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    本科毕业设计(论文)外文参考文献译文及原文 学 院 经济管理学院 专 业 工商管理 年级班别 学 号 学生姓名 指导教师 年 月 日目 录介绍.11 品牌促进企业成长的机理认识21.1 通过影响顾客的购买心理和购买选择偏好,扩大产品的销售.21.2 通过提高品牌的认知,创造产品的附加价值.21.3 通过强化顾客对品牌的联想和忠诚,提高产品的竞争能力.22 企业不同成长阶段的品牌管理42.1 创业期的品牌管理.42.2 成长期的品牌管理.42.3 成熟期的品牌管理.52.4 衰退期(二次创业期)的品牌管理.6外文文献原文8绪 论新经济时代的大型企业面临的最主要问题是如何建立和管理企业的品牌。谁拥有强有力的品牌,谁就拥有了竞争的资本,未来企业间的竞争是品牌的战争。企业的品牌从默默无闻发展成为一个著名的成功品牌,是一个从小到大的过程,是和企业成长的生命周期密切相关的。企业处在不同的成长阶段,面临的经营环境、经营管理重点各不相同,相应的品牌管理的重点和特色也有所不同。1 品牌促进企业成长的机理认识作为企业声誉与信息的组合体,品牌是企业及其产品所包含的技术、质量、功能、文化、市场地位等引发形成的信息系统,是企业及其产品识别的符号系统。品牌通过其内涵的信息系统及市场对它的反应评价,影响市场的行为,产生有利于该企业的行为偏好,并进一步区别于有形要素的存在,成为企业的无形资产而发挥功能,实现其经济价值,推动企业的成长。大量中外企业的实践证明,品牌是促进企业成长的主要动力,而且品牌对企业的贡献随着企业的成长日益扩大。1.1 通过影响顾客的购买心理和购买选择偏好,扩大产品的销售品牌在顾客心目中是企业和产品的标志,代表着产品的品质、特色,代表着企业的经营特色、质量管理要求等。顾客通过品牌可以非常容易地获取和辨别有关的信息,获取信息成本的下降意味着顾客购买成本的下降。而顾客熟悉的品牌或者知名度较高的品牌,又使顾客的购买风险感觉系数下降。这两个方面的综合作用使顾客的购买心理和购买行为形成了对某种品牌产品的选择偏好,从而扩大了产品的销售。1.2 通过提高品牌的认知,创造产品的附加价值品牌知名度可以通过广告迅速建立,但品牌的认知则需企业投入不懈的努力。品牌认知是通过顾客对品牌品质的一种主观判断建立的。顾客对品牌的感觉品质与产品的实际品质可以一致也可以不一致,当顾客对品牌的感觉品质超过了产品的实际品质,就能使产品增加价值。由于感觉品质的提高可以使产品的附加价值相应地得到提高,导致产品具有较大的边际利润,在价格上升时,消费者反应缺乏弹性,价格下降时则富有弹性,这也是名牌产品之所以能够获得比一般产品更高利润空间的原因所在。1.3 通过强化顾客对品牌的联想和忠诚,提高产品的竞争能力当顾客对品牌有了整体认知了以后,企业可以通过强化顾客对品牌的联想和忠诚进一步推动品牌对企业成长的促进作用。企业可以借助已经成名的品牌,利用顾客的品牌联想,成功地进行品牌延伸,扩大企业的产品组合或延伸产品线,推出新产品,提高竞争力。顾客的品牌忠诚一旦形成就会很难受到竞争产品的影响。当市场趋向成熟,市场份额相对稳定时,品牌忠诚是抵御同行竞争者攻击的最有力的武器,品牌忠诚为其他企业进入构筑壁垒。品牌忠诚形成了一批忠诚的顾客和稳定的市场,直接结果便是市场份额的扩大,从而使企业的销售额增长、交易成本降低,从而使企业获得额外的利润,所以,品牌可以看成企业保持竞争优势的一种强有力工具。2 企业不同成长阶段的品牌管理企业在其不同成长阶段有各自的成长特点,那么企业在实施其品牌管理时也应针对这些不同特点,采取不同的品牌管理方法,以适应企业成长各阶段的不同要求,达到企业品牌战略的目标。2.1创业期的品牌管理创业期建立品牌的一个基本要求是企业自身实力较强,有发展前途,产品的可替代性很高,即竞争产品之间的差异性非常小,理性的利益驱动不足以改变顾客的购买行为。如果企业选择建立自己的品牌,那就要在创业一开始就树立极强的品牌意识,对品牌进行全面的规划,在企业的经营、管理、销售、服务、维护等多方面都以创立品牌为目标,不仅仅是依赖传统的战术性的方法,如标志设计和传播、媒体广告、促销等,而是侧重于品牌的长远发展。许多国内企业总想一蹴而就,把品牌战略简化成如何尽快打响品牌知名度的问题,利用知名的商业媒体在短时间内造就一个又一个知名度很高的品牌,但大多数却是昙花一现,究其原因在于企业在建立品牌过程中没有对品牌进行全面的规划,确定品牌的核心价值。因此,企业在创业期创立品牌,除了要尽快打响品牌的知名度以外,关键的问题是要确立品牌的核心价值,给顾客提供一个独特的购买理由,并力争通过有效的传播与沟通让顾客知晓。尽管品牌化是商品市场发展的大趋向,但对于单个企业而言,是否要使用品牌还必须考虑产品的情况和顾客的实际需要,尤其对实力较弱的中小企业来说,受企业规模、人员、资金、时间的制约,对于在生产过程中无法形成一定特色的产品,或由于产品同质性很高,顾客在购买时不会过多地注意品牌的产品,无品牌化策略不失为一个可选的方法,这样可以节省费用,扩大销售。企业在创业期,如果既想使其产品具有品牌效应的优势,又不想花很多的精力创立品牌的话,那借用零售商品牌的策略是一条捷径。企业采用中间商品牌,可以降低成本,赢得价格优势,利用中间商的优势,省去寻找分销渠道和促销等大量工作。但对一个目标远大,力创自己名牌的企业,使用中间商品牌只能是权宜之计。2.2 成长期的品牌管理当企业步入成长期时,提高品牌的认知度、强化顾客对品牌核心价值和品牌个性的理解是企业营销努力的重点。品牌认知度不等同于品牌知名度。品牌知名度只是反应了顾客对品牌的知晓程度,但并不代表顾客对品牌的理解。顾客通过看、听,并通过对产品感觉和思维来认识品牌。建立品牌认知,不仅仅是让顾客熟悉其品牌名称、品牌术语、标记、符号或设计,更进一步地是要使顾客理解品牌的特性。目前中国的众多产品是有知名度,但品牌认知度整体上十分低,即顾客对国产品牌的整体印象远不如对国外品牌的认知度高,很重要的原因是企业没有传递给顾客一个清晰的,能满足顾客需求的核心价值和品牌个性。要提高品牌认知度,最重要的途径是加强与顾客的沟通。顾客是通过各种接触方式获得信息的,既有通过各种媒体的广告、产品的包装、商店内的推销活动,也有产品接触、售后服务和邻居朋友的口碑,因此,企业要综合协调的运用各种形式的传播手段,来建立品牌认知,为今后步入成熟期打下良好基础。建立、提高和维护品牌认知是企业争取潜在顾客、提高市场占有率的重要步骤。成长期的企业由于资源相对于消费需求的多样性和可变性总是有限的,不可能去满足市场上的所有需求,因此企业必须针对某些自己拥有竞争优势的目标市场进行营销。品牌定位是企业为满足特定目标顾客群的,并与产品有关联的独特心理需求为目的,并在同类品牌中建立具有比较优势的品牌管理。