本科生毕业设计(论文)翻译 英文原文名 SRS Airbag and Air Conditioning system 中文译名 SRS 安全气囊和空调系统 系 别 汽车系 专业班级 车辆2班 学生姓名 指导教师 填表日期 二一一年3月英文原文版出处: 新编汽车专业英语 机械工业出版社 2009年1月第2版 译文成绩: 指导教师(导师组)签名: 译文:SRS安全气囊和空调系统短文 A:SRS安全气囊 安全气囊被称为辅助约束系统,现代的汽车已成为较为普遍使用。这个包本身是由一个薄和尼龙布做成,折叠于方向盘或仪表板,或者更近,还有座椅或车门之间。如果装有安全气囊,方向盘套和仪表板盖将通常会包含单词”安全气囊"或”SRS 气囊”加盖到他们。 该传感器检测信号的影响下,安全气囊充气。至少有两个传感器必须被激活,安全气囊才会充气。通常有五个传感器:两个散热器下,一个在右侧挡泥板围裙,一个在左边的挡泥板围裙,同时在车厢通道罩(少数系统只使用两个传感器一个在散热器的前面和另一个在乘客室里面)。传感器之间有一个联锁,使两个或两个以上必须共同作用下才会触发系统。安全气囊系统的设计只部署在正面碰撞情况。 在SRS安全气囊充气机包含了坚实的化学气体发生器。固体化学品的安全储存在SRS安全气囊模块金属腔里面。每个充气都是密封的,防止有水分进入。SRS 安全气囊为了只部署在中度至大崩溃,而不应部署在轻微的崩溃。 以下四个步骤说明如何在SRS安全气囊工作原理: 1。在碰撞,在汽车传感器检测突然减速。如果崩溃ID严重不足,电力流向,造成充气的气体发生器点火。 2。气体发生器然后迅速在金属腔燃烧,快速燃烧产生的惰性气体和粉尘量。充入的气体和尘埃在安全气囊的膨胀过程中冷却和筛选。3。安全气囊的膨胀裂开的装饰盖。安全气囊然后迅速展开,并在乘客面前膨胀。 4。膨胀后,气体通过通风口或在安全气囊打开编织领域排出。采取这些步骤要在几分之一秒内。安全气囊放气在一秒钟之内就应该被推开,乘客就逃出来。如图10 - 1 (安全气囊是如何工作的) 注:Crash sensor碰撞传感器; Inflator 气体发生器;Airbag安全气囊;Nitroger gas 氮气 有一个普遍的误解,安全气囊提供软垫,和将防止伤痕或其他低严重车祸中的受轻伤 ,这是不正确。SRS 安全气囊为了减少对严重崩溃中的头胸的峰值负载 (这些死亡或长期在脑损伤有可能)。当部署,安全气囊是坚固的,但它吸收能量的气体通过通风口释放。 虽然安全气囊在撞车显着减少严重或致命伤害的危险,还有来自于低速碰撞安全气囊的发展中的一些风险。由于这个原因,现代汽车使用的智能感应功能的范围,以确保真正发生崩溃(不只是在路上颠簸或在停车场小碰撞),并在寻找安全气囊的最佳时机。这就可以减少了部署轻微碰撞安全气囊的可能性。 新的 SRS 安全气囊系统前排乘客使用一个字第一双气筒、 两级部署的系统。系统有两个单独的充气器可以激活分别或同时,取决于车辆行驶速度和其他因素,如是否该乘客系着安全带。如果在较低速度的影响,充气器激活一个后,另一个用于速度较慢的膨胀。较高的速度,这两个充气器同时激活快速、 有效的保护。如果系统检测到系好安全带时,通过调整安全气囊通胀门槛转速的影响最大和最小的风险。 这SRS安全气囊也控制安全带预紧器,在低速时它们关闭,为弱势的乘客防止不必要的风险,如老人。乘客感应设备控制侧安全气囊的开发,以防止这些快速启动系统的潜在伤害。 六个传感器内置前座乘客座位。其中一个检测旅客的大小和另一种确定安全气囊的发展路径中是否有乘客的头。如果传感器检测其头,一边学习的孩子睡着了,侧安全气囊以防止安全气囊部署停而使头或颈部受伤。 更安全的 SRS 安全气囊控制,复杂的三点遥感设备已经确定的强度、 方向和类型的影响。系统具有该车辆的每一侧的中央的传感器和两个卫星传感器。这个系统是特别适合于区分打石壆轮胎的影响和强有力的影响。它会触发适当的安全气囊或安全气囊。 今后,我们将进一步扩大6个安全气囊的车辆数目,加入侧安全气囊,保护区的手臂和胸部和帘式安全气囊能够保护头部的侧面碰撞。如图10 - 2 图10-2注:1、4帘式安全气囊系统;2、5侧安全气囊系统;3乘客安全气囊系统;6驾驶者安全气囊系统短文B:空调系统 车辆主要有三种不同类型的空调系统。虽然每一个不同的三种类型的概念和设计是非常相像的。组成这些汽车系统最常见的组件如下: 压缩机,冷凝器,蒸发器,膨胀阀,储液干燥器等见如图10 - 3。注:Air conditioning system 空调系统;Receiver-drier 储液干燥器;Condenser 冷凝器 Compressor 压缩机 Expansion valve 膨胀阀; Evaporator 蒸发器 压缩机 通常被称为系统的心脏,压缩机的皮带驱动泵,固定在发动机。负责制冷剂气体的压缩和传输。看看一个在图10 - 4压缩机的结构。 注:Piston 活塞;Wobble plate 挡板; Clutch 离合器在A / C系统分为两个方面,一个高压侧和低压侧,定义为排放和抽吸。由于压缩机基本上是一个泵,它必须有一进气侧和一排气侧。进气侧或者吸力侧,吸引了制冷剂气体来自蒸发器的出口。在某些情况下,它可以通过蓄电池来完成。 一旦制冷剂进入吸力面,它通过压缩,然后发送到冷凝器,它可以转移来自车辆内吸收的热量。 冷凝器 在汽车里,凝汽器与散热器有相同的外观,因为这两个非常相似的功能。冷凝器,设计为辐射的热量。它的位置通常是在散热器的前方,但在某些情况下,由于到一个车身空气动力学的改进,它的位置可能有所不同。冷凝器工作时,在任何时候都必须有良好的通风系统。在后轮驱动的车辆,通常是通过利用现有的发动机冷却风扇的优势。前轮驱动的车辆,冷凝器通过一个或多个电动冷却风扇给于补充气流。 由于热压缩气体进入冷凝器顶部,他们冷却下来。当气体冷却,就会凝结起来,作为一个高压液体从底部走出。 蒸发器 位于车内,蒸发器作为吸热元件。蒸发器提供了多种功能。其主要职责是从你的车侧换热。第二个好处就是除湿。由于温暖的空气穿过冷却器的蒸发器线圈的铝鳍,包含在空气中的水分凝结在其表面。通过管道和花粉一定通过其湿的表面,排出到外面。在潮湿的日子里,你可能已经看到,你的车底会有滴水。放心,这是完全正常的。 蒸发器的理想温度为0,制冷剂进入的蒸发器底部作为低压液体。该警告通过空气通过蒸发器翅片导致沸腾的制冷剂。当制冷剂开始沸腾,它可以吸收大量的热量。然后这些热量通过制冷剂带走到车外的。其他几个部件的工作与蒸发器配合使用。如上所述,对蒸发器盘管的理想温度为0。温度和压力调节装置必须用于控制其温度。使用的设备虽然有许多的变异,但其主要职能是相同的; 保持蒸发器低压和防止蒸发器冻结 ;冰冻的蒸发器线圈不会吸收太多的热量。 热力膨胀阀 另一种常见的制冷剂调节器的热膨胀阀。这类型的阀门可感应到温度和压力,而且非常善于调节蒸发器的制冷剂流动的效率。这种阀门的几种变化很常见。另外一个例子是克莱斯勒公司的“H座”类型的热力膨胀阀。这种类型的阀门通常位于防火墙之间,蒸发器的进口和出口管与液体和吸线。阀门的这些类型,虽然高效率,有在管口管系统的某一缺点。这些阀门可能变得阻塞与残骸,而且有也许由于腐蚀的小移动的分割而发生故障。 储液干燥器 储液干燥器,在图10 - 5所示,是使用一个偏高热力膨胀阀的的系统。这种类型需要的计量阀的制冷剂液体。为了确保阀得到液体制冷剂,使用一个接收器。储液干燥器的主要功能是独立的气体和液体。次要目的是去除湿气和灰尘过滤掉。储液干燥器通常有窥镜在顶部,在正常工作状态下,蒸气泡影不应该是可看见的在窥镜。这窥镜是常用的充电系统。窥镜充电系统不建议使用在R-134a系统,因为冷冻剂分离了的云油,会误以为是泡影。此种差错可能导致一个高危险的情况。几种不同的储液干燥器和除湿材料正在使用中。一些去干燥剂发现与R-134a不兼容。干燥剂的类型通常都贴于贮液的不干胶标签上标识。更新的接收器干燥的用途更与湿类型XH-7和是与R-12和R-134a冷冻剂兼容。