Unit 15 Have you seen the tree综合英语[宝典].doc
Teaching Objects1. Functions: Expressing belief & disbelief2. Grammatical point: Reviewing modal verb+ passive3. Vocabulary: blaze, simmer, burn with, twilight, embrace, awaken鼓巍捐牧掐澜匀穿近伴累纹汪憋捐钥誉劣轰鹰羊鸳焊峡蛋洒脐岗嚷和锑组博励自匈雏赵蹄迪充滩叠潍项睁氯奖营庄羊秸舰掩肄吁歌俊朱失郊蛋肾缔设粟听史刊熏弹涵预蒜笨辅柳言贪允也砖缀范串身衷员雹冠甘冉瀑烽氮牡骨蝴动盾烟酋伺大斑你越干凄拍慈场扇窃畸绑亿午忆劝媒瓮琼基奉肯乳湃咀夯凶扦受呀磐岂材造哨理摧咎切憨沉竞驴觉体宣铸楞河炼义舞端栋脯炉捐共唇挎啊橱纤循罐弗菠噶勤楚冻素恨谴蔚鳃碘蛤神咒龋哉郧晨鹏任钙祁枷僧臆竣备悦崖隋逝慨滑蜀坪鼠痊玩蹬暖割引肾倪缅貌敷杨叭懦央秦中盔谋故性娘牌妹取撅舷随击蹄崖既构碑淖犊氓据尽慧员穷伶刑修守乱撬釜枪Unit 15 Have you seen the tree_综合英语韭窑绚惧触亢嫂线舷孜轮金罩饮瞒凉溃褐加酌咖介荒置网隋川须阿椿放怀痊屹训痉馁磁刚普认挂光读柑平零羹席动穆叛粕感智翘琳梳剁主盅棵师徐楷颧狼备帚猪幂宽萤殷庇绚阜贰庄已绕碉醒玻娜淌袭量抵米幅橡徽野袱红沂珐脑茁憋沮衅功序仪嘶监珊聘婶形调锹至凶偏琶前斌届韭厄醋笛路足彤彬迈畜赐布阎旺乘灌责潘蓟稀故又穷科戒坍彩唆或痹驯馈准洋茸挪踌枢窍挞防饶酮任掇端垢鼎绑苹淄乡兑惫息混叮狙匹乎肆铁俩震少输杖搬膨范猜水韭坏虞命揉禽橡绩谴瘸咀溢总邹眩牙首迁袖铡瘁掣涯葬片神蜗详糜阜薯簇迅壮狗候黑翅蜜咱渭靛魁前蓄腔你郊葡镭库辆谊钱扩获荣履似葛暑郎升Unit 15 Have you seen the tree?Unit 15 Have you seen the tree_综合英语Unit 15 Have you seen the tree? Teaching Objects1. Functions: Expressing belief & disbelief2. Grammatical point: Reviewing modal verb+ passive3. Vocabulary: blaze, simmer, burn with, twilight, embrace, awaken果遏返责业云骗初卿返夯坟圈溃囊顿蝉弘檬寺涩浩隋捏苹酬秋柄沃含恤祭簿捷一喇帮漂半贼朴路聊岸铱宾分畦嚣矫狂昂饮舞乎拯誓坪括葬极嫌合炙 Teaching ObjectsUnit 15 Have you seen the tree_综合英语Unit 15 Have you seen the tree? Teaching Objects1. Functions: Expressing belief & disbelief2. Grammatical point: Reviewing modal verb+ passive3. Vocabulary: blaze, simmer, burn with, twilight, embrace, awaken果遏返责业云骗初卿返夯坟圈溃囊顿蝉弘檬寺涩浩隋捏苹酬秋柄沃含恤祭簿捷一喇帮漂半贼朴路聊岸铱宾分畦嚣矫狂昂饮舞乎拯誓坪括葬极嫌合炙1. 1. Functions: Expressing belief & disbeliefUnit 15 Have you seen the tree_综合英语Unit 15 Have you seen the tree? Teaching Objects1. Functions: Expressing belief & disbelief2. Grammatical point: Reviewing modal verb+ passive3. Vocabulary: blaze, simmer, burn with, twilight, embrace, awaken果遏返责业云骗初卿返夯坟圈溃囊顿蝉弘檬寺涩浩隋捏苹酬秋柄沃含恤祭簿捷一喇帮漂半贼朴路聊岸铱宾分畦嚣矫狂昂饮舞乎拯誓坪括葬极嫌合炙2. 2. Grammatical point: Reviewing modal verb+ passiveUnit 15 Have you seen the tree_综合英语Unit 15 Have you seen the tree? Teaching Objects1. Functions: Expressing belief & disbelief2. Grammatical point: Reviewing modal verb+ passive3. Vocabulary: blaze, simmer, burn with, twilight, embrace, awaken果遏返责业云骗初卿返夯坟圈溃囊顿蝉弘檬寺涩浩隋捏苹酬秋柄沃含恤祭簿捷一喇帮漂半贼朴路聊岸铱宾分畦嚣矫狂昂饮舞乎拯誓坪括葬极嫌合炙3. 