通过锁定目标顾客,并在目标顾客心目中确立一个与众不同的差异化竞争优势和位置,连接品牌自身的优势特征与目标顾客的心理需求。在当今这个信息过度膨胀的社会里,只有有效地运用定位这种传播方式和营销策略,才能使品牌在激烈的竞争中脱颖而出。这样,一旦顾客有了相关需求,就会开启大脑的记忆和联想之门,自然而然地想到该品牌,并实施相应的购买行为。2.3 成熟期的品牌管理企业进入成熟期,在市场已经站稳了脚跟,但由于竞争者的大量加入和产品的普及,竞争变得尤为激烈。因此,企业应该根据成熟期的市场、产品、竞争特点,提高企业品牌的忠诚度,进行适当的品牌延伸。品牌忠诚度是顾客对品牌感情的量度,反映出一个顾客转向另一个品牌的可能程度,是企业重要的竞争优势。它为品牌产品提供了稳定的不易转移的顾客,从而保证了该品牌的基本市场占有率。因此,培育品牌忠诚度对企业来说至关重要,“最好的广告就是满意的顾客”,如果企业能在创业期和成长期注意宣传该品牌,并提供给顾客的一个完整的从选择原材料,到为顾客提供的售后服务的一系列责任的价值体系,在企业和顾客之间建立融洽的关系,那么,在成熟期企业可运用顾客对该品牌的忠诚来影响顾客的行为。顾客的品牌忠诚一旦形成就会很难受到竞争产品的影响。品牌忠诚是品牌资产中的最重要部分,品牌资产最终是体现在品牌忠诚上,这是企业实施品牌战略的根本目标。然而,消费者的品牌忠诚绝不是无条件的,它根源于企业对该品牌严格的技术要求,即该品牌有卓越的品质保证。品牌延伸是将现有成功的品牌用于新产品或经改进的产品上的一种策略。品牌延伸并非只借用表面上的品牌名称,而是对整个品牌资产的策略性使用,是企业实现品牌无形资产转移、发展的有效途径。采用品牌延伸,企业不仅可以保证新产品投资决策的快捷准确,而且有助于减少新产品的市场风险,节省新产品推广的巨额开支,有效地降低新产品的成本费用。通过品牌延伸,企业可以强化品牌效应,增加品牌这一无形资产的经济价值和核心品牌的形象,提高整体品牌组合的投资效益。尤其在新技术环境条件下新延伸的品牌,不仅在时间上可以根据市场变化迅速推出与之相适应的产品,而且改变了传统品牌以往单纯依靠自我的力量发展和延伸品牌的策略,与其他行业在技术应用、市场推广和新产品开发方面共同寻求产品创新联合发展的道路,以图摆脱单纯价格竞争的桎梏,适应新经济环境下市场的变化。企业在成熟期由于竞争者的大量涌入,因此,通过建立品牌组合,实施多品牌战略,能尽可能多地抢占市场,避免风险。实行多品牌,可以使每个品牌在顾客心里占据独特的、适当的位置,迎合不同顾客的口味,吸引更多的顾客,能使企业有机会最大限度地覆盖市场,使得竞争者感到在每一个细分市场的现有品牌都是进入的障碍,从而限制竞争者的扩展机会,有效地保证企业维持较高的市场占有。但是企业实施多品牌,有可能会面临跟自己竞争的危险,抢自己原有品牌所占的市场份额。因此最有成效的多品牌策略是使新品牌打入市场细分后的各个细分市场中。这种策略的前提是市场是可以细分的,一个成功的企业往往会利用市场细分,去为重要的新品牌创造机会。2.4 衰退期(二次创业期)的品牌管理在这个阶段,企业应着眼未来,退出衰退期产品的竞争,把精力投入到二次创业上。企业可实施品牌重新定位、品牌创新等策略重新进入市场。一种品牌在市场上最初的定位可能是适宜的、成功的,但是到后来企业可能不得不对其重新定位。品牌需要重新定位的原因是多方面的,如竞争者可能推出类似定位的品牌,抢夺企业的市场份额;顾客偏好也会转移,对企业品牌代表的产品需求减少;或者企业决定进入新的细分市场。在这时期,企业的原有产品技术走下坡路,销售额下降。在做出品牌再定位决策时,企业首先应考虑将品牌转移到另一个细分市场所需要的成本,包括产品品质改变费、包装费和广告费。一般来说,再定位的跨度越大,所需成本越高。其次,要考虑品牌定位于新位置后可能产生的收益。收益大小是由以下因素决定的:某一目标市场的顾客人数;顾客的平均购买率;在同一细分市场竞争者的数量和实力,以及在该细分市场中为品牌再定位要付出的代价。随着企业经营环境的变化和顾客需求的变化。品牌的内涵和表现形式也要不断变化发展,以适度顺应消费者求新求变的心理。企业在进入衰退期后,由于内部和外部原因,企业品牌在市场竞争中必然出现知名度、美誉度下降,销量、市场占有率降低等品牌失落的现象,因此只有不断设计出符合时代需求的品牌,品牌才有生命力。品牌创新是品牌自我发展的必然要求,是克服品牌老化的唯一途径。现代社会,技术进步愈来愈快,一些行业的产品生命周期也越来越短,同时,社会消费意识、消费观念的变化频率也逐步加快,这都会影响到产品的市场寿命。因此,必须不断更新品牌的内涵、保持品牌的生命力。如可口可乐,从1886年创立至今已有100多年历史,它之所以能够保持长盛不衰,一个很重要的原因就是它不断地给自己的品牌注入新的内涵。它至今已采用过30多个广告主题,90多句广告标语,目的就是一个,不断地适应和满足新的需求。IntroductionIn the new economical time, enterprise marketing must faces the problem is how to establish and the manage enterprise's brand. Who has the powerful brand, who will have the competition capital, the future marketing is the brands war. Enterprise's brand from remains obscure develops into a famous successful brand, is a from infancy to maturity process, is life cycle close correlation which the enterprise grows. The enterprise occupies the different growth stage, faced with the management environment, the management strategy key is various, the corresponding brand strategy key point and the characteristic also have differently.1 The brand promotion enterprise grows mechanism understanding The information system which as the enterprise prestige and the information assembly, the brand is which the