精益生产方式简介摘要:精益生产是一种起源于丰田和汽车制造的流水线制造方法论。也被称为“丰田生产系统”。精益生产的目标被描述为“在适当的时间(或第仪式间,the first time)使适当的东西到达适当的地点,同时使浪费最小化和适应变化”。创立了精益生产原则的大野耐一发现他的方法论不但可以减小浪费,还能够增进产品流动和提高质量。本文对精益生产进行了具体的分析,得出它的优越性,并把它与传统的生产方式进行比较,通过分析可以知道精益生产是解救困难企业的法宝。关键词:丰田汽车,精益生产,优越性,特点,企业一、丰田公司的精益生产方式精益生产(Lean Production,简称LP)是美国麻省理工学院数位国际汽车计划组织(IMVP)的专家对日本“丰田JIT(Justin Time)生产方式”的赞誉之称,精,即少而精,不投入多余的生产要素,只是在适当的时间生产必要数量的市场急需产品(或下道工序急需的产品);益,即所有经营活动都要有益有效,具有经济性。精益生产是当前工业界最佳的一种生产组织体系和方式。精益生产是战后日本汽车工业遭到的“资源稀缺”和“多品种、少批量”的市场制约的产物,它是从丰田相佐诘开始,经丰田喜一郎及大野耐一等人的共同努力直到60年代才逐步完善而形成的。精益生产既是一种以最大限度地减少企业生产所占用的资源和降低企业管理和运营成本为主要目标的生产方式,同时它又是一种理念,一种文化。实施精益生产就是决心追求完美的历程,也是追求卓越的过程,它是支撑个人与企业生命的一种精神力量,也是在永无止境的学习过程中获得自我满足的一种境界。其目标是精益求精,尽善尽美,永无止境的追求七个零的终极目标。精益生产的实质是管理过程,包括人事组织管理的优化,大力精简中间管理层,进行组织扁平化改革,减少非直接生产人员;推进行生产均衡化同步化,实现零库存与柔性生产;推行全生产过程(包括整个供应链)的质量保证体系,实现零不良;减少和降低任何环节上的浪费,实现零浪费;最终实现拉动式准时化生产方式。精益生产的特点是消除一切浪费,追求精益求精和不断改善。去掉生产环节中一切无用的东西,每个工人及其岗位的安排原则是必须增值,撤除一切不增值的岗位。精简是它的核心,精简产品开发设计、生产、管理中一切不产生附加值的工作,旨在以最优品质、最低成本和最高效率对市场需求作出最迅速的响应。二、精益生产方式的优越性及其意义与大量生产方式相比,日本所采用的精益生产方式的优越性主要表现在以下几个方面:1.所需人力资源无论是在产品开发、生产系统,还是工厂的其他部门,与大量生产方式下的工厂相比,最低能减至1/2;2.新产品开发周期最低可减至l2或2/3;3.生产过程的在制品库存最低可减至大量生产方式下一般水平的110;4.工厂占用空间最低可减至采用大量生产方式下的1/2;5.成品库存最低可减至大量生产方式下平均库存水平的1/4;6.产品质量可大幅度。精益生产方式是彻底地追求生产的合理性、高效性,能够灵活地生产适应各种需求的高质量产品的生产技术和管理技术,其基本原理和诸多方法,对制造业具有积极的意义。精益生产的核心,即关于生产计划和控制以及库存管理的基本思想,对丰富和发展现代生产管理理论也具有重要的作用。三、精益生产管理方法上的特点(1)拉动式(pull)准时化生产(JIT)以最终用户的需求为生产起点。强调物流平衡,追求零库存,要求上一道工序加工完的零件立即可以进入下一道工序。组织生产运作是依靠看板(Kanban)进行。即由看板传递工序间需求信息(看板的形式不限,关键在于能够传递信息)。生产中的节拍可由人工干预、控制,保证生产中的物流平衡(对于每一道工序来说,即为保证对后工序供应的准时化)。由于采用拉动式生产,生产中的计划与调度实质上是由各个生产单元自己完成,在形式上不采用集中计划,但操作过程中生产单元之间的协调则极为必要。(2)全面质量管理强调质量是生产出来而非检验出来的,由过程质量管理来保证最终质量。生产过程中对质量的检验与控制在每一道工序都进行。重在培养每位员工的质量意识,保证及时发现质量问题。如果在生产过程中发现质量问题,根据情况,可以立即停止生产,直至解决问题,从而保证不出现对不合格品的无效加工。对于出现的质量问题,一般是组织相关的技术与生产人员作为一个小组,一起协作,尽快解决。(3)团队工作法(Teamwork)每位员工在工作中不仅是执行上级的命令。更重要的是积极地参与,起到决策与辅助决策的作用。组织团队的原则并不完全按行政组织来划分,而主要根据业务的关系来划分。团队成员强调一专多能,要求能够比较熟悉团队内其他工作人员的工作,保证工作协调顺利进行。团队人员工作业绩的评定受团队内部的评价的影响。团队工作的基本氛围是信任,以一种长期的监督控制为主,而避免对每一步工作的核查,提高工作效率。团队的组织是变动的,针对不同的事物,建立不同的团队,同一个人可能属于不同的团队。(4)并行工程(Concurrent Engineering)在产品的设计开发期间,将概念设计、结构设计、工艺设计、最终需求等结合起来,保证以最快的速度按要求的质量完成。各项工作由与此相关的项目小组完成。进程中小组成员各自安排自身的工作,但可以定期或随时反馈信息并对出现的问题协调解决。依据适当的信息系统工具,反馈与协调整个项目的进行。利用现代CIM技术,在产品的研制与开发期间,辅助项目进程的并行化。四、精益生产与大批量生产方式管理思想的比较精益生产作为一种从环境到管理目标都是全新的管理思想,并在实践中取得成功,并非简单地应用了一、二种新的管理手段,而是一套与企业环境、文化以及管理方法高度融合的管理体系,因此精益生产自身就是一个自治的系统。(1)优化范围不同大批量生产方式源于美国,是基于美国的企业间关系,强调市场导向,优化资源配置,每个企业以财务关系为界限,优化自身的内部管理。而相关企业,无论是供应商还是经销商,则以对手相对待。精益生产方式则以产品生产工序为线索,组织密切相关的供应链,一方面降低企业协作中的交易成本,另一方面保证稳定需求与及时供应,以整个大生产系统为优化目标。(2)对待库存的态度不同大批量生产方式的库存管理强调“库存是必要的”。精益生产方式的库存管理强调“库存是万恶之源”。精益生产方式将生产中的一切库存视为“浪费”,同时认为库存掩盖了生产系统中的缺陷与问题。它一方面强调供应对生产的保证,另一方面强调对零库存的要求,从而不断暴露生产中基本环节的矛盾并加以改进,不断降低库存以消灭库存产生的“浪费”。基于此,精益生产提出了“消灭一切浪费”的口号。追求零浪费的目标。(3)业务控制观不同传统的大批量生产方式的用人制度基于双方的“雇用”关系,业务管理中强调达到个人工作高效的分工原则,并以严格的业务稽核来促进与保证,同时稽核工作还防止个人工作对企业产生的负效应。精益生产源于日本,深受东方文化影响,在专业分工时强调相互协作及业务流程的精简(包括不必要的核实工作)消灭业务中的“浪费”。(4)质量观不同传统的生产方式将一定量的次品看成生产中的必然结果。精益生产基于组织的分权与人的协作观点,认为让生产者自身保证产品质量的绝对可靠是可行的,且不牺牲生产的连续性。其核心思想是,导致这种概率性的质量问题产生的原因本身并非概率性的,通过消除产生质量问题的生产环节来“消除一切次品所带来的浪费”,追求零不良。(5)对人的态度不同大批量生产方式强调管理中的严格层次关系。对员工的要求在于严格完成上级下达的任务,人被看作附属于岗位的“设备”。精益生产则强调个人对生产过程的干预,尽力发挥人的能动性,同时强调协调,对员工个人的评价也是基于长期的表现。这种方法更多地将员工视为企业团体的成员,而非机器。充分发挥基层的主观能动性。五、精益生产方式是解救危困企业的法宝“精益生产通过消除浪费以实现提高质量、降低成本和缩短提前期的效果。”消除浪费是指“作正确的事”和“正确的做事”,消除一切非增值过程。“消除浪费”本身就体现了一种在危机中寻求出路的奋斗精神。研究丰田生产方式产生的背景和过程可以看出,这种新的生产方式是为解决日本在困难环境中发展工业的需要而诞生的: 1、丰田生产方式是在高速增长和发达工业化的后期,在已经存在众多优势竞争对手的夹缝中发展工业的道路, 2、丰田生产方式是在缺少充足资源、资金和劳动力的环境中,发展工业的道路, 3、丰田生产方式是在狭窄而多样化需求的市场条件下发展小批量、多品种生产的道路。 它推动丰田等日本企业从困境中进入了世界先进企业的行列。丰田崛起了,但当时并没有人注意到它的新生产管理技术。70年代的石油危机使高速增长的西方工业化社会出现了长时期的衰退,在众多企业利润负增长而丰田汽车却保持持续繁荣的对比之下,丰田的生产技术开始受到人们的瞩目。在改变世界的机器将丰田生产方式以“精益生产”的新名称介绍给全世界的制造业以后,在萧条中寻求出路的美国企业如饥似渴的学习和效仿日本的做法。