2877.B 骏泽电梯公司车间生产管理模式 外文参考文献译文及原文doc.doc
本科毕业设计(论文)外文参考文献译文及原文 学 院 经济管理学院 专 业 工商管理 年级班别 学 号 学生姓名 指导教师 年 月 日目 录译文 生产运作管理理论.11.基本概念.12 生产运作管理的地位.13.生产与运作管理学的发展.24. 生产运作管理的任务.35 生产运作管理的任务.46 生产运作管理的内容.47 生产管理的指导原则.5英文原文 Production operation management theory.71 Production operation management duty.72 Production operation management status.73 Production and operation management study development.94 Production operation management duty.105 Production operation management tasks.116 Production of the content management.117 Production management guidelines.12译文:生产运作管理理论生产与运作管理概述生产运作管理的任务 1.基本概念1.1 生产与运作管理(production and operation management):是指对生产与运作活动的计划、组织和控制。1.2 生产与运作活动:是指“投入变换产出”的过程,即投入一定的资源,经过一系列多种形式的变换,使其价值增值,最后以某种形式产出供给给社会的过程,也可以说,是一个社会组织通过获取和利用各种资源向社会提供有用产品的过程。 其中投入包括:人力、设备、物料、信息、技术、能源、土地等劳动资源要素。产出包括两大类:有形产品和无形产品。中间的变换过程,也就是劳动过程、价值增值过程,即运作过程。2 生产运作管理的地位 企业是一个有机的整体,企业管理就是一个完整的系统, 它是有许多子系统组成的。生产管理作为一个子系统,在企业管理系统中处于什么地位,主要从它和其它子系统之间的关系上来考察。2.1生产管理与其它子系统的关系 2.1.1生产管理与经营决策的关系 经营决策决策性地位、处于企业的上层、确定企业的目标、方针、战略、计划。 生产管理执行性地位、处于企业的中层、根据经营决策下达的具体任务、组织生产活动并保证实现。 它们之间是决策和执行的关系 2.1.2生产管理与技术开发管理 技术开发是为生产管理提供设计图纸、先进生产技术、先进制造材料等。技术开发管理是生产管理的技术保证和后盾。 生产管理为技术开发管理进行的科学实验提供信息和设备。 它们在企业管理系统中同处于执行性地位,保持着密切的协作关系。 2.1.3生产管理与销售管理的关系 生产管理为销售部门提供满足市场消费、适销对路的产品和零部件,搞好生产管理对开展销售管理工作、提高产品的市场占有率和增加企业活力有重要的意义。生产管理对销售管理起保障作用。同时销售管理为生产提供市场信息,是生产管理的产品的价值实现的保证。同处于生产性的地位,有着十分紧密的协作关系。2.2 生产战略是企业经营战略的重要组成 企业战略是总体战略和各分战略的集合体。它形成一个战略体系,生产战略是其中重要的组成部分。 生产战略是企业根据所选定的目标市场和产品特点来构造其生产系统时所遵循的指导思想,以及在这种指导思想下的一系列决策计划、内容和程序。 特点:贡献性、一致性、操作性 根据决策内容的特点,一般企业的战略都可以分为三个层次:企业级战略、部门级战略和职能级战略。生产战略属于职能级战略,担负着支持部门战略的义务.2.3 生产管理与企业竞争优势关系 新产品开发、成本、质量、交货期四大竞争优势都与生产管理状况密切相关。这四个基本要素无不取决于生产管理的方式和效率。 其实,企业管理工作的内容很多,基本上可分为:经营管理和生产管理两大部分。经营管理是对企业经营活动的管理,主要解决企业的生产技术经济活动问题,使企业同外部环境取得动态平衡;而生产管理是对企业生产系统的管理,主要解决企业内部人、财、物等各种资源的最优组合问题。3.生产与运作管理学的发展3.1生产管理学人们对上述变换处理研究主要在可看见的产品变革过程中起初那里搜寻。从研究方法上来说,也没有把它看作上述的“投入变换产出”的过程来研究,而主要是研究有形产品生产制造过程的组织、计划与控制。所以当时该学科被称为“生产管理学”。3.2 生产与运作概念的形成 3.2.1随着经济发展、技术进步以及社会工业化、信息化的发展,人们除了对各种有形产品的需求之外,对有形产品之后的相关服务的需求也逐渐提高。 3.2.2随着社会分工的出现,原来附属于生产过程的一些业务,服务过程相继分离并独立出来,形成后来的流通、零售、金融、房地产等服务行业,使社会第三产业比重越来越大。 因此,对提供无形产品的运作过程进行管理和研究的必要性应运而生。人们开始把有形产品的生产过程和无形产品都看作一种“投入变换产出”的过程。这种变换过程的产出结果无论是有形还是无形,都具有下述特征: 能够满足人的某种需要,即具有一定的使用价值; 需要投入一定的资源,经过一定的变换过程才能够实现; 在变换过程总要投入一定的劳动,实现价值增值。 因此,人们开始把对无形产品产出过程的管理研究也纳入生产管理的范畴中去。或者说,生产管理的研究范围从制造业扩大到了非制造业。这样就扩大了生产管理的概念。无论是有形产品的生产过程,还是无形产品的提供过程,被统称为运作过程。但从管理的角度来说,这两种变换过程实际上是有许多不同点的。4. 生产运作管理的任务4.1 生产运作系统运动规律 生产管理采取了一个次级系统, 有它本身运动规则。 生产系统的运动规律就是输入生产要素,经过生产过程,输出产品和服务,并且在生产过程的进行中不停地进行信息反馈。4.2 生产运作管理系统的组成4.2.1产品与服务 产品是具有一定使用价值的成品或半成品。 服务主要指无形产品。 要求:取决于用户和市场的需要,即品种对路、质量优良、价格便宜、交货及时。4.2.2生产要素 人流 人劳动力 物流 财资金 物土地、建筑物、机器设备、工艺设备、原材料、零部件、能源 信息流 信息、计划、工艺图纸、情报等 作用:从事生产活动的前提条件是实现生产管理目标的保证 生产要素满足的三个要求: 在质量、数量、时间上必须符合生产过程的要求; 生产要素在生产过程中有效的结合起来 生产要素在生产过程中形成一个有机的整体4.2.3生产过程 概念:产品的形成过程,也是人力、物力、财力的消耗过程。 要求: 实现生产管理目标,以最经济的生产方式(消耗尽可能少的方式),对产品的品种、数量、质量、成本、交货期、进行具体的计划、并确保实施。4.2.4反馈 定义:把生产过程输出的信息返回到输入的一端。 作用:对生产过程的控制及时提供良机。 目的:保证生产过程的正常进行和生产计划任务的完成。5 生产运作管理的任务: 运用组织、计划、控制等职能,把投入生产过程的各种生产要素有效的结合起来,形成有机的体系,按照最经济的生产方式生产出满足社会需要的产品。6 生产运作管理的内容 生产管理要实现自己的任务,就需要做许多工作6.1生产准备与生产组织 是指生产的物质准备工作、技术准备工作和组织工作。6.2生产计划 是生产运作管理的精华。指与产品有关的生产计划工作和负荷分配工作。6.3 生产控制 指围绕着完成计划任务所进行的检查,调整管理工作。6.4先进生产运作模式 为适应企业国际化和企业激烈的竞争形势,尽快提高企业管理水平使生产经营一体化,是现代生产与运作管理的热点。7 生产管理的指导原则7.1讲求经济效益 定义:最少的劳动消耗和资金占用,生产出尽可能多的适销对路的产品。 原因:提高经济效益是市场经济工作的出发点,当然也就是企业管理工作的出发点。 具体表现:在实现生产管理的目标上,做到数量多、质量好、交货及时、成本低廉。 综合经济效益:对产品的质量、数量、成本、交货期、经过综合考虑,在分别确定不同要求的基础上,使经济效益最优。7.2 坚持以销定产 定义:根据市场的要求安排生产计划。 原因:商品生产规律的要求。商品生产者生产的产品不是为了自己,而是为了出售。 坚持以销定产要做哪些事情: 做好市场调查、预测和决策。 加强对生产管理者的教育,树立正确的经营思想,克服只埋头生产、不顾市场需要、不重视销售的单纯生产观点。 正确处理生产同销售的关系,原则是:重视销售,又兼顾生产。7.3 实行科学管理 定义:在生产过程中,运用符合现代大工业要求的一套制度和方法。 应做到: 建立统一的生产指挥系统,进行组织、计划和控制生产,保证生产过程正常进行。 做好基础工作,即建立和贯彻自己的规章制度。加强职工培训,不断进行知识更新。7.4组织均衡生产 定义:在相等的时间内,生产的产品相等或均匀递增。 例如:某机械厂的旬均衡率为3、3、4,即上、中、下旬分别完成合同生产任务的30%、30%、40%,有节奏、按比例的生产。 好处: (1)提高设备和工时的利用率。 (2)建立正常的生产秩序和管理秩序,保证产品的质量和安全生产。 (3)节约物资消耗,降低成本、加速流动资金周转。7.5 实施可持续发展战略 对生产过程的要求: (1)节约原料和能源。 (2)淘汰有毒原材料并在全部排放物和废料离开生产过程以前减少它们的数量和毒性。 对产品要求: 减少产品在整个生产周期中对人类和环境的有害影响。 总的来说,生产管理的原则就是阶段性、适应性、科学性和均衡性,其中经济性是基本的,其他三项是为经济性服务的。在这期间,还要兼顾可持续性发展的战略方针。原文:Production operation management theoryproduction and operation management outline1.Production operation management dutyBasic concept 1.1 production and operation management:To produces with the operation plan, the organization and the control. 