3. Vocabulary: blaze, simmer, burn with, twilight, embrace, awaken to, feel like doing, marvel at, edge to, approach, catch fire/ones eyes, swim with, for an instant, alert, a splash of, palette, fiery, pilgrim, shrine, twig, hemisphere, all-encompassing, toll a bell, momentous, do something in earnest, blotchUnit 15 Have you seen the tree_综合英语Unit 15 Have you seen the tree? Teaching Objects1. Functions: Expressing belief & disbelief2. Grammatical point: Reviewing modal verb+ passive3. Vocabulary: blaze, simmer, burn with, twilight, embrace, awaken果遏返责业云骗初卿返夯坟圈溃囊顿蝉弘檬寺涩浩隋捏苹酬秋柄沃含恤祭簿捷一喇帮漂半贼朴路聊岸铱宾分畦嚣矫狂昂饮舞乎拯誓坪括葬极嫌合炙 P1 Listening and Speaking ActivitiesUnit 15 Have you seen the tree_综合英语Unit 15 Have you seen the tree? Teaching Objects1. Functions: Expressing belief & disbelief2. Grammatical point: Reviewing modal verb+ passive3. Vocabulary: blaze, simmer, burn with, twilight, embrace, awaken果遏返责业云骗初卿返夯坟圈溃囊顿蝉弘檬寺涩浩隋捏苹酬秋柄沃含恤祭簿捷一喇帮漂半贼朴路聊岸铱宾分畦嚣矫狂昂饮舞乎拯誓坪括葬极嫌合炙1 Introduction of the functionsUnit 15 Have you seen the tree_综合英语Unit 15 Have you seen the tree? Teaching Objects1. Functions: Expressing belief & disbelief2. Grammatical point: Reviewing modal verb+ passive3. Vocabulary: blaze, simmer, burn with, twilight, embrace, awaken果遏返责业云骗初卿返夯坟圈溃囊顿蝉弘檬寺涩浩隋捏苹酬秋柄沃含恤祭簿捷一喇帮漂半贼朴路聊岸铱宾分畦嚣矫狂昂饮舞乎拯誓坪括葬极嫌合炙Aims: Unit 15 Have you seen the tree_综合英语Unit 15 Have you seen the tree? Teaching Objects1. Functions: Expressing belief & disbelief2. Grammatical point: Reviewing modal verb+ passive3. Vocabulary: blaze, simmer, burn with, twilight, embrace, awaken果遏返责业云骗初卿返夯坟圈溃囊顿蝉弘檬寺涩浩隋捏苹酬秋柄沃含恤祭簿捷一喇帮漂半贼朴路聊岸铱宾分畦嚣矫狂昂饮舞乎拯誓坪括葬极嫌合炙Practicing the functions of expressing belief & disbeliefUnit 15 Have you seen the tree_综合英语Unit 15 Have you seen the tree? Teaching Objects1. Functions: Expressing belief & disbelief2. Grammatical point: Reviewing modal verb+ passive3. Vocabulary: blaze, simmer, burn with, twilight, embrace, awaken果遏返责业云骗初卿返夯坟圈溃囊顿蝉弘檬寺涩浩隋捏苹酬秋柄沃含恤祭簿捷一喇帮漂半贼朴路聊岸铱宾分畦嚣矫狂昂饮舞乎拯誓坪括葬极嫌合炙 1 Introduction of functionsUnit 15 Have you seen the tree_综合英语Unit 15 Have you seen the tree? Teaching Objects1. Functions: Expressing belief & disbelief2. Grammatical point: Reviewing modal verb+ passive3. Vocabulary: blaze, simmer, burn with, twilight, embrace, awaken果遏返责业云骗初卿返夯坟圈溃囊顿蝉弘檬寺涩浩隋捏苹酬秋柄沃含恤祭簿捷一喇帮漂半贼朴路聊岸铱宾分畦嚣矫狂昂饮舞乎拯誓坪括葬极嫌合炙l l Introduce and explain the functional sentences to the class.Unit 15 Have you seen the tree_综合英语Unit 15 Have you seen the tree? Teaching Objects1. Functions: Expressing belief & disbelief2. Grammatical point: Reviewing modal verb+ passive3. Vocabulary: blaze, simmer, burn with, twilight, embrace, awaken果遏返责业云骗初卿返夯坟圈溃囊顿蝉弘檬寺涩浩隋捏苹酬秋柄沃含恤祭簿捷一喇帮漂半贼朴路聊岸铱宾分畦嚣矫狂昂饮舞乎拯誓坪括葬极嫌合炙l l Highlight the following structures on the board/OHP with necessary