大学生交际策略的使用与口语交际能力的关系 大学生交际策略的使用与口语交际能力的关系 The Relationship between the Use of Communication Strategies and Oral Communicative Competence of College Students【中文摘要】 英语口语教学近年来引起了不少专家和学者的关注,社会要求大学生摆脱“哑巴英语”的呼声越来越强烈。口语教学的任务是培养英语口头表达和交往能力,是学生就日常生活中的一般的情景进行恰当的交谈,能就所听的材料或熟悉的题材进行对话和连贯的发言。(基础大纲,1989)大学英语教学大纲规定,语言测试要“着眼于考核学生的语言能力和交际能力,准确性和流利程度。其中一个值得探究的问题是:经过多年的外语学习,英语的语言知识有了很大的积累,但是英语口语却提高不大,为什么学生不能把所积累英语知识应用于实践?有关研究显示,语言知识的掌握跟口语交际能力并不是成正比的关系,有效的使用交际策略对外语学习者弥补有限的语言资源避免交际失误,提高交际能力具有重要的意义。交际策略能力是指交际者运用语言或者非语言的手段为克服由语言能力不足引起交际困难的能力(Canale&Swain1980)。交际策略能力的提高与口语交际能力的提高有着密切的关系。为了检验交际策略与口语交际能力的关系,作者进行了一个实验,实验选了作者在辽宁师范大学公共外语所教授的两个班级,一个是数学系一年级的学生,一个是管理系二年级的学生。首先是对他们进行问卷调查,发现他们对交际策略的使用和理解非常的有限,了解了他们常用的一些交际策略。然后作者用了三个月的时间对数学系一年级的学生进行交际策略的培训,最后通过实验前后口语成绩的对比发现,一年级的学生超过了二年级学生口语成绩。此研究进一步的证实了交际策略培训和学生使用策略的意识性的培养可以有效的提高学生的口头交际能力。于是作者倡导将策略教学融入到外语教学过程中,鼓励学生采取交际策略来应对交际中出现的困难,从而有效的提高口语交际能力【英文摘要】 In recent years,oral English teaching has drawn great attention from many experts and scholars,our society requests college students to break away from mute English more and more urgently.The task of oral English teaching is to foster expressive and communicative competence of oral English;which is that students can make proper conversation on the normal scene of daily life,interact with each other and make successive statements on the materials that they heard or familiar with.”College English teaching plan” prescribed that language test shall focus on testing language proficiency and communicative competence of the students,accuracy and fluency.There exists a problem worth probing:through year-long English study, students have accumulated solid foundation,but they made little progress in oral English,why cant students apply what they learned to practice? Some relevant research shows that students language proficiency doesnt match with oral communicative competence,effective use of communication strategies can generate significant effect on compensating for limited linguistic resources,avoiding failures in communication and improving their oral communicative competence.Communication strategic competence refers to the competence that communicators apply verbal or nonverbal means to overcome communicative difficulties caused by deficiency of linguistic knowledge(Canale & Swain:1980).There is close relation between communication strategic competence and oral communicative competence.In order to test the relationship between communication strategies and oral communicative competence,the author conducted an experiment.Two classes taught by the author herself were chosen in this experiment,one class is freshmen in the Math Department,and the other class is sophomores in the Administrative Department.First,a questionnaire was made,and the author found that students use and understanding of communication strategies was quite limited,and knew the strategies they used frequently.Then the author carried out a three months training on the freshmen in Math class,from the results got from pre-oral English test and post-oral English test,the author found that the score of freshmen exceed that of the sophomores.This research further testified that communication strategy training and fostering students awareness of using communication strategies can improve oral communicative competence effectively.So the author advised to apply communicative strategies training to foreign language teaching process,and encourage students to deal with the difficulties occurred in communication,hence to improve oral communicative competence effectively【中文关键词】 交际策略; 口语交际能力; 非英语专业学生; 语言能力 【英文关键词】 communication strategies; oral communicative competence; college students; language proficiency 【毕业论文目录】摘要 4-5 Abstract 5 Acknowledgements 6-9 Chapter One Introduction 9-14 1.1 Significance of the research 9-10 1.2 Research background 10-12 1.3 The urgent demand for the research on CSs 12-13 1.4 Layout of the dissertation 13-14 Chapter Two Literature review 14-39 2.1 The previous empirical studies of communication strategies 14-15 2.2 Communicative competence 15-19 2.3 Definition of CSs 19-23 2.3.1 The Psycholinguistic Approach 20-22 2.3.2 The Interactional Approach 22-23 2.4 Typology of CSs 23-33 2.4.1 Tarones Typology of CSs 23-24 2.4.2 Paribakhts typology 24-26 2.4.3 The Nijmegen Project 26-27 2.4.4 Faerch & Kaspers Typology of CSs 27-30 2.4.5 Description of the strategies used in this research 30-33 2.4.6 A brief summary of various typologies of CSs 33 2.5 Correlation between CSs and SLA 33-36 2.6 Training of communication strategies 36-37 2.7 Teachability of CSs 37-39 Chapter Three Current Study 39-45 3.1 Research questions and hypothesis 39 3.1.1 Research questions 39 3.1.2 Hypotheses 39 3.2 Research Method 39-43 3.2.1 Subjects 39-40 3.2.2 Instruments 40-43 Questionnaire 40-41 Pre-oral test 41-42 Post-oral test 42 Communication strategy training 42-43 3.3 Data collection 43 3.4 Procedures 43-45 Chapter Four Data analysis and discussion 45-56 4.1 Analysis of the results of the questionnaire 45-47 4.2 Analysis and discussion of the pre-oral test 47-51 4.3 Analysis and discussion of the post-oral test 51-56 Chapter Five Conclusion 56-58 5.1 Major findings 56 5.2 Conclusion 56-57 5.3 Limitations of the research 57 5.4 Future research 57-58 References 58-62 APPendix 口语交际策略问卷调查 62-63