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    A Thesis for Classification Number:Bachelors Degree Restricted CirculationA Discussion on Translation Strategies of English News Headlines: Views from the Perspective of TranslafectologySpecialization: English Field of Research: Literature Name of Author: Registration Number: Name of Supervisor: Title of Supervisor: Foreign Languages DepartmentMay 20, 2014昌吉学院本科毕业论文(设计)论文(设计)分类号:密级:无简析英语新闻标题的翻译效应策略系 院:外语系学科门类:文 学专 业:英 语学 号:1025804057姓 名:冉 倩指导教师:刘瑞强教师职称:副教授二一四年五月二十日毕业论文原创性声明本人郑重声明:所呈交的论文是本人在导师的指导下独立进行研究所取得的研究成果。除了文中特别加以标注引用的内容外,本论文不包含任何其他个人或集体已经发表或撰写的成果或作品。本人完全意识到本声明的法律后果由本人承担。作者签名: 年 月 日毕业论文版权使用授权书本毕业论文作者完全了解学院有关保存、使用毕业论文的规定,同意学院保留并向有关毕业论文管理部门或机构送交论文的复印件和电子版,允许论文被查阅和借阅。本人授权本学院及以上级别优秀毕业论文评选机构将本毕业论文的全部或部分内容编入有关数据库以资检索,可以采用复印、缩印或扫描等复制手段保存和汇编本毕业论文。声明人签名: 导师签名: 年 月 日 年 月 日摘 要随着社会和经济的快速发展,中国与世界各国的交流也日益频繁,而新闻则是其进行交流的重要渠道之一。新闻传播对于中国乃至世界都产生着重大的影响。新闻标题是新闻的重要组成部分,是吸引读者的关键,因此如何做到英语新闻标题翻译的简洁、准确、抢眼则显得尤为重要。目前,对于英语新闻标题的翻译有许多研究,但对于翻译效应论这方面的研究还是较少的,因此,本文以刘瑞强副教授的翻译效应论作为切入点来探讨英语新闻标题的翻译。翻译效应论从传播学、接受美学、文体学、比较文化学及译学新论等角度论述翻译效应论的性质、过程、目的、原则、准则、方法、正负效应及最佳翻译方法,以及语言转换和文化传递对译入语社会、文化、思想意识,行为方式及价值观念等全方位的影响。全文共分为四部分。第一部分是引言部分包括本项研究的背景,意义及目的;第二部分是国内外研究状况,同时也对翻译效应论的研究过程做一个简单的介绍,分为宏观效应和微观效应,然后是翻译效应论的原则;第三部分是研究方法,将其分为积极影响和消极影响,其次是翻译效应论的功能;第四部分是案例分析。第五部分是影响英语新闻标题的因素。第六部分是全文总结。 关键词: 英语新闻标题;翻译策略;翻译效应论;简析 Abstract With the rapid development of the society and economy, the communication between China and the world is getting more frequent and the news become one of the important channels of communication. News spreading has a major impact on China and the world. News headline as an important component of news is the key to attract readers. So how to make the translation of English news headline concise, accurate and is pretty important.At present, there are many studies on the translation of English news headline, but using the Translafectology to study translation is not much. For the reason mentioned, the author tries to find out some proper strategies from the perspective of associate professor of Liu Ruiqiangs translafectology. Translafectology from the perspective of communication, aesthetics reception, stylistics, comparative and culturology to discuss its property, process, objective, principal, criterion method, positive and negative effect and the best way of translation.The first part is introduction of English news headline which contain the definition, function and characteristic. Also, it involves the English news headline research both at home and board. The second part is literature review and a brief introduction of translafectology, which concludes two aspects, namely microtranslafectology and macrotranslafectology. The third part is about research methodology, it is divided into three aspects; they are research subjects, research questions and instruments. The fourth parts are cases analysis. The fifth part is the translation study from the language, culture and communication effect three aspects to analyze Translafectologys influence of English news headlines. The sixth part is conclusion.Key words: English news headline; translation strategies; Translafectology; analysis Contents摘 要IAbstractIIChapter One Introduction11.1 The background of the research11.2 The significance of the research11.3 Purpose of the research2Chapter Two Literature Review32.1 The Research at Abroad32.2 The Research at Home42.3 The Origin of Translafectology and its Development.52.4 The Concepts of Translafectology.62.4.1 Microtranslafectology62.4.2 Macrotranslafectology62.5 Strategies of Translafectology62.5.1 Syntactic Linearity72.5.2 Inverse Translation82.5.3 Combination82.5.4 Division92.6 The Definition of News Headline102.6.1 Characteristics of News Headline10Chapter Three Research Methodology123.1 Research Subjects123.2 Research questions123.3 Instruments13Chapter Four Cases Analysis in terms of Translafectology144.1 Cases with Excellent Effect144.2 Cases with Good Effect15Chapter Five Factors Impacting on News Headlines Translation165.1 Factors Impacting on News Headlines Translation.165.1.1 Linguistic Factor.165.1.2 Culture Factor17Chapter Six Interpretation and Conclusion196.1 Major Findings196.2 Limitations196.3 Future Research20References21Acknowledgments22Chapter One Introduction1.1 The background of the researchSince 20th century is the news dissemination enterprise rapid development. With the continuous development of science and technology, the news media has become diverges, news dissemination enterprise of world politics, ecology, culture, the impact of communication is becoming more and more important. The contact and interaction with outside world is increasing frequently. China needs to learn more about the world, the world needs a better understanding of China in the meantime. There is much information to pass through the news. News headline is the most important and direct way for readers to know the main ideal of the news. There is no doubt that English news headline translation course become an important channel to communicate with one. At the same time, news headline as the soul of news, its translation is always has the great significance.In the process of news translation, the translator should pay special attention to news headline. Because time is so precious in modern society that people can not be patient enough to go over all news details. In order to attract readers, news editors adopt many tactics to make their news headlines much more attractive.With regard to the translation of the headlines of translation. In China, there are many scholars have been studied its features. Pioneers in this field, for example, Liu Miqing(刘宓庆)刘宓庆.文体与翻译M.北京:中国对外翻译出版公司,1986.,Xu Mingwu(许明武)许明武.新闻英语与翻译M.北京:中国对外翻译出版公司,2003.张健.新闻英语文体与范文评析M.上海外语教育出版社,1994.,Zhang Jian(张健) etc., have contributed a lot to the research.Even though people have a good understanding of the importance of news headlines translation, the translation of news headlines are not easy. In order to catch the readers eyes, news translators may adopt many translation strategies and methods to make their news headlines much concise and perfect.1.2 The significance of the researchAs an important part of news headlines, after long-term development, news headlines has gradually emerged in many families and formed a unique style, it is different with traditional translation in phrasing, breaks the rules in grammar. Indispensable position, the position of the headline and the translation of news headlines have great significance. Then in the perspective translation of news headlines can enhance peoples perceptions of the two kinds of culture using flexible translation strategies in order to achieve the significance of translation studies. Although foreign countries collect materials and write a story directly to report what is on to the readers, it is far from enough to meet the readers growing need for the information about the worlds happening to major news media in China recently. In addition to this, Chinese local media have to transmit information for overseas readers to improve Chinas international image by means of news reporting. With the fast and efficient translating of global news into several languages, it is easy that readers, who speaking different languages can through the barrier of time and space; enjoy the updated information nearly synchronically in the world. As all essential elements of a news report, a headlines intention is to tell the readers and share information about what is happening in the world, remind the readers imagination and make the readers pay more attention to read the following news with the absolute goal to improve understanding for each other.So news headlines translation provides a communication in politics, economy, cultures and ideas effectively among different countries. Besides, it helps readers with different languages to learn more from each other.1.3 Purpose of the researchHeadlines are the basic elements of any news, they show up which in an condensed way to arouse readers interest. The linguistic features of the headlines are different from other genres of news. Therefore, news headlines are usually treated as a special kind of form. Lots of scholars have been involved in the study of the news headlines for long time, and many scholars studies prove to be useful in this filed. At present, some translators have set about some related researches results.To translate English news headlines into Chinese basically for offer the information to Chinese readers, in order to broaden mutual understanding, and improve cultural communication between nations. This thesis applies translafetology to translate news headlines from a special perspective. It aims to make the best advantage of this theory to translate news headlines. Specifically speaking, it mainly research some translation strategies based on the news headlines of English readers, so as to broaden mutual understanding, and improve intercultural communication between nations. With the guidance of this purpose, the translators should adopt proper ways to make a functional translated text by selecting certain information from the source text and create the information under the Translafectology to achieve a great positive influence.Chapter Two Literature Review2.1 The Research at AbroadIn an early time, when some overseas scholars realized that the style of news headlines are distinct from the styles of the common sentences, they advocated news headlines translation study, and inspected the disciplines of news headlines translation from many different. R.M.K Sinha (2006) R.M.K Sinha.Translating News Headlines from English to Hindi J. 2006. from India contribute to the news headline translation from English to Hindi by writing an article Translating News Headings from English to Hindi, he come up with some strategies to solve the questions of translating news headlines from English to Hindi. The strategy divided news headlines into a lot of classes and provides some criterions for translators. So the translator should concern the tense transformation and other issues when they translate the English news headlines into the India ones.After the translator know the main meaning of the text, news headlines make full use of intertextual reference. Ennis has its special point of view. He studied translation from English to Spanish and tried to find out the possible modulations for translator. Some scholars concentrated on the news headline translation from the angle of machine translation. The most famous are Takehiko Takehiko,Yoshimi&Ichiko,Sata."Improvement of Translation Quality of English News Headlines by Automatic Preediting"J.Machine Translation,1999(7):496-500Yoshimi and Ichiko Sata wrote an article about the news headlines between Japanese and English. They tried to solve this problem by put forward a solution to add to “an existing system a pre-editing module which rewrites the headlines to ordinary expressions.” (Takehiko Ichiko,1999:496). This article is talking about the verb “be”s place in the news headlines. It is difficult to implement machine translation successfully. Because news headlines are often intermittent and short of coherent in information, they use acronyms and abbreviations of proper names frequently.Diganta Saha and Sivaji Bandyopadhyay (2005) show an example to translate news headlines from English to Bengali on the basis of machine translation. The input headlines are liable in the Generalized label Example Base and Direct Example Base. Mostly the input headlines are sought in the Direct Example Base. If it can not be looked out, the input headlines are labeled and the labeled headlines are found in the Generalized Labeled Example Base.In the same way, Sivaji Bandyopadhyay (2001) wrote An Example Based MT System in News Bems Domain from English to Indian Languages to present a research programmed on a“Knowledge Driven Generalized Example-Based Machine Translation System From English to Indian Languages” on the basis of a prototype of a similar system, which the translation between English and Bengali has been developed. Bandyopadhyay suggested the machine translation in the news field, Knowledge bases and Example structures are used to the news headlines translation.2.2 The Research at Home Only few domestic scholars and researchers put forward a few strategies to the news headline. So domestic scholars pay inadequate attention in this field. It can be said that the inclination has been obtained from two mains trend. For one thing, some scholars start the studies from the angle of translating requirement in journalism; for another, some linguistic scholars search the subject from the angle of translation studies and cross-cultural communication.It can be said that the impulse has been include two main aspects. On the one hand, some scholars start the researches from the perspective in journalism, on the other hand, some linguistic scholars from the perspective of translation studies and cross-cultural communication.As far as the previous scholars, Gao Shukai studies the news headline translation from the perspective of journalism. At first, he analyzes three vital functions of news headlines; they are summarizing the news, attracting readers and beautifying newspaper. When the translators are translating the news, they must take these factors into consideration. After the investigation from the journalistic angle, the author explores the principles for translating news headlines, and put forward the concise and exquisite translation. Xu Ju (1999) studies the strategies for the translators to keep the beauty-appreciation function and information function of news headlines together.Other domestic scholars do research mainly from the triangle of language, linguistic and culture has been become an important factor in the source news headline. Chen Haodong and Wang Ying (2002) researches studies English translation into Chinese from the perspective of culturel. Shen Zhihe discuss English news headlines characteristics by anglicizing seven aspects, they are acronyms, participles expeegesis, infinitives, modifiers, punctuation and proposes some translating methods for every category. Tu Xiaojin(2003), Lin Lin(2004) and Liu Yi(2006) make a expand analysis of all kinds of rhetorical de


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