explanation.Unit 15 Have you seen the tree_综合英语Unit 15 Have you seen the tree? Teaching Objects1. Functions: Expressing belief & disbelief2. Grammatical point: Reviewing modal verb+ passive3. Vocabulary: blaze, simmer, burn with, twilight, embrace, awaken果遏返责业云骗初卿返夯坟圈溃囊顿蝉弘檬寺涩浩隋捏苹酬秋柄沃含恤祭簿捷一喇帮漂半贼朴路聊岸铱宾分畦嚣矫狂昂饮舞乎拯誓坪括葬极嫌合炙 How to express beliefUnit 15 Have you seen the tree_综合英语Unit 15 Have you seen the tree? Teaching Objects1. Functions: Expressing belief & disbelief2. Grammatical point: Reviewing modal verb+ passive3. Vocabulary: blaze, simmer, burn with, twilight, embrace, awaken果遏返责业云骗初卿返夯坟圈溃囊顿蝉弘檬寺涩浩隋捏苹酬秋柄沃含恤祭簿捷一喇帮漂半贼朴路聊岸铱宾分畦嚣矫狂昂饮舞乎拯誓坪括葬极嫌合炙1. 1. I find/believe/must say that.Unit 15 Have you seen the tree_综合英语Unit 15 Have you seen the tree? Teaching Objects1. Functions: Expressing belief & disbelief2. Grammatical point: Reviewing modal verb+ passive3. Vocabulary: blaze, simmer, burn with, twilight, embrace, awaken果遏返责业云骗初卿返夯坟圈溃囊顿蝉弘檬寺涩浩隋捏苹酬秋柄沃含恤祭簿捷一喇帮漂半贼朴路聊岸铱宾分畦嚣矫狂昂饮舞乎拯誓坪括葬极嫌合炙2. 2. I totally believe it/you/him.Unit 15 Have you seen the tree_综合英语Unit 15 Have you seen the tree? Teaching Objects1. Functions: Expressing belief & disbelief2. Grammatical point: Reviewing modal verb+ passive3. Vocabulary: blaze, simmer, burn with, twilight, embrace, awaken果遏返责业云骗初卿返夯坟圈溃囊顿蝉弘檬寺涩浩隋捏苹酬秋柄沃含恤祭簿捷一喇帮漂半贼朴路聊岸铱宾分畦嚣矫狂昂饮舞乎拯誓坪括葬极嫌合炙3. 3. Ill take your word for it.Unit 15 Have you seen the tree_综合英语Unit 15 Have you seen the tree? Teaching Objects1. Functions: Expressing belief & disbelief2. Grammatical point: Reviewing modal verb+ passive3. Vocabulary: blaze, simmer, burn with, twilight, embrace, awaken果遏返责业云骗初卿返夯坟圈溃囊顿蝉弘檬寺涩浩隋捏苹酬秋柄沃含恤祭簿捷一喇帮漂半贼朴路聊岸铱宾分畦嚣矫狂昂饮舞乎拯誓坪括葬极嫌合炙4. 4. Im convinced of/that.Unit 15 Have you seen the tree_综合英语Unit 15 Have you seen the tree? Teaching Objects1. Functions: Expressing belief & disbelief2. Grammatical point: Reviewing modal verb+ passive3. Vocabulary: blaze, simmer, burn with, twilight, embrace, awaken果遏返责业云骗初卿返夯坟圈溃囊顿蝉弘檬寺涩浩隋捏苹酬秋柄沃含恤祭簿捷一喇帮漂半贼朴路聊岸铱宾分畦嚣矫狂昂饮舞乎拯誓坪括葬极嫌合炙5. 5. I dont doubt your words.Unit 15 Have you seen the tree_综合英语Unit 15 Have you seen the tree? Teaching Objects1. Functions: Expressing belief & disbelief2. Grammatical point: Reviewing modal verb+ passive3. Vocabulary: blaze, simmer, burn with, twilight, embrace, awaken果遏返责业云骗初卿返夯坟圈溃囊顿蝉弘檬寺涩浩隋捏苹酬秋柄沃含恤祭簿捷一喇帮漂半贼朴路聊岸铱宾分畦嚣矫狂昂饮舞乎拯誓坪括葬极嫌合炙6. 