enterprise and its the product contains initiation and so on technology, quality, function, culture, market niche forms, is the enterprise and its the product recognition symbolism. The brand through its connotation information system and the market to its response appraisal, affects the market the behavior, produces is advantageous to this enterprise's behavior by chance, and further distinguishes between the visible essential factor existence, becomes the enterprise the intangible asset to display the function, realizes its economic value, impels the enterprise the growth. The massive Chinese and foreign enterprise's practice proved that, the brand promotes the main power which the enterprise grows, moreover the brand expands day by day to enterprise's contribution along with enterprise's growth.1.1 Through affects customer's purchase psychology and the purchase choice by chance, expanded product sale. The brand in the customer mind is the enterprise and the product symbol, is representing the product quality, the characteristic, is representing enterprise's management characteristic, the quality control request and so on. The customer may extremely easily gain and distinguish the related information through the brand, gains the information cost the drop to mean the customer purchases the cost the drop. But the customer is familiar with brand or well-knownness higher brand, also causes customer's purchase risk to feel the coefficient drops. These two aspects combined action caused customer's purchase psychology and the purchase behavior has formed to some kind of brand product choice by chance, thus expanded the product sale.1.2 Through enhances the brand the cognition, the creation product attachment value.Brand well-knownness may through the advertisement rapid establishment, but the brand cognition needs the enterprise to invest the unremitting endeavor. The brand cognition is through the customer to the brand quality one kind of subjective judgments establishment. The customer may identically also be allowed not to be inconsistent to the brand feeling quality with the product actual quality, when the customer has surpassed the product actual quality to the brand feeling quality, can make the product to increase the value. Because the feeling quality enhancement may enable the product the attachment value correspondingly to obtain the enhancement, causes the product to have the bigger marginal returns, when price rise, the consumer responded lacks the elasticity, when the price drop then the rich elasticity, this also is the famous brand goods therefore can obtain compared to the common product is higher profit space reason to be at.1.3 Through strengthens the customer and is loyal to the brand association, enhances the product the competitive ability.When the customer had the overall cognition to the brand after, the enterprise