论食品供应链管理和食品质量安全 上世纪90年代以来,供应链管理已成为学术界和实业界关注的热门话题,特别是供应链管理成功地应用于IBM、P&G、DELL 等公司的经营管理以后,食品和农产品行业也纷纷效仿并借助供应链管理这一工具来提高自身的竞争力。1996年,Zuurbier等学者在一般供应链的基础上,首次提出了食品供应链概念,并认为食品供应链管理是农产品和食品生产销售等组织,为了降低食品和农产品物流成本、提高其质量安全和物流服务水平而进行的垂直一体化运作模式。如今,在美国、英国、加拿大和荷兰等农业生产较为发达的国家,这一管理模式已经广为应用,并逐渐成为当今学术研究的重点课题。对食品供应链管理的研究大致经历了三个阶段:第一阶段为商流管理阶段,研究范围包括农产品和食品加工企业的产出到消费者消费前的商流阶段,其研究内容通常被包含在营销范畴内;第二阶段为集成物流管理阶段,农产品的物流管理从市场营销中分离出来,且向上游扩展到农产品和食品生产企业的生产加工过程,强调生产应以市场需求为导向和对整个物流环节的成本控制;第三阶段为供应链一体化管理阶段,研究范围进一步向上游延伸到农产品的最上游企业(如种子供应商等),延伸的目的是为了跟踪和追溯农产品食品质量安全问题,以便快速和有效地发现并解决问题。本文介绍了不同食品供应链的生产物流系统特点,并对食品供应链与食品质量安全管理的发展进行了分析和探讨。一食品供应链管理的产生原因近年来,食品供应链的产生和发展是人们对食品消费的要求不断提高的必然结果。具体而言,产生的原因主要有:(1)消费者对食品和农产品的新鲜度要求越来越高,并要求食品和农产品交货期、生产期越短越好。(2)消费者对食品和农产品的质量要求也越来越高,迫使食品生产企业实行食品供应链管理,以保证稳定的上游原料供应和下游的销售渠道畅通。(3)消费者对食品的质量安全也越来越关注。为了满足消费者对食品和农产品在种类和数量上的要求,企业不断寻求和研发新技术,而新技术和新方法的过度使用(如杀虫剂、激素、抗生素和转基因技术等),在满足了消费者需求的同时,也不可避免地对人体产生了危害从而引起食品质量安全问题。这是因为市场中买卖双方信息不对称,消费者在购买食品或农产品时,不了解产品的卫生、环保和安全信息。因此,企业有必要在生产过程的各个环节对产品进行检验和检测并及时向消费者披露这些信息。(4)食品和农产品企业迫于政府、 相关社会组织和消费者的要求和压力,不得不按食品供应链来进行运作。例如,欧盟管理法规第178号规定,从2004年起在欧盟范围内销售的所有食品,都要实行食品供应链跟踪与追溯;同样在美国,食品与药品管理局规定,在美国国内外从事食品生产、加工和包装等的部门以及相关组织,在2003年12月12日前要向食品与药品管理局进行登记,以便进行食品安全跟踪与追溯,未登记者就不许从事食品生产和销售。由此可见,食品供应链管理是在市场内在动力和政府外在压力的情况下促成的。二食品供应链生产物流系统食品供应链的形成是与其物流系统的内容不断变化密切相关的,特别是在食品和农产品生产物流系统不断演变的情况下,为人们创建高效率的食品供应链管理范式提供了基础。根据食品和农产品物流的发展阶段,典型的食品供应链可划分为哑铃型、T型、对称型和混合型四种类型。1.哑铃型食品供应链。这种类型的食品供应链严格来说是一种准供应链。它的特点是供应链较短,连接位于两端的交易主体很多,而中间链节少且交易主体也较少,呈现为哑铃型。由于上游生产者拥有的技术条件较差、产量低和品种少,故上游聚集了为数众多的农产品生产者;同时,由于产品生产地离市场较近且只提供单一农产品,也又使得链中参与交易的主体大多为农产品生产者,他们在市场上进行直接交易,而少有联系生产者和消费者之间的中间商,因此,种植业者直接将食品和农产品销售给消费者。在发展中国家,特别是靠近城镇地区的蔬菜供应,一般都采用这种类型的供应链。2.T型食品供应链。这种类型的食品供应链一般适用于食品和农产品的生产地和销售地相距较远,消费需求差异较大的情况。由于农产品易腐烂,农产品生产者不可能直接销售自己的产品,需要通过必要的中间商提供服务,如第三方物流、农产品深加工商和批发商等所提供的相应服务。这种类型的供应链,上游聚集了较多的农产品生产者,而在中游环节对产地生产情况比较了解,又在销售地占有一定渠道优势的销售商却较少。因此,T型食品供应链的上游种植业者众多,而中下游中间商和销售商较少且集中,供应链的形状呈现为 T型。与哑铃型食品供应链相比,它的链条较长,食品和农产品的销售表现为间接性和增值服务性。这种类型的食品供应链在中国较为普遍,在中国农业产业化不发达的地区,由于缺乏一端连接上游农户,另一端联结销售市场、专门从事农产品加工的龙头企业以及相应的中间环节,农产品生产往往和市场需求相脱节。因此T型食品供应链由于中间环节缺位和低水平的物流运作,易出现上游农户盲目生产而下游农产品销售困难的现象。3.对称型食品供应链。随着新兴销售业态的出现,销售渠道日益被大型专业市场和超市所垄断,农产品和食品的传统销售形式也被超市所取代,而且这种趋势越来越明显,同时由于技术水平的提高,农产品生产也趋向于由少数种植商集约经营。Boselie.D通过对泰国皇家阿荷生鲜超市食品供应链管理的调查发现,曼谷有50%的食品和农产品是在大型超市(如7-11、皇家阿荷、家乐福、Sainsburry和TESCO)售出的。这些大型超市为了满足市场对农产品品质一致性和供应稳定性的要求,对供应商进行了严格的筛选。因此,皇家阿荷生鲜超市实施食品供应链管理后,将供应商从原来的250家减少为60家左右,使物流系统更加高效和简洁。随着上游农产品供应商数目的锐减和超市连锁店的不断扩张,这种食品供应链的上游供应商与下游超市连锁店的数目呈现对称增长之态势。在发达国家及物流发展较为成熟的大城市里,这种食品供应链经常表现为集中采购、统一流通配送和减少不增值的物流环节,以实现节约成本的精益物流战略。4.混合型食品供应链。随着市场食品和农产品消费需求的多样化,食品和农产品加工的比重也在逐步提高。据有关统计表明,美国2002年度未加工和加工蔬菜的比例为15%和85%;水果为30%和70%。其他国家的情况也大致如此。大型超市为了适应消费需求的显著变化,将原先由独立企业从事的专业化生产的增值环节进行“内部化” ,专门建立大型加工及配送中心,对农产品进行清洗、分类、深度加工、包装和配送等增值业务,同时通过在大型加工中心实施HACCP和GMP加工质量和卫生安全认证,来保证食品和农产品的品质安全。这个环节是前述三个食品供应链中所没有的,这是大型超市和连锁店对市场需求作出快速反应的结果。随着上游供应商实力和优势的增强,加工中心的部分功能,如清洗、分类和深度加工等环节又向供应商回流,使得加工中心的重点放在处理和不断扩大的农产品数量和种类业务上。因此,这种食品供应链是一种综合型、多品种、大批量和多频次的混合型供应链体系。这种食品供应链更关注消费者的满意度,通过加工中心来对市场需求作出快速反应,并实时对农产品和食品进行“量身定制”和深度加工,以实现不同于精益物流的灵捷物流战略。