美国人通过精益也取得了成果,90年代从低谷中爬起来,重塑了美国工业、特别是高科技工业和军事工业的霸主地位。90年代末的亚洲经济危机、911都给美国经济带来深刻影响,廉价的“中国制造”也给美国传统制造业以冲击。每逢这种危难时刻,美国制造业所祭起的法宝都是“精益生产”。在经济高速增长时期,制造商可以用大量生产提高产量的方式降低成本;企业在顺利发展时期,信息技术也是加力增长的有效方法。但是在当今生产力过剩和全球竞争的时期,降低成本成为企业生存的第一位的原则。从困难和节俭环境中磨练出来的精益生产方式就成为应对衰退和逆境中的企业继续生存和发展的好方法。精益生产方式就成为替代传统大量生产方式来解救危机中企业的道路。在中国,生产能力过剩、竞争剧烈的制造领域,如家电、电脑和汽车制造,精益生产这是解救它们出困境的出路。 中国制造业与50年前日本的相似之处是同样面临着工业列强的压力、缺少发展的资金和资源。而与当时的日本不同的是,中国面临着一个正在成长着的巨大的国内市场,有丰富的低价劳动力。另外,中国制造业遇到了先进工业国家制造业结构调整的时机,大量低级或劳动密集产品、甚至包括消耗较大的机械产品的生产向第3世界转移,给“中国制造”以发展的机会。这个背景下的中国制造业,可以用粗放的管理、高的消耗和初级劳动力得到有限的发展空间。但是这决不是持续发展之路。当西方企业拿起精益的武器,用综合的低成本对付中国的低价劳动成本但又是高消耗时,中国的优势可能就不复存在了。居安思危和未雨绸缪才是有远见卓识的企业家的风范。这些企业采用精益生产将降低产品成本,进一步提高企业的综合竞争能力。参考文献:1 武淑萍. 精益生产在中国的应用现状J. 郑州航空工业管理学院学报(社会科学版), 2004, (06) .2 闫俊伢 ,邹震. 精益生产的魔力J. 电子商务, 2004, (05) . 3 姚东方. 试谈精益生产方式的特征与原则J. 天津汽车, 2004, (06) . 4 李润茹. 精益生产方式研究及生产方式的未来J. 经济师, 2005, (11) . 5 蔡建华. 论精益生产中的员工J. 科技管理研究, 2005, (01) .Lean manufacture way synopsisAbstract: The lean manufacture is one kind the assembly line manufacture methodology which stems from Toyota and the automobile makes. Is also called “the Toyota production system”. The lean manufacture goal by the description is “in the suitable time (or during ceremony, the first time) enables the suitable thing to arrive at the suitable place, simultaneously causes the waste minimum and adapts the change”. Not only established lean manufacture principle Taiichi Oono to discover his methodology to be possible to reduce the waste, but could also promote the product to flow and to improve the quality. This article has carried on the concrete analysis to the lean manufacture, obtains its superiority, and carries on it with the traditional production method the comparison, through the analysis may know that the lean manufacture is rescues the difficult enterprise the magic weapon.Key word: Toyota automobile, lean manufacture, superiority, characteristic, enterpriseFirst, Toyota Corporation's lean manufacture wayThe lean manufacture (Lean Production, is called LP) is the American Massachusetts Institute of Technology several international automobile plan organization (IMVP) expert to Japan “Toyota JIT (Justin Time) production method” name of the praise, fine, namely the fewer but better, does not invest the unnecessary element of production, is only in the suitable time production essential quantity market urgently needed product (or evil ways working procedure urgently needed product); The profit, namely all operative activity wants beneficially effective, has the efficiency. The lean manufacture is the current industrial world best one kind of Production organization system and the way.The lean manufacture is the postwar Japan automobile industry encounters “the resources are scarce” and “the multi-varieties, the few batch” the market restriction product, it is assists the interrogation from Toyota to start, after Toyota happy eldest son and Taiichi Oono et al. the joint efforts only then gradually consummates until the 60s forms.The lean manufacture is not only one kind take maximum limit reduces the resources which the enterprise produces takes and reduces the business management and the operation cost as the essential target production method, simultaneously it is also one idea, one culture. The implementation lean manufacture is determined the pursue perfect course, is also the pursue remarkable process, it is the support personally with the enterprise life one spiritual strength, also will be will obtain the self-satisfied one kind of boundary in forever the without limits learning process. Its goal is strives for perfection, acme of perfection, forever without limits pursue seven zero ultimate