1.2 Production and operation:”Investment- Transformation- Delivers”, Invests the certain resources, passes through a series of many kind forms transformation, makes its value to rise in value, finally delivers the supplies by some kind of form to society's process.Also,it is a social organization through gains and uses each kind of resources toprovide the useful product to the society the process.The investment includes: Labor resources essential factor and so on manpower, equipment,material, information, technology, energy, landDelivers including two kinds: Visible product and Immaterial product2. Production operation management statusThe enterprise is an organic whole, the business management is acomplete system, it has many subsystems to compose. The production management took a sub- system, is at any position in the business management system, mainly from it with other subsystem between relational inspection.2.1 Production management and other subsystems relations: 2.1.1 The production management and manages policy-making the relationsThe management decision-making - decision-making status, is in theenterprise the upper formation, the determination enterprise's goal,the policy, the strategy and the plan.The production management - execution status, is in the enterprise the intermediate deck, the basis manages the concrete duty, the organization which the decision-making issues produces moves and guarantees the realization.2.1.2 Production management and technical development management The technical development is provides the design paper, the advanced production technology, the advanced manufacture material for the production management and so on. The technical development management is the production management technical guarantee and the backing.Production management: The scientific experiment carries on which for the technical development management provides the information and the equipment.They with are at the execution position in the business management system, is maintaining the close cooperation relations.2.1.3 The production management and sells the management the relationsThe production management provides satisfies the product and the spare part for the sale branch which the market expends, is suitable forsale, does well the production management to do the sale super visory work, to enhance the product the market share and the increaseenterprise vitality has the vital significance. The production management to sells manages the safeguard function. Simultaneouslysells the management to provide the market information for the production, is the production management product value realization guarantee. With is at the production position, has the extremely close cooperation relations.2.2 The production strategy is the enterprise manages strategic the important compositionThe enterprise strategy is the overall strategy and each minute strategic aggregate. It forms a strategic system, the production strategy is important constituent.Characteristic: Contribution, Uniformity, Operational According to the policy-making content characteristic, the common enterprise's strategy all may divide into three levels: Enterprise strategy, department strategy and function strategy. The production strategy belongs to the function strategy, is shouldering the support department strategy duty.2.3 Production management and enterprise competitive advantage relationsNew product development, cost, quality, date of delivery four competitive advantage all with production management condition close correlation. These four basic essential factors are decided all by the production management way and the efficiency.Actually, Business management work content very many, basically may divide into Management and production management two major parts. The management is manages active to the enterprise the management, mainly solves enterprise's production technology economic activity problem, causes the enterprise to obtain the dynamical equilibrium with the external environment; But the production management is produces the system to the enterprise the management,mainly solves the enterprise interior person, the wealth, and so on each kind of resources most superior combination question.3.Production and operation management study development3.1 production managementThe people to above transform the process research mainly in the visible product transformation process at first there search。