三食品供应链跟踪与食品质量安全近年来,由于食品供应链合作的重点由原来的保证供货质量逐步转向加强食品和农产品的质量安全,如疯牛病、口蹄疫和转基因食品等的出现。农产品和食品质量安全的跟踪离不开食品供应链管理,因此基于质量安全的食品供应链跟踪成了食品供应链管理的重点和难点。Golan.E等通过对美国生鲜农产品、谷类和油菜以及牛肉制品的调查研究发现,三者经食品供应链跟踪后,在食品质量安全方面出现了很大的差异。而分析这些差异,他们又发现三种农产品食品供应链管理的共性,即存在三种驱动力。这也是企业实施食品供应链管理时需要分析考察的问题:1.有利于食品和农产品差别化营销,以提高食品和农产品的销量。通过那些细小的或不能直接发现的食品质量安全的特性,可区别不同类型的农产品和食品。因为在食品和农产品市场上不仅存在大量单一的谷类和肉类产品,而且也有根据消费者不同的偏好和口味量身定制的食品。有些农产品和食品的质量可能容易判别,而另一些则不容易直接判别,甚至在消费之后也不能马上发现其质量问题。例如,转基因食用油,如未进行标识,消费者就很难判别食用油是否由非转基因大豆加工而成。因此,对农产品和食品的安全质量和品质进行细分,是差别化营销的必要前提。2.有利于农产品和食品质量安全的跟踪,减少食品和农产品召回成本。许多企业已利用食品供应链跟踪系统,来最大限度地减少食品安全体系缺陷可能造成的潜在损失。供应商通常有着很强的经济驱动性,当发现食品有安全隐患和质量问题时,他们往往会采取措施,避免食品质量安全问题给企业自身或品牌带来负面的影响。基于食品供应链的跟踪能帮助企业缩短确认和清理有问题食品的时间,为此,国外许多企业将相关标识信息揭示在食品包装上,以便利消费者的识别和认定。例如,在美国大多数要求召回的食品和农产品都被公布在美国农业部食品安全和检验服务的官方网站上,以便消费者根据食品包装的标识信息来判定有问题的食品和农产品。有些企业则通过使用先进RSS条码系统和EAN/UCC全球统一标识系统,更为具体地揭示食品供应链的标识信息,如每种产品的种子、施肥、使用抗生素的情况、生产时间、生产线、生产地、生产所使用的技术和生产次序,等等。因此某种产品一旦出现问题,这些标识信息将能够发挥很大的作用。目前,欧盟已经采用EAN/UCC系统,成功地开展了对牛肉、蔬菜等食品追踪的研究。通过采用EAN/UCC-128条码符号、GLN(全球位置码)可以对食品供应链全过程中的产品及其属性信息和参与方信息等进行有效的标识。在对食品跟踪与追溯时,要求供应链中的每一道加工环节,不仅要对自己所加工完成的产品进行标识,还要采集所需加工的食品原料上的已有标识信息,并将其全部信息标识在加工完成的产品上,以备下一道加工环节或消费者使用,从而有效地解决了供应链各环节之间的联系比较脆弱、实施跟踪和追溯难度大的问题,也为企业减少因缺乏明确信息而将混在优质食品中的劣质食品连同优质食品一同处理的可能性。3.有利于提高和改善供应方的物流管理。对于企业来说,管理生产物流和跟踪相关零售信息(如条形码),能帮助企业了解其食品供应链的物流流出状况,以便对供应链上游物流的流入进行有效管理。特别是有些企业采用了基于质量安全的食品供应链的高新技术追溯系统,如农场主使用电子耳标识和相关数据收集卡来跟踪食品和农产品的免疫记录、健康记录和饲养记录等。这些食品供应链的信息也能使食品或农产品在市场上获得与其质量相符的价格。然而,对所有食品和农产品都实施食品供应链的质量安全跟踪是没有必要的。Van Weele根据市场对农产品和食品信息的需求,确定食品供应链信息跟踪的宽度、深度和精度。同理,企业对食品供应链信息跟踪的宽度、深度和精度也反映出其对基于质量安全的食品供应链的成本和收益的一种综合取向。因为信息跟踪的宽度、深度和精度决定着企业整合食品供应链的投入和成本。只有当收益大于成本时,企业所选择的宽度、深度和精度才是实施供应链质量安全跟踪的动力和保证。Discussion on food supply chain management and food quality and safetySince the 1990s, supply chain management has become the academic and business circles hot topic, especially in supply chain management successfully applied to IBM, P & G, DELL, etc. after the company's management, food and agricultural industries have followed suit and Supply chain management with a tool to improve their competitiveness. 1996, Zuurbier and other scholars in general, on the basis of the supply chain, first proposed the concept of the food supply chain, and that the food supply chain management of agricultural and food production and marketing organization, food and agricultural products in order to reduce logistics costs and improve its quality and safety and logistics service level and for vertical integration mode of operation. Now, in the U.S., UK, Canada and the Netherlands and other more developed countries, agricultural production, this management model has been widely used, and gradually become the focus of academic research project.The food supply chain management research has gone through three stages: the first stage of the business flow management phase, the study of agricultural products and food processing enterprises, including the output of consumer spending to business before the flow phase, the content of their research is often