电子商务之诚信问题中英文对照 外文文献 论文专用.doc
电子商务之诚信问题一 我国电子商务存在的诚信问题 中国电子商务诚信危机的表现利用电子商务进行交易必然会涉及到信用与支付问题。由于电子商务的“无纸化”和“无址化”, 对参加交易的各方提出了更高的信用要求.处于转型期的中国社会,传统的“义理社会”价值体系的约束作用正在日趋削弱,而基于法制基础之上的“契约社会”还远未形成.信用的概念在不少人的眼中甚是淡薄,因此也给与电子商务密切配套的支付手段带来了很大的不利影响.目前国内所进行的电子商务交易,其支付手段可以说是土洋结合。信用卡、借记卡、储蓄卡、邮局汇款和货到付款等多种支付方式混合使用,有的甚至是使用网上查询、网下交易的方法.虽然现在有一些银行开始进行在线支付和开办网上银行业务等方面的试点工作,但是在中国信用制度还很不完善的情况下,单靠银行的力量也很难解决这一问题.而且,由于人与人间的信任度较差,很少有人愿意贸然通过网络的形式把自己的信用卡帐号等个人资料告诉企业,因为稍不留神就会发生想象不到的严重问题.现实中也确实发生过这样的情况,有人把信用卡帐号等个人资料在网上告诉了企业,被一些不良企业把不应收的货款划走,等到消费者发现已为时过晚。现在大多数从事电子商务的企业,都选择了货到付款这样一种较可靠的方式,以解决在货款的支付中双方互不信任的问题.但是,电子商务活动进行的最终目的,就是为了进行快捷、方便、安全的交易,使资金使用和货物流向趋于合理。如果我们仍然沿用传统的交易方法,使用现款支付的方式来实行网上交易,必然会制约企业电子商务的运作规模,而且违背了电子商务活动的初衷。 电子商务环节中存在的失信行为大体表现在一下几个方面:1.货物品质失真 消费者利用电子商务网站网上购物,虽具有安全、方便等诸多的优点,但根据消费者反馈,通过上网所购的商品往往达不到消费者的心理预期,还存在以次充好的现象。例如作者经常在淘宝网上购物,往往在网站图片上看到的货品样式十分诱人,图片制作非常优美,可是等到购买之后,货物送到自己手上的时候才发现实物和网站上的图片相差甚,感觉非常不值。货品失真,是电子商务网上购物存在的一个非常严重的失信现象。2货物失踪在网上购物的消费者投诉方面,消费者进行了网上支付,却没收到货物的投诉不在少数,这种设诉现象可以分以下几种具体情况: 物流环节出了问题,导致卖方无法受到货物; 买方恶意骗货; 卖方欺诈。3商务网站巨额负债 之所以将网站亏损算作失信行为是因为目前许多大型B2B, B2C 电子商务网站用赊销的经营方式,即对供货企业保证还款,一旦网站破产.将给债权企业带来巨大损失。4信用卡诈骗 电子商务的支付与结算,需要电子化金融体系的密切配合,如果安全问题被人忽视,消费者的信用卡就可能被人盗用。5商务网站进行虚假信用炒作 一些网站卖家,为提高自己的信用评级进行虚假信用炒作,而交易平台与监管部门协调并不密切,使得消费者投诉无门。由于网站本身就是监管者,这种现象的出现就见怪不怪了。二 中国电子商务诚信问题的深层次探究网络媒介信息不对称信息不对称这一现象早在2 0 世纪70 年代便受到英国剑桥大学教授詹姆斯·莫里斯(James Mirleees)和美国哥伦比亚大学教授威廉·维克瑞网Liam Vicke 两位经济学家的关注和研究,此后30 多年来,不对称信息理论在经济活动中的作用越来越大,为表彰这两位经济学家的杰出贡献,1996 年授予了他们诺贝尔经济学奖。意味着这一理论体系的最终完成,它为市场经济提供了一个新的视角。信息不对称现象是指交易双方总有一方只能获取不完整的信息。两位经济学家的研究表明:信息不对称现象广泛存在于市场经济中,降低了交易者信心,提高交易成本,从而对整个行业产生次品驱逐优质品的破坏作用。电子商务是新兴事物,其实质是一种新的交易模式和手段。即:通过网络完成商务活动。其作用除了造就新型的在线虚拟企业之外,主要体现在它对传统产业的全面改造上。电子商务应用互联网发布相关信息,加快社会公众的认知程度,以节省交易成本。但是与传统商务活动相比,电子商务中存在的信息不对称现象不是更少,而是更多,并且更加复杂。笔者认为以下几种电子商务环节中的信息不对称现象是各种失信行为的直接原因。1消费者与商务网站之间的“签约前信息不对称” 信息经济学把商品分为搜索商品与经验商品。一般而言,商品的有关特性可以通过购买时的触摸、掂量和查验来辨别的商品为搜索商品,而那些需要在使用一段时期后才能辨别和了解其特性的商品称为经验物品。例如:在传统交易中鲜花是典型的搜索商品,我们可以在购买之前,看到花的颜色和光泽,闻到花香,通过水分含量判断花朵的采摘时间。而在电子商务的购物环节,几乎所有的商品都成了经验商品。通过网站上花的图片,消费者所能得到的信息只有花的品种及颜色,对香气、采摘时间和花朵数等信息根本无从了解,或者说这些信息的获取成本太高(配置芳香识别系统)。这使卖方处于有利地位,消费者处于信息不对称,也使卖方以次充好成为可能。由于这种信息不对称发生在签约前,所以被称为“签约前信息不对称”。2消费者与网站之间的“签约后信息不对称”网上购物中的“骗退”现象是由于网站无法得知消费者是否收到货物,即是否消费者收到货物时,货物己经存在缺陷。于是买方处在有利地位,卖方处于信息不对称,由于这种信息不对称现象发生在签约之后,所以被称为“签约后信息不对称".商务网站要建立诚信形象,就必须完善售后服务保障体系,承诺退货。但如果消费者滥用退货,网站又很难判断消费者退货的真正原因是送货环节造成的,还是买方故意造成的。这就加大了诚信网站的诚信成本。3物流企业与商务网站之间的“隐藏行动” 电子商务无需物流环节就可以完成交易,但是货物还要通过邮局或物流公司才能送到消费者手中。卖方的责任和义务应是按时发货,如遇到物流问题协助对方查询。在中国,邮政的工作态度与工作效率实在让人不敢恭维。邮政从来不向客户保证什么,那么它的行为就属于“隐藏行为”。商务网站往往处于信息不对称的劣势一方。4融资机构与网站之间的“隐藏行为” 我国的商业银行目前仅仅是资金的提供者,很少充当市场信息的提供者和中介者。就是说,国有商业银行缺乏获取和判断市场信息的能力。自然无法识别商务网站的“隐藏行为”。信息不对称一方面为缺乏诚信的商务网站骗贷创造了条件;另一方面,给所有商务网站的融资活动出了难题。5供货企业与商务网站之间的“隐藏信息” 目前,我国从事B2B. B2C 的电子商务网站大多采取赊销的手段从供货企业获得商品。赊销是商务网站缺乏资金和融资难的表现。赊销在缓解商务网站资金紧缺的同时,也增加了网站运营的债务风险。由于商务网站的财务状况是供货企业无法了解的,所以这些信息被称为“隐藏信息”。一旦商务网站经营出现问题,“隐藏信息”就会被夸大,直接导致商务网站信用危机,也给债权企业造成损失。如2001 年年底my8848 网由于经营不善倒闭,拖欠供货企业和消费者货款600 多万元,使供货企业损失惨重电子商务行业相关法律规章制度不完善 消费者网上购物,要等到商品送达后才能确认商品是否所需、商品是否完好无损。