may through strengthen the customer and loyal further impels the brand to the brand association the promoter action which grows to the enterprise. The enterprise may draw support from the brand which already became famous, used customer's brand association, successfully carried on the brand to extend, the expanded enterprises product combination or extended the product line, promoted the new product, enhanced the competitive ability. Customer's brand is loyal once forms can very as uncomfortably as the competition product influence. When market trend mature, when market share relatively stable, the brand is loyal is resists the most powerful weapon which the colleague competitor attacks, the brand loyally for other enterprises enters constructs the barrier. The brand has loyally formed one group of loyal customers and the stable market, the direct result then is the market share expansion, thus makes the enterprise the sales volume to grow, transaction cost reduction, thus causes the enterprise to obtain the extra profit, therefore, the brand may regard as the enterprise to maintain the competitive advantage one kind of powerful tool.2 Enterprise different growth stage brand strategyThe enterprise has respective growth characteristic in its different growth stage, then enterprise when implements its brand strategy also should aim at these different characteristics, adopts the different brand strategy, adapts the enterprise to grow various stages different request, achieves the enterprise brand strategy the goal.2.1 The time of starts an undertaking brand strategy Starts an undertaking a time establishment brand basic request is the enterprise own strength stronger, has the development future, the product may vicariousness very high, namely between the competition product difference is extremely small, the rational benefit actuation is insufficient to change customer's purchase behavior. If the enterprise chooses establishes own brand, that wants to start an undertaking as soon as starts to acquire the greatly strengthened brand consciousness, carries on the comprehensive plan to the brand, in enterprise's management, the management, the sale, the service, the maintenance and so on is various all take establishes the brand as the goal, not merely is relies on traditional the tactic method, like the symbol designs and disseminates, the media advertisement, the promotion and so on, but is stresses on the brand long term development. Many domestic enterprises always want to get it done in one action, how turns into brand strategy Jan fires as soon as possible brand well-knownness the question, uses the well-known commercial media to accomplish a well-knownness very high brand in the short time, but the majority actually is appears briefly, investigates its reason to lie in the enterprise not to carry on the comprehensive plan in the