included In the marketing context; the second stage of integrated logistics management phase, agricultural marketing, logistics management separate from, and to extend to the upstream producers of agricultural and food production process, emphasizing the production should be based on market demand and cost control throughout the supply chain; the third stage of supply chain integration management phase, the study extends further upstream to the most upstream agricultural enterprises (such as seed suppliers, etc.), the purpose is to extend the tracking and tracing of food quality and safety of agricultural products issues in order to quickly and effectively identify and solve problems. This article describes the production of different food supply chain logistics system characteristics, and the food supply chain management with the development of food quality and safety are analyzed and discussed.One. Food causes of supply chain managementIn recent years, the food supply chain, production and development of people's increasing demands for food consumption, the inevitable result. Specifically, the causes are: (1) the consumer fresh food and agricultural products have become increasingly demanding and require delivery of food and agricultural products, the production period as short as possible. (2) consumers of food and agricultural products quality requirements have become more sophisticated, forcing food manufacturers to implement the food supply chain management to ensure a stable supply of raw materials upstream and downstream sales channels. (3) food quality and safety of consumers are increasingly concerned about. In order to meet consumer demand for food and agricultural products in the type and quantity requirements, companies continue to seek and develop new technologies, and new technologies and new methods of excessive use (such as pesticides, hormones, antibiotics and genetically modified technology, etc.) to meet the consumer demand, but also inevitably produced a hazard causing human food quality and safety issues. This is because buyers and sellers in the market information asymmetry, consumers in the purchase of food or agricultural products, the products do not understand the health, environmental and safety information. Therefore, enterprises need in all aspects of the production process inspection and testing of products and timely disclosure of information to consumers. (4) food and agricultural companies forced the government, Relevant social organizations and consumer demands and pressure to press the food supply chain to operate. For example, EU regulations No. 178, as from 2004 in all EU-wide sales of food, must be implemented to track and trace food supply chain; the same in the United States Food and Drug Administration regulations in the United States and abroad engaged in food production, processing and packaging departments and related organizations in the December 12, 2003 to register the Food and Drug