若商家未提供换货、退货或退款的保证,为避免买到不实商品,劣质或损坏的商品,即使商家提供更多的优惠政策,消费者仍不愿上网消费。目前,在我国还没有形成这样的第三方保证机制,通常由商家承诺保证退换货,但是由于对商家信用的认定很难,商家保证退换货的承诺也很难被消费者相信。达成供求协议后,交易双方都面临对方毁约的风险。合同是依赖法律规范来执行的,然而法律规范的制定与确立往往无法赶上互联网技术的飞速发展,最终网络交易的履行还是要靠社会规范配合有效的执法才能保证。由于我国的社会制度尚不完善,在网络经济的冲击下形成的创新机制,还不足以应付科技进步所带来的新的交易形式,从而导致电子商务交易处于一种高风险的状况。电子商务立法滞后于电子商务发展,商务活动无法可依。我国信息化的飞速发展,使原有的相关法律制度无法调节信息对时代产生的新的法律关系,尽管国家已经颁布了计算机软件保护条例、计算机信息系统安全保护条例、计算机信息网络国际联网管理暂行规定等相关的法律规范。但面对电子商务这种商品交易与计算机技术相结合的新兴的贸易形式,目前我国尚只有中华人民共和国电子签名法这一部关于电子商务的国家立法。2004 年8 月颁布了中华人民共和国电子签名法,该法案已于2005 年4 月1 日起实行。这一法案的出台在一定程度上对电子商务起到规范保障作用,但仅有一个这样的法律不能解决信用体系中所有的问题,要推进电子商务的健康发展,最重要的是还应建立一套完善的网上信用保证制度。对电子商务来说,法治是非常重要的,新的贸易形式,必定产生利益分配的重新组合,在这个没有硝烟的争夺利益的战场上,所有参与者都必须在法律的规范内,遵循公允的游戏规则。行业自律不足电子商务行业自律尚未形成。从事电子商务行业的队伍总体素质和水平偏低,缺乏对从业人员必要的管理,以及行使行业标准制定、行业国际交流的职能机构。由中国电子商务协会政策法律委员会发起、起草,由易趣网、一拍网、搜易得等9 家电子商务交易平台共同参与制定的网络交易平台服务规范。网络交易平台服务规范仍需进一步修正与细化。任何法律法规都不可能一步到位,都需要在具体实施执行当中进一步完善,作为行业自律的规范更是如此。网络交易平台服务规范当中仍有一些细节问题有待解决,例如“网络交易标的限制”此条中“凡中华人民共和国法律规定禁止流通的物品与服务,不得通过网络交易方式进行”的规定,作为交易平台如何控制?比如一些水货、私货等,交易平台如何来进行甄别? 网络交易平台服务规范中并没有明确权责。另外也有专家针对“病毒或者黑客造成损失由谁承担”、“反馈和文本投诉的渠道建立”等提出疑问,这都需要与有关单位进一步沟通,以期解决。社会道德伦理教育的缺失1网络环境下虚假信息泛滥在网络这一新兴媒体中,发布信息不像在传统媒体上会受到那么多的制约.而且由于网络的虚拟特点,一般消费者即使在觉察到信息的错误以后,也很难向发布信息的企业进行追究,甚至根本就不知道网络企业的地址.因此一些网络企业便表现得肆无忌惮,在网上发表各种各样的信息,或者制造出各种各样的新闻,来吸引消费者或者创造所谓的点击率,以扩大自己的商业影响,谋求经济效益.有人曾经询问一位在一家商业网站任的朋友:该网站的点击率是多少?这位朋友坦然问道:“你是想听真的还是假的”? 据说真的和假的可相差一倍以上!而且这已经成为网络界公开的秘密.这种状况的存在,使得广大消费者对于网上发布的诸多信息都心存疑虑,丧失了起码的信任.2 商品的品质存在很大问题我国目前还处于传统计划经济向市场经济的转型时期,这种转型,不仅仅是一种经济体制的变化,更是一种文化的转型.由于法制法规的不健全,与市场经济相配套的法律还很不完善.不少企业不讲信誉,制造假冒伪劣产品,以谋取暴利.这使消费者在进行购买时,对商店和商品产生不信任.许多消费者直接去商店买物品,也往往会买到假货,造成很多纠纷.电子商务由于其虚拟的特点,这一问题就更为严重.虽然,足不出户,轻点鼠标,便可通过计算机屏幕浏览网上商店的各种商品,然后再输入自己的家庭地址和数量等资料,便会有人将选定的商品送上门.但由于交易过程的虚拟化,消费者事前无法看到商品的实样和不能够当面交易,其暴露出来的问题却日益严重.有人称之为“网络广告满天飞,货送上门面目非”。 据媒体报道,有一位家住上海的消费者,通过浏览淘宝网页,从一家网站设计得相当美观的电子商店选购了一台喷墨打印机.2 天后这家电子商店派人将1 台包装得十分精美的打印机送上,该先生收到打印机后,即拆箱检查,见型号、色泽正是自己早先选定的那种,就欣然付款,而对方则给他一张计算机打印的价格单。开始几天,打印机工作正常,但半个月后就出了毛病,除了卡纸外,喷出的字迹也是深浅不匀。该先生按照说明书上的号码打电话与这家公司联系,却被告之为空号.他找到消费者协会投诉,因为没有正式发票,消费者协会表示爱莫能助。中国的工业目前还处于比较幼稚的时期,很多产品还缺乏相当的竞争力,因此产品质量也是参差不齐。外加部分企业经营者的商业道德水平低下,造成市场秩序混乱,消费者对商品的信任度很差。所以很多消费者宁愿多费些时间上商店去购买东西,信奉“耳听为虚,眼见为实”的观念,对于在网上购物缺乏信心。这一因素严重制约了电子商务的开展。网络技术的不足网络平台安全技术水平较低。电子商务的网络平台是否有足够的技术能力来保证网络交易的顺利进行,以及是否有能力确认交易主体的有效身份认证是我们不容忽视的又一诚信问题。由于信息资源的交流共享存在一些障碍,还无法与银行网络顺利实施标准化对接和确认客户身份,使保证数据的保密性时时受到挑战,从而导致利用假身份证开设银行储蓄帐户和信用卡的事件屡屡发生,恶意透支事件也屡禁不止。虽然电子交易很方便,但是若互联网上的信息传输安全性不够,特别是电子商务信用风险的防范和控制相对薄弱,可能造成个人数据被窃取、滥用,或信用卡被盗用。网络诈骗行为防不胜防,使得消费者对互联网持怀疑态度。目前,国内一些知名的电子商务网站都还没有采用任何加密机制,交易的安全性隐患依然很大。另外,消费者的隐私保护机制不健全,网站掌握了消费者的一些隐私资料,电子商务交易具有空间虚拟的特征,为网络欺骗、假冒行为提供了相对便利的条件,致使消费者的权益更容易受到损害,严重影响消费者的电子购物信心和热情。我国还没对隐私权保护产生足够的重视,因而可能造成侵犯消费者隐私权现象的发生,大量客户信息的流失和扩散正在威胁着电子商务健康发展。电子交易的安全性问题是阻碍电子商务发展的最大问题。国内不少专家学者认为,电子商务是Internet 技术应用的全新方向,是建立在技术性的网络系统基础上,它源于技术,因此,电子商务发展中出现的问题也只有技术的提高才能解决,即通过防火墙、加密技术、数字签名、身份认证等技术,来确保网上信息流的保密性、完整性和不可抵赖性。但是,就目前而言,技术的提高并没有解决电子商务的安全问题。而于1996 年2 月,由VISA 与MASTER CARD 两大信用卡国际组织共同发起的保障在Internet 上进行安全电子交易的Scr 协议(Security Electronic Transation)虽然比较好地解决了现阶段的电子商务交易的安全问题。