Said from the research technique, also has not regarded as it above "the investment - transformation - delivers" the process to study, but mainly is the research visible product production manufacture process organization, the plan and the control. At that time therefore this discipline is called "the production management study".3.2 Production and operation concept formationAlong with economical development, technology advancement as well as social industrialization, information development, the people besides to each kind of visible product demand, also gradually enhance after the visible product correlation service demand.Along with the social division of labor appearance, originally attached belongs to the production process some services, the service process separates one after another and independently comes out, form after service industry and so on the circulation, retail sales , finance, real estate, caused the social tertiary industry proportion to be more and more strongTherefore, to provides the immaterial product the operation process to carry on the management and the research necessity arises at the historic moment. The people start the visible product production process and the immaterial product to regard as one kind " the investment - transformation - delivers " the process. This kind of transformation process delivers finally regardless of is visible or invisible, All has the following characteristic: Can meet person's some kind of needs, namely has the certain use valueNeeds to invest the certain resources, passes through the certain transformation process only then to be able to realize.Must invest the certain work in the transformation process, the realization value incrementTherefore, the people start to deliver to the immaterial product the process the management research also to bring into line with the production management in the category. In other words the production management research scope expanded from the manufacturing industry to the non- manufacturing industry. Like this expanded the production management concept. Regardless of is the visible product production process, or the immaterial product provides the process, is called as the operation process. But said from the management angle that, these two kind of transformation sprocess has many different spots in fact.4.Production operation management duty4.1 Production operation system movement ruleThe production management took a sub- system, has its itself the movement rule.4.2Production Operation Management System components4.2.1Products and services Is a product of a certain value of finished or semi-finished products. Mainly intangible products. Requirements : depending on the user and the needs of the market, that is the correct path varieties, good quality, low price, prompt delivery.4.2.2Production factors Labor- FlowLogistics- Funds The other thing-Land, buildings, machinery and equipment, process equipment, raw materials, components, energy information flow of information, plans, drawings technology, intelligenceRole : to engage in productive activities is a prerequisite for achieving goals of the management of production guarantee Factors of production to meet the three requirements In the quality, quantity, time must meet the requirements of the production process; production factors in the production process of effectively combining production elements in the production process to form an organic whole. 4.2.3Production process Concept : Product formation process, as well as human, material and financial resources to the process of attrition. Request:Production management objectives in the most economical mode of production (less consumption as much as possible the way), the product variety, quantity, quality, cost, delivery time, a specific plan and to ensure the implementation.4.2.4 FeedbackDefinition : production process output to input information to the end. Role : the right to control the production process to provide timely opportunity. Objective : To ensure the normal process of production and production plan for the completion of the task. 5 Production operation management tasks Use of organization, planning and control functions, input production process of various production factors combining effectiv