Administration for food safety tracking and tracing, on the allowed unregistered persons engaged in food production and sales. Thus, the food supply chain management is inherent in the market dynamics and the external pressure the government to promote the case.Two. Food supply chain, production logistics systemThe formation of the food supply chain logistics system with the changing content of closely related, particularly in the food and agricultural production logistics system evolving situation, for people to create a highly efficient food supply chain management paradigm provides the basis. According to food and agricultural products logistics stage of development, typical of the food supply chain can be divided into dumbbell-shaped, T-, symmetric and mixed four types.1dumbbell food supply chain. This type of food supply chain is a quasi-strict supply chain. It is characterized by a shorter supply chain, connecting the main lot located at both ends of the transaction, while the middle of the main chain are few and fewer transactions, showing the dumbbell type. Upstream producers have poor technical conditions, production is low and less variety, it gathered a large number of upstream agricultural producers; the same time, products from the market to close and only a single farm, it also makes the chain in Most of the main trading agricultural producers, their direct trading in the market, and little contact between producers and consumers, middlemen, so growers sell directly to consumers food and agricultural products. In developing countries, especially near urban areas, the supply of vegetables, generally using this type of supply chain.2.T type of food supply chain. This type of food supply chains are generally applicable to food and agricultural production and sales of land to the far distance, consumer demand quite different situation. As perishable agricultural products, agricultural producers can not sell their products directly, through intermediaries to provide the necessary services, such as third-party logistics, agricultural processors and wholesalers provide appropriate services. This type of supply chain, upstream gathered more producers, and in the middle part of a better understanding of the origin of production, but also in the sales channels to occupy a certain advantage, but fewer vendors. Therefore, T-food supply chain and many growers, brokers and sellers and less downstream and concentrated, showing the shape of the supply chain for the T-type. And dumbbell-shaped compared to the food supply chain, which chain is longer, the sales performance of food and agricultural products and value-added services for the indirect nature. This type of food supply chains more common in China, China's agriculture industry in less developed regions, due to lack of upstream farmers to connect one end, other end of the link sales market, specializing in the processing of agricultural products among leading enterprises and the