但是,实践证明,纯技术性的防范手段不能对各种恶意攻击和网络犯罪起永久性的制约作用。只有法律和技术的双管齐下,才能维护和保障电子商务的稳健发展。The integrity of e-commerceOne of China's e-commerce integrity Chinese e-commerce performance of the Credit CrisisUse of electronic commerce transactions will inevitably related to credit and payment issues. E-commerce "paperless" and "no address" on the parties involved in the transaction, the higher credit requirements in the transition of Chinese society, traditional moral principles of social value system constraint is increasingly weakened, based on the rule of law based on the contractual society "is far from being formed. the concept of credit is very weak in the eyes of many people, therefore, to give e-commerce closely matching the means of payment has brought a lot of adverse effects domestic e-commerce transactions, their means of payment is Tuyangjiehe. Mixed-use credit card, debit card, debit card, postal remittance and cash on delivery payment methods, and some are even using the online inquiry, online methods of trading, although some banks began to online payments and open on-line banking and other aspects of the experimental work, but in the Chinese credit system is still imperfect, the power of banks alone is difficult to solve this problem. Moreover, due to poor trust between people, very few people are willing to rush through the network in the form of their own credit card numbers and other personal information to tell businesses, because all too easy to occur can not imagine a serious problem. did happen in reality such a situation, some personal information such as credit card numbers online to tell the enterprise, some unscrupulous companies receivable payment plan to go, wait until consumers find it was too late. Majority of enterprises engaged in e-commerce, have opted for cash on delivery so that a more reliable way to solve the problem of distrust between the payment of the purchase price, but the ultimate goal of e-commerce activities is to fast, convenient, secure transactions, and rationalize the use of funds and the flow of goods. If we still follow the traditional transaction methods, the use of cash paid to the implementation of online transactions, is bound to restrict the scale of operation of the enterprise e-commerce, and contrary to the original intention of the e-commerce activities.Acts of dishonesty in the e-commerce part of the general performance in the following aspects:1 the quality of the goods distortion Consumer use of e-commerce website online shopping, have a safe, convenient, and many other advantages, but based on consumer feedback through the online purchase of goods is often less than the consumer's psychological expectations, there is the phenomenon of shoddy. For example, the author frequently on Taobao shopping, goods often see on the website picture style is very attractive, very beautiful picture production, but wait until