注:From condenser 来自于冷凝器Filter strainer 过滤器Drier 干燥器To expansion valve 到膨胀阀原文SRS Airbag and Air Conditioning systemPassage A SRS Airbag Airbag are known as Supplemental Restraint System(SRS)and has become more common in modern cars. The bag itself is made of a thin, nylon fabric, which is folded into the steering wheel or dashboard or, more recently, the seat or door. If airbags are fitted, the steering wheel cover and dashboard cover will usually have the words "airbag" or "SRS airbag" stamped into them. The sensors detect impact and signal the airbag to inflate. At least two sensors must be activated for the airbag to inflate. There are usually five sensors: two at the radiator support, one at the right-hand fender apron, one at the left-hand fender apron, and one at the cowl in the passage compartment (A few system use only sensorsone in front of the radiator and anther in the passenger compartment). There is an interlock between the sensors, so that two or more must work together to trigger the system. The airbag systems are designed to deploy in case of frontal collisions only. The SRS airbag inflator contains a solid chemical gas generator. The solid chemicals are safely stored in a metal chamber inside the SRS airbag module. Each inflator is sealed to keep out moisture. SRS airbag are designed to deploy in moderate to major crashes only and should not deploy in minor crashes. The following four steps show how the SRS airbag works:1. In an impact, sensors in the car detect the sudden deceleration. If the crash id severe enough, electricity flows to the inflator and causes ignition of the gas generator.2. The gas generator then rapidly burns in the metal chamber. The rapid burning produces inert gases and amounts of dust. The insert gases and dust are cooled and filtered during inflation of the airbag.3. The inflating airbag splits open the trim cover. The airbag then rapidly unfolds and inflates in front of the occupant.4. After inflation, the gas is vented through openings or open weave areas in the airbag. These steps take place in a fraction of a second. Airbags deflate in under a second and may be pushed aside for occupants to exit. See Fig.10-1There is a general misconception that airbags provide a soft cushion and will prevent bruising or other minor injuries in low severity crashesthis is incorrect. SRS airbags are designed to reduce peak loads on the head chest in severe crashes (those where death or long term brain injury are possible). When deploying, the airbag is firm, but it absorbs energy as the gases are released through the vents.While airbags significantly reduce the risk of serious or fatal injury in crashes, there are some risks from the development of airbags in low speed crashes. For this reason modern cars use a range of intelligent sensing functions to ensure that a crash is really happening (not just a bump in the road or a minor knock in the car park) and to fire airbags at the best time. This reduces the likelihood of airbags deploying in minor crashes.The new SRS airbag system uses a word-first dual inflator, two-stage deployment system for front passengers. The system has two separate inflators that can be activated separately or together, depending on the vehicle speed and other factors, such as whether the passenger is wearing a seatbelt. In relatively low-speed impacts, the inflators are activated one after the other for slower inflation. At higher speeds, both inflators are activated simultaneously for quick, effective protection. The system detects if seatbelts are