corresponding part of agricultural production often out of line with market demand. Therefore, T-middle part of the food supply chain as a low level of absence and logistics operation, prone to upstream farmers and downstream production of agricultural products sold blindly difficult phenomenon.3symmetric food supply chain. With the emergence of new sales formats, distribution channels are increasingly large-scale professional market and supermarket monopoly, the traditional sales of agricultural products and food forms have been replaced by supermarkets, and this trend is more and more obvious, and because of its technological level of agricultural products production also tends to intensive management by a few growers. Boselie.D Ahe by the Royal Thai supermarket fresh food supply chain management survey found that 50% of Bangkok's food and agricultural products in large supermarkets (such as 7-11, Royal Ahe, Carrefour, Sainsburry and TESCO) sold of. These large supermarkets in order to meet the market for agricultural products, quality consistency and supply stability requirements, the supplier of a rigorous screening. Therefore, the implementation of the Royal Ahe supermarket fresh food supply chain management, will be vendors from the original 250 was reduced to about 60, so that the logistics system more efficient and concise. With the upper reaches of the sharp drop in the number of suppliers of agricultural products and the continuous expansion of the supermarket chain, this food supply chain, upstream suppliers and downstream number of supermarket chains showed symmetrical growth trend. Logistics development in developed and more mature cities, this has been expressed in the food supply chain, centralized purchasing, reduce non-uniform flow distribution and value-added logistics sectors, in order to achieve cost savings of lean logistics strategy.4mixed food supply chain. With consumer demand for food and agricultural products market diversification, the proportion of food and agricultural processing has gradually improved. According to the statistics that the United States in 2002 raw and processed vegetables for 15% and 85%; fruit of 30% and 70%. Other countries also generally the case. Large supermarkets in order to meet consumer demand significant changes to the original by an independent enterprise engaged in specialized production of value-added aspects of "internal" and specifically the establishment of large-scale processing and distribution center for agricultural products for cleaning, sorting, in-depth processing, packaging and distribution and other value-added services, through the implementation of HACCP in a large processing center and GMP certification process quality and health and safety, to ensure the quality of food and agricultural safety. The link is above three does not have the food supply chain, which is large supermarkets and chain stores to respond quickly to market demands results. With upstream sup