objectives.The lean manufacture essence manages the process, organizes the optimization which including the human affairs manages, simplifies the middle management vigorously, carries on the organization flattening reform, reduces the non-personal directly engaged productions; Pushes carries on the production equalizing to synchronize, realizes zero stock and the flexible production; Carries out the entire production process (including the entire supply chain) the quality assurance system, realizes zero bad; Reduces and reduces on any link's waste, realizes zero waste; Realizes the drawing type punctual metaplasia to produce the way finally.The lean manufacture characteristic is eliminates all wastes, the pursue strives for perfection with the progressive improvement. Removes produces in the link all useless things, each worker and the post arrangement principle is must rise in value, removes the post which all do not rise in value. The simplification is its core, in the simplification product development design, the production, the management all does not have the added value work, is for the purpose of by the most superior quality, the most low cost and the peak efficiency makes the most rapid response to the market demand.Second, lean manufacture way superiority and significanceCompares with the mass production way, Japan uses the lean manufacture way's superiority mainly displays in the following several aspects: 1. Needs the human resources - -, regardless in product development, production system, factory other departments, compare with the mass production way's under factory, reduces to feeble-mindedly 1/2;2. The new product development cycle - - lowest may reduce to l/2 or 2/3; 3. Production process's goods in process stock - - lowest may reduce to under the mass production way the general level 1/10; 4. Factory takes the space - - lowly to be possible to reduce to selects under the mass production method 1/2; 5. End product stock - - lowest may reduce to under the mass production way the averaging stock level 1/4;6. Product quality - - may be large scale.The lean manufacture way is pursues the production thoroughly the rationality, highly effective, can produce nimbly adapts each kind of demand high grade product production technology and the managerial technique, its basic principle and many methods, have the positive significance to the manufacturing industry. The lean manufacture core, namely about the productive plan and the control as well as stock management's basic philosophy, also has the vital role to rich and the development modern production management theory.Third, in lean manufacture management characteristic(1)the drawing type (pull) punctual metaplasia produces (JIT)Take end-user's demand as production beginning. Emphasizes the physical distribution to be balanced, the pursue zero stock, requests the components which a working procedure processes to be possible to enter the next working procedure immediately. The organization produces the operation is depends upon the electronic monitoring system (Kanban) to carry on. Namely the demand information (electronic monitoring system form does not limit by the electronic monitoring system transmission working procedure, key lies in can transmit message). In the production metre may by the manual intervention, the control, in the guarantee production physical distribution balanced (regarding each working procedure, namely for guarantee after working procedure supply accurate current events). Because uses the drawing type production, in the production plan and the dispatch materially are complete by each production unit, in formally does not use the centralism plan, but in the operating process between production unit's coordinated extremely is essential.