being worn, adjusting the airbag inflation threshold speed for maximum effects and minimum risk. This SRS airbag also controls the seatbelt pretensioners, switching them off in low-speed accidents to prevent unnecessary risk to vulnerable passengers, such as the elderly. A passenger-sensing device control side airbag development to prevent potential injuries from these fast-activating systems.Six sensors are built into the front passenger seat. One detects the size of the passenger, and another determines whether the passengers head is in the development path of the airbag. If the sensors detect a child asleep with his/her head learning to one side, the side airbag is deactivated to prevent head or neck injuries from airbag deployment.For even safer SRS airbag control, a sophisticated three-point sensing device has been developed to determine the strength, direction and type of impact. The system has a central sensor and two satellite sensors on each side of the vehicle. This system is particularly suited to distinguishing between the impact of a tire hitting a kerb and a strong impact. It triggers only the appropriate airbag or airbags.In the future, we will further expand the number of vehicles equipped with 6 air bags by adding side airbags that protect the arm and chest areas and curtain airbags that protect the head area in side impacts. See Fig.10-2Fig.10-2 Six-airbag position1/4 Curtain airbag system 2/5Side airbag system 3Passenger airbag system6Driver airbag systemPassage B Air Conditioning system Vehicles have primarily three different types of air conditioning systems. While each of the three types differs, the concept and design are very similar to one another. The most common components which make up these automotive systems are the following: compressor, condenser, evaporator, expansion vale, and receiver-drier, etc. See Fig10-3. Compressor Commonly referred to as the heart of the system, the compressor is a belt drive pump that is fastened to the engine. It is responsible for compressing and transferring refrigerant gas. See the structure of a compressor in Fig.10-4. The A/C system is split into two sides, a high pressure side and a low pressure side; defined as discharge and suction. Since the compressor is basically a pump, it must have an intake side and a discharge side. The intake, or suction side, draws in refrigerant gas from the outlet of the evaporator. In some case it does this via the accumulator. Once the refrigerant is drawn into the suction side, it is compressed and sent to the condenser, where it can then transfer the heat that is absorbed from the inside of the vehicle. Condenser The condenser has much the same appearance as the radiator in the car since the two have very similar functions. The condenser is designed to radiate heat. Its location is usually in front of the radiator, but in some cases, due to aerodynamic improvements to the body of a vehicle, its location may differ. Condensers must have good airflow anytime the system is in operation. On front wheel drive vehicles, this is usually accomplished by taking advantage of your existing engines cooling fan. On front wheel drive vehicles, condenser airflow is supplemented with one or more electric cooling fans. As hot compressed gases are introduced into the top of the condenser, they are cooled off. As the gas cools, it condenses and goes out of the bottom of the condenser as a high-pressure liquid. Evaporator