establishment brand process to the brand, definite brand core value. Therefore, the enterprise in starts an undertaking the time establishment brand, besides must fire the brand as soon as possible well-knownness, the essential question is must establish the brand the core value, provides a unique purchase reason to the customer, and argues vigorously through the effective dissemination and the communication lets the customer know. Although the brand is the commodity market development big trend, but says regarding the single enterprise, whether has to use the brand also to have to consider the product the situation and customers actual need, especially said to strength weaker mid- and small-scale enterprise, the enterprise scale, the personnel, the fund, the time restriction, regarding is unable in the production process to form the certain characteristic the product, or because the product homogeneity is very high, customer when purchase cannot excessively many pay attention to the brand the product, does not have the brand strategy not to lose is the method which may elect, like this may save the expense, the expanded sale. The enterprise is starting an undertaking the time, if both wants enable its product to have the brand effect the superiority, and does not want to spend the very many energy establishment brand the speech, that borrows the retail merchant brand the strategy is a shortcut. The enterprise uses the middle business brand, may reduce the cost, wins the price superiority, the use middle business superiority, omits seeks retails the channel and the promotion and so on the massive work. But is broad to a goal, the strength creates the oneself name brand the enterprise, the use middle business brand only can be an expedient measure.2.2 Becomes the long-term brand strategy. When the enterprise marches into long-term, enhances the brand cognition, strengthens the customer to the brand core value and the brand individuality understanding is the enterprise marketing diligently key point. Brand cognition does not equate to the brand well-knownness. Brand well-knownness only was responded the customer knew the degree to the brand, but certainly did not represent the customer to the brand the understanding. The customer through looked, listens, and through to the product felt and the thought knows the brand. The establishment brand cognition, not merely is lets the customer be familiar with its brand name, the brand terminology, the mark, the mark or the design, further is must make the customer to understand the brand the characteristic. At present Chinas multitudinous product has well-knownness, but in a brand cognition whole is extremely low, namely the customer to the domestically produced brand overall impression far was inferior to overseas brand cognition high, the ve


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