after the purchase of goods delivered to their own hands when it found the picture difference between the kind and website even, feeling very worth it. Goods distortion, is the phenomenon of the existence of e-commerce online shopping is a very serious dishonesty.Two. Goods missingConsumer complaints of online shopping, consumers online payment, but can not receive the goods a few complaints, this set v. phenomenon can be divided into the following specific circumstances: logistics aspects of a problem, the seller could not be goods; buyer malicious lie to the goods; seller fraud.3. Huge liabilities of Commerce Website Site loss of reason be regarded as acts of dishonesty because currently many large B2B, B2C e-commerce site with credit mode of operation, to ensure repayment of supplier firms, once the site of bankruptcy will claims huge losses.4. Credit Card Fraud E-commerce payment and settlement, you need the close cooperation of the electronic financial system, and security issues are ignored, consumer credit card can be stolen.5 Commerce sites to make false credit speculation The seller of some of the website, to improve their credit rating false Credit speculation, and trading platform in coordination with the regulatory authorities are not closely related, allowing consumers to lodge complaints. As the site itself is a regulator, this phenomenon is flattering.Two Deep-level inquiry of the integrity of the two Chinese e-commerceNetwork media information asymmetryAttention and study of this phenomenon of information asymmetry as early as the 1970s, 20 by the University of Cambridge Professor James Morris (James Mirleees) and Columbia University Professor William Vickrey network, Liam of Vicke two economists , after more than 30 years, the theory of asymmetric information in economic activities more and more recognition of the outstanding contribution of these two economists awarded the Nobel Prize in Economics in 1996. means that the theoretical system to finish, it provides a new perspective to a market economy. information asymmetry refers to the parties to the transaction there is always a party can only get incomplete information. studies have shown that of two economists: asymmetric information is widespread in market economy, reducing the confidence of traders, raise transaction costs, to produce inferior quality product of the destructive effects of the expulsion of the industry as a whole. e-commerce is a new thing and its essence is a new trading patterns and means: through the network complete business activities. its role in addition to creating a new online virtual enterprise, mainly reflected in the comprehensive transformation of its traditional industries, e-commerce applications published on the Internet to speed up the awareness level of the public in order to save transaction costs, but compared with the traditional business activities, information asymmetries that exist