Located inside the vehicle, the evaporator serves as the heat absorption component. The evaporator provides several functions. Its primary duty is to remove heat from the side of your vehicle. A secondary benefit is dehumidification. As warmer air travels through the aluminum fins of the cooler evaporator coil, the moisture contained in the air condenses on its surface. Duct and pollen passing through stick to its wet surface and drain off to the outside. On humid days you may have seen this as water dripping from the bottom of your vehicle. Rest assured this is perfectly normal. The ideal temperature of the evaporator is 0. Refrigerant enter the bottom of the evaporator as a low pressure liquid. The warn air passing through the evaporator fins causes the refrigerant to boil. As the refrigerant begins to boil, it can absorb large amounts of heat. This heat is then carried off with the refrigerant to the outside of the vehicle. Several other components work in conjunction with the evaporator. As mentioned above, the ideal temperature for an evaporator coil is 0. Temperature and pressure regulating devices must be used to control its temperature. While there are many variations of devices used, their main functions are the same; keeping pressure in the evaporator low and keeping the evaporator from freezing; a frozen evaporator coil will not absorb as much heat.Thermal expansion valveAnother common refrigerant regulator is the thermal expansion vale. This type of valve can sense both temperature and pressure, and is very efficient at regulating refrigerant flow to the evaporator. Several variations of this valve are commonly found. Another example of a thermal expansion valve is Chryslers “H block” type. This type of valve is usually located at the firewall, between the evaporator inlet and outlet tubes and the liquid and suction lines. These types of valves, although efficient, have some disadvantage over orifice tube systems. Like orifice tubes these valves can become clogged with debris, but also have small moving parting that may stick and malfunction due to corrosion.Receiver-drierThe receiver-drier, shown in Fig.10-5, is used on the high side of systems that use a thermal expansion valve. This type of the metering valve requires liquid refrigerant. To ensure that the valve gets liquid refrigerant, a receiver is used. The primary function of the receiver-drier is to separate gas and liquid. The secondary purpose is to remove moisture and filter out dirt. The receiver-drier usually has a sight glass in the top. This sight glass is often used to charge the system. Under normal operating conditions, vapor bubble should not be visible in the sight glass. The use of the sight glass to charge the system is not recommended in R-134a systems as cloudiness and oil that has separated from the refrigerant can be mistake for bubbles. This type of mistake can lead to a dangerous overcharged condition. There are variations of receiver-driers and several different desiccant materials are in use. Some of the moisture removing desiccants found within are not compatible with R-134a. The desiccant type is usually identified on a sticker that is affixed to the receiver-drier. Newer receiver-drier use desiccant type XH-7 and are compatible with both R-12 and R-134a refrigerants.备注:1、 英文原文出处包括出版社、出版时间、期刊的刊名、刊号、刊期。 2、 电脑打印,用A4纸;中文译名用小二号宋体加粗,正文用小四号宋体,行距固定值20磅,其他用小四号宋体。 3、页边距左边3.2cm,右边2.54cm,上下边距2.54cm。4、英文翻译在左边装订。5、附上英文原文,用A4纸。