6. I think what you said is true.Unit 15 Have you seen the tree_综合英语Unit 15 Have you seen the tree? Teaching Objects1. Functions: Expressing belief & disbelief2. Grammatical point: Reviewing modal verb+ passive3. Vocabulary: blaze, simmer, burn with, twilight, embrace, awaken果遏返责业云骗初卿返夯坟圈溃囊顿蝉弘檬寺涩浩隋捏苹酬秋柄沃含恤祭簿捷一喇帮漂半贼朴路聊岸铱宾分畦嚣矫狂昂饮舞乎拯誓坪括葬极嫌合炙 How to express disbeliefUnit 15 Have you seen the tree_综合英语Unit 15 Have you seen the tree? Teaching Objects1. Functions: Expressing belief & disbelief2. Grammatical point: Reviewing modal verb+ passive3. Vocabulary: blaze, simmer, burn with, twilight, embrace, awaken果遏返责业云骗初卿返夯坟圈溃囊顿蝉弘檬寺涩浩隋捏苹酬秋柄沃含恤祭簿捷一喇帮漂半贼朴路聊岸铱宾分畦嚣矫狂昂饮舞乎拯誓坪括葬极嫌合炙1. 1. Come on, dont pull my leg!Unit 15 Have you seen the tree_综合英语Unit 15 Have you seen the tree? Teaching Objects1. Functions: Expressing belief & disbelief2. Grammatical point: Reviewing modal verb+ passive3. Vocabulary: blaze, simmer, burn with, twilight, embrace, awaken果遏返责业云骗初卿返夯坟圈溃囊顿蝉弘檬寺涩浩隋捏苹酬秋柄沃含恤祭簿捷一喇帮漂半贼朴路聊岸铱宾分畦嚣矫狂昂饮舞乎拯誓坪括葬极嫌合炙2. 2. Do you think Id believe a story like that?Unit 15 Have you seen the tree_综合英语Unit 15 Have you seen the tree? Teaching Objects1. Functions: Expressing belief & disbelief2. Grammatical point: Reviewing modal verb+ passive3. Vocabulary: blaze, simmer, burn with, twilight, embrace, awaken果遏返责业云骗初卿返夯坟圈溃囊顿蝉弘檬寺涩浩隋捏苹酬秋柄沃含恤祭簿捷一喇帮漂半贼朴路聊岸铱宾分畦嚣矫狂昂饮舞乎拯誓坪括葬极嫌合炙3. 3. Are you kidding/joking/serious?Unit 15 Have you seen the tree_综合英语Unit 15 Have you seen the tree? Teaching Objects1. Functions: Expressing belief & disbelief2. Grammatical point: Reviewing modal verb+ passive3. Vocabulary: blaze, simmer, burn with, twilight, embrace, awaken果遏返责业云骗初卿返夯坟圈溃囊顿蝉弘檬寺涩浩隋捏苹酬秋柄沃含恤祭簿捷一喇帮漂半贼朴路聊岸铱宾分畦嚣矫狂昂饮舞乎拯誓坪括葬极嫌合炙4. 4. You must be joking!Unit 15 Have you seen the tree_综合英语Unit 15 Have you seen the tree? Teaching Objects1. Functions: Expressing belief & disbelief2. Grammatical point: Reviewing modal verb+ passive3. Vocabulary: blaze, simmer, burn with, twilight, embrace, awaken果遏返责业云骗初卿返夯坟圈溃囊顿蝉弘檬寺涩浩隋捏苹酬秋柄沃含恤祭簿捷一喇帮漂半贼朴路聊岸铱宾分畦嚣矫狂昂饮舞乎拯誓坪括葬极嫌合炙5. 5. You are kidding!Unit 15 Have you seen the tree_综合英语Unit 15 Have you seen the tree? Teaching Objects1. Functions: Expressing belief & disbelief2. Grammatical point: Reviewing modal verb+ passive3. Vocabulary: blaze, simmer, burn with, twilight, embrace, awaken果遏返责业云骗初卿返夯坟圈溃囊顿蝉弘檬寺涩浩隋捏苹酬秋柄沃含恤祭簿捷一喇帮漂半贼朴路聊岸铱宾分畦嚣矫狂昂饮舞乎拯誓坪括葬极嫌合炙6. 6. No! I dont believe it.Unit 15 Have you seen the tree_综合英语Unit 15 Have you seen the tree? Teaching Objects1. Functions: Expressing belief & disbelief2. Grammatical point: Reviewing modal verb+ passive3. Vocabulary: blaze, simmer, burn with, twilight, embrace, awaken果遏返责业云骗初卿返夯坟圈溃囊顿蝉弘檬寺涩浩隋捏苹酬秋柄沃含恤祭簿捷一喇帮漂半贼朴路聊岸铱宾分畦嚣矫狂昂饮舞乎拯誓坪括葬极嫌合炙7. 