论学术英语论文的结构和遣词造句本文的结构总体分为:总分,开头交代了文章主要写作内容及写作背景,写作目的(to summarize and discuss the results and findings from this research study and to determine the effectiveness of English customer service in China, exemplified by bank and telecommunications industries.)从这一段就可以清楚的看出文章结构的划分,分为三个小节,其中第一小节(4.1 Results with the Bank System)又用了总分的结构,分别叙述了:1) Greetings 2) Farewells 3) Addressing forms 4) Apologies 5) Refusals 6) Requests 7) Responses to thanks 8) Proposals 9) Direct speech acts 九部分。就不同的数据进行了细致的分析与对比,并提出了作者认为的好的礼貌说话方式。文章开头就交代了这篇文章的中心:The focus of this chapter is on the two research questions raised earlier:1. Can the English customer service representatives effectively solve problems proposed by customers?2. Are the English customer service representatives capable of conveying information in a polite way in the call center environment within the intercultural communication context?这样安排可以使读者更清楚文章的内容,都以疑问句的形式表达,可以增强读者兴趣,勾起读者阅读兴趣。语篇通常指一系列连续的话段或句子构成的语言整体。它在交际形式上,既可为独白,又可为对话;在篇幅的长度上,短者可为一句、一首诗,长者可为一篇、一卷。衔接和连贯是它的两大重要标记。语篇的衔接依靠语法和词汇两大手段实现,它的连贯则倚重逻辑推理或直接判断。在结构形式上,汉语语篇多句内与句间的直接组合,形式上缺乏显性的衔接手段,但通过逻辑推理或直觉判断,语义是连贯的。所以,我们可以说汉语是高语境的语篇构成的。英语民族长期坚持“主客二分”、清晰明确的逻辑性的直线思维,语篇结构形式多为句与句的有序排列,形式上照应指称,衔接严谨,语义上脉络明晰,一意贯串直到篇末。相对汉语而言,英语则由低语境的语篇构成。本篇在形式上看前后照应,结构清晰,这是本文的最大的特点。如:4.1 Results with the Bank System4.2 Results with the Telecommunications System4.3 Discussion同时副标题的使用也使文章易于阅读和理解,例如:1) Greetings 2) Farewells3) Addressing forms 4) Apologies5) Refusals 6) Requests 7) Responses to thanks 8) Proposals 9) Direct speech acts在Greetings 中作者又将文章分为三个部分:Generally, there are three purposes of greetings: 1) to create or maintain a harmonious atmosphere; 2) to cover the estrangement and uncomfortableness aroused by silence 3) to meet the psychological needs of the speaker and the hearer. In this particular context, greetings are mainly to create a harmonious atmosphere and also to extend welcome and show concerns for the caller.在第三节的讨论中作者又用了firstly,Secondly,,这使每一节的层次区分明显,可以使读者快速掌握文章大体内容。下面就遣词造句发表一下我个人的观点。在正式的学术文章中,大都是用书面语,很少用口语。而本篇文章却用引用口语比较多,这与作者文章的主题是关联的。如:“Thank you for calling!” “Have a nice day” “Bye-bye” “how can I help you” “Im glad to serve you” etc.下面来讨论个别词的运用:l important && significant && Magnificent To make a request is to ask for something from others or ask others to do something as the requestor wishes, thus politeness strategies are badly needed and play an important role in the request expression. However, it is a pity that no other front-line employees have realized the significance of responding to thanks. 这几个词都有“重要,华丽”的意思。可是作为同级比较的形容词,它们之间的关系则是递进式的,其强调的重要或者华丽的程度也在逐渐提升。l BadlyTo make a request is to ask for something from others or ask others to do something as the requestor wishes, thus politeness strategies are badly needed and play an important role in the request expression. Badly是“不好,差”的意思,但它还有“非常”之意,这里就是后者,这个词的使用说明了需要的急切性。l It is a pity that待添加的隐藏文字内容1It depend onThe data shows thatThe auther thinksThe auther believes that这些表达都使文章语气委婉,没有使人觉得狂妄自大。l According to the collected data,这样表达使文章更客观,这是事实,而不是杜撰出来的,有数据支持,这使得文章更严谨,客观。l The bank was named, representing the fact that she stands for the brand of the bank and extending welcome from the whole company.The result is that the addressing form is not attached great importance to, and the plain “you” prevailed in the conversation.同位语从句,一般在主体部分中比较常见,用以解释说明,达到简化句子的目的。l Similarly frequently-used greetings, told by one of my American friends who worked in a call center before, can be: how can I serve you, which is even more polite than “how can I help you”.A qualified CCA would not rush to hand up with a simply “Bye-bye”, which was unfortunately the case for most banks CCAs; instead, he/ she would first confirm the pleasure to receive the call: “Thank you for calling!”定语从句,一般在主体部分中比较常见,用以解释说明,达到简化句子的目的。综上所述,这篇文章结构条理清晰,遣词造句得体扼要,易于理解。在读文章的同时,我也收获了很多。知道了学术英语的写作格式与手法,在查资料的同时,了解了很多与学术英语有关的知识与技巧,相信对以后的论文中会有所帮助,有所启示。