(2) Total Quality ManagementStressed that the quality is produces, but must examines, guarantees the final quality by the process quality control. In the production process carries on to the quality examination and the control in each working procedure. Is heavy is raising each staff's quality consciousness, the guarantee prompt discovery quality question. If discovers the quality question in the production process, according to the situation, may stop the production immediately, until solves the problem, thus the guarantee does not appear to the defective works invalid processing. Regarding quality question which appears, generally is the organization related technology and the production personnels takes a group, cooperates together, solves as soon as possible.(3) Team method of working (Teamwork) Not only each staff carries out higher authority's order in the work. Participation positively more importantly, plays policy-making and the auxiliary policy-making role. The organization team's principle presses the administrative organization to divide not completely, but mainly divides according to the service relations. The team members emphasize master many skills while specializing in one, the request can in the quite familiar team other staff's work, guarantee that the work coordinated carries on smoothly. The team personnel work the achievement evaluation the team internal appraisal influence. The team work's basic atmosphere is the trust, by one kind of long-term supervisory control primarily, but avoids to the investigation which each step works, raises the working efficiency. Team's organization is the change, in view of the different thing, establishes the different team, the identical person possibly belongs to the different team. (4) Parallel projects (Concurrent Engineering) In product design development period, the conceptual design, the structural design, the technological design, the final demand and so on unifies, guaranteed that completes by the quickest speed according to the request quality. Each work by completes with this related project group. In the advancement the panel members arrange own work respectively, but may regular or momentarily the feedback information and to appears the question solves coordinated. Rests on the suitable information system tool, the feedback and coordinated entire project advance. Using the modern CIM technology, in product development and development period, auxiliary project advancement parallelization.Fourth, lean manufacture and production in enormous quantities way management concept comparisonThe lean manufacture takes one kind from the environment to the management goal is the brand-new management concept, and obtains the success in reality, has applied one, two new management tool simply by no means that but is a set the management system which with the enterprise environment, the culture as well as the management fuses highly, therefore lean manufacture oneself is an autonomous system.(1)optimizes the scope to be differentThe production in enormous quantities way stems from the US, is relates based on US's enterprise, emphasizes the market direction, the optimize allocation of resources, each enterprise take the financial relations as a boundary, optimizes own internal management. But is related the enterprise, regardless of being the supplier or the dealer, by to palm reading treatment.The lean manufacture way take the product manufacturing working procedure as the clue, the organization close related supply chain, on the one hand reduces in the enterprise cooperation the transa