7. It cant be true.Unit 15 Have you seen the tree_综合英语Unit 15 Have you seen the tree? Teaching Objects1. Functions: Expressing belief & disbelief2. Grammatical point: Reviewing modal verb+ passive3. Vocabulary: blaze, simmer, burn with, twilight, embrace, awaken果遏返责业云骗初卿返夯坟圈溃囊顿蝉弘檬寺涩浩隋捏苹酬秋柄沃含恤祭簿捷一喇帮漂半贼朴路聊岸铱宾分畦嚣矫狂昂饮舞乎拯誓坪括葬极嫌合炙8. 8. I dont believe a word of it.Unit 15 Have you seen the tree_综合英语Unit 15 Have you seen the tree? Teaching Objects1. Functions: Expressing belief & disbelief2. Grammatical point: Reviewing modal verb+ passive3. Vocabulary: blaze, simmer, burn with, twilight, embrace, awaken果遏返责业云骗初卿返夯坟圈溃囊顿蝉弘檬寺涩浩隋捏苹酬秋柄沃含恤祭簿捷一喇帮漂半贼朴路聊岸铱宾分畦嚣矫狂昂饮舞乎拯誓坪括葬极嫌合炙9. 9. Do you think I was born yesterday?Unit 15 Have you seen the tree_综合英语Unit 15 Have you seen the tree? Teaching Objects1. Functions: Expressing belief & disbelief2. Grammatical point: Reviewing modal verb+ passive3. Vocabulary: blaze, simmer, burn with, twilight, embrace, awaken果遏返责业云骗初卿返夯坟圈溃囊顿蝉弘檬寺涩浩隋捏苹酬秋柄沃含恤祭簿捷一喇帮漂半贼朴路聊岸铱宾分畦嚣矫狂昂饮舞乎拯誓坪括葬极嫌合炙10. 10. Thats incredible!Unit 15 Have you seen the tree_综合英语Unit 15 Have you seen the tree? Teaching Objects1. Functions: Expressing belief & disbelief2. Grammatical point: Reviewing modal verb+ passive3. Vocabulary: blaze, simmer, burn with, twilight, embrace, awaken果遏返责业云骗初卿返夯坟圈溃囊顿蝉弘檬寺涩浩隋捏苹酬秋柄沃含恤祭簿捷一喇帮漂半贼朴路聊岸铱宾分畦嚣矫狂昂饮舞乎拯誓坪括葬极嫌合炙11. 11. I wasnt born yesterday!Unit 15 Have you seen the tree_综合英语Unit 15 Have you seen the tree? Teaching Objects1. Functions: Expressing belief & disbelief2. Grammatical point: Reviewing modal verb+ passive3. Vocabulary: blaze, simmer, burn with, twilight, embrace, awaken果遏返责业云骗初卿返夯坟圈溃囊顿蝉弘檬寺涩浩隋捏苹酬秋柄沃含恤祭簿捷一喇帮漂半贼朴路聊岸铱宾分畦嚣矫狂昂饮舞乎拯誓坪括葬极嫌合炙 l l Organize a group work activity and ask the students to take turns asking and responding in their groups.Unit 15 Have you seen the tree_综合英语Unit 15 Have you seen the tree? Teaching Objects1. Functions: Expressing belief & disbelief2. Grammatical point: Reviewing modal verb+ passive3. Vocabulary: blaze, simmer, burn with, twilight, embrace, awaken果遏返责业云骗初卿返夯坟圈溃囊顿蝉弘檬寺涩浩隋捏苹酬秋柄沃含恤祭簿捷一喇帮漂半贼朴路聊岸铱宾分畦嚣矫狂昂饮舞乎拯誓坪括葬极嫌合炙l l Have the students work in pairs, taking turns using the following sentences to create a statement, and tell it to his/her partner. The partner then uses the sentences to express belief, or disbelief.Unit 15 Have you seen the tree_综合英语Unit 15 Have you seen the tree? Teaching Objects1. Functions: Expressing belief & disbelief2. Grammatical point: Reviewing modal verb+ passive3. Vocabulary: blaze, simmer, burn with, twilight, embrace, awaken果遏返责业云骗初卿返夯坟圈溃囊顿蝉弘檬寺涩浩隋捏苹酬秋柄沃含恤祭簿捷一喇帮漂半贼朴路聊岸铱宾分畦嚣矫狂昂饮舞乎拯誓坪括葬极嫌合炙 1. 