. But even if the pay issue is how fair and reasonable, the majority of the employees will pay for their discontent. Dissatisfied with the pay is not the objective of the unfair and irrational actions, and the reason for this was that : Below expectations When the salary below his expectations, he will pay dissatisfaction. This expectation is only the self-positioning. Generally, employees tend to overestimate their own in a company and the value of the contribution, you will naturally have high expectations, naturally there will be many people dissatisfied with their pay. The same officers below the maximum value If the pay is lower than the highest level, will have the sentiment of discontent, and the greater the gap. The higher the degree of dissatisfaction. Because each of their own strengths, expertise and contribution to the company will be kept in mind, and even some amplification, But others often do not see the advantages of expertise and contribution, and relatively easy to other people's shortcomings memories。Especially for their large contributions than the same staff, instinctive jealousy often that he does not like himself. This overestimate their mentality, it is hard to themselves and others make an objective evaluation, but also the resentment. Overestimated others pay, while others underestimate the performance Because of the pay and performance appraisal results are usually confidential. staff from the official channels can not be true of detailed information. Pay for others interested in the evaluation and the staff will often be based on hearsay or speculation. Such speculation tends to overestimate the salaries of others to underestimate the performance of others, the pay is unfair, pay for their own discontented. Dissatisfied with the spirit of treatment will lead to dissatisfaction with pay Treatment of mental treatment is an important part, it mainly refers to the work of competence, a sense of achievement, responsibility and attention. influential, rich in personal growth and the value of the contribution of factors such as dissatisfaction. Mental treatment is hidden, the employees expressed dissatisfaction with the spirit of the treatment, often emphasized the treatment of material dissatisfaction. Spirit of the treatment is a demand, it will not be because of neglect disappear. Solve this problem, the main way is to raise the spirit of the staff treatment, and not pay (physical treatment). 2. Raise staff salaries to the satisfaction of management thinkingSalary Management is a human resources management of a difficult, salary management policy is also company employees are most concerned about one of the company's policy. In developing the new pay policy, the Human Resources Department will conduct extensive and in-depth surveys, and superior leadership and repeated discussions, After several revisions. Although pay management is the human resources department of most-fetched thing, but the results are often not allow staff satisfaction. (1)Satisfaction and the importance of the decision factors Management staff of the pay level of satisfaction is a measure of the level of remuneration management of the most important criteria. Employees are allowed to pay satisfied, it can be better for the company, the pay is the fundamental purpose of management. Management employees pay higher degree of satisfaction that the incentive pay more obvious results, the staff would work better, So will receive higher pay, which is a positive cycle. If employees pay a lower level of satisfaction, will be plunged into a negative cycle. Standing here before, will result in the loss of staff. Management employees pay satisfaction, the community depends on the average salary comparison and fair degrees. Comparing average social workers will refer their pay levels with the same positions in the same industry pay comparisons If it is found that their pay is higher than the average level, the satisfaction would increase, If it is found that their own salaries below the average level, the satisfaction will be reduced. Pay management is one of the major tasks of the job market value assessment, the staff will be able to attract the pay standards. Fair degree refers to the workers their salary and the salaries of other staff compared the feeling after equality. Raising pay is a fair degree of management difficulties. In fact, the Human Resources Department can not be done on this point so that all staff satisfaction. Many companies pay the reason why the secrecy is to prevent employees know the salaries of other staff level, reduce the pay of the management of fair degree of recognition. Moreover, if not for a fair degree of recognition, the staff will be very difficult to agree with the pay and performance link thereby reducing the performance evaluation of the results. (2)How to improve the management of pay satisfaction Management pay raise satisfaction from the average level with the community and raise more fair degree of two ways. Regardless of the salary management company to which types of management, the market value of positions is essential to the assessment. Human Resources Department can suggest to the company staff salaries slightly higher than the level at the same trade status with the salary level above (1 as about 10-20%), which is conducive to the stability and staff recruitment.Is a fair degree of subjective feelings of the staff, the human resources department will not attempt to amend the pay system to solve this problem. Of course, the pay system unsuited to the needs of development of the company, the amendment can be made, it is not fair to improve the most effective way. In resolving this issue, the Human Resources Department should focus on the management of the pay process, and not pay management results. For example, in developing pay systems, and would allow employees to participate. Practice has proved that enable employees to participate in decision-making decisions more easily implemented. Some owners and managers worried staff participation in the formulation of the pay system would greatly facilitate policy tends to staff its own interests, without taking into account the interests of the company. The problem is in reality exist, but the solution is to let the boss, a manager and the staff together to discuss their differences, seek to balance their respective interests. In fact, they are not because of their own interests and lead to irresponsible decisions. Staff participation or non-participation is the only distinction : If staff participation in policy formulation would be found before and problem-solving; If the staff does not participate in the implementation of the policies, the same problems will be exposed, but this time will often lose the chance to resolve the problem. In addition, the Human Resources De


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