物流管理 外文文献 外文翻译 英文文献 逆向物流运作渠道的决策方法.doc
外文出处:Senthil, S., Srirangacharyulu, B., & Ramesh, A. (2012). A decision making methodology for the selection of reverse logistics operating channels. Procedia Engineering, 38, 4, 418428.附件1:外文资料翻译译文逆向物流运作渠道的决策方法摘要:产品退货的有效管理是一项战略性的问题。如今,客户希望厂商能够发展逆向物流系统,为了是返还的产品能够被回收。随着逆向物流实践的不断发展和进步,逆向物流渠道的选择就显得越来越重要。现在有三种基本的逆向物流运作渠道:制造商自营,第三方运营和联合运营模式。本文基于层次分析法(AHP)和技术模糊环境下逼近理想解排序法(TOPSIS)相结合的混合方法,提出了逆向物流运作渠道的选择和评价。本文利用一个算例验证了该方法。这种方法帮助决策者更有效的选择能够满足客户要求的最佳渠道。关键字:逆向物流 多目标决策 层次分析法1 引言由于有关环境的法律不断的出台,逆向物流逐渐引起了企业的关注。逆向物流(RL)是一个规划、实施和控制原材料能够高效、低成本的流动的过程,也是为了达到获得更多的价值,对于在制品库存、产成品和相关的从消费者手中回到原生产商的信息进行适当的处理。对于逆向物流的研究仍然处于探索阶段。逆向物流使得企业降低成本成为可能。逆向物流定义了供应链被设计为有效的管理产品和零部件的流动,使得它们能够进行再制造、循环利用和流程的改进,以便更加有效的利用这些资源。逆向物流活动的执行包括各种功能部分:产品质量的把关,压缩配置循环周期,产品的再制造与翻新,资产回收,谈判,外包和客户服务。除了产品的存储和运输,增值服务的价值如:JIT,快速反应和问题方案的解决也都是逆向物流的重要组成部分。对于有缺陷的产品进行再制造,维修和回收可以创造巨大利润的商业机会。作为回收产品的管理企业可以重新使用它们,转售或者销毁它们。经销商可能会因为季节性的原因,产品质量到期或者是运输中的损坏而将产品返还给企业。消费者可能会因为产品的质量问题退还产品。进行产品回收的管理提高了客户服务水平,使得企业可以保持更多的客户数量。从采购到销售都将产生一些不必要的浪费,而减少这种浪费正是重视环保实践的主要目标。制造商将逆向物流视为修复来自于客户的有缺陷的产品或者是回收可以重复使用的包装的过程。在电子商务中,因为购买者有退货的保证,所以逆向物流就成为了一项重要的问题。由于逆向物流需要运用跨学科的方法,这方面仍有可以研究的机会。一种关于管理零售商逆向物流运作的概念框架在本文中被提出来。在案例中,由三家调查公司进行了调查并且确定了一个企业为了获得竞争的优势从而采用的逆向物流流程和战略的问题。通过使用遗传算法和粒子群优化环境,一个集成的正向物流多级配送系统库存的供应链模型和基于内部命令下的闭环多级配送系统被设计出来。一个基于不完整信息下的绿色供应链管理得到完善。逆向物流被视为未来研究的重要领域,它的柔性预测计算能力使得它能够应对物流活动中的不确定性和准确性。一个考虑了设施定位与布置的数学模型在文中被提出,为了能够研究逆向物流的网络设计。通过使用从电脑公司搜集的数据信息,成功构建了一个动态模型并得以使用。一个结合了制造和再制造的配送系统在文中被提出,提出了不同价格相对比之下的多种模型。从上述的参考文献中,研究已经完成了对于逆向物流网络的设计和第三方物流提供商的选择。但是层次分析法和模糊环境下逼近理想解排序法尚未被任何研究者用于逆向物流运作渠道的选择。企业可以选择三种运营渠道来进行逆向物流活动a)制造商自己收集可回收产品制造商自营(MO)。制造商应该控制好人力上的资源,信息系统和相关的设备。b)经销商进行产品的回收联合运营(JO)。C)外包给第三方第三方运营(TPO)。可以通过第三方来减少再制造的花费。由于第三方物流企业可以利用它的最新的技术和资源共享优势,产品回收的不确定性可能就会被降低。通过外包逆向物流活动,企业可以更加专注于自己核心业务的运营,而且顾客的满意度和评估绩效就会大大提高。第三方逆向物流提供商将在价格,质量和信誉等特定领域进行竞争。物流的成本将会降低,同时订单的满意率将会大大提高。每一种渠道都有各自的独特之处,并且有适合他们的满足服务要求的公司。评估和选择逆向物流渠道被认为是多准则决策(MCDM)的重要过程,这个过程要求决策者在所存在的可选择对象中作出最佳的选择。本文的架构组织如下。第二部分将提出问题,第三部分将给出解决的方法概述,第四部分将给出一则案例作为论证,第五部分进行总结,得到研究成果。2 问题定义逆向物流可以应用于各种行业中,像汽车、电子、化学和电脑制造等行业。汽车企业回收报废汽车的零部件。包含有害物质的电子产品可以被重新利用。逆向物流可以通过制造商自营(MO)、联合运营(JO)和第三方运营(TPO)三种模式进行。3 提出的方法决策者发现了评估各种可选择方案的问题,然后使用一套标准选择了最好的一个。有着数量限制的可选择方案条件下,多准则决策(MCDM)是离散的。在多准则决策中决策矩阵包含了三个主要的部分a)可选择方案b)标准c)权重。在本章节中,基于层次分析法(AHP)和技术模糊环境下逼近理想解排序法(TOPSIS)相结合的混合方法将会呈现。标准的权重均采用层次分析法计算。模糊环境下逼近理想解排序法将用于得到最后各种方案的排名。因为层次分析法本身就是一种决策方法,它能够得到精准的比例尺度的测量。通过将它的混合标准与其他许多决策支持工具和方法相结合能更好地应用于实例中。通过三角模糊数下语言变量值参数化使得不确定性和不准确性的问题得到解决。3.1 层次分析法层次分析法是由Thomas L. Saaty教授首先提出的,层次分析法把一个复杂的问题分解成相关联的决策元素的层次结构。层次分析法可以处理各种目标以及无形的主观属性。层次分析法的步骤如下:3.1.1 问题的模型层次化在最高水平目标的前提下制定一个分层次的结构,第二层级是标准,第三层级是可选择的方案,可选择方案受到不确定活动的影响,而且与所有的标准相关联。3.1.2 构造两两相比较的矩阵拥有紧邻的较高级别的元素的一组比较矩阵进行构建。在两两对比下决策者作出起到支配元素的认知。3.1.3 通过计算固定矢量检验一致性每个属性相对规范化的权重是通过计算几何平均数和归一化该行的几何平均数来决定的,在比较矩阵中。如果一致性比率等于0.1或者低于0.1,则被视为可接受的矩阵M>5.如果一致性比率超过可接受值,不一致就出现,判断不可信,评估过程需要进一步提高。一致性比率有助于确保决策者在决定条件优先次序下做出更可靠的决策。3.2 模糊环境下逼近理想解排序法模糊环境下逼近理想解排序法是由Hwang &Yoon首先提出的。最好的选择将是最接近积极的理想解决方案(该方案最大化了收益标准,最小化了成本标准)以及远离了消极的理想解决方案。在传统的TOPSIS方法中,这些标准的权值是精确的已知的,清晰值被用于评估过程中。然而主要的缺点是关于代表决策者意见清晰值得不确定性和不准确性。因此,模糊TOPSIS法被提出。模糊集合论允许决策者将无法量化的信息,不完整的信息和不可获得的信息和部分被忽视的信息加入决策模型中。模糊集合论是为了处理在模糊和不精确条件下,来自于大量信息的抽象的主要可行效果。语言变量在处理过多层面或者在没有被很好的定义情况下,在典型的数量方面,是非常有用的。在模型中应用的语言变量对于每一个标准可以表示为三角模糊数。4 模型应用所提出的模型被应用于工业上的一个问题。一个坐落于印度南部的一家印刷厂被选作案例。该企业想拥有一套系统性的实施逆向物流的方法。逆向物流在制造过程中产生了显著的效果,正确的决策决定将会为企业带来竞争优势。因此选择正确的运营渠道受到了企业的高度重视。为了从客户手中收回用过的报纸和杂志,企业可能会选择MO,TPO和JO三种中一种。一种综合了层次分析法和模糊环境下逼近理想解排序法的混合方法将被企业用来进行选择。5 结论由于财务和运营条件的进入,逆向物流的实施可能对于企业是一项不安全的工作。然而越来越多的环境上的问题,迫使企业去选择逆向物流。问题是企业究竟通过何种运营渠道来进行退货的回收。基于层次分析法和模糊环境下逼近理想解排序法的混合方法被提出来解决逆向物流运作渠道的选择。这个问题已经被描述为不确定条件下多准则决策方法,提醒决策者作出在不确定条件下的判断的要求。未来的研究包含了结合层次分析法和模糊折中排序法(VIKOR)的一种两阶段方法,并进行敏感度的分析以确定稳定性。