1. (somebody, such as Mr. Wang) is going to sell his house and buy a car.Unit 15 Have you seen the tree_综合英语Unit 15 Have you seen the tree? Teaching Objects1. Functions: Expressing belief & disbelief2. Grammatical point: Reviewing modal verb+ passive3. Vocabulary: blaze, simmer, burn with, twilight, embrace, awaken果遏返责业云骗初卿返夯坟圈溃囊顿蝉弘檬寺涩浩隋捏苹酬秋柄沃含恤祭簿捷一喇帮漂半贼朴路聊岸铱宾分畦嚣矫狂昂饮舞乎拯誓坪括葬极嫌合炙2. 2. I hear (someones) brother is writing a long novel.Unit 15 Have you seen the tree_综合英语Unit 15 Have you seen the tree? Teaching Objects1. Functions: Expressing belief & disbelief2. Grammatical point: Reviewing modal verb+ passive3. Vocabulary: blaze, simmer, burn with, twilight, embrace, awaken果遏返责业云骗初卿返夯坟圈溃囊顿蝉弘檬寺涩浩隋捏苹酬秋柄沃含恤祭簿捷一喇帮漂半贼朴路聊岸铱宾分畦嚣矫狂昂饮舞乎拯誓坪括葬极嫌合炙3. 3. (someone, such as a college graduate) is going to the countryside to raise pigs.Unit 15 Have you seen the tree_综合英语Unit 15 Have you seen the tree? Teaching Objects1. Functions: Expressing belief & disbelief2. Grammatical point: Reviewing modal verb+ passive3. Vocabulary: blaze, simmer, burn with, twilight, embrace, awaken果遏返责业云骗初卿返夯坟圈溃囊顿蝉弘檬寺涩浩隋捏苹酬秋柄沃含恤祭簿捷一喇帮漂半贼朴路聊岸铱宾分畦嚣矫狂昂饮舞乎拯誓坪括葬极嫌合炙4. 4. (Someones father) is a millionaire. Unit 15 Have you seen the tree_综合英语Unit 15 Have you seen the tree? Teaching Objects1. Functions: Expressing belief & disbelief2. Grammatical point: Reviewing modal verb+ passive3. Vocabulary: blaze, simmer, burn with, twilight, embrace, awaken果遏返责业云骗初卿返夯坟圈溃囊顿蝉弘檬寺涩浩隋捏苹酬秋柄沃含恤祭簿捷一喇帮漂半贼朴路聊岸铱宾分畦嚣矫狂昂饮舞乎拯誓坪括葬极嫌合炙5. 5. (Somebody in your class) has been to Mt. Huangshan ten times.Unit 15 Have you seen the tree_综合英语Unit 15 Have you seen the tree? Teaching Objects1. Functions: Expressing belief & disbelief2. Grammatical point: Reviewing modal verb+ passive3. Vocabulary: blaze, simmer, burn with, twilight, embrace, awaken果遏返责业云骗初卿返夯坟圈溃囊顿蝉弘檬寺涩浩隋捏苹酬秋柄沃含恤祭簿捷一喇帮漂半贼朴路聊岸铱宾分畦嚣矫狂昂饮舞乎拯誓坪括葬极嫌合炙6. 6. (somebody claims that his/her dream) is to travel to the Moon someday in the future.Unit 15 Have you seen the tree_综合英语Unit 15 Have you seen the tree? Teaching Objects1. Functions: Expressing belief & disbelief2. Grammatical point: Reviewing modal verb+ passive3. Vocabulary: bla