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    A Research into the Newspaper AdvertisingLi LongAbstract: Advertising is a form of communication intended to persuade an audience (viewers, readers or listeners) to purchase or take some action upon products, ideas, or services. Nowadays, with people having more free time at week, they are able to spend more of that time reading the newspaper, and also perusing the adverts inside. Newspaper Advertising is one special kind of advertising. Newspapers generally feature two types of ads. A successful newspaper ad needs a lot element to attract Academic advisor: Alexander Key words: Newspaper Advertising, advantages and disadvantages, types, successful ads. Advantages of newspaper advertising· Newspaper is still an easy way to achieve a broad reach, but if your business customers are in the immediate geographic area, this might not be the best option at your disposal.· For this reason, newspaper allows you to target certain regions of your city and take advantage of special advertising sections.· If you have a showroom for your products, newspaper can be a good way to extend your showroom and put your items on display. This is especially useful for local furniture retailers, automotive showrooms, realtors, grocers, and drugstores.· Similar to the yellow pages, being next to your competitors provides you exposure to your marketable prospects.Disadvantages of Newspaper Advertising· Touched upon earlier, market penetration continues to decrease, with many newspapers achieving less than 50% penetration.· Consider how many of your prospects are newspaper readers vs newspaper browsers.· The number of younger readers is declining, and spending less time reading the paper.· Despite zone targeting, zoned editions often are too large to match your desired target.· Depending on your market, some newspapers are 60-70% advertising.  Often it is prohibitively expensive to attempt to break through the clutter in the newspaper.Effective Ad TypesPeople get their news from so many sources these days that newspapers aren't as effective as they once were. This doesn't mean your newspaper ad won't be effective, but it does mean you need to plan your print ads more strategically. Some types of ads will be more effective than others. It will depend on your target audience, the type of products you offer and where the ad is seen.Newspapers generally feature two types of ads. First, there is the classified ad or text ad, and then you have retail advertising or display ads. The display ad may be all text or include images and can be found throughout the publication. All of the following types of newspaper ads refer to display ads.Business Card Ad - This type of ad basically says who and where you are, and what you sell. It may include your logo. Short and sweet, that's it. This could be a nice small ad that you run year round.Coupon Ad - These are great for sales promotions to bring new customers to the store. By offering a certain dollar or percent amount off your merchandise, the coupon offer is also one of the easiest ads to track the effectiveness.Sale Ad - Instead of offering a discount to a particular customer like the Coupon Ad, the Sale Ad invites the public into their store to receive a discount on a product, department or the entire store. Most retailers limit the extent of their newspaper advertising to the ad featuring a clearance or other markdown sale.Spotlight Ad - This type of newspaper ad focuses the attention to a particular product, product line, staff member or customer of your business. This looks good as a larger display ad run just a few times each year.Informational Ad - This ad could be written as a Q&A ad offering your professional advice on a topic your store covers. It could also be written in a journalistic style making it read like an article instead of an advertisement.How to Succeed With Newspaper Advertising  With newspaper advertising, Consistent Advertising = Familiarity = Trust = Customers. People wont buy from you until they trust you.  Trust and confidence take time to build up. To be successful with newspaper advertising, you need persistence, patience, and a budget to keep your newspaper advertising running to build that trust.  Your ad should appear in the same place in the newspaper at least weekly for an indefinite period forever. Expect to run your newspaper advertising for two months before you see an increase in sales. It takes some time to build trust. And if you quit, you have to start all over again. Dont waste your money starting a newspaper advertising program if you cant give it time to work.  A Few Newspaper Advertising Facts  Fifty-seven percent of adults in the U.S. read a daily newspaper. Sixty-seven percent read a Sunday paper. They spend almost 45 minutes per day reading at least one paper, and over an hour on Sunday. Newspapers get the biggest share of advertising revenue in this country. Almost 22% of all ad dollars go to newspapers. Over 85% of that money is spent by local advertisers. There are over 1,600 daily papers in the United States with a circulation approaching 58 million. There are over 7,000 weekly papers with a circulation of over 50 million.When and Where Your Ad Should Appear Your newspaper advertising strategy will depend on your type of business. The key question is: “When and where what newspaper sections on what days do your customers look for your type of business?"  Here are some general placement guidelines: 1. A smaller advertisement run repeatedly will do better than a larger ad run less often. Familiarity = trust.2. Shoppers read the Friday, Saturday and Sunday papers to plan their weekend shopping. Saturday is the most important of the three, but Sunday is the most widely read. If you are a retail store, you probably want your newspaper advertising to run on these days.3. The public knows to read the paper on certain days of the week to get certain information. If your competitors are all running their newspaper advertising on Wednesday in the same section, there is a reason. Shoppers know to look there for information about your type of business. If you change your ad and your customers dont recognize it, you will have wasted all of the trust you have built up over time. Many companies never change their basic newspaper advertising design. This is a good strategy as long as the ads are working. Attention You will see us repeat this idea over and over. Your ad has a zero percent chance of succeeding if your prospect doesnt read it.  Attention is everything in newspaper advertising. Dont be shy. You want the biggest ad that makes economic sense, and the most stunning presentation you can design. Your ad must stand out from contrast with all of the others on the page. Conservative ads wont even get noticed. Think about it. Direct Response Newspaper Advertising Once you get their attention, your newspaper advertising needs to motivate your customers to respond now. A direct response ad is written to get attention, interest, desire, and action immediately. Think of it this way: Where will that newspaper be in 24 hours?  Now, think about that huge mountain of inertia you must overcome with your customers to get action. You want them to take a financial risk, clip your ad, get in their car, drive to your store, deal with your staff, buy your products, carry them home, assemble and install, etc. etc. etc. All they want to do is sit in their chair and peacefully read their newspaper. How are you going to get them to respond?  You use direct response newspaper advertising, and you create professional advertisements using professional marketing techniques.  You need to make your customers squirm, or wince, or laugh, or cry. You need them excited, exhilarated, and ready. Make them feel danger. Fear. Heat. Sex. Hunger. Desire. Stoke them up, and then tell them how to get what they want. Fulfill that desire. Quench that thirst. Eliminate that pain. Easy. Fast. Free.   You'd better, or no one will call. Actually, this may be a bad example, because there is a certain built-in motivation to get someone else to clean your dirty diapers. But no matter what your service or product, you need to build real motivation in your customers if you want them to respond to your newspaper advertising. Summary Newspaper advertising is a very efficient way to attract customers. In a sense, we can say that it is some kind of art. However, newspaper advertising is also a good way for us to learn English and English culture. Paper Title: A Research into the Newspaper AdvertisingAcademic advisor: Shen XuemuName: Li LongClass:08Q2Quancheng College ,University of Jinan.


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