in the e-commerce, not less, but more and more complex. I believe that the information asymmetry in the following e-commerce links the various acts of dishonesty directly reasons.1. Between the consumer and business websites "pre-contractual information asymmetry" Information economics goods into search goods and experience goods. In general, the relevant characteristics of the commodities by the time of purchase, touch, weigh and inspection to identify the goods to search goods, those who need to use after a period in order to identify and understand their characteristics of goods as experience goods. For example: the flowers in the traditional trading is typical of search goods, before making a purchase, we can see the color of flowers and shiny, smell the flowers, flower picking time by the moisture content of judgment. Shopping links in e-commerce, almost all commodities have become experience goods. Flower pictures on the website, consumers can get information only varieties of flowers and color, aroma, picking time and the number of flowers and other information simply will not understand, or that access to information is too costly (to configure the aromatic recognition system ). This allows the seller in a good position, and consumers in the information asymmetry, the seller shoddy become possible. Because of this asymmetric information before signing, so called "pre-contractual information asymmetry.2. Information asymmetry between consumers and Web site after signingCheat back "phenomenon in the online shopping sites can not be learned whether the consumer receives the goods, that is, whether the consumer receives the goods, the goods have been flawed. In a favorable position so the buyer, the seller in the asymmetric information, this information asymmetries occur after the contract signing, known as the "after signing a contract asymmetric information. Business website should establish the image of integrity, we must improve the service protection system commitment Returns. But if consumers abuse return, the site is difficult to judge the real reason consumers return shipping link, or the buyer deliberately caused. This increased the cost of the integrity of the integrity of the site.3. Between logistics companies and business websites "hidden action" E-commerce without the logistics chain can complete the transaction, but the goods delivered to consumers but also by post or logistics companies. Responsibilities and obligations of the seller shall be shipped on time, such as encountered logistical problems to help each other inquiries. In China, work attitude and work efficiency of the postal it's downhill. Post never assure our customers that what its behavior belongs to the "hidden behavior". Commerce sites are often in a party to the disadvantage of the asymmetric information.4. Between the financing institution and the site of the "hidden behavior" China's commercial banks are cur