附件2:外文原文A Decision Making Methodology For The Selection Of Reverse Logistics Operating ChannelsAuthor:S.Senthil,B.Srirangacharyulu, A.Ramesh.Procedia Engineering.2012Abstract An efficient management of product returns is a strategic issue. Nowadays, customer expect manufacturer to develop a reverse logistics system so that the returned products can be recovered. With the development and advancement of reverse logistics practice, the selection of reverse logistics operating channels becomes more important. There are three operating channels of reverse logistics; Manufacturer Operation, Third Party Operation, Joint Operation. In this paper a hybrid methodology based on Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) and Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) under fuzzy environment is proposed for the selection and evaluation of reverse logistics operating channels. An example is included to validate the proposed method. This method helps the decision maker to select the best technology that meets the requirement.Keywords: Reverse Logistics; Multicriteria Decision Making; AHP Method1. Introduction Due to the growing environmental legislations, more attention is given to Reverse Logistics. Reverse Logistics (RL) is the process of planning, implementing and controlling the efficient, cost effective flow of raw materials, in process inventory, finished goods and related information from the point of consumption to the point of origin for the purpose of recapturing value, or proper disposal .The study of reverse logistics is in exploration stage. Cost reduction is possible in reverse logistics. A reverse logistics defines a supply chain that is redesigned to efficient manage the flow of products or parts designed for remanufacturing, recycling or disposal and to effectively utilize resources .The various functions executed through RL activities include gatekeeping, compacting disposition cycle times, remanufacturing and refurbishment, asset recovery, negotiation, outsourcing and customer service .In addition to disposition and transportation, value added services such as JIT, quick response and program solutions are also important functions in reverse logistics. Recovery of products for remanufacturing, repair and recycling can create profitable business opportunities . For managing the returns, the companies can reuse them, resell or destroy them. Retailers may return the goods due to seasonality, expiry or because of transit damage. Customers may return the goods due to poor quality. Managing the product returns increases the customer service level and retention level. Each activity from procurement to distribution generates waste and reduction of this waste is a major goal of environmentally conscious business practices. Manufactures see reverse logistics as a process of recovering defective products or reusable containers back from the user. In the e-commerce since buyers need assurance for refund, reverse logistics is an important issue. Owing to RL approach, this area present an opportunity for research. A conceptual framework for managing retail reverse logistics operation is presented in .In the case study conducted by , three companies were visited and identified reverse logistics process flow and the strategic issues a firm may use for competitive advantage. An integrated forward logistics multi echelon distribution inventory supply chain model and closed loop multi echelon distribution for the built to order environment was designed using genetic algorithm and particle swarm optimization .A model for green supply chain management with incomplete information was developed .Reverse logistics was suggested as an area for future research and the advantages of soft computing is its capability to tolerate imprecision, uncertainty .A mathematical model for the design of Reverse Logistics network design was proposed considering the location and allocation of facilities. A dynamic model was constructed and validated the same using the data collected from the computer company. A distribution system which uses a combination of manufacturing and remanufacturing was proposed and the models were compared with respect to the various prices. From the above references, studies have been done for the RL network design and the selection of third party logistics provider. But AHP and Fuzzy TOPSIS has not been used by any researcher for selection of RL operating channels selection. The companies can choose three operating channels for performing the RL activities a) Manufacturer collecting the used products-Manufacturer Operation (MO). The manufacturer should control human resources, information systems and related equipment. b) Retailer will collect the used products- Joint Operation (JO). c) Outsourcing to third party-Third Party Operation (TPO). Remanufacturing costs may be reduced by third party. Since the third party logistics is using his latest technology and resource sharing advantages, uncertainty of recovery may be reduced. By outsourcing reverse logistics activities, the organizations can concentrate on their core business operation, but customer satisfaction and delivery performance may be improved. Third party reverse logistics provider will compete with each other in specific areas like price, quality and credit. Logistics costs will be reduced and order fill rate will be improved. Each channel has its distinct characters and suitable for companies with their sole service requirements. Evaluating and selecting reverse logistics channels is regarded as Multi criteria decision making (MCDM) process in which a decision maker chooses the best option among the existing alternatives. This paper is organized as follows. Section 2 describes the problem and in section 3 an overview of method is given. Application of the model to a case study is given in section 4.Section 5 concludes the study and summarizes its findings. 2. Problem Definition Reverse Logistics can be applied to wide variety of industries like automobile, electronic, chemical and computer manufacturers. Automobile companies recover the end of life auto parts. Electronic products that contain hazardous materials are disposed. Reverse Logistics may take place through Manufacturer Operation (MO), Third Party Operation (TPO), or Joint Operation (JO).3. Proposed Methodology Decision makers find the problem of assessing the variety of alternatives and then selecting the best one using a set of criteria. Multiple criteria decision making methods (MCDM) are discrete with a restricted number of alternatives. A decision matrix in MCDM consists of three main parts a) Alternatives b) Criteria c) Weights of Relative importance. In this paper, a hybrid methodology based on Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) and Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) under fuzzy environment is presented. The weights of criteria are calculated by applying the AHP method. The Fuzzy TOPSIS method is applied to get the final ranking results. Although AHP is a decision-making methodology in itself. its ability to get accurate ratio scale measurements and combine them across multiple criteria has led to AHP applications in conjunction with many other decisions support tool and methodologies. Uncertainty and imprecision is handled with linguistic values parameterized by the triangular fuzzy number.3.1 Analytic Hierarchy ProcessAHP method is developed by Prof. Thomas L. Saty. AHP divides a complex problem into a hierarchy of interrelated decision elements. AHP can deal with objective as well as non-tangible subjective attributes. The procedure of AHP is as follows3.1.1. Model the problem as a hierarchyDevelop a hierarchical structure with a goal at the top level, the criteria at the second level and alternatives at the third level. Alternatives are affected by uncertain events and are connected to all criteria.3.1.2 Construct a pair-wise comparison matrixA set of comparison matrix with respect to an element of immediately higher level is constructed. The pair-wise comparisons capture a decision makers perception of which element dominates the other.3.1.3 Test the Consistency by calculating the Eigen VectorsThe relative normalized weight of each attribute is determined by calculating the geometric mean of the row and then normalizing the geometric means of rows in comparison matrix.A consistency ratio of 0.1 or less is considered as acceptable for matrices M> 5.If a consistency ratio is more than the acceptable value, inconsistency occurs, and the judgments are untrustworthy, the evaluation process needs to be improved. Consistency ratio helps to ensure decision maker reliability in determining the priorities for the criteria.3.2Fuzzy TOPSIS MethodTechnique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) was first established by Hwang &Yoon. The best alternative would be the one that is nearest to the positive ideal solution (the solution that maximizes the benefit criteria and minimizes the cost criteria) and farthest away from the negative ideal solution. In the traditional TOPSIS method, the weights of the criteria are known precisely and crisp values are used in the evaluation procedure. However the major drawback is that the uncertainty and imprecision related with representing decision makers observations to crisp values. Therefore, the fuzzy TOPSIS method is proposed. Fuzzy set theory allows the decision maker to incorporate unquantifiable information, incomplete information and non-obtainable information and partially ignorant facts into the decision model .The fuzzy set theory is intended to deal with the abstraction of the main viable effect from an array of information that is expressed in vague and imprecise terms. Linguistic variable is very useful in dealing with circumstances, which are too multifaceted or not well defined to be reasonably described in typical quantitative terms. The linguistic variables that are applied in the model can be expressed in triangular fuzzy Numbers for each criterion.4. Numerical Illustration Proposed model is applied to a real problem in industry. A printing industry located in the Southern part of India is selected. The industry wanted a systematic way to implement the reverse logistics operations. Reverse Logistics brings significant improvements in the manufacturing process and the correct decisions made brings the industry competitive advantage. Therefore selecting the most important operating channels is of great importance for the industry. To collect the used papers and magazines from the customers, the industry may choose MO, TPO, JO. A hybrid methodology combing AHP and TOPSIS under fuzzy environment is utilized for the selection. Schematic diagram of the proposed model is presented in figure 1.First a team comprising two engineers and one manager was formed. The data required for selection are obtained through direct questions.5. Conclusions Since financial and operational attributes are involved, the implementation of reverse logistics